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  首页 / 试卷 / 初中英语 / 试卷选题
  • 编号:1003
  • 题量:72
  • 年级:九年级
  • 类型:中考试卷
  • 更新:2021-12-07
  • 人气:901



A big earthquake hit Japan       the afternoon of March 11th, 2011.  
A. in                   B. on                   C. at  

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1289

Go on with your English study.      is difficult if you put your heart into it.  
A. Anything      B. Something          C. Nothing  

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:284

—I have trouble learning math this term.  
—You should pay more        to your teacher’s advice.  
    A. money     B. attention      C. time

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:347

I like the MP3,        it’s too expensive.  
A. but         B. so          C. and

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1164

       do you speak English so well?  
—Because I practice it with my partner every day.  
A. Why     B. When   C. Who

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1153

—What a hot day!  
—The weather report says it will be much         tomorrow.  
A. hot      B. hotter     C. hottest

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:246

        you         the film Gongfu Panda Ⅱ?  
— Not yet. I’ll see it this Sunday.  
A. Did, see B. Do, see    C. Have, seen       

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:817

—You are always talking about your pet cat. What does it look like?           
A. It likes fish      B. It’s small and white   C. It likes playing with me

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1684

Last night Dad and Mum didn’t come back home       I finished my homework.  
A. while           B. if      C. until

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1412

— Hello. May I speak to Tom?  
— Yes.     .  
A. Speaking, please     B. I’m Tom    C. My name is Tom  

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2043

Every year driving after drinking wine       a lot of traffic accidents.  
A. happens         B. provides         C. causes   

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:509

— Which scarf do you prefer?  
-— The red one. It        more comfortable.  
A. tastes                B. feels            C.  gets  

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2062

— Your classroom is really bright and clean.  
— It       after school every day.  
A. is cleaned       B. cleaned      C.  was cleaned

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1600

I’m going to start a club to help students        are not interested in schoolwork.  
A. whose           B. who           C.  whom   

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1723

Remember to         your mobile phone when the plane takes off.  
A. turn on       B. turn down       C. turn off

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:915

Teachers often tell us         in the river after school.  
A. don’t swim    B. not swim    C. not to swim

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1046

—Must I be home before eight o’clock, Mum?  
— No, you         . But you have to come back before ten o’clock.  
A. needn’t       B. can’t       C. mustn’t

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1958

— Could you tell me        Zhang   Daqian   Museum  ?     
—The day after tomorrow, I think.  
A. when will you visit               B. when you will visit  
C. when you would visit 

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:644

—Excuse me, may I sit here?  
     . The girl on the seat will return soon.  
A. Yes, please    B. I’m afraid not   C. No, thanks

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:637

One Friday night, a poor young man stood at the train station. He played his violin and many people put 41  into the hat in front of him.  
The next day, the young man came to the station 42  . But this time he took out a large piece of paper 43 some words on it. It said “Last night a lady 44  Mrs Sang put an important thing into my hat 45  . Please come for it.”  
After about an hour, a middle-aged woman ran to the young man in a hurry and said, “You do come here. I know that you’re a(n) 46  man and will certainly come here.” They had a talk and the young man made sure she was the owner. Then he took out a lottery ticket and 47  it to the woman. Her husband bought a lottery ticket every day. Yesterday when she knew the lottery ticket he bought won, she was very 48  . The prize of the lottery ticket was $ 500,000. When she walked past the young man, she took out $50 and put it in the hat. 49  , the lottery ticket was also thrown in.  
Later, someone asked the young man, “You play the violin every day to make money. Why didn’t you just take the prize of the lottery ticket for yourself?” the young man said,“Although I don’t have much money, I live happily. But if I 50  honesty, I won’t be happy forever.”  
A. money       B. tickets          C. paper  
A. instead       B. differently      C. again  
A. for          B. with           C. over  
A. introduced    B. spelled         C. named  
A. by mistake     B. for mistake      C. on mistake  
A. crazy         B. cool        C. honest  
A. gave          B. lent            C. offered  
A. surprising       B. happy          C. exciting  
A. But            B. However      C. Therefore  
A. have            B. win             C. lose

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:977


For children  
Museum: Children’s Museum, Sundays,   89 North Street  , 67641235  
Story time: Children’s Library,   106 Green Street  , Wednesdays during 9:30 a.m.-----5:00p.m., 66599624  
Sports: Soccer Club, Tuesday and Thursday,   16 Yangtze Road  , 96725643  
Basketball Club, Wednesdays and Fridays, 79071632  
Cinema: New movies for children, on weekends,  99 Brick Road  , 69001354  


Useful Phone numbers  
Fast Food Restaurant: 66387901  
Hospital: 68787451  
  Visitor   Information   Center  : 800-120-9847  
Taxi: 79210583  
Visitor Hotel Information:800-739-7302  

Where is the Children’s Museum?  
A. 106 Green Street   B.   16 Yangtze Road     C.   89 North Street    
It’s Wednesday, you can go to             .  
A. play basketball   B. play soccer    C. see a movie  
If children want to order fast food, they should call          .  
A. 66387901   B. 79210583    C. 68787451  
If you dial 79210583, you can             .  
A. do some shopping  B. have a good story time  C. call a taxi  
There is no information about             in the two notices.  
A. looking for a hotel   B. doing eye exercises    C. seeing a doctor

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1198

Do you plan to go to Hong Kong Disneyland with your family this summer? If your dad smokes, you may have to ask him to be careful. From January 1st, Hong Kong banned(禁止)smoking in most public places.  
These places include restaurants, workplaces, schools and so on. Even smoking in some outdoor places is not allowed, for example, beaches, sports ground, museums and most areas of public parks.  
 Hong Kong  hopes the ban can stop passive smoking. What is passive smoking? When people smoke in a restaurant or on a bus, others have to smoke too. They don’t want to smoke but they have no choice. This is passive smoking. It is bad for people’s health.  
And it’ll be better if more people in  Hong Kong  give up smoking because of the ban. Jack Lee, a 26-year-old student says, “The ban is really good. I don’t like people smoking next to me. It’s so smoky and smelly.”  
If someone breaks the ban, he will be fined HK$5,000.  
 Hong Kong  is not the first Asian city to have a smoking ban. On January 1, 2006,   Singapore   banned smoking in most public places.  
Smoking is not allowed             in  Hong Kong .  
A. in indoor places     B. in most public places       C. at home   
Which outdoor place is not mentioned in the passage?  
A. The park       B. The beach             C. The airport  
What’s the purpose of the smoking ban in  Hong Kong ?  
A. To stop passive smoking.  
B. To stop the sale of cigarettes.  
C. To stop people from smoking.  
The example in Paragraph 4 shows (证明)that           .  
A. Jack Lee likes smoking very much    B. people in  Hong Kong  support the ban  
C. Jack Lee is used to smoking   
What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “fined”?  
A. 罚款  B. 给予 C. 奖励

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:312

What’s a blog? A blog is a personal online diary(日记). It’s cool, it’s hot, and everyone is doing it. People talk about it often. Sound like a fashion? In fact, It’s another trend (流行趋势). And the word “blogger” means a person who writes diaries online. Are you a blogger?  
Many bloggers are teenagers who log (进入) onto websites to discuss anything in their lives. Many of today’s teenagers are not afraid to openly discuss everything in their lives. Teenagers complain about their parents and homework. They share diaries, post(发布) songs from the latest bands and show pictures of theirs. They write their own poems, say something about their girlfriends or boyfriends and complain to each other or offer support. But mostly they just write down what they do every day.  
However, many parents are worried about these young bloggers. Parents see the kids talking about how they got drunk last weekend and how they don’t like studying. They are using the language that is surprising to their parents. Besides hearing from their friends, teen bloggers also get messages from strangers. Most of the time, it’s older men asking to meet teenage girls. “These strange men are dangerous for my kids. They sometimes teach my kids bad words.” said Cara Cabral, a mother of two children.  
Many teenagers and young adults know it’s not safe to use blogs on the Internet. They know they are putting information about themselves in a place where it can be seen by anyone. But teenagers are unwilling to give up these new communication tools that have become a way of life for many of them.   
The underlined word “it” in the first paragraph means ________.  
A. the fashion          B. the Internet       C. the blog      
Which of the following is NOT TRUE?  
A. Teenagers don’t tell about their personal life in their blogs.  
B. Teenagers mostly write down what they do every day in their blogs.  
C. Teenagers complain about their parents and homework in their blogs.  
What’s the main idea of the third paragraph?  
A. Many parents don’t understand kids’ language in their blogs.  
B. Many parents are worried about these young bloggers.   
C. Many parents can understand why their kids don’t like studying.  
Many parents think it’s         for their children to get messages from strangers.  
A. dangerous     B. interesting        C. surprising   
We can learn from the last paragraph that         .  
A. It’s easy for many teenagers to give up blogging on the Internet                   
B. It’s safe for many teenagers to put their personal information on the Internet  
C. It’s popular for many teenagers to use blogs on the Internet

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1787

What do people do with their old, out-of-date but still useful computers? Most people don’t know what to do with them. Many old computers are put away in homes. Many more are simply thrown out with the rubbish.  
Some companies are thinking of ways to bring down the number of old computers. Sony has agreed to help recycle old Sony products. Dell, Hewlett-Packard and other companies now also take back some old computers.  
In some countries, laws are being passed, too. Computer companies will have to collect and recycle their used products. And 70% of computer waste must be recycled. The idea behind the laws is that computer companies themselves should pay the cost. That will encourage them to make computers that are easier and cheaper to repair and upgrade(升级).  
Yet while many people are throwing away good computers, others cannot afford them at all. Hundreds of organizations are working to solve this problem. They collect and repair old computers. Some also teach others how to repair computers.  
The computers then go to schools, charities and people who need them. Giving a used computer to one of these organizations can turn one person’s rubbish into someone else’s useful things—and cut down on waste, too.  
How do people usually deal with their old computers?  
A. They stop using them. B. They give them to others.   C. They fix them up.  
What do some computer companies do to bring down the number of old computers?  
A. They don’t do anything about them.  
B. They take back some old ones.         
C. They donate them to some charities.  
According to some countries’ laws, what must computer companies do?  
A. Collect and recycle most of computer waste.   
B. Repair and upgrade old computers.        
C. Make much cheaper computers.  
What may people who can’t afford computers think of the used computers?  
A. Expensive.        B. Useful.         C. Out-of -date.  
What is the passage about?  
A. Repairing old computers.  
B. Selling old computers.                
C. Recycling old computers.

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1425

George Stephenson was born in 1781 in a poor family. He had to start work when he was only eight. When George was fourteen, he became his father’s helper. He spent a lot of time learning about engines. On holidays, he often took engines into pieces and studied each piece carefully. Soon he became a very good worker though he could not read or write.  
He began to learn the English letters when he was seventeen years old. Every day after he did twelve hours of hard work, he walked a long way to have lessons from a young teacher.  
On his eighteenth birthday, he wrote his own name for the first time in his life. George invented many things in his life. The train was the greatest one among them. Today when we watch or take trains from one place to another, we will think of this great man ------George Stephenson.    

             Great Inventor:                
He started work.  
He spent much time                .  
In 1798  
He began to learn the English letters.  
In 1799  
He could  for the first time.  
In his life  
He invented many things, including         .  


  • 题型:0
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1791

Once upon a time, there was a rich man. Each morning, the rich man found a poor man 76  (sit) on a bench in the park. The poor man always sat there, looking at the big hotel in which the rich man lived. One day, the rich man  77 (get)out of his car and said to the poor man, “Excuse me. I want  78  (know) why you sit here and look at my hotel every morning.” “Sir ,” said the poor man, “I am a failure. I 79  (have) no money, no family and no home. I sleep on this bench, and every night I dream that one day I will sleep in that hotel.” The rich man said, “Tonight your dream    80  (come) true. I’ll pay for the best room in that hotel for you a whole month.”  
A few days later, the rich man went into the poor man’s room to ask him how he 81 (feel) in it. To his surprise, he found that the man 82  (move) out of the hotel back to his bench. When the rich man asked why, he said, “You see, while I  83 (sleep)on my bench, I dream I am there in the big hotel. It’s a wonderful dream. But while I 84 (be) there, I dreamed I was back to this cold bench. It was a terrible dream , and I 85  (can not)get any sleep at all.”  
__________ ___________  ____________  ___________ ____________  
__________ ___________  ____________  ___________ ____________

  • 题型:0
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1916

注意:该行若无错, 不要改。  
It was sunny this afternoon. Mum and I go to               ________________  
the park where is near my home for a walk.               ________________  
When we were walking, I saw the little girl. She             ________________  
was eating a banana. After she finished eating them,     ________________  
she threw the banana skin on the ground into the         ________________  
park. I walked over to pick it and told her it                                            
was wrong to do so. If all of us do like that,                     
the park has become dirty. Then we can’t                         ________________  
enjoy by ourselves in it. All of us must                          ________________  
improve our environment and then we can                        ________________  
make our environment clean but beautiful.                         ________________

  • 题型:27
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:889

初中即将毕业,同学们都感到压力很大。就此问题,你在英语课上做了一个以“ Less Pressure Makes Life Better”为题的值日报告,谈谈你的做法,与同学分享经验, 内容包括:  
Less Pressure Makes Better Life  
Hello, my classmates!  
Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world. Most students in our class are under too much pressure.  
Less pressure makes better life. Thank you!

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1866

—Nice to meet you.

A.Fine,thank you. B.How do you do?
C.Nice to meet you, too. D.The same to you.
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:413

A horse is _______ useful animal.

A.a B.an C.the D./
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1033

There are many _______ playing on the playground.

A.child B.children C.man teachers D.sheeps
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:244

I _________ $300 for the bike.

A.took B.spent C.cost D.paid
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1762

I have two brothers. One is a teacher, _________ is a doctor.

A.another B.other C.others D.the other
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2022

I ________ when the UFO landed.

A.am watching TV B.was watching TV
C.have watched TV D.watched TV
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:956

Do you know ___________?

A.when will he be back B.when he will be back
C.where did he go D.where will he go
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:708

Computers ________widely in our daily life.

A.use B.used C.were used D.are used
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1528

Fred plays _____ piano after _____ supper every day.
A. the; the                   B. /; the                       C. the; /

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1886

– How do you study for a test?
-- _____ working with friends.
A. By                          B. With                        C. On

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:741

I don’t believe that this _____ boy can paint such a nice picture.
A. five years old           B. five-years-old           C. five-year-old

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:2037

Stop making so much _____. The children are sleeping.
A. voice                      B. noise                       C. sound

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1983

Football is so exciting that _____ people in the world play it.
A. million of                 B. millions of               C. two millions of

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:2073

– You’re late again. Do you have anything to say for yourself?
-- _____ except sorry.
A. Something               B. Nothing                   C. Anything

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1868

My sister has practiced tennis for a long time. She plays tennis _____ you.
A. as good as               B. so well as                C. as well as

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1760

– Physics _____ more difficult than Chinese, do you think so?
-- Yes, I think so.
A. is                            B. are                          C. has

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1246

– It _____ hard outside. You have to stay at home.
A. rain                         B. is raining                 C. rained

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:952

– Whose notebook is this?
-- It _____ Tom. I saw he used it just now.
A. must belong to         B. can’t belong to         C. might be belonged to

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1359

Waste paper shouldn’t _____ everywhere. It’s our duty to keep our classroom clean.
A. be thrown               B. throw                      C. is thrown

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1831

When I was a child, my grandmother _____ me interesting stories.
A. used to tell               B. is used to telling       C. use to tell

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1125

-- _____ nice day it is today! Let’s go out to play, shall we?
-- That’s a good idea.
A. How a                    B. What a                    C. How

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1778

– It’s an exciting movie. I’ve just seen it.
-- _____.
A. So do I                   B. So I have                 C. So have I

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:429

– Do you know _____ this time yesterday?
-- Sorry, I don’t know.
A. what she is doing     B. what was she doing  C. what she was doing

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:572

_____ he was only twelve, he could run faster than any kids in the school.
A. Though                   B. Because                   C. If

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1431

– Do you know who cleaned the blackboard, Tina?
-- Yes. John _____.
A. do                          B. does                        C. did

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:835

The people _____ helped us build our hometown are from Beijing.
A. which                     B. whom                     C. who

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1937

Speak aloud, please! I can _____ hear you.
A. almost                     B. hardly                     C. usually

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1825

– Oh, I left my dictionary at home. Can you _____ me yours?
A. lend                        B. borrow                    C. keep

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1625

The final exam is coming. Our teachers tell us _____ time.
A. not to waste            B. not waste                C. don’t waste

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:955

If you _____ your homework, you can go out to play football.
A. finish                      B. will finish                C. are finishing

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1920

– Can I help you, sir?
-- I’d like to have 100 _____. I want my students to draw pictures.
A. piece of paper          B. pieces of paper         C. pieces of papers

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:293

– Do you know what has happened in Japan recently?
-- The earthquake! It’s _____ one that I have ever heard of.
A. a very serious          B. a more serious         C. the most serious

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1084

– Do you mind my closing the window?
-- _____. It’s much too noisy outside.
A. Yes, please               B. Of course not          C. All right

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:700

One day a woman got into her car and started driving home after work. Just at that time, she saw a __26__ car behind her. The driver was a __27__. When she turned left, the yellow car turned left. When she turned __28__, the yellow car turned right, too. When she stopped at the traffic lights, the yellow car stopped __29__ her..
The woman was __30__, so she drove quickly to __31__. When she arrived, she was very __32__ to see that the yellow car stooped behind her again. But she felt __33__ because she saw a policeman standing outside the police station. She jumped out of her car at once and __34__ to the policeman. She asked the policeman to arrest(逮捕)the man in the yellow car, then the police man walked to the man.
The man didn’t run away. He just __35__ and said to the woman, “I want to give this purse back to you. I think you dropped it on the street.”
A. red                          B. yellow                     C. black
A. man                         B. woman                    C. policeman
A. left                       B. back                       C. right
A. opposite                   B. before                     C. behind
A. anxious                  B. scared                     C. pleased
A. the police station            B. her office                C. her home
A. interested                  B. excited                    C. surprised
A. sad                       B. safe                        C. dangerous
A. ran                       B. run                         C. runs
A. cried                     B. laughed                   C. smiled

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:397

  Everyone can feel stressed out because of too many things happening in your life. Teenagers, however, have __36__ opportunities to get stressed than people in any other age group. Being a teenager is hard.
You are not a children any more, but you are not __37__, even though you have to deal with some grow-up problems and made decisions by __38__. Families can be one of the biggest causes(原因)of stress, such as problems of arguing with __39__ or brothers or sisters. Teenagers also have lots of stress from __40__, either from their teachers or from their classmates. Some teenagers also feel __41__ about choosing their education after high school. Getting a place at university can be very difficult and some can’t __42__ to go to university. It is hard for some teenagers to get a job after they graduate. There are so many young people finishing school __43__ not enough jobs for them. Though there is a lot of stress, you can find many ways to __44__ it. Talking to people is one of the best ways to deal with stress. It may sound __45__, but it is helpful.
A. more                        B. fewer                   C. many
A. a baby                      B. a teenager               C. an adult
A. yourself                   B. himself                    C. myself
A. teachers                   B. parents                    C. classmates
A. family                      B. society                   C. school
A. relaxed                     B. stressed                   C. excited
A. afford                      B. offer                      C. refuse
A. and                        B. but                      C. or
A. agree with                  B. talk with                  C. deal with
A. simple                      B. difficult                   C. good

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1780

Mr. Evans lived in a city. He was a bus driver in a company three years ago. He drove well and the people in the company all liked him. But a terrible accident changed(改变)his life. One spring he drove his bus with twenty- four workers to visit a place of interest. They had a good time there. But on their way back home, their bus was hit by a truck(卡车)because the truck driver was drunk(醉). Four workers were killed and half of the rest of the workers got badly injured. Mr. Evans was also injured. After he came out of hospital, he left the company and became a traffic policeman. He tried his best to stop the drivers from breaking the traffic riles. He worked hard and was strict with the drivers, especially the drivers that were drunk. So they were afraid of him. But the people liked him, for he was a good policeman.
How did the accident happen?
A. The truck hit the bus.      B. The bus hit the truck.  C. The bus hit a big tree.
How many people were injured in the accident?
A. Four.                      B. Ten               C. Eleven.
What did Mr. Evans do after he left hospital?
A. He was a bus driver.
B. He was a policeman.
C. He was a truck driver.

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:946

A man hated his wife’s cat and decided to throw it away.
One day, he drove it over one mile from his home and left it in a park. But when he got home, he saw that his wife was playing with the cat.
The next day he drove the cat about three miles away. He put the cat out of the car and went home. Driving back his driveway(私人车道), the cat was there already.
The man keep taking the cat further and further away and the cat would always get home before him. At last he decided to drive more than ten miles away. He turned right, then left, past a bridge, then right again and another right until he thought he was far enough from home and left the cat there.
Hours later the man was still driving home. He was lost! He called home and asked his wife, “Jen, is the cat there?”
“Yes,” his wife answered, “why do you ask?”
The man answered, “Put it on the phone. I’m lost and need directions.”
The first time the man drove out, he _____.
A. sold the cat
B. took the cat home
C. left the cat in the park
Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The man liked his wife’s cat and often played with it.
B. Every time the man threw the cat away, it came home earlier than the man.
C. The last time the man threw the cat away, it lost its way and didn’t come back.
Why did the man call home?
A. Because he was lost.
B. Because he missed his wife very much.
C. Because he wanted to know if the cat was at home.
How far away did the man take the cat the last time?
A. Over 1 mile.            B. About 3 miles.          C. More than 10 miles.

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:558

A famous doctor once received a little child that was badly ill. Thanks to his skill and care, the child got well and was soon able to get up and run about again.
The child’s mother was very thankful to the doctor, and she visited him for what he had done for her child. “Doctor,” she said, “you have saved my little son. I don’t know hoe to thank you enough. I feel that money alone cannot repay(回报)you, so I have made this little purse with my own hands, as a sign of my thanks. I hope you will accept(接受)it.” The doctor stood up and said coldly, “Madam, a little present like that is very nice between friends, but a doctor needs to paid enough for what he has done.” The lady was so surprised and hurt so much that she could not reply for a moment. Then she said quietly, “Perhaps you will tell me how much I should give you.”
“Fifty pounds,” he answered.
The lady opened the little purse and took out four fifty-pound bank notes. She passed one of them to the doctor, and put the other three back into the purse. She put the purse into her handbag and, saying goodbye to the doctor, went out of the room.
Why was the lady very thankful to the doctor?
A. Because he had saved her life.
B. Because he had saved her son’s life.
C. Because he had given her some money.
The doctor refused the lady’s purse because he thought _____.
A. the purse was too small
B. the lady wouldn’t give him money
C. purses should be given between friends
What can we learn from the passage?
A. The doctor got 50 pounds from the lady.
B. the doctor got 200 pounds from the lady.
C. The lady didn’t pay money for the doctor.
According to the passage, the doctor would probably feel _____ in the end.
A. happy                     B. excited                    C. sorry

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:811

“Visitors to the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai will be able to go sightseeing in super cool cars with no drivers,” Shanghai city government speaker said recently.
When the six-seat car was shown to the public, it interested many people. “The car will help visitors feel what high technology(技术)is and help them enjoy the tour of the World Expo site,” said a teacher from Tongji University. The car, 4.5 meters long, 1.7 meters wide(宽), and 1.6 meters tall, runs along a white line. The car costs around 300,000 yuan to build and can reach a top speed of 50 kilometers per hour.
According to the researchers, visitors will be able to driver the car anywhere in the World Expo site by pressing a button(按按钮). If they want to get off or stop the car, all they need to do is just to press the button again.
“People can rent one of these cars for a whole day or just take a ride in it from one place to another,” the teacher said. About 400 to 500 of these cars will be made for the Expo in 2010. the cars will have radar(雷达)to help them get around. They will mainly use solar(太阳能)batteries. And they have no need of drivers and oil(汽油), these cars will help save energy and human work, and cause no pollution to the environment.
The new type of car has _____ seats.
A. seven                      B. six                          C. five
According to this passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A. The car can reach a top speed of 50 kph.
B. The car costs about 30,000 yuan to build.
C. The car is 4.5 meters long and 1.7 meters tall.
Which of the following is not mentioned in this passage?
A. People can buy this type of car and drive it in the World Expo site.
B. This type of car can save energy and human work, and cause no pollution.
C. People can press the button themselves when they want to get off or stop the car.
The title(标题)of the passage is probably “_____”.
A. Radar First Used in Cars 
B. Cool Cars with No Driver
C. Tour the 2010 World Expo

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1193

If you open today’s newspaper, what do you see? Ads! Look through a magazine. More ads! Turn on the TV. Still more ads! Everywhere you look, someone has something to sell.
Here are some ways ads get us to buy. Some ads use famous people. Stars are paid to sell a product. Think about it. Do they really know about medicine? Do they know about soft drinks? There people may be famous, but they may not know about what they are selling.
Some ads make you think you’re getting the word of an expert. They say, “Doctor said.” A man in a white coat comes on TV. He looks nice. “I use Bright and White,” he says. This man looks like a doctor. But he is an actor. He has been paid to sell this product.
Does soap have anything to do with a pretty child? But ads may show their product with something nice, such as the sun, the flowers and so on. Such an ad is about feelings rather than facts. Ads are full of strong words. Words like “new” and “improved” have strong influence. They can help a product sell. The soap may be called “Spring Rain”. A car may be called “Tiger”. Strong words work on our feelings.
Some ads make promises(承诺). But can they keep them? No. Some ads use our fear of being too late. “Buy now!” they say. “Selling ends soon.” Check to see if this is true. Don’t hurry. Take time to think. All ads hope we will buy something, do something, or think in a certain way. Know what ads are doing. Ask questions to yourself. Don’t let their words and pictures fool you.
Why do famous people appear in ads?
A. Because they know every product well.
B. Because they want to serve the people.
C. Because they can make money from the ads.
The underlined word “expert” in Paragraph Three probably means _____.
A.主持人                   B.专家                      C.演员
According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A. The famous people may not know about what they are selling.
B. Some ads make promises to people and they can keep them.
C. Ads are full of strong words, such as “new” and “improved”.
According to the passage, we know that “Tiger” might be the name of _____.
A. a kind of car            B. a kind of computer   C. a kind of soap
What does the writer want to tell us?
A. We should not always believe the ads.
B. We should buy things that ads ask us to buy.
C. We should think about ads before buying things.

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1860

A. I’m glad to go with you.     B. Last night. And you?        C. How about you?
D. About two days.           E. Did you have a good journey?

A: Hi, you’re traveling here, aren’t you?
B: Yes, I am. __________
A: I’m traveling here, too. When did you arrive?
B: __________
A: I’ve just arrived. _________
B: Yes. I enjoyed it very much.
A: How long will you stay here?
B: ________ Then I’ll go to France and England.
A: Oh, that’s great! I’ll go there, too. Can I go with you?
B: Of course. __________

  • 题型:0
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1169

Collecting stamps is one of my __________(爱好).
It’s not __________(礼貌的)to talk with your mouth full.
I think the telephone was __________(发明)in 1876.
China is getting richer and stronger in the new __________(世纪).
We’ll be able to finish the project _________(容易的).

  • 题型:15
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:435

At school many things happen to us. We may feel excited when we succeed in a school play. We may feel sorry if we lose an important _76 g____. We want to keep the memory(记忆)in our lives. How to keep memories? Our teacher, Mr. Smith, has taught us how to _77 r___ things to make our own yearbook. A yearbook is a kind of book which is used to memory exciting moments. It’s usually made at the end of year. Last _78 D___, we began to make our yearbook. First we chose the persons that had done something special, then some students interviewed them, some _79 w____ down their stories, others took photos of them. Finally our teacher helped us to put the things _80 t____. Then we had our first yearbook.
__________ __________ __________ _____________________

  • 题型:15
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:207

Dear Dave,
I’m glad to get your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well. Here is my advice. First, _______________________________________________________________________________
Zhang Hua

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:610