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  • 编号:10479
  • 题量:23
  • 年级:高一
  • 类型:期末考试
  • 更新:2021-08-18
  • 人气:1754



I am ________ captain of our class team at school and also ________ member of the senior high team.

A.the; a B.a; a C.不填; the D.不填; a
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1695

—Peter, you won the first place??]
—________!I don’t believe you.

A.Oh, come on B.Congratulations C.Well done D.Good luck
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:815

Much ________ my surprise,every student looked at me ________ surprise when I came into the classroom.

A.in; to B.to; by C.to; in D.in; in
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:998

—The sports meeting will be ________ till next week because of the bad weather.
—I’ve got it.

A.put off B.given up C.put away D.given out
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:388

Mr. Brown knows little Japanese, so he can’t understand the ________ on the bottle of the pills.

A.explanations B.instructions C.descriptions D.Introductions
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1048

—Where is the telephone book?
—I ________ and get it for you.

A.am going to go B.will go C.will be going D.am going
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1057

You ought to have a good rest ________ you’ve finished your painting.

A.even if B.when C.now that D.as long as
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1474

He likes books ________ science because he wonders what and why our world is.

A.relating to B.related to C.connecting to D.connected to
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1008

Many students, ________ some pocket money and social experience, work during their holidays.

A.to get B.having got C.getting D.got
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:757

With the popularity of network, email has largely ________ the traditional letter.

A.exchanged B.removed C.expanded D.replaced
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:2073

—How many photos have you taken?
—I’ve taken 60 ________. I’ll take more.

A.in general B.in return C.in total D.at all
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1356

He always helps us ________ he is doing when we turn to him for help.

A.whenever B.whatever C.whichever D.however
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1916

________ with the other students, the girl has better listening and speaking ability.

A.Comparing B.Compares C.To compare D.Compared
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:462

There is ________ in population that a food shortage is caused.

A.so rapid an increase B.such rapid an increase
C.such rapid increase D.so a rapid increase
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:303

—Mummy, could you buy me a skirt like this?
—Certainly. We can buy ________ one than this, but ________ this.

A.a better; better than B.a good; as good as
C.a cheaper; as good as D.a more expensive; not as good as
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:165

The day before Father’s Day, Mrs. Berry asked her students to make a card for their fathers. She passed out paper and pieces of cloth.
Elizabeth looked for a while at the blue cloth and began to cut it. Then she   36   her paper in half and began writing. When Elizabeth finally looked at the message the teacher gave on the paper, she noticed something else. She felt her   37   grow hot — she hadn’t heard that anyone who didn’t have a father could make one for a grandfather or an uncle.
As her teacher walked to her, Elizabeth tried   38   her card with her arm, but Mrs. Berry gently   39   it so that she could read it. Elizabeth sat   40  , waiting for her to say something, but she saw a   41   roll down Mrs. Berry’s face. She had never made Mrs. Berry so upset.
When school was over, Elizabeth   42   until all the other kids left so that she could
43  . “I’m sorry for not listening. I’ll make another card   44   you want. I’ll do it   45   and bring it tomorrow.” “  46   are you talking about?” asked Mrs. Berry.
“My Father’s Day card. I know you’re upset because I didn’t do it   47  .”
“Elizabeth, that was the __48   card in the whole class. It was so   49   that it made me cry.”
Elizabeth was so   50   that she ran out of the classroom.
When her mom came home from work that night, Elizabeth   51   to give her the card early. On the front of the card was a   52   of Elizabeth’s mom, with a blue piece of cloth cut like her hair. Inside the card she had written:
Dear Mom,
I know you work really hard to be both a mommy and a(n)   53  . I want to thank you and  54   you a happy Father’s Day!
When her mom read the card she started   55  , just like Mrs. Berry did.

A.cut B.tore C.spread D.folded

A.heart B.face C.hands D.body

A.covering B.holding C.doing D.making

A.caught B.left C.lifted D.placed

A.alone B.still C.up D.down

A.tear B.smile C.hair D.sweat

A.worked B.waited C.stood D.sat

A.apologize B.stop C.understand D.stay

A.because B.until C.unless D.if

A.just here B.at once D.at school

A.Who B.Whose C.Which D.What

A.carefully B.quickly C.wrong D.right

A.worst B.best C.favorite D.simplest

A.wild B.useful C.sweet D.hard

A.happy B.regretful C.brave D.rude

B.decided C.refused D.promised

A.recording B.discovery C.drawing D.writing

A.teacher B.sister C.daddy D.aunt

A.wish B.hope C.want D.congratulate

A.laughing B.joking C.worrying D.crying

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1222

As far back as he could remember, Larry had longed to go to Hollywood and become a film star. The young man’s hopes for success were broken again and again, however. Hollywood just did not seem interesting. When he first came to California, Larry had decided never to give up and return home without success. Therefore, he kept on trying. Someday, he told himself, his big opportunity would come.
Larry found a job parking cars for one of Hollywood’s big restaurants. His pay was basic, but since the guests were kind enough to give him more money, he managed to make a living. One day he recognized an important film director driving into the parking lot and getting out of his car. Larry had recently heard that the man was ready to make a new picture.
Larry got into the car and prepared to drive it on into the lot and park it. Then he stopped, jumped out, and ran over to the director. “Excuse me, sir, but I think it is only fair to tell you that it is now or never if you want me in your next picture. A lot of big companies are after me.”
Instead of pushing away the boy, the director laughed, then wrote something on a card and handed it to the young man. “Come and see me tomorrow.”
Larry got a small part in the director’s next film. He was on his way!
Which of the following was Larry really interested in?

A.Working as a waiter. B.Becoming a film star.
C.Parking cars for film stars. D.Owning a big company.

Why did Larry find a job parking cars?

A.Because he liked the job.
B.Because the parking lot was near Hollywood.
C.To make a living and wait for the opportunity.
D.To see a lot of film stars and work for them.

After reading the story, what can we know about the film director?

A.He wanted to laugh at Larry.
B.He recognized Larry at first sight.
C.He was kind and gave Larry a try.
D.He thought Larry would become a star.

“He was on his way”refers to the fact that_______.

A.he gave up and returned home B.he began to work towards success
C.he took a journey to Hollywood D.he had difficulty in playing the small part
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:2056

Art of sushi making
Bei Restaurant at the Opposite House offers the last sushi preparation class by Max Levy, a New Orleans-born New Yorker, who learned the art of sushi making from masters in Japan. Classes are scheduled at 11:30 am on Dec.2 or 5. Cost is 388 yuan per person, including materials and use of materials.
Festive buffet
CBD restaurant at Grand Millennium Beijing offers a festive buffet(自助餐), featuring roast turkey, until Dec.30. Turkey will be matched with stuffing, cranberry sauce, bread and butter pudding, honey-glazed ham, brandy fruit cakes, and existing gourmet buffet selections.
Christmas dinner party
Beijing Minzu Hotel prepares a dinner party on Christmas Eve. There will be song-and-dance performances, with famous French wines and exciting prizes to win. Cost is 1,680—2,580 yuan per person. 6—10 pm, Dec.24, 1/F, Coffee Mill, Four Seasons Restaurant, 2/F Jin Xiu Palace, and 11/F East Hall and West Hall.
010-6601-4466 ext 162
Christmas shopping
Get a gift idea at The Peninsula Beijing, where there is a wide range of offerings, or shop in style at The Peninsula Arcade, for fashion, jewelry, leather and other gifts. Or try online shopping at peninsula.com. The Peninsula Boutique is open daily from 11:00am—9:30 pm.
010-8516-2888 ext 6691

Many customers are attracted to Bei Restaurant for its ________.

A.brandy fruit cakes B.song-and-dance performances
C.jewelry and leather D.art of sushi making

If you want to buy some Christmas gifts for your friends, you’d better go to _________.

A.Beijing Minzu Hotel B.Grand Millennium Beijing
C.The Peninsula Beijing D.Bei Restaurant

If you are sure to order delicious Turkey by Dec. 30, you can phone _________.  

A.010-8516-2888 B.010-6601-4466 C.010-6530-9383 D.010-6410-5230
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:978

When you want to go shopping, decide how much money you can spend on new clothes. Think about the kind of clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes on sale.
There are labels(标签) inside all new clothes. The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes. The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash in cold water. The label on a coat may say “dry clean only”, for washing may ruin this coat. If you do as the directions on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best for a long time.
Many clothes today must be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes, check to see if they will need to be dry cleaned. You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed.
You can save money if you buy clothes that are well made. Well-made clothes last longer. They look good even after they have been washed many times. Clothes that cost more money are not necessarily better made. They do not always fit better. Sometimes less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.
If you want to save money, you had better buy clothes that ________.

A.don’t fit you B.don’t last long C.need to be dry cleaned D.can be washed

The labels inside the clothes tell you ________.

A.how to keep them looking their best B.how to save money
C.whether they fit you or not D.where to get them dry cleaned

The first thing for you to do before you buy clothes is ________.

A.to look for well-made clothes B.to see how much money you can spend on it
C.to know how to wash them D.to read the labels inside them

The best title for the passage should be ________.

A.Buy Less Expensive Clothes B.Taking Enough Money When Shopping
C.Being a Clever Clothes Shopper D.Choosing the Labels inside New Clothes
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:818

Birds don’t need lessons in building nests. Fish don’t need coaching to learn how to swim. All animals have instincts. They’re born with natural abilities to do certain things. Wild animals also learn by copying their parents and practicing. And pets learn through training.
But instincts and training aren’t the only keys to animals’ behavior. Scientists say animals’ thoughts and feelings also influence their actions. Animals often make choices, plans, and sensible changes. They can help others and solve problems. Some even make and use tools!
If animals could talk, what would they say about their thoughts and feelings? A gorilla (大猩猩) born in captivity (关在笼子里) has helped answer that question. Koko, a gorilla, was taught to use sign language. She has learned hundreds of words!
Koko once had a pet cat she named All Ball. “Koko love Ball,” she signed. “Soft good cat.” One time, she blamed the cat for biting her by signing “You bad dirty toilet!” When her pet died, Koko cried. “Sad for sleeping cat,” she signed.
Koko calls herself “fine animal gorilla”. She uses sign language to argue, joke, and ask and answer questions.
“Most animals can’t use words to tell us their thoughts,” says Dr. Jonathan Balcombe. “But Koko shows us that animals have their own ideas and feelings.” Dr. Balcombe is a scientist at the Humane Society of the United States. He says there’s even more to discover about animals through field studies. In field studies, people watch animals in their natural environment.
“Scientists who study animals’ natural behaviors learn how animals live and think,” Balcombe says. “That knowledge can help others respect every animal who shares the planet with us.”
The underlined word “instincts” in Paragraph 1 probably refers to the ability that ________.

A.animals copy their parents B.animals learn by practicing
C.animals are born with D.animals learn through training

The example of Koko shows that ________.

A.an animal likes to have its own pet B.an animal can learn to speak through training
C.an animal has the natural ability to speak D.an animal can speak its mind

According to Balcombe, learning how animals live and think can ________.

A.help people care for animals B.teach animals to use words
C.train animals to use tools D.train animals to be cleverer

What might be the best title for the passage?

A.Raising animals as pets B.Understanding animals
C.Training animals to speak D.Protecting animals from danger
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1462

If you want to keep fit, please refer to the following:
Move More
Make it a daily to find ways to move your body.    Climb stairs instead of taking the elevator. Walk your dog; play with your kids. It doesn’t have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute dance class. But that’s great when you’re up to it. At the same time, move more.
Quit Smoking
Ever since 1960 when it was announced that smoking was harmful to health, Americans have been reducing their use of tobacco products. Just recently, we’ve seen more and more teens smoking. Could it be the Hollywood influence?    Take care! Warn your children against smoking.
While recent studies show a glass of wine or one drink a day can help protect against heart disease, more than that can cause other health problems such as liver and kidney(肝肾) disease and cancer.
Reduce Stress
Easier said than done, stress comes in many ways.    Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like such as walk on the beach or in a park, read a good book, visit a friend, listen to relaxing music, and watch a funny movie.
Protect Yourself from Pollution
If you can’t live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms.    Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is good.

A.Avoid Excessive Drinking
B.There are many things you can do to move your arms and legs.
C.Think carefully about what you will do.
D.Exercise outside when the smog rating is low.

E. It seems that the stars in every movie smoke cigarettes.
F. Keep a Positive Mental Outlook
G. Some techniques given by experts are to think positive thoughts.

  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1050

注意:1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不记分。
This autumn, my class went to the seaside to go camp. We arrived at a sandy beach with a well view of the sea and mountains. We set up our tents on the sandy beach, when night fell we started a fire to give us light and kept us warm. All my classmates sat around them, talking, singing and laughing. Several hours late, Robert and I went back to the tent to have the chat. We stayed up all night. We found that we two had a lot of in common. For example, we all like the same singers and have great enthusiasm for physics. The fire and stars see our happiness. What I wished time would stop at the moment!

  • 题型:27
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1862

注意:词数 100左右;开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数
Dear Li Hong,
I haven’t heard from you for quite a long time. How have you been these days? 
Yours sincerely,
Liu Ming

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:2087