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  首页 / 试卷 / 高中英语 / 试卷选题
  • 编号:104993
  • 题量:14
  • 年级:高三
  • 类型:练习检测
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 人气:1737

轻松寒假,快乐复习30天 第2天


Because the shop _________, all the T-shirts are sold at half price in it.

A.has closed down B.closed down
C.is closing down D.had closed down
  • 题型:1
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1997

Bob called to tell his mother that he couldn’t enter the house, for he ________ his key at school.

A.had left B.would leave
C.was leaving D.has left
  • 题型:1
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:678

During his stay in Xi’an, Jerry tried almost all the local foods his friends ________,

A.would recommend
B.had recommended
C.have recommended
D.were recommending
  • 题型:1
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1992

James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he _______ until yesterday.

A.will come B.was coming
C.had come D.came
  • 题型:1
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:142

Sofia looked around at all the faces: she had the impression that she _____ most of the guests before.

A.has seen B.had seen
C.saw D.would see
  • 题型:1
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1972

We won’t start the work until all the preparations __________.

A.are being made B.will be made
C.have been made D.had been made
  • 题型:1
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:881

Since the time humankind started gardening, we _____to make our environment more beautiful.

A.try B.have been trying
C.are trying D.will try
  • 题型:1
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1906

—What’s all that noise about outside?
—Oh, I forgot to tell you. The road to the railway station ______.

A.will be widened B.is to be widened
C.has been widened D.is being widened
  • 题型:1
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1255

It's a custom in China to have some tea or other drinks before the meal ________.

A.serves B.served
C.was served D.is served
  • 题型:1
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1257

I haven’t finished my report, but I promise I ______ it by the end of the week.

A.will finish B.have finished
C.will be finishing D.will have finished
  • 题型:1
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1588

There was a very special teacher who made a far –reaching difference in my life.
Fall ,1959,the first day of class at Bethesda Chevy Chase High School was about begin .“Who”,I asked a senior , “is Mrs McNamara,my 10th grade English teacher?”He just _    and said something about my being in ____Soon ,I understood what he meant. Mrs. McNamara had a pattern of ______that she repeated again and again. We would have a literature reading task for__   _. The next day ,when we came to class, there would be two or three topics on the blackboard ________ to the homework reading. We were_______to write an in –class essay about one of the topics. The following day ,she would _____thd corrected and graded essays and each person would be called _____ to stand in front of the class and to _________ his\her essay. The class were required to criticize(评论)that essay, _____the grade of everyone in class would be reduced.
The first time that I___her read–write–criticize method, I had not ______to do the homework and had written something without knowing what it meant. ________the extreme embarrassment I suffered, standing before my classmates, _________myself. No one laughed at me, no one would be ________enough ,or foolish enough, to do that in Mrs. McNamara’s class. The embarrassment came from ________and along with it came a strong ________not to let it happen again.
Mrs. McNamara kept all of our written work in files, it was easy to see the ________in writing that had occurred. What was not so easy to see was the inner transformation that had taken place, at least for me. What Mrs. McNamar___________me to do was to see myself as others see me and, having done that, I could improve myself. And I _______. Thank you, Mrs. McNamara.

A.nodded B.laughed C.apologized D.shouted

A.trouble B.sorrow C.danger D.anger

A.behavior B.evaluation C.activity D.thought

A.review B.performance C.practice D.homework

A.added B.related C.contributed D.advised

A.expected B.persuaded C.allowed D.advised

A.collect B.return C.send D.receive

A.on purpose B.at first C.by chance D.in turn

A.talk through B.hand over C.read out D.show off

A.so B.and C.but D.or

A.tried B.adopted C.examined D.experienced

A.undertaken B.attempted C.examined D.experienced

A.remember B.attempted C.bothered D.hesitated

A.playing jokes on B.making a fool of C.trying a trap for of D.taking advantage

A.brave B.careless C.proud D.selfish

A.above B.within C.behind D.below

A.tendency B.preference C.determination D.sense

A.improvements B.pains C.difficulties D.advantages

A.trusted B.invited C.forced D.permitted

A.did B.could C.had D.would
  • 题型:24
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1801

“In only six days I lost seven pounds of weight.”
“Two full inches in the first three days!”
These are the kinds of statements used in magazine, newspaper, radio and television ads, promising new shapes and new looks to those who buy the medicine or the device. The promoters of products say they can shape the legs, slim the face, smooth wrinkles, or in some other way to beauty or desirability.
Often such products are nothing more than money-making things for their promoter. The re they produce are questionable, and some are dangerous to health.
To understand how these products can be legally promoted to the public, it is necessary? Understand something of the laws covering their regulation. If the product is a drug, FDA(Food Drug Administration)can require proof (证明)under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that safe and effective before it is put on the market . But if the product is a device, FDA. has no author to require premarketing proof of safety or effectiveness. If a product already on the marker danger to health, FDA. can request the producer or distributor to remove it from the a voluntarily, or it can take legal action ,including seizure (查封) of the product.
One notable case a few years ago involved an electrical device called the Relaxacisor, had been sold for reducing the waistline. The Relaxacisor produced electrical shocks to the ## through contact pads. FDA. took legal action against the distributor to stop the sale of the ## the grounds that it was dangerous to health and life.
Olwionsly, most of the devices on the maker never been the subject of court proceedings (法律诉讼),and new devices appear continually, Before buying, it is up to the consumer to the safety or effectiveness of such items.
It can be inferred that ads mentioned in the text are ______.

A.objective B.costly
C.unreliable D.illegal

Which of the following is true according to the text?
A. The court is in charge of removing dangerous product.
B. New products are more likely to be questionable.
C. The production of a device must be approved by FDA.
D. The promoters usually just care about profits.
FDA. can ask for the proof of safety and effectiveness of a product ________.
A. if it is a drug
B. if it is a device
C. if its consumers make complaints
D. if its distributors challenge FDA’s authority
The Relaxacisor is mentioned as_______.

A.a product which was designed to produce electricity
B.a product whose distributor was involved in a legal case
C.a successful advertisement of a beauty product
D.an example of a quality beauty product

The author intends to __________
A. make consumers aware of the promoters’ false promises
B. show the weakness of the law on product safety
C. give advice on how to keep young and beautiful
D. introduce the organization of FDA.

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1046

参考词汇: 广场舞 square dance 组织者organizers
Dear Sir,
I am writing to tell you something about the people doing the square dance in our community, which has made me terribly upset.
Best wishes,
Sincerely yours,
Li Hua

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:676

()I found the lecture hard to follow because it ____ when I arrived.

A.started B.was starting
C.would start D.had started
  • 题型:1
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:247