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  • 编号:130715
  • 题量:10
  • 年级:高一
  • 类型:练习检测
  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 人气:1196



Marcos was a hardworking farmer. Every day he asked his only son to    him in the fields, but Paolo seldom got out of bed before noon. Marcos was very    about his only son.
One evening Marcos’ old friend Luigi    , “ Marcos, why aren’t your fields ready for planting?” Marcos explained that he was old and his back hurt. He said that Paolo was    and did not help him with the farming. “Marcos, you need to use your    as much as your back. I have an idea for you.” Luigi said.
Early the next morning Marcos rushed into Paolo’s room. “ I found your grandfather’s map!” he cried. “We may find    he buried(埋)his gold coins!” Paolo jumped out of bed. “I’ll start over here.” Paolo told his father. Paolo
___  in the field all day. While Paolo dug, his father    along, dropping something from his bag into the ground. When they went in for dinner that night, a very tired Paolo said, “I think Grandfather was old when he made his map. I don’t think I’ll dig tomorrow.”
Paolo    to his lazy way and slept all morning. One day Marcos rushed into Paolo’s room and cried, “ Paolo! I found the treasure in the fields!” Paolo  ___  went out to look. He said, “ There is  ____  here but lines and lines of vegetables.”
Marcos smiled. “ Paola, it is all around you. You have enough food to make it  ___  the winter, with plenty more to sell!” Paolo was embarrassed(尴尬的)to see that his father was  __  . His one day of hard work had provided his with real treasure. He learned an important    . He could make a good living with a little hard work. He became a good    and made his father proud.

A.feed B.help C.save D.watch

A.sad B.happy C.proud D.bored

A.stood up B.moved in C.started out D.stopped by

A.busy B.excited C.lazy D.free

A.hands B.feet C.brain D.face

A.how B.where C.when D.why

A.dug B.planted C.played D.arrived

A.got B.ate C.sang D.followed

A.listened B.returned C.talked D.led

A.quietly B.suddenly C.sleepily D.easily

A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing

A.through B.without C.since D.before

A.sure B.right C.rich D.kind

A.plan B.meeting C.lesson D.opinion

A.student B.actor C.friend D.farmer
  • 题型:24
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:384

Have you ever returned a book late to the library before? If so, you may pay a small fine(罚款). How much would you have to pay if the book is returned 65 years late?
A high school in Washington, Us had to deal with such a problem recently. A copy of Gone with the Wind was finally returned to its library 65 years late.
However, the school said that it would not ask Wayne to pay the fine, though that would be about $475.
The book was borrowed out of the library of the high school in 1949, and disappeared until it was found in Maine, Us by Wayne. Wayne found the book in his father’s basement(地下室) and then offered to send it back to the school.
“I feel very sorry about that,” Wayne said.
“We’re very pleased to have the book back. Wayne did the right thing,” Lori Wyborney, headmaster of the school said.
The book was borrowed out of the library of the high school _____.

A.in 1949 B.in 1965
C.in 1975 D.in 2014

Gone with the Wind is the name of _____.

A.a library B.a school
C.a book D.a magazine

____ offered to send the book back to the school.

A.Wayne’s father B.Wayne
C.Lori’s headmaster D.Lori
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:534

News Review
APEC Blue   People in Beijing got the saying after the APEC meeting in Beijing. It refers to(指) the clear blue sky during the meeting. To get such a blue sky, many factories in Beijing and nearby cities stopped work, and the number of cars on the road was cut.
A Warning Ticket   A 24-year-old woman in Nanjing was given a warning ticket for eating food on the subway. Eating is not allowed on Nanjing subway. Up to now, 2,698 people have been punished(惩罚) because of their eating, smoking or selling goods on the subway.
A Teacher-free Exam    Recently, students at Ningbo Huamao Foreign Language School in Zhejiang took their mid-term exam –a teacher-free exam. After handing out the exam papers, the teachers left the classroom, leaving the students to take the exam without being watched. They only came back to collect the papers at the end.
A Tomato Fight    Do you want a tomato shower? Come to the “tomato fight” in Spain! Once every year, people in the town of Bunol throw tomatoes at each other. Don’t worry. It’s not a real fight. People do this only for fun.
APEC Blue refers to _____ in Beijing during the APEC meeting.

A.the factories B.the clear blue sky
C.the people D.the cars on the road

A 24-year-old woman in Nanjing was given a warning ticket for _____ on the subway.

A.drinking B.smoking
C.eating food D.selling goods

In a teacher-free exam, students take their exam _____.
A. at the end of the term
C. outside the classroom
C. without giving answers
D. without being watched
In the town of Bunol, Spain, people throw tomatoes at each other _____.

A.to have fun B.to enjoy dinner
C.to take a shower D.to start a fight
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:949

Do you sleep well? If your answer is no, the following might help you.

Set a certain bedtime and rising time
A certain bedtime and rising time can help you build up your body clocks. Set a bedtime which is good and natural for you. Don’t change your bedtime and rising time on weekends.
Avoid exciting activities just before sleeping
Exciting activities get your thoughts running. At the same time, if you make tomorrow’s plan or read an exciting story before turning off the light, it doesn’t give you enough time to relax before you try to sleep.
Keep the bedroom for sleeping only
It’s a bad habit for you to use your bedroom as a place to eat, watch TV, read, talk on the phone, or discuss important matters with your family members. Break that habit to get better sleep.
Don’t go to bed too early
Your body usually lets you sleep only the number of hours it needs. You should decide how many hours you must sleep in order not to experience daytime sleepiness.
Take a warm shower before your bedtime
A twenty-minute warm shower at a temperature of about 45 –50 not only is a great relax at day’s end, but also raises your body temperature by several degrees. The coming drop in temperature of your body will naturally make you feel sleepy.

If you want to build up your body clocks, you should ______.

A.set a certain bedtime and rising time
B.go to bed neither too early nor too late
C.keep the bedroom for sleeping only
D.take a warm shower before sleeping

Why should you avoid exciting activities just before sleeping?

A.Because they will get your thoughts running
B.Because you have to make tomorrow’s paln
C.Because you should read an exciting story
D.Because you will have to turn off the light.

Your bedroom should be kept for ______ only.

A.talking B.eating
C.reading D.sleeping

According to the passage, ______ will make you feel sleepy.

A.taking a cold shower
B.your body temperature dropping
C.your daily experience
D.raising your body temperature
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1898

Be honest. That’s all you have to do on Honesty Day. It would be great if we were all honest every day of the year. It’s good that there is a day to encourage honesty. M. Hirsh Goldberg started Honesty Day. He chose the last day of April because the first day is April Fool’s Day, which celebrate lies. On Honesty Day, anyone may ask you any question and you should give a true and honest answer. That means that you have knowledge of Honesty Day.
M. Hirsh Goldberg wrote a book on telling lies. He said in his book that almost all person lie about 200 times a day. In our daily life, a typical(典型的)life for a man is “I did not drink that much” and for a woman is “Nothing is wrong, I’m fine.” It is found that nurses are the most honest people, while sales people and politicians(政客)are the biggest liars.
Every Honesty Day, M. Hirsh Goldberg hands out prizes to honest people.
M. Hirsh Goldberg started Honesty Day to ______.

A.celebrate lies B.encourage honesty
C.ask questions D.hand out prizes

Which of the following is Honesty Day?

A.April 1st B.April 10th
C.April 20th D.April 30th

According to the passage, ______ are the most honest people.

A.nurses B.sales people
C.politicians D.all men

The underlined word “liars” probably means “______”.

A.获利者 B.说谎者
C.影响着 D.领导者
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:困难
  • 人气:387

Dear Future Me,
You are leaving school and stepping into a new world. Well done for completing all ______ (那些) difficult lessons!
You've just found out that you've ____ (通过) all your exams and done your best. You know you'll be able to ______ (进入) the fantastic high school. At this moment you must be______ (骄傲的) of yourself.
I'm writing this letter to remind you ______ (再一次) about all the things you wanted to do when you were in the______ (第七) grade. I want you to make sure that before you leave school you'll realise your ______ (梦想) as Footballer of the School. Remember that you wanted to be a famous ____ (歌手)? Well, I hope you'll win the top role in the school talent show this year.
If you've done_____ (每件事) you wanted to do, you'll now be a popular and______ (聪明的) student, with a successful future ahead of you.
Don't let me down!
Yours sincerely,

  • 题型:15
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:672

“Homestay is a form of study—abroad program. It allows the visitor to stay with a local family to better understand the local lifestyle. It also helps to improve the visitor’s language ability. If you wish to learn more about foreign cultures or to get foreign experience, you should join this kind of holiday. _________”. Said a teacher during a school meeting last term.
After this meeting, ______. At last, I had such a chance to go on such a holiday with some of my schoolmates last month. We went to London, a place where I had wanted to go since years ago.
After we got to London, we went to stay with different families. I was lucky that my host family (寄宿家庭)was a white couple who had a daughter about my age. _______. They were interested in me and I learnt a lot of things from then on.
________. After breakfast, a local teacher would come to take us in his car. Then we would have classes or go on a sight—seeing trip to different places of interest like Big Ben. London Bridge, and Beckingham Palace. We would go back to our own homes after the activities.
The holiday was a valuable experience for me. I enjoyed every minute of it. _______. Three weeks later, we had to leave “home” for Hong Kong.

A. Yes, time really flew fast
B. I am sure you won’t be disappointed
C. I always thought about this kind of holiday
D. It took me 8 hours to fly to London
E. They treated me as a daughter of their family
F. The holiday was filled with activities every day
  • 题型:6
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1878

Summer was coming and it was getting hotter. Mrs. King got   early one morning and went to the market after she     (have)breakfast. She knew that everything was cheap there before eight o'clock. She wanted to buy many    (vegetable)for her family. Suddenly she saw there were a   of people around a farmer. She hurried there and found that he was selling some beef.
“How       does it cost?”a woman asked.
“Two dollars a kilo.”
“Oh,how cheap it is!”Mrs. King said to herself.“John      (like)beef very much. I'd better buy some here.”
When she got    with five kilos of beef,her son was happy but her husband got angry.
“What a silly woman!”said Mr. King.“How shall we keep it fresh in such hot weather?”
“Your aunt is very rich,”said Mrs. King.“Why not go and borrow some money ___  her? Then we'll be able to buy a fridge.”Mr. King agreed and they began to teach their five-year-old son what _ (say)when they were at his aunt's house·
“John,”Mr. King said,“how can we keep the beef fresh?”
“That's easy,”the boy said  (happy).“By eating it!”

  • 题型:2
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1973

Two years ago, a small town in Changhua started to grow healthy rice. The healthy rice was not grown by farmers but by the students from a small primary school of only about fifty people.
The idea of growing rice came from the school teachers. When making teaching plans, the teachers decided to teach students how to grow healthy rice on school land. They wanted the students to get closer to the land when doing the rice farming outside the classroom.
What’s better, the school made money from selling the rice and giving farming classes to the public. With the money, the school could help the students who wished to go to foreign countries some day. Today the dream is becoming real — the students are flying to Japan to share their special farming experiences, and have fun over there, of course! “We all feel very proud that even students from a small town can make themselves seen in the world,” said one of the teachers.
When did the students begin to grow rice? (No more than 3 words)
Who decided to grow rice? (No more than 2 words)
Why was the decision made? (No more than 10 words)
Where was the rice grown? (No more than 3 words)
What did the students do with the money from selling the rice? (No more than 4 words)

  • 题型:0
  • 难度:困难
  • 人气:1018

参考词汇:stressed adj. 有压力的
Dear editor,
There are many ways for us high school students to relax ourselves. _______________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2128