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  首页 / 试卷 / 初中英语 / 试卷选题
  • 编号:132350
  • 题量:29
  • 年级:九年级
  • 类型:中考模拟
  • 更新:2021-09-06
  • 人气:1331



--- Would you like to come to my party this afternoon?
---Yes , I'd like to,but my mother is ill in ____ hospital . I will go to _____ hospital to see her.

A./ , a B.a , the C.the, the D./ , the
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1162

The number of students in our school _________ by over 20 percent in the last three years .

A.is fallen B.has fallen
C.are fallen D.have fallen
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:696

When people mention planes,it will remind the parents______ their daughter on
the Malaysian Airlines plane MH370.

A.with B.for C.in D.of
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1240

Oh, you are so clever! You have______ a solution to the difficult problem!

A.gone on with B.made up
C.come up with D.given out
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1839

--- Which do you like better, Han Han or Guo Jingming?
--- ___. In fact ,I prefer Jiang Fangzhou.

A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.All
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:512

---Is your father in now?--- No,he____ to Fan Changjiang Memorial with his friends.

A.has been B. has gone C. will go D.went
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1679

The students in this school are made_______ school uniforms on Monday.

A. to wear B.wearing C. wear D.worn
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1836

The girl in the classroom ______ be Maria.  She called me from the library just now.

A.mustn't B.may not C.can't D.needn't
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2076

Could you please tell me ______ at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi?

A.how many gold medals did Chinese athletes win
B.Chinese athletes won how many gold medals.
C.did how many Chinese athletes win gold medals
D.how many gold medals Chinese athletes won
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1645

I think you should communicate more with Bill . Then he won’t feel ________.

A.leave out B.happy C.left out D.excited
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1079

You can find many ______ about famous film star on the Internet.

A.news B.pictures C.tickets D.information
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:2125

I’m sure you will win the game as long as you ___________.

A.pull together B.put together
C.get together D.make together
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:628

---- The TV play You Who Come from the Stars is popular recently.
----Yes. It is the only program _______ I watched this month.

A.who B.that C.where D.when
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1886

--- Mum,_ __ of the apples _____ gone bad.---- We'd better eat up the as soon as possible.

A.one third;have B.one thirds; have
C.one third;has D.first three ;has
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:622

We should always be _________ the people who have helped us in our lives.

A.thanks for B.thankful for
C.thanks to D.thankful to
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1553

Emma: What are you doing, Li Lin?
Li Lin:   
Emma: I have read it before, What do you think of the story?
Li Lin:     Yu Gong found a good way the deal with his problem.
Emma: Really?   It seems impossible to move a mountain.
Li Lin: But the story is trying to show us that anything is possible if you work hard!
Yu Gong kept trying and didn’t give up.
Emma:  I think we should try to find other ways to deal with a problem.
Li Lin: But what could YU Gong do instead of moving the mountains.
Emma: He could build a road.   
Li Lin: We have different options about the story, there are many sides to a story and many ways to understand it.
Emma: yes, that’s fine.

  • 题型:47
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:339

Think of life as a game in which you are playing with five balls in the air. You name them work, family, health, friends and spirit and you keep all of them in the air. You will soon understand that    is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce(弹跳)back.
But the other four balls, family, health, friends and spirit, are made of    . If you drop one of these, they will be broken. They will    be the same. You must understand that and try to have balance in your life. How?
Don't look down on your       by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different and each of us is special.
Don't let other people set      for you. Only you know what is best for yourself.
Don't give up when you still have something to give.       is really over until the moment you stop trying.
Don't be afraid of difficulties. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be       .
Don't      love out of your life by saying it's impossible to find. The quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly; the best way to keep love is to give it wings.
Don't run through life so fast that you forget not only     you've been, but also where you are going.
Don't be afraid to learn. Knowledge is a treasure you can always carry easily.
Don't use time or words    .You can't get them back. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that's why we call it "the present" Life is not a competition, but a trip, step by step.

A.work B.health C.friend D.family

A.wool B.leather C.glass D.wood

A.still B.never C.even D.also

A.use B.cost C.price D.worth

A.difficulties B.goals C.records D.problems

A.Everything B.Anything C.Nothing D.Something

A.brave B.happy C.curious D.modest

A.take B.get C.shut D.catch

A.how B.who C.where D.what

A.carelessly B.excitedly C.cheaply D.differently

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:844

  Is there a strange something high up in the world’s tallest mountains? If so, is it a big bear? Is it  a monkey? Or is it a kind of man?
No one knows. This mystery (谜) has puzzled (困惑) the world for years.In 1887, a mountain climber found large footprints (脚印) in the snow. They looked like the footprints of a very large man. But men don’t walk without shoes in the snow!
In 1906, another climber saw more than footprints. Far off (遥远的)saw a very large animal standing on two legs. As he watched, it ran very quickly.
Fifteen years later, newspapers had new stories about the “something”. A mountain climber said he had seen the “snowman” walk slowly across the snow, far below him. He said it looked a very large man.
From then on more and more stories to tell. But not until 1951 did a mountain climber bring back pictures of large footprints. The pictures showed clearly that the Snowman walked on two legs. So it was not a bear or a monkey growing. Someday we may find out just what it is that makes the large footprints.
The passage is about ______________.

A.some mountain climbers B.some strange animals
C.some large footprints D.the mystery of snowman

Why were people interested in the footprints.

A.They were footprints of a large bear
B.They looked like the footprints of a large man.
C.They were found in the snow.
D.They were found in the world’s tallest mountains.

The pictures of large footprints were taken by a mountain climber in _________.

A.1887 B.1906 C.1921 D.1951

Why did the mystery grow when a mountain climber brought back pictures of large footprints?

A.They were footprints of an ape man.
B.They were footprints of a snowman.
C.The pictures showed clearly how the Snowman walked.
D.The pictures showed clearly how an ape man walked on two legs.

.Since a mountain climber first found the large footprints in the snow, the mystery of the Snowman has puzzled the world for __________ years.

A.more than one hundred B.ninety-five
C.eighty D.fifty
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1512

  Our new foreign students are going to arrive very soon, and here are some ways to communicate with them politely.
How close do you stand when you talk to a friend? You can stand close to people in the Middle East but don’t stand too close to North Americans! Give them more personal space.
Do you know How to touch people correctly? Chinese girls often walk arm in arm with their friends. South Americans sometimes hold your arm when they talk to you, so you can’t move away! But in Britain many people don’t like other people to touch them at all.
Do you look at people when you talk? In some places, it isn’t polite to look at people when you talk, but in other countries it isn’t polite to look somewhere else. In Britain and the US, people usually look at each other when they talk.
And how do you say goodbye? That’s easy, wave(挥手) to say goodbye. But be careful! In Greece, it’s not at all polite! In fact, it’s very rude!
From the passage, we should give           more personal space.

A.people in the Middle East B.people in North America
C.people in the South America D.people in North China

The underlined word “touch” means         in Chinese.

A.触碰 B.打击 C.感动 D.震撼

We can’t wave to say goodbye in           .

A.America B.Japan C.Britain D.Greece

How many ways are given to communicate with foreign students?

A.Two B.Three C.Four D.Five

What’s the best title of this passage?

A.Saying goodbye B.Touching people
C.Looking at people D.communicating politely
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2012

It's time for school! But on May 14th, 170 students at Duncanville High School in Texas, US, were told to go back home.
Why?   Because they were wearing the wrong clothes to school.
Schools in the US don’t always ask students to wear uniforms. But they have dress codes  (着装要求). For example, Duncanville High School tells students to wear belts, shirts without logos (标识).
Schools’ most-hated (最讨厌的) clothes are different.
In 2011, the saggy ( 松垮 的 ) trousers law was passed in Florida. It stops students from wearing trousers that show body parts.
Now, "the favorite new target ( 目 标 ) of the school dress code" is leggings( 紧 身 裤 ), reported the Associated Press. Some schools don't allow leggings. Other schools ask students to wear a shirt or a skirt over leggings.
Some students complain  (抱怨)   that schools are going too far(做得太过分) .
But schools say dress codes help protect students’ safety and make sure they grow up with good taste (有良好的鉴赏力).
"We want to teach them that they must meet the expectations (期望) not only here in school, but also outside school," said Andre Smith.
What happened to 170 students at Duncanville High School on May 14th?

A.They were told to go back home.
B.They were wearing the uniforms to school.
C.They followed the school dress codes.
D.They didn't know it was time for school.

In Duncanville High School,   students are allowed to wear______.

A.the wrong clothes
B.belts, shirts without logos
C.their favorite clothes
D.schools' most-hated clothes

How long has the saggy trousers law been used in Florida?

A.For a few weeks. B.For several months.
C.For two years. D.For four years.

Some students complain that schools are going too far probably because _______.

A.they want to grow up with good taste
B.they want to protect themselves
C.they are not happy with the rules
D.they are interested in skirts over leggings

We can infer (推断) from the text that Andre Smith may be _________.

A.the head of Duncanville High School
B.a student from Duncanville High School
C.the head of the Associated Press
D.a news reporter from the Associated Press
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1158

What are you going to do if you are in a burning house? How will you escape? Do you know how to save yourself  ? Please read the following passage.
Escaping from a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do during a fire can save your life.
It is important to know the ways you can use and show them to everyone in the family, such as stairways and fire escapes, but not lifts.
From the lower floors of the buildings, escaping through windows is possible. Learn the best way of leaving by windows with the least chance of serious injury.
The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground. An average ( 平均高度的) person, hanging by the finger - tips will have a drop of about six feet to the ground. It is
about the height of an average man. Of course, it is safer to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building.
Windows are also useful when you are waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door closed. Or smoke and fire may be drawn into the room. Keep your head low at the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may leaked(渗) into the room.
On a second or third floor, the best windows for escape are those that open onto a roof. From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely. Dropping onto cement(水泥) might end in injury. Bushes(灌木丛) and grass can help to break a fall.
It is important to _____________________________.

A.put out the fire in the burning house
B.know the ways to escape the fire
C.jump off a burning house
D.keep the door closed

It is possible to escape through the windows ___________________________ .

A.if there are some bushes on the ground
B.if you are strong enough
C.if you live on a lower floor
D.if you have a long rope

Which of the following escaping way is NOT right?

A.You can escape through stairways.
B.You can choose fire escapes.
C.Escape from the windows that open onto a roof.
D.Use a lift to come down at once.

Open the window so that _____________________ if the building is on fire.

A.you can get fresh air
B.you can call for help
C.you can easily jump off
D.you can be seen first

The best title of the passage is ___________________________ .

A.Escaping from the Windows
B.Save Yourself in the Burning House
C.Knowledge on Fire
D.Waiting for Help
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:661

A: Hi, Frank! I have a question to ask you . ____________________________?
B: My hobby is playing football.
A: It’s good for you. ______________________________________?
B: Four times a month. I play football with my classmates on weekends.
What about you?
A: I like reading. I’m very happy every time I sit down to read books.
B: By the way, _________________________________?
A: I prefer books that are humorous and exciting. I’m reading a book called The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer. It’s written by Mark Twain. ___________________________________?
B: No, I haven’t. Can I borrow it from you?
A: ___________________.  After I finish reading it , I’ll lend it to you.
B: Thank you.

  • 题型:47
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:732

Sometimes  write   how  that  if  mean  sure  until  but   make  what    think

Some people remember the things by ________ notes to themselves. Then they leave the notes in obvious(明显的) places, such as on the table or on the floor in the middle of the living room. I don’t ____________I like to write notes to myself. Most of the time I lose them or forget to look at them ____________ it’s too late. I prefer to use an alarm clock(闹钟) to tell me _______________ I should do. I have ten alarm clocks in my house. They could tell me about things. For example, if I have to ____________a telephone call at a certain time, I’ll set an alarm clock to go off a few minutes early and put the clock by the telephone. Or _________________I want to watch a certain television program, I’ll set an alarm clock at the right time and put the clock on top of the TV set. I can remember almost anything if I use my clocks. However,_____________ an alarm clock goes off and I don’t know what it____________. I always remember setting it, but not why I set it. If the clock is by the telephone, I know I may have set it to tell me to call someone, but I can’t be __________. I might have set it to tell myself ___________somebody was to call me at a certain time.

  • 题型:52
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:176

It is very difficult to find a public place without advertisements now. We can see them in the newspaper, on TV, and even when we watch a ball game on the sports field, ads will meet our eyes.
It is true that in the activities of business, ads are playing a more and more important part. They tell people about new products and help more in sales. In this way, they help to be on the increase of products. This is a big advantage.
However, ads also bring people all kinds of disadvantages. For example, some of the manufactures (生产者) want to win a big market for their products. They are so dishonest that they don’t tell the truth about their products. When people are watching an interesting TV play, it is suddenly stopped by some ads. All above, people don’t like ads. Also, some ads fit children, and they ask their parents to buy them something in the ads, even they don’t need the things at all. From this point, ads really have some disadvantages.
Where can we find advertisements according to the passage?________________ ________.
What are advertisements used for?_________________________ _____________ .
Why don’t some manufactures tell the truth about their products?______________ ___ .
What do people think of ads according to the last paragraph?_____________ ________ .
Do children ask for the only things they need in the ads?__________________ ______ .

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1280

阅读下面短文,完成表格的填写。 根据短文内容填空,每句词数不限。
Trees are greatly useful to man in three very important ways.
First important way is that they provide man with food, wood and other products. Trees provide not only man with food, but also many animals with food. Without trees many animals could not live on the earth. It's not easy for man to live on the earth, either.
The second important way is that trees give us shade(阴凉处). On a hot summer day, people are looking forward to having a rest under the shade of a tree after they have walked a long way. You can imagine how important the shade of a tree is to man and to animals.
The third important way is that trees help to prevent drought(旱灾) and floods(水灾). However, in many parts of the world, man has not realized the third important way. They cut trees down in large numbers. There will be fewer trees in the future.
People should protect trees, or they will find that they have lost the best friends they had in the end.

Trees are useful to man in
important ways.
Trees provide man ______, wood and other products.
Trees give man shade on a    summer day.
Trees help to    drought and floods.
If people don’t protect trees, they will find they have lost     they had.


  • 题型:0
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1151

我爱上这部既令人兴奋又有趣的电影。  _____________________ and funny movie !
___________________________________________ and promises to be a better person .
父母陪伴在他们的孩子身边是很重要的 ._______________to be there for their children.
在愚人节节那天戴夫发生了什么事?What happened to Dave ______________________?
有人被老师建议暂时停止跑步。Someone was advised _________________ by a teacher .
许多人在试图取代我的位置。________________________________________________ .
____________________________________________ .
我们因起床晚了而没有赶上校车。________________________________________ .

  • 题型:17
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1206

Taobao, China’s largest online shopping site, has become an important part of Wang Lin’s life. 84. She spends lots of money on Taobao.
A growing number of Chinese Internet users like Wang have found the joys of online shopping. Most online shoppers are students or young workers. More women shop on line than men. Clothing and home-use products are the most popular on line.
You may question the security of online shopping, Wang Lin said, “It’s very safe and convenient. 85. Unless you receive the products from the sellers and are satisfied with them, the shop owner will not get the money. You can also get your money back if you want to return the products.”

  • 题型:17
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:728

鲁迅是一位伟大的作家。请你用所给提示词及对鲁迅的认识,以“My favorite writer”为题,写一篇不少于30---40词的英文短文。
提示:tall, short hair, wise, known, a fighter with his pen, young people, influence, thought
My favorite writer

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1770

时间都去哪儿了?这是许多成年人的感慨,也是一些中学生的烦恼:没有时间做作业,没有时间从事个人爱好… …其实,时间就在我们的掌握之中,关键是能否合理利用。请根据提示,以“How to spend our time properly”为题写一篇英语短文,谈谈你的看法。
如何合理利用时间 : 学习方面:计划、听课、作业 ; 爱好方面:类型、好处、时间 ;
注意:1. 词数80左右。开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数;
2. 内容必须包括上图中的要点,可作必要的发挥;
3. 条理清楚、语句连贯;
4. 文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名等信息。
How to spend our time properly
Where has our time gone? How should we spend our time properly?
If so, I’m sure we will live a happier school life .

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1357