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  首页 / 试卷 / 初中英语 / 试卷选题
  • 2021-08-20
  • 题量:25
  • 年级:九年级
  • 类型:月考试卷
  • 浏览:1499



Do you think ________ story I told you yesterday ________ interesting one?

A.a; the B.the; an C.a; an D.the; a
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1699

Tom has ________ that he lives a happy life.

A.a so well-paid job
B.such a well-paid job
C.so a well-paid work
D.such a well-paid work
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2053

--- Do you know ________?
--- All of them ________ the museum.

A.where are the students; have gone to
B.where are the students; have been to
C.where the students are; have gone to
D.where the students are; have been to
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:307

________ are crazy about listening to pop music in their spare time.

A.Bill as well as Dick and Lucy
B.Neither Victor nor Tom
C.Not only Tim but also the twins
D.Either Anita or Jack
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1320

It’s said that his father was attacked ________ a man ________ a knife.

A.with; with B.by; by
C.by; with D.with; by
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:782

________ everybody is here, let’s begin our meeting.

A.Though B.Since C.Because D.While
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1690

--- Staying up late is bad for your health. ---You are right. I decide to ________.

A.take it down B.find it out
C.turn it off D.give it up
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1214

--- Mr Wu, could you tell me ________?
--- You’d better do more speaking.

A.how I can improve my English
B.which way can I choose
C.how I do with my English
D.what’s wrong with my English
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1768

________ concerts are never quite the same on the small screen.

A.Lively B.Alive C.Living D.Live
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1208

Oh, just imagine! ________ it is to go to the wonderful tourist attraction!

A.What a great fun B.How fun
C.What great fun D.How great fun
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1742

--- ________ I know by what time you want the report to be done?
--- By the day after tomorrow. ______ you finish it on time?

A.May; Can B.Must; Need
C.Could; Must D.Need; Would
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1002

I find this book ________ for a six-year-old child to read.

A.enough easy B.enough easily
C.easy enough D.easily enough
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1352

The project they’re working on ________ many teenage problems that they care about.

A.covering B.covers
C.include D.including
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1349

— I think Running Man is the most popular TV game show now.
— _______.

A.I can’t agree more B.That’s all right.
C.Never mind D.I’m glad to hear that
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1585

完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
The Sled (雪橇) Dog Race was about to begin. Susan’s team of dogs was lined up at the starting gate. Susan stood behind them.        teams were lined up, too, and the dogs were excited. Susan kept her          on the clock. At exactly ten o’clock, she and the other racers yelled, “Mush!” The dogs knew that meant “      !” They ran forward and the race began!  Susan had trained months for this race, and she hoped she and her dogs would win. Day after day, Susan’s dogs         the sled to get ready for the race.
Now, they ran over snowy hills and         into deep valleys (山谷). They stopped only to rest and eat. The racers had to go a thousand miles across Alaska. Alaska is one of the        places on Earth. The dogs’ thick fur coats helped keep them warm. In many places along the route(线路), the snow was         . Pieces of ice were as sharp (锋利的) as a knife. The ice could cut the dogs’ feet. To keep that from happening, Susan had put special boots on their feet.
At first, the dogs seemed to pull the sled very slowly. They were        getting used to the race. On the third day, they began to pull more quickly. They worked as a         and passed many of the other racers. Once, one of the dogs dropped into a hole and the sled        . Susan could have given up then, but she didn’t. She fixed it and they kept going. When they finally reached the finish line, they found out that they had come in first place!

A.Her B.His C.Other D.Another

A.eyes B.hands C.head D.arms

A.Act B.Go C.Walk D.Jump

A.pushed B.carried C.pulled D.drove

A.down B.up C.around D.below

A.wettest B.highest C.lowest D.coldest

A.little B.light C.deep D.high

A.almost B.already C.yet D.still

A.family B.team C.class D.queue

A.failed B.died C.broke D.disappeared
  • 题型:24
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:653

In our life, we may meet persons with different personalities. What is your personality type? Read about the following and find out!
A Dreamer thinks there is a “right” way to do things. This person wants to live in the “perfect world”. Many are good listeners and like to help others. Many Dreamers work as teachers, and often lead others. Famous Dreamers: Mohandas Gandhi, Angelina Jolie.
A Partner wants to be in a group. For this person, rules are important. They consider tradition to be of great value. Partners are often serious, careful people. Many do well as teachers, managers and police officers. Famous Partners: Queen Elizabeth II, Mother Teresa.
For Thinkers, understanding things is very important. They like to deal with problems and make new things. Thinkers can also be active. They like to win. They have very strong opinions (想法). Many Thinkers work as scientists, inventors and engineers. Famous Thinkers: Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking.
Artists want to be free. They don’t want to follow the rules all the time. They also like trying new things. Like Thinkers, many Artists have strong opinions. They are creative and do well as musicians and actors. Famous Artists: Cristiano Ronaldo, Madonna.
How many personality types are mentioned in the passage?

A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.

If you are active and like to win, maybe you are similar to ____________.

A.Gandhi B.Mother Teresa
C.Bill Gates D.Madonna

Which could be the best title for the passage?

A.Famous People B.Personality Types
C.Perfect World D.Job Hunting
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2106

Have you ever been sad because you failed in something? If so, please remember, for often, achieving what you expect is not the most important thing. Here is a story to tell you why.
One day a little boy decided to dig a hole behind his house after watching a science program. As he was working, a couple of boys stopped by to watch. “What are you doing?” asked one of the visitors. “I want to dig a deep hole all the way through the earth!” the boy answered excitedly. The older boys began to laugh, telling him that it was impossible to do it. Then they left.
The little boy kept on digging and digging. Suddenly, a few small colorful stones caught his eyes. He collected them and put them into a glass jar patiently. Humming (哼唱) a song, he went on digging. The jar was full soon. Then he talked to himself calmly and proudly, “Maybe I can’t finish digging all the way through the earth, but look at what I have found in the process (过程) of digging!”
The boy’s goal (目标) was too difficult, but it did cause him to go on, in other words, to cause us to keep working!
Not every goal will be achieved. Not every job will end up with a success. Not every dream will come true. But when you can’t achieve your goal, maybe you can say, “Yes, but look what I’ve found along the way! There are so many wonderful things that have come into my life because I tried to do something!” It is in the digging that life is lived. It is the unexpected joy on the journey that really has a meaning.
What did the boy do after watching a program?

A.He bought a glass jar.
B.He started to dig a hole.
C.He played with some visitors.
D.He went on watching the program.

What did the older boys think of the little boy?

A.He was silly. B.He was strict.
C.He was strong-minded. D.He was energetic.

What does the underlined sentence “It is in the digging that life is lived.” mean according to the article?

A.Life is to make a big success.
B.Life is to find the colorful stones.
C.Life is difficult but colorful.
D.Life is on the way to achieve the goal.
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1062

No one wants to look stupid (愚蠢的) or do the wrong thing at a new job. It’s important to make the right impression from the very first day. You will face new people. You will be in a new place.
It may be difficult to know what to do. Here are five tips to help you make it through the first days at a new job.
(1) First impression can last forever. Make sure you make a good one. Before your first day, find out if your new job has a dress code (rules about what you can wear to work). If so, be sure to follow it. No matter what, always be neat and clean.
(2) Get to work on time. Give yourself an extra 15 minutes to make sure you arrive on time.
(3) Pay attention to instructions. One of the first things that your supervisor may do is to introduce you to co-workers. These co-workers will be important to you. They are the ones who will answer your questions when the boss is not around.
(4) Ask lots of questions. Make sure that your supervisor has told you what is expected of you. If he or she has not told you your duties, ask for a list. Set daily and weekly goals for yourself.
(5) Never be the first one to leave. Observe (观察) what your co-workers do around quitting time (下班时间). It does not look good for you to be eager to leave.
Before you arrive at work on the first day, you should ___________.

A.dress in a right way B.introduce yourself
C.know your duties D.know your co-workers well

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A.You should not be eager to go home.
B.You should wear the most expensive clothes.
C.You should know you duties.
D.You should pay attention to your co-workers.

What is the best title for this passage?

A.Getting a new job B.Tips on How to Work
C.The First-day Work D.The Importance of Co-worker
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1732

TOKYO, JAPAN – What do you do when you see a cockroach (蟑螂)? Do you hit it with a newspaper? Do you step on it?
When researchers at Tokyo University see a cockroach, they take the remote control and make the cockroach turn around, run left or right, or go forward. These scientists are changing the cockroaches into robots(机器人). Each cockroach has a very small packet that has in it a microprocessor (微处理器). Then researchers can send signals (信号) from the remote control to the packet. The signals control the movements of the cockroaches.
Why does anyone want to control a cockroach? “Insects can do many things that people can’t,” says Isao Shimoyama, head of robot research at Tokyo University. In a few years, he says, these robot insects will carry very small cameras. They will be able to move through earthquake rubble (瓦砾) to look for people or move under doors to find information about someone.
This may seem strange, but the Japanese government thinks the research is very important. The government is giving the scientists $ 5 million for this research.
First, the research keeps hundreds of cockroaches. They use only the American cockroach because it is bigger and stronger than other cockroaches. Then they choose the best cockroaches and remove their wings and antennae (触须). They put small packets where the antennae were. The packets weigh about three grams, or about two times the weight of the cockroaches themselves. “Cockroaches are very strong,” says Ralph Holzer, who is a researcher at Tokyo University. “They can lift 20 times their own weight.”
With a remote control, the scientists send signals to the packets. When a cockroach gets the signal, it moves. The problem is that the cockroaches don’t always move in the right direction.
The scientists are changing the cockroaches into robots because ______________________.

A.they want cockroaches to do things people can’t in the future
B.they want to control the movements of the cockroaches
C.they want cockroaches to take photos of the earthquakes
D.they want to send signals to the packets on the cockroaches

Scientists control cockroaches’ movements _________________________.

A.by removing their wings
B.by sending signals from the remote control
C.by using very small cameras
D.by removing their antennae

What can cockroaches do to help people?

A.They can lift 20 times their own weight.
B.They can help people to carry very small cameras.
C.They can keep hundreds of cockroaches.
D.They can search for those people in rubble after an earthquake.

What problem do the cockroaches meet with?

A.The cockroaches sometimes don’t move.
B.The cockroaches are too big to move through earthquake rubble.
C.The cockroaches sometimes move in the wrong direction.
D.The cockroaches can only lift 20 times their own weight.
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2042

There’s little             (对话) in Tom and Jerry, but it is many children’s favourite.
Song Zuying is one of my favourite _______________ (音乐家) in China.
I’ve heard that you are learning an _______________ (乐器). Is that true?
The famous host will show us an ______________ (最新的) invention later.

  • 题型:15
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1891

I noticed him rush into the room, out of _______________ (breathe)
He is the             (wealth) person I have ever met, but he never shows off.
All the students              (success) in getting to the top of the mountain at last.
Excuse me, can you tell me how many _______________ (studio) there are around here?

  • 题型:15
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1378

动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。
When I was young, I was told that Singapore              (lie) in South East Asia.
--- Do you know why he left that job?
--- It seems that he              (offer) a better job at IBM.
My dictionary is missing. Please find out who              (take) it.
He’s decided to get a look at the house and see if it might be worth              (buy).
The little boy promised his teacher              (not be) late again.
The novel he has devoted most of his time to              (finish) next month.
Did you realize how much stress you              (face) at that moment?
We can never catch up with the fashion because it              (change) all the time.

  • 题型:15
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1581

任务型阅读 根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,在答题卷上相应的横线上填写答案,每空限填一个单词。
Country music is a kind of modern-day pop music, originated (起源) in the southern United States and Appalachia mountains. The singers usually play the guitar, and in the 1920s they started using electric guitars. Nowadays people use the violin, banjo, and slide-guitar as well.
The music at the very beginning was generally very smooth, beautiful and the phrasing structure (句法结构) also was simple. In the 1950s, American country music was about other things, for example, love and money. In the 1960s, songs were often full of anger, and some of them made fun of the political (政治的) leaders. During the 1990s, American country music became more and more popular. Song writers were no longer writing about the modern values of the USA—money, success or expensive things to buy. Instead they were writing once more about things that were usual for everyone.
Today country music has become a big business. It brings in a lot of money. Now, it has reached all parts of the States, from Los Angeles in the west to New York in the east. It remains much the same as before. One subject is “the good old days”. In “the good old days” people praised each other. They believed that the best things in life were free: sunshine, laughing, walks in the beauty of the country, friends and music.
Country music

Passage outline
Supporting details
the traditional music in the southern United States and Appalachia mountains

guitars, violins, banjos, and slide-guitars
Subjects in

     in love with somebody or losing a boyfriend or a girlfriend
money was also thought to be important
were often full of anger
often played        on political leaders
feeling lonely in the modern world the value of having good friends
remains much the same as before
For example, in “the good old days”, people praised each other and loved life in the         air.
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1670

完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。
The American writer Mark Twain ________________________ writing and was also famous as a public speaker.
The great player played so well _____________________________ in the latest Asian Cup.
The elderly couple ________________________ their friends than chat online at weekends.
It is actually ________________________ you do the homework by yourself.
They wonder what method can                                        taking in too much  PM 2.5 particles (颗粒) .
I once doubted whether the music written by the composer _______________________.

  • 题型:17
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:196

1. 姜文是世界著名的演员和导演,1963年1月5日出生于河北,他幽默,为人善良,易于相处;
2. 自从他进入电影行业以来,已在多部自己导演的影片中扮演主角,他的电影老少皆宜;
3. 已获得几次最佳男演员奖,得到了粉丝们的高度评价;
4. 他对我的影响最大,……
1. 短文须包括所给内容要点,要点语句通顺、意思连贯;
2. 第4要点的内容须用2--3句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥。
My Favourite Film Star —Jiang Wen

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:916