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  首页 / 试卷 / 初中英语 / 试卷选题
  • 编号:153887
  • 题量:10
  • 年级:九年级
  • 类型:中考试卷
  • 更新:2021-02-25
  • 人气:120



Last summer my son,Eric, left for university in another country. Our once lively house became quiet and (1)  . I missed him so much that I started sending him messages on the phone, mainly to say(2)  or to give him a word of warning.

    One of my messages says, "So you told me you(3)  your credit card(信用卡).If you don't try hard to mend your careless ways, one day you'll (4)   and find your brain missing."

    I did get Eric's messages, but most of them were about(5)  .They were no different from the notes he used to leave (6)   the white board when he was at home.

    "I bought a new pair of shoes. They cost me ﹩90. Please help!"

    "Money is running short(7)  I've bought some books for my research paper. Help me please!"

    (8)  , however, Eric begins to send me all kinds of articles: some funny, some touching and some worth(9)  . He says they will help me understand young men better and keep up with the times.

    I read the articles slowly, like a(10)  student,with mixed feelings as well﹣my kid, who followed me around not long ago, has now become my(11)  !

    So I write back, "I've read all those articles. I'll take(12)  as a loving son's expectations towards his mother. He must be thinking that his mother is still (13)  enough to accept new things. That makes me feel proud. What we parents lack(缺乏) most is the ability to learn and(14)  ,in both body and mind.Thank you, my son."

    In this way we share ideas and(15)  each other, with a gentle and beautiful language we seldom use. Every time I read those messages, I feel my heart filled with warmth.


B. clean

C. lonely



B. sorry

C. thanks



B. lent

C. designed


(4)A.give up

B. wake up

C. set off

D.take off


B. music

C. money



B. across

C. behind



B. until

C. though



B. Actually

C. Recently



B. writing

C. thinking



B. popular

C. nervous



B. teacher

C. customer



B. you

C. him



B. pretty

C. friendly



B. change

C. exercise



B. invite

C. protect


  • 题型:2
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:34


     Every year,more than 26,000 children arrive in Britain.We ask some new arrivals what they like best about their new lives and what's different from home.


I don't know anybody from Poland here, but I'm lucky because the English boy next door is very friendly and kind. We are in the same class!I like teachers here. At home, the teachers seem a bit strict and serious. There are a lot of rules, too. Here, teachers are patient and don't give much homework. We students go out of school and buy pizza or burgers at lunchtime.

We can't do that in Poland.

Daisy & Luckthe USA

My sister and I like living here.It's cool!My sister loves the British accent(口音).Everybody here is very polite.But we don't understand all your strange words﹣we say yard "not" garden" and "apartment" not flat" The food is better here.There's Chinese,Indian and Thai.At home we eat too much fast food.


It's too cold here!I hate doing sports, especially outside in winter. The teacher here is very serious about sports.I prefer science and maths.I love the maths class because the teacher is really funny, just like my maths teacher in India. The school is so big and some students seem unfriendly. They from a small village school.I think it's hard to communicate with them.

(1)Among the above four children,   probably likes the new school life best.

A. Luck


C. Jarek

D. Daisy

(2)In Zinah's eyes, her maths teacher in India might be  

A. cold

B. strict

C. patient

D. humorous

(3)The passage is probably taken from  

A. a travel magazine

B. an education website

C. a geography textbook

D. a business newspaper

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:54


     Everyone faces difficulties in their life. Daniel Kish was born with a special eye illness and lost his eyesight before he was only 14 months old.

     Soon after, however, he started to do an amazing thing. He learned to make clicks(咔哒声) with his tongue to help him move around. Kish now moves about using sonar(声呐). He is so good at it that he can ride a bicycle by himself on public roads. And he started the organization World Access for the Blind(WAFTB) in 2000, teaching others how to use sonar. In the interview with National Geographic, he explains how the sonar works.

"When I make a click sound, it produces sound waves. These waves reflect(反射) off surfaces all around and return to my ears. My brain then deals with the sound and turns it into pictures in my mind. Each click is like a camera flash, which helps me make a 3﹣D picture of my surroundings for hundreds of feet. It's like having a conversation with the environment."

     Kish feels it is exciting to ride a bike using a sonar, although he needs to click twice a second, much more than he usually does. "It may sound a bit dangerous to move around the world in this way," he says. "But most people in the world live in fear of things that they imagine. I love hiking and mountain﹣biking. I go almost everywhere. And I've never had an accident and hurt myself."

     He is happy to be able to help more blind children to improve their life."We've served over 10, 000 students in nearly 40 countries," he tells the reporter."Many students are surprised how quickly results come. Seeing isn't in the eyes. It's in the mind."

(1)Kish moves around using sonar because  

A. he is good at making clicks

B. it make him "see" the world

C. he has a great interest in science

D. it is important for him to keep healthy

(2)Which of the following is the right order shoeing the sonar works?  

①The sound waves reflect off surfaces.

②The person makes a clicking sound.

③The brain turns the sound into pictures.

④The sound waves reach the person's ears.





(3)What can we learn about World Access for the Blind( WAFTB ) from the passage?  

A. It offers the blind free bicycles.

B. It sells sonar products to the blind.

C. It teaches the blind to use sonar.

D. It helps the blind find more friends.

(4)The best title for the passage might be  

A. Living without fear

B. Travelling with the blind

C.Hoping for the future

D. Looking around the world

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:56


     Fresh green grass. Hundreds of colorful wild flowers. Water running into little pools. Birds making their homes in boxes. The 9, 500﹣square﹣metre Augustenborg Botanical Garden may look just like any other well﹣organized park but there's a difference. It lies on the roofs(屋顶) of industria land office buildings in the city of Malmo in Sweden.

     Green roofs are not a new invention. And now they are getting popular again. The common roofs of a modern city have endless black surfaces with no life or water. Perhaps that's why a garden on a roof becomes such a perfect choice for more and more people.

     Green roofs are not just pretty. They also help to moderate the city temperature. The high temperatures on common roofs in the summer can make top floor flats uncomfortably hot. What is more, they play a part in making the cities hotter than the countryside around them, causing the "urban heat﹣island effect". On a green roof, however, with its plants and water, temperatures change only a little, as they do in a park. This can greatly cut the costs of heating and cooling in the building below.

     Also, a green roof takes in rain water, and protects the city drainage(排水) system._____ And small animals and birds can make their homes on it. Thanks to this, the city may become part of nature, rather than something completely separate from it.

    While the cost of building such a roof can still be higher, it can be cheaper in the long term as a result of energy savings. And wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to walk out into a garden high above the city's noise and traffic, whether you're at school or in an office or just at home in a ten﹣floor block.

(1)With the example of Augustenborg Botanical Garden, the writer wants to explain  

A. how wildlife is protected

B. what a green roof is like

C. how to organize a good park

D. what to do with a spare roof

(2)The underlined word " moderate" in Paragraph 3 is the closest in meaning to "  ".

A. raise

B. check

C. record

D. control

(3)Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph 4?  

A. A green roof is alive.

B. A green roof stops pollution.

C. A common roof is noisy.

D. A common roof increases the cost.

(4)The purpose of the passage is to  

A. discover the problems with green roofs

B. introduce the change of green roofs

C. show the amazing beauty of green roofs

D. describe the advantages of green roofs

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:42


     Mark Zuckerberg, who starts the social network Facebook, often wears jeans and a T﹣shirt to work, including to important business meetings. Not everyone agrees with him. Some people say he doesn't look serious this way.

     Harvard Business School researcher, Franccsca Gino, has a different idea. While most people seem to think that dressing differently from those around you generally has a bad influence, shebelieves it can actually have a positive(积极的) effect. And she's done experiments to support her idea. When her researchers, wearing sportswear, visited the expensive shops an Italy, they were usually viewed as wealthier and more important people than those who were well﹣dressed in designer clothes.

     Do people always view less formal(正式的) clothing more positively? Researchers in France took their research out into the street, to the general public. The video they made shows an actor dressed in a well﹣cut suit and shiny shoes. While walking along the road, he begins to cough badly, stops to catch his breath and falls down. Before he even calls for help, people rush to help him. In another video, the actor appears at the same crowded place and repeats the actions in exactly the same way. But this time, no one comes to help. What's the difference? He's wearing untidy clothes and looks like a homeless person. In a situation like this, the clothes you're wearing could mean the difference between life and death.

     It seems that our clothing doesn't only change the way others view us, but also the way we see ourselves. In an experiment testing students' ability to pay attention to details(细节), the group wearing white lab coats did the best.Why? Researchers told them that they were wearing the doctors coats. The experiment didn't show whether such influences would last long. More experiments are needed in the future before we decide to make the doctors' coats a must of fashion.

(1)Mark Zuckerberg is not considered serious by some people because  

A. he does not listen to others' advice

B. he sets up a network of video games

C. he wears jeans and a T﹣shirt to work

D. he often plays jokes at business meetings

(2)Which of the following is Gino's opinion according to Paragraph 2?  

A. It is necessary to buy expensive clothes.

B. Wearing less formal clothes is in fact good.

C. It is bad to dress differently from people around you.

D. Wearing sports clothes makes you look less important.

(3)In Paragraph 3, the writer proves(证明) his ( her ) opinion mainly  

A. by giving reasons

B. by using pictures

C. by comparing facts

D. by listing numbers

(4)What can we learn from the passage?  

A. What we wear makes a difference.

B. Formal clothing makes a wise man.

C. Our value depends on what we wear.

D. Our clothing influences our characters.

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:39


nine, ours, beside, punish, after all

(1)Don't lose heart. You are new to the work  

(2)According to the present law, drunk driving must   seriously.

(3)I always keep a dictionary   me when I'm doing crosswords.

(4)Last Sunday the whole family celebrated my sister's   birthday.

(5)The main difference between our brains and those of monkeys is that   are bigger.

  • 题型:2
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:45


Cooking was once regarded as a necessary part of education in England. But in recent years, it has become less important in schools. As a result, (1)  (基础的) cooking and food preparation skills are being lost. It is also making more children overweight, as parents use too much fast food that is(2)  (有害的) to their health.

The government is worried and is looking for ways to (3)   (解决) the problem. A new law has been passed. All secondary schools should offer cooking (4)  (课程 ) to students aged from 11 to 14 years old. They hope that this will encourage people to cook instead of eating (5)   (准备好的) meals, fast food and snacks.

Students will learn to cook for one hour a (6)  (星期) for one term. They will learn to use simple and fresh ingredients(原料) to prepare healthy, tasty food, following (7)  (说明). These cooking skills will be helpful in their future life. Schools are also setting up cooking clubs all over the country. The clubs will (8)  (提供) more children with the chance to learn to cook.

There are still difficulties. Head teachers are worried about the things they will need for the cooking. And about 15% of schools do not have (9)  (厨房) and there are not enough teachers.

The speaker from the government (10)  (允诺) to train 800 teachers and to give schools million pounds a year to help children from poorer families to pay for ingredients.

  • 题型:2
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:61


     A group of boys were playing basketball in the park. The playground was great,(1)   there was no fence(栅栏)around it.If one boy missed the ball, someone had to catch it at once, so it wouldn't go too far away.

     One boy threw the ball too hard and it flew like a rocket over the (2)  (head)of all the other boys, and kept on flying.

      Anna was sitting nearby and watching the ducks swim in the river. Suddenly, she (3)  (hear)some shouting and turned to see a big, orange object coming towards (4)  (she).

     "Stop the ball," one of them shouted.

     The ball landed close to the river. The ducks flew away quickly.

     Anna opened her arms, just in time (5)  (stop) the ball as it was going to fall into the river.

     "Could you please bring it over here?"asked one boy (6)  (polite).

     Anna walked to them with the ball. She was nervous because the boys were (7)  (old) than her. However, they were very nice and thanked her (8)   saving the ball.

     "Can I join you?" Anna asked.

     The boys agreed, but they were not sure (9)   she could throw the ball even close to the basket.

     Anna took the ball and then had (10)   try. The boys watched in surprise as the ball went straight into the basket. Anna smiled as the boys cheered loudly for her.

  • 题型:2
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:57


    Sleep plays an important role in our life. A lack of sleep can influence our ability to work and study.


    Normal people need 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. But for teenagers, a healthy amount(数量) is about 8 to 10 hours. Sadly, only 13 of people manage that.


    Tiredness usually reaches its highest twice a day, at 2 a.m. and 2 p.m. That explains whys students easily fall asleep in afternoon classes. So sleeping at noon for a while helps us work better in the rest of the day.


    People can make mistakes if they don't get enough sleep. Students cannot pay attention in class or do well in sports. Drivers who have fallen asleep while driving have caused 1%﹣10% of the traffic accidents in our life. And we can imagine what will happen if a doctor feels sleepy at the operating﹣table!


    There are several ways that can help us sleep better, such as avoiding drinks that make us excited late in the day, going to sleep at the same time each night, and sleeping in a comfortable place that is dark, quiet and warm.

A. Bad influences

B. Sleeping hours

C. The most tiring moments

D. Good sleeping habits

(5)The passage mainly encourages us to  . (不得超过5个单词)

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:50





Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm Li Hua,a middle school student from China. I want to be a volunteer.  

Looking forward to your early reply!

Yours                                                                                                                                                         LiHua

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:67