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  首页 / 试卷 / 高中英语 / 试卷选题
  • 编号:34341
  • 题量:25
  • 年级:高三
  • 类型:高考冲刺
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 人气:146



We always have spaghettis on Thursday.  Let’s have pizza ______ a change.

A.in B.on C.with D.For
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:963

Doctors’ suggestions for dosage: ______ tablet each day for two weeks.

A.each B.every C.one D.any
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1159

My car is covered with thick snow and now the engine simply ______ start.

A.can’t B.mustn’t C.won’t D.shan’t
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:169

We have no extra money. So for the time being, we can’t move to ______ apartment.

A.a nice B.the nicest C.a nicer D.the nice
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1471

There is ______ thing as a free lunch. There may be a hidden cost.

A.no such B.not such C.no so D.not so
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1270

Make decisions right away, ______ you’ll miss a golden chance.

A.if B.and C.as D.or
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1168

I couldn’t believe it, but ______ in black and white, signed by the bank manager.

A.it there was B.there was it C.was it there D.there it was
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1783

SAT tests your ability to identify main and supporting points and also ______ between them.

A.differentiates B.differentiate C.differentiating D.to differentiate
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2100

He went to Paris the next year, ______ he lived and was never back.

A.where B.when C.which D.that
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:690

We can hardly believe his excuse for his late show _______ his car broke down halfway.

A.why B.that C.where D.as
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:241

Because it was the bank’s mistake, there was no delay ______ my account.

A.being reopening B.reopening C.to reopening D.to reopen
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1616

In Section Three, you are most likely ______ on your ability to find factual information.

A.to test B.testing C.to be tested D.being tested
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1226

Teach children ______ electrical appliances, cords, and switches are not toys.

A.what B.which C.how D.that
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1495

Can it be ______ in a fast-changing world we don’t know what to teach our children today?

A.which B.that C.why D.since
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:249

Small ______ you are called early bird --- you always catch the first train to work!

A.wonder B.case C.surprise D.shock
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:2106

In zones where earthquakes are known to occur, ______ construction techniques can significantly reduce the effects of seismic wave.

A.to improve B.improving C.improved D.being improving
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:546

The inhalation (吸入) of asbestos particles is associated with a number of lung diseases, such as asbestosis and ___50___ cancer. 
Asbestosis is caused by the entry of asbestos particles into the wall of the alveoli, causing scarring which limits the functioning of the lungs.  The lung ___51___ its elasticity and may change shape.  The initial symptoms of asbestosis are a tightness in the chest and breathlessness.  In its ___52___ stages, sufferers develop the barrel-shaped chests associated with emphysema, cyanosis, (where the skin takes a bluish ___53___ ) and club fingers.
Lung cancer, the generic ___54___ for malignant tumors(肿瘤)of the alveoli and bronchial tubes, has been shown to be directly ___55___ to the inhalation of asbestos particles.  As in the case of asbestosis, there is generally a period of inactiveness which may ___56___ from 25 to 30 years after initial exposure, despite the ___57___of further exposure.  Research suggests that there is a direct correlation between the degree of exposure to asbestos ___58___the incidence of lung cancer.  Where exposure occurs, the level of risk is further ___59___ by cigarette smoking.  Asbestos workers who smoke cigarettes have a 90% greater risk of catching lung cancer than workers who do not ___60___. 
Exposure to blue asbestos has been shown to producemesothelioma, a rare cancer of the outer lining of the lung or pleura.  In a normal population the incidence of mesothelioma is extremely ___61___. Where epidemiological surveys have revealed a higher incidence of the disease, it is almost always related to ___62___ exposure.
___63___ changes in lung tissue caused by exposure to asbestos are pleural plaques and effusions.  The former refer to a thickening of the lining of the chest wall, ___64___ the latter consists of a collection of fluid in the chest region outside the lungs.  Pleural plaques commonly remain undiagnosed and generally have no detrimental effect on health.

A.skin B.blood C.liver D.lung

A.loses B.gains C.improves D.tightens

A.early B.formal C.later D.final

A.size B.color C.sound D.smell

A.noun B.term C.way D.approach

A.related B.revealed C.compared D.exposed

A.disappear B.spread C.live D.extend

A.presence B.activeness C.absence D.intensity

A.and B.alongside C.as well as D.plus

A.decreased B.lost C.doubled D.increased

A.diet B.drink C.smoke D.fare

A.high B.low C.common D.frequent

A.lead B.asbestos C.carbon D.hydrogen

A.Three B.Some C.No D.Other

A.in case B.now that C.whereas D.unless

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1889

All over the world, libraries have begun the Herculean task of making faithful digital copies of the books, images and recordings that preserve the intellectual effort of humankind.  For armchair scholars, the work promises to bring such a wealth of information to the desktop that the present Internet may seem amateurish in retrospect. …
Librarians see three clear benefits to going digital.  First, it helps them preserve rare and fragile objects without denying access to those who wish to study them.  The British Library, for example, holds the only medieval manuscript of Beowulf in London.  Only qualified scholars were allowed to see it until Kevin S. Kiernan of the University of Kentucky scanned the manuscript with three different light sources (revealing detail not normally apparent to the naked eye) and put the images up on the Internet for anyone to peruse (阅览).  Tokyo’s National Diet Library is similarly creating highly detailed digital photographs of 1,236 woodblock prints, scrolls and other materials it considers national treasures so that researchers can scrutinize them without handling the originals.
A second benefit is convenience.  Once books are converted to digital form, patrons can retrieve them in seconds rather than minutes.  Several people can simultaneously read the same book or view the same picture.  Clerks are spared the chore of reshelving.  And libraries could conceivably use the Internet to land their virtual collections to those who are unable to visit in person.
The third advantage of electronic copies is that they occupy millimeters of space on a magnetic disk rather than meters on a shelf.  Expanding library buildings is increasingly costly.  The University of California at Berkeley recently spent $46 million on an underground addition to house 1.5 million books – an average cost of $30 per volume.  The price of disk storage, in contrast, has fallen to about $2 per 300-page publication and continues to drop.
The best title for this passage would be __________.

A.Three Benefits of Libraries
B.Libraries Going Digital
C.Space-saving E-learning
D.Security of Electronic Reading

Which paragraph(s) in the text offer(s) further explanation of the central idea?

A.Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 B.Paragraphs 3 and 4
C.Paragraphs 2 and 4 D.Paragraph 4

Which one of the following is mentioned as the advantages of E-libraries

A.Old manuscripts can be moved more easily
B.Materials can be examined without being touched
C.Fewer staff will be required in libraries
D.Libraries will be able to move underground

What does the word ‘scrutinize’ probably mean?

A.keep for a while B.reprint C.restore D.examine carefully
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1218

A casual employee is one who is engaged and paid as such by agreement between the employer and employee.  There is a three-hour minimum payment for each period of engagement and a four-hour minimum engagement on a Public Holiday.  No notice of termination is required.  For night work between 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Monday to Friday a penalty of $1.28 per hour (or part of hour) shall be paid with a minimum of $4.37 for any one day on which such hours are worked.
Meals: Casual employees whose engagement extends for five hours or more shall be provided with a meal free of charge, or shall be paid in lieu of $5.00 ($6.00 from 1 May 1996)
Casual employment over eight hours: Paid at the overtime rate of full time employees.
Payment of wages: By mutual consent either weekly or on termination of engagement.
Annual leave: Pro-rata Annual Leave entitlement for casuals is on the basis of 1/12th of earnings. Many employers pay this inclusive with the hourly rate.  If this is not done, it should be paid on termination of services or at the end of 12 months’ service.
Special clothing: A casual employee is required to provide and wear a black and white uniform or an equivalent standard specified by the club (e.g. blue and white, cook’s clothing, etc.) this includes how tie and cummerbund if required by the employer.  The employer may launder all uniforms, or pay the employee and allowance of $1.00 per engagement ($1.20 from 1 May 1996) for general staff.  Cooks shall be paid $1.50 per engagement ($1.70 from 1 May 1996).
Casual employees must be given a free meal or a meal allowance if they ______.

A.work after 7:00 a.m. B.work over five hours a day
C.have had 12 months’ service D.are paid $5.00

In casual employment, notice of termination is ______.

A.not possible B.not necessary C.provided D.paid in lieu

Which of the following sentences best sums up the situation of casual staff?

A.The employers of casual staff are well protected by regulations.
B.Casual staff need to provide their own uniforms.
C.The rights and conditions of casual staff are clearly specified.
D.The conditions of casual staff are as good as those of full-time staff.
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:872

A new argument has been put forward as to whether penguins are disturbed by the presence of tourists in Antarctica.  
Previous research by scientists from Keil University in Germany monitored Adelie penguins and noted that the birds’ heart rates increased dramatically at the sight of a human as far as 30 meters away.  But new research using an artificial egg, which is equipped to measure heart rates, disputes this.  Scientists from the Scott Polar Research Institute at Cambridge say that a slow moving human who does not approach the nest too closely, is not viewed as a threat by penguins. 
The earlier findings have been used to partly explain the 20 per cent drop in populations of certain types of penguins near tourist sites.  However, tour operators have continued to insist that their activities do not adversely affect wildlife in Antarctica, saying they encourage non-disruptive behavior in tourists, and that the decline in penguin numbers is caused by other factors.
Amanda Nimon of the Scott Polar Research Institute spent three southern hemisphere summers at Cuverville Island in Antarctica studying penguin behavior towards humans.  “A nesting penguin will react very differently to a person rapidly and closely approaching the nest,” says Nimon.  “First they exhibit large and prolonged heart rate changes and then they often flee the nest leaving it open for predators (掠夺者) to fly in and remove eggs or chicks.”  The artificial egg, specially for the project, monitored both the parent who had been ‘disturbed’ when the egg was placed in the nest and the other parent as they both took it in turns to guard the nest.
However, Boris Culik, who monitored the Adelie penguins, believes that Nimon’s findings do not invalidate his own research.  He points out that species behave differently – and Nimon’s work was with Gentoo penguins.  Nimon and her colleagues believe that Culik’s research was methodologically flawed because the monitoring of penguins’ responses needed capturing and restraining the birds and fitting them with beart-rate transmitters.  Therefore, argues Nimon, it would not be surprising if they became stressed on seeing a human subsequently.
According to the passage, what overall message is presented?

A.No firm conclusions are drawn.
B.Neither Culik’s nor Nimon’s findings are of much value.
C.Penguin reduction is closed related to tourist behavior.
D.Tourists are not responsible for the fall in penguin numbers.

Which ONE argument of the following is stated in the passage?

A.Penguins are harder to research when they have young.
B.Tour operators should encourage tourists to avoid Antarctica.
C.Not all penguins behave in the same way.
D.Penguins need better protection from tourists.

What do you notice about the views presented in the passage?

A.They are groundless.
B.They are factual.
C.They are descriptive.
D.They are conflicting.

What does the underlined word (final line) probably mean?

A.later on
D.in the same place
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:2101

Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A—F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

A.  Forecasting Research
B.  Well-known Weather Forecasters
C.  Severe Weather Events
D.  Weather Forecasting
E.  The Forecasting Process
F.  Historical Background

The task of predicting the weather that will be observed at a future time is called weather forecasting.  As one of the primary objectives of the science of meteorology, weather forecasting has depended critically on the scientific and technological advances in meteorology that have taken place since the latter half of the 19th century.

Throughout most of history, forecasting efforts at any given site depended solely on observations that could be made at the site.  With the development of the telegraph in the mid-1800s, weather forecasters were able to obtain observations from many distant locations within a few hours of the collection of such data.  Weather forecasting was revolutionized in the 1920s by the work of a group of Norwegian scientists.  This group provided a consistent and empirically based description of atmospheric circulation systems.  Current weather-forecasting techniques were initiated by the theoretical work of American meteorologist Jule Charney in developing numerical weather prediction.  Experimental numerical forecasts in 1950 proved so fruitful that they were soon adopted on a practical basis.  Since then, computerized systems based on numerical models have become a central part of weather forecasting.

The process of making a weather forecast can be separated into three steps: observation and analysis, extrapolation to find the future state of the atmosphere, and prediction of particular variables.  The standard extrapolation technique is to assume that weather features will continue to move as they have been moving.  In some cases the third step simply consists of noting the results of extrapolation, but actual prediction usually involves considerable efforts beyond this. 

Great attention is paid to weather forecasts during times of severe events (blizzard, hurricane and typhoon, tornado), and so forth.  Accordingly, the National Weather Service (NWS) commits significant resources to the forecast of such events.  Blizzards or strong extra-tropical cycles are handled through the usual forecast information channels, with the local NWS office issuing special advisories as appropriate.

A number of new observing systems are being developed for forecasting purposes.  These include the Next-Generation Radar digital weather radar, which is intended to detect motions towards or away from the radar installation.  In addition, automated systems are being developed for taking observations at surface stations and on board buoys, ships, and aircraft.  The communications, processing, and display systems intended to govern this torrent of further data are still being elaborated.

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1056

Directions: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions or complete the statements in no more than 12 words.
The first fast food restaurants opened in the United Sates at the end of the 1950s. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the fast food industry continued to expand across the United Sates. Two aspects of American society that helped the fast food industry take off were teenagers and cars. Teenagers were the best workers to fill the low-skill jobs needed to work in fast food restaurants putting together hamburgers, taking orders and frying potatoes. Fast food chains also marketed themselves to people with cars by having drive-thru order windows and car hops. Car hops were waitresses who usually wore roller skates and brought the food outside the restaurant so that people could eat in their cars.
The trend of fast food chains hiring teenagers continues today. One out of every eight Americans has worked at McDonald’s, the largest fast food chain in the United States. Fast food chains used to be found only along highways or in business areas where people need to grab a quick lunch before returning to work. Today, however, fast food restaurants can be found in sports stadiums, airports, gas stations, malls; on college campuses, cruise ships; at K-Mart, Wal-Mart; and in hospital cafeterias.
The popularity of fast food in the United States is related to the idea that people would rather eat in a place they are familiar with rather than try a new place they know nothing about. This is the philosophy behind franchises(特许经营). When a person buys a franchise, they are paying for the use of the company’s name. This system has advantages and disadvantages for the person starting the restaurant. The new franchise owner is called the “franchisee”. The company selling its name is the “franchiser”. The franchiser brings experience, equipment, and a business plan to the deal. The franchisee puts up the money and does all the work. On the negative side, the franchiser gives up some control by not owning each restaurant or store directly. The franchisee gives up her or his ability to make personal decisions because she or he has to obey the rules of the company.
(Note: Answer the question or complete the statement in NO MORE THAN 12 WORDS.)
Fast food chains hire teenagers because ________________________________________.
Fast food restaurants used to find its location according to _________________________.
According to the author, what’s the philosophy behind franchises?
What is the advantage of franchise to the franchisee?

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1653

Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A.post  B.pressure C.paid  D.negotiating  E.abandon               F.balance    G.average     H.entitled     I.increasingly      J.reluctantly

Most women in France work. Their average salary is about 75% that of their male co-workers, even though laws passed in 1972 require “professional equality” between the sexes.
The good news is that women are __1__moving into middle management, but a handful are to top executives. The higher their position, the harder it is to __2__family and career. A 38-year-old woman who graduated from the National school of Administration remembers that when she took a senior __3__in a ministry, her male colleagues assured her,” you are one of us, one of the guys”. But when she became a mother, she found it difficult to stick to age-old traditions of being a housewife. Meanwhile, she couldn’t follow the office schedule. “It was too much__4__ to have long lunches and late-night meetings.”, she said.
For those who want to balance family with a job, France is a heaven. Women marry later, on __5__, than in America - at age 25. They stay in the workforce, and part-time jobs are easy to find. Maternity(孕产) benefits are generous, with over six months of __6__ leave. Women who’ve raised three or more children are __7__to get a state-funded pension, and the quality of publicly funded education for children is high.
French businesswomen dress elegantly, argue intelligently and play hardball at the __8__table. They show their wit, intellect, ability to make puns and understanding of politics, history and literature. Unlike most American female executives who dress conservatively in a dark, not particularly flattering suit, with no jewelry and little makeup, Frenchwomen see no need to __9__femininity(妇女特质) and elegance in the business world. They prefer soft colors, stylish clothes, silk scarves, light makeup, and simple but elegant jewelry.

  • 题型:26
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:478

Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given inthe brackets.
通货膨胀就像一只老虎,一旦放出来就很难再关进去。 (once)

  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:939



● 参考文字信息,描述图表;
● 简述留学的特点及发展趋势;
● 对于出国留学热的个人看法。

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:317