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  首页 / 试卷 / 初中英语 / 试卷选题
  • 编号:38764
  • 题量:26
  • 年级:九年级
  • 类型:中考试卷
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 人气:1995



I’m going to be a______ (report) when 1 grow up. I like meeting different people every day,
China has become much______ (strong) than before. We’ re all proud of her.
Look! The children are playing  ______ (happy) in the park.
Of all the vegetables, I like______(tomato) best.
Stop______ ( talk), please,Let’ s begin our meeting.

  • 题型:15
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2123

Lisa had ______ egg and ______ glass of milk for breakfast this morning.

A.a;a B.an; an C.a;an D.an;a
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:879

--What’s your favorite______ ? 
-- Physics. It’s interesting and useful

A.job B.vegetable C.fruit D.subject
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1960

--I can’t find my dictionary. May I use ______?
--Sure. Here you are.

A.you B.your C.yours D.yourself
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1917

Lucy and I are twins, but we’ re different ______ each other in many ways.

A.for B.in C.of D.from
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1356

--You speak English so well. ______ have you learned English?
--For 5 years.

A.How many B.How long C.How often D.How far
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1342

Last summer vacation, we ______ many photos when we had a trip to Dalian.

A.take B.takes C.took D.will take
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1531

--Have you ever road the book Harry Potter?
--Yes, and I think it's very ______. I want to read it again.

A.boring B.exciting C.bored D.excited
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1585

Colors can change our moods(情绪)and make us           happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.

A.feel B.to feel C.felt D.feeling
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:864

______Gina ______Tara are studying Chinese history’ and culture now. They find them rich and amazing.

A.Both; and B.Not only;but also
C.Either;or D.Neither;nor
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:544

People ______always be careful with fire, or it can be dangerous.

A.can B.needn’t C.must D.shouldn’t
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1247

--1 missed the early bus and I had to______ the next one on such a cold morning.
--Bad luck !
A. wait for     B. look up            C. care for           O. put up

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1602

Many trees and flowers ______ in our school last year and they made our school a beautiful garden.

A.have planted B.are planted
C.were planted D.will be planted
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1636

--Excuse me,could you tell me ______,please?
--Sure. There is a library on Bridge Street.

A.where can I see a movie
B.where can 1 borrow some magazines
C.where 1 can send a postcard
D.where I can borrow some books
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1364

--Would you mind opening the window? It’s too hot in the room.
-- ______. I’ll do it right away.

A.You ’ d better not B.Of course not
C.I hope not D.It doesn’t matter
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:困难
  • 人气:1778

1 argued with my best friend yesterday. She is angry with me now. The underlined part means“______”.

A.is mad at B.is worried about C.is surprised at D.is strict with
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2020


A.Why do you want Io be a basketball player?
B.Think it over!
C.No.I don’t want to talk with them.
D.But it’s not everything.
E.Do you have a plan for the future?
F. Yes.many times.

Celia: Hi Tony! You look upset. What’s wrong?
Tony: I failed the exam again. I’m afraid I have to give up my study.
Celia: No, never. If you do that, you will let your parents down.       1   
Tony: Yes. I want to practice basketball and become a basketball player like Yao Ming or Kobe.
Celia:      2    
Tony: Because it’ s my dream job. If I am famous, I can make lots of money.
Celia: Money is important.        3    
Tony: I know. But I want to hold on to my dream.
Celia: Have you ever talked with your parents?
Tony:      4       But they don’t agree. They want me to be a doctor.
Celia: I think you’d better take your parents’ advice.
Tony: Maybe you’re right. But why can’t 1 make my own decisions?
Celia: Come on, Tony.        5       After all, your parents have more experience.
Tony: Anyway, I’ll think about it. Thanks for your advice.

  • 题型:47
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:673

( Eric came back home from school on Friday evening. )
Eric: Hi, Dad! I’m back.
Dad: Hmm, Eric ! How was your study this week?
Eric: Pretty good. And I have good news to tell you. Do you want to know?
Dad: Of course. (56)______________________ ?
Eric: I won first prize in the English speech contest.
Dad: Well done. (57)                        your science? Any progress?
Eric: Yes, Dad! At least I tried my best and learned a lot from my mistakes.
Dad: Good! I’ m sure that you can catch up with your classmates very soon.
Eric: Thank you, Dad! I’ve been busy these days and 1 feel tired. Shall we  (58).                            tomorrow?
Dad: A picnic? Why not? We all need to relax ourselves.
Erie: Great! (59)                           ? And what time?
Dad: Let’s go to Central Park at 8:00 in the morning.
Eric: (60).                                             ?
Dad: The radio says it’ s a fine day. Finish your homework first and we can help mum do something for the picnic,
Eric : That’ s wonderful, Dad.

  • 题型:47
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1356


  A.later   B.nothing  C.terrible   D.neither  E.hope  F.something
G.fastest  H.broke   I.without   J.meet   K.either  L.winner

Sometimes, life isn't as perfect as we imagine. If so, what will you do?
Liu Wei, the famous pianist  1  arms in China, is a good example. He lost his arms in a   2   accident when he was only 10 years old. However, he wanted to keep his dream. He learned to swim in a recovery( 康复) hospital when he was 12. Two years  3 , he won two gold medals in a National Swimming Championship for the disabled. After that, he began to learn how to type with his feet. He  4   the world record and became the person who could type  5  with his feet. In the following years, he started learning to play the piano.
Last year, he became the  6 of China' s Got Talent Show( 中国达人秀). He always says, " There are two ways in my life. I will   7  live a wonderful life or die. " We can learn   8  from Liu Wei. No matter how hard the life is, keep smiling to ourselves.
Martin Luther King has ever said, " We must accept( 接受) disappointment in our life, but we must never lose our  9   " What he said is quite true. When we   10  difficulties. Please face them bravely. Where there is a will, there is a way.

  • 题型:52
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1935

Blue Ocean Aquarium is a great place for families to take a holiday. Children love to see the sea animals and watch movies about sharks in it.
Last Saturday morning, Mr Jackson took his wife and two little sons to the aquarium. At the ticket office, he asked, "How much shall I pay to get in?" The woman at the ticket office answered, "The price is 20 dollars for each adult or any kid older than five. We let kids in free(免费) if they are five or younger. How old are your kids?" Mr Jackson said, "The older one is six and the younger one is thee.  I think I must buy three tickets. " The woman was surprised. She said, "Sir, don't you want to save 20 dollars? If you tell me your older son is five, I won't know the difference. "  Mr Jackson said with a smile, "Yes, that sounds right,
but my kids will know the difference. "
From Mr Jackson' s  story, we know honesty is very important in the modem society. We should tell the truth to the people around us, especially to the kids.
There are     people in this story.

A.3 B.5 C.4 D.6

Mr Jackson paid        for their tickets to the aquarium at last.

A.20 dollars B.40 dollars C.60 dollars D.80 dollars

Children can see_____ in Blue Ocean Aquarium.

A.dolphins B.pandas C.koalas D.tigers

The underlined word "honesty" means_______

A.激情 B.友谊 C.乐观 D.诚实

What can we learn from the passage?

A.Mr Jackson was very rich,
B.Mr Jackson wasted to save some money.
C.Mr Jackson paid for his two sons' tickets in the end.
D.Mr Jackson thought honesty was more important than money.
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1035

Have you ever been annoyed with yourself when you forget something important? Maybe you think you have a bad memory, Do you know your memory, can be developed? Here are some ways for you to have a try.
★ Be positive. Do not tell yourself your memory is bad, or your mind will believe it and you won't remember things easily. If you think you can, then you can.
★Relax yourself. People are too nervous to remember things well. Relaxing will help you a lot. Take deep breathe(深呼吸)and you can remember things easily.
★Think more. Things you know may help you to remember something new. For example, when you remember the word "classroom", think of the old words "class" and "room", it will help you remember quickly.
★ Do more practice. Like your body, memory can be improved through exercise. The more times you practice, the more easily you will remember something.
★ Eat healthy feed. Healthy eating can improve your memory. It is reported that fish is good for improving memory, so try to eat more fish from now on.
An active attitude is good for you to improve your memory.
Relaxing is not useful for people to develop memory.
Something you already know may help you remember what you are learning.
Memory can' t be improved by practicing.
If you want to have a better memory, a healthy eating habit is very important.

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1394

I met Rose, my new classmate, on the first day of college. To my surprise, she was already 87 years old. "Why are you in college at such a young age?" I joked. " I ’ m here to meet a rich man, get married, have two children, and then retire and travel. " She answered.(1)                     
Like young students, Rose was outgoing, kind and helpful, (2)            Soon, she became a superstar in our college.
At the end of the term, Rose wes invited to give us a speech. I will never forget what she said to us," There are only four secrets to staying young and achieving success. "
“First, you have to laugh and find humor(幽默)every day. Then, you need to have a dream. ( 3 )                  Next, find any chance to change yourself. Finally, people shouldn’t have regrets(遗憾) for things they didn’t do. ”
(4)                Over 2000 students went to her funeral(葬礼) to express their love to the wonderful woman.
The great woman didn’t live in this world any longer, but she gave us an unforgettable lesson in life. That is -- (5)                  Don’t you think so?

  • 题型:47
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1672

Betty and I are best friends. Our birthdays are on the same day, so every year we have a birthday party together. But this year, we had a costume party instead.
While we were writing the invitations, my mum came in and asked, "Why not invite John?” John had been in our class for only a few months, but he was already getting better grades in math than anyone else in class. I wrinkled(皱起) my nose, “Mum, he wears the same pants to school every day. How could he even afford a costume?“ Mum said nothing. The next day. mum gave me an envelope with a shopping certificate in it. “I thought it would be nice for you to give this to John.” Mum said. But how? We didn't want to make John embarrassed. We discussed it for a long time. Finally, Betty and I had a good idea.
On the day of our party, kids arrived, dressed differently. John arrived, in an old sheet (床单), but still in the same brown pants as usual. We danced, ate snacks and played games in groups. Before eating the birthday cake, Betty said in a loud voice, "Now it's time for the great prize game. It’ s the following riddle..." It was a math game. None of us was surprised when John came up with the right answer first and walked off with the envelope.
Everything went on well as we planned. John wore a new pair of pants and a new shirt the next week. He felt happy. So did we.
When we help others, we need to find a proper way, or we may hurt them in another way.
The two girls and John were in the same________

A.group B.family C.team D.class

John' s family may be very              according to the passage.

A.far B.poor C.rich D.small

How did John get the prize, during the party?

A.By helping others. B.By asking for help.
C.By getting good grades in study. D.By winning the math game.

John _________with the shopping certificate after the party.

A.watched a basketball match B.saw a movie
C.bought something to wear D.made a phone call

The two girls felt ______when they found John wearing his new clothes.

A.happy B.sorry C.sad D.angry
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1119

More and more young people from China begin to celebrate ( 庆祝 ) Father’ s Day. They send fathers presents, or invite them for a nice dinner. But do you know how Father’s Day started?
While Mrs Dodd, from America, was listening to a talk about Mother’ s Day in a church in 1909, she had an idea of having Father’s Day to honor(纪念) her father, William Smart. Mr Smart used to be a soldier. His wife died when she gave birth to her sixth child. Mr Smart had to raise his six children alone. They lived a hard life. After Mrs Dodd grew up, she wanted to thank her father for what he had done for them. She wrote a letter to a church and asked for the third Sunday in June to be Father’ s Day. The church agreed with her.
The first Father’ s Day was celebrated on June 19th, 1910 in Washington. Children made special desserts, and did other things to make their fathers happy. In 1924, President(总统) Calvin Coolidge supported the idea of a national Father’ s Day. People all over the country began to celebrate Father’s Day. Finally, in 1966, President Lyndon Johnson made the third Sunday in June Father’s Day.
This year, Father’s Day was on June 17th. What did you do for your father?
What do the young people usually do to celebrate Father’ s Day in China?
Was Mrs Dodd’ s life hard when she was young?
Why did Mrs Dodd warn to have Father’ s Day?
Did Mrs Dodd write a letter to a church or to the president?
When was Father’s Day celebrated for the first time in America?

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1417

Here are the rules we must follow when we take the school bus.
★ Don’t                           the school bus. or you’ll miss it.
★ Please                   in line when you get on or get off the bus.
★ Don’t drop litter. Keep the bus clean and tidy. 
★ Don’t talk to the drivers. It is necessary to keep_________________
★ Don’t put your heads or your arms out of the windows.
★ Make sure it is safe to                 the street! after you get off the bus.
★ If anything unusual happens, please                              .

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1334

请你以“My Hobby”为题目。结合自身经历写一篇短文。
My Hobby

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:809