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  • 编号:47633
  • 题量:23
  • 年级:高三
  • 类型:月考试卷
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 人气:1568



—We want someone to design the new art museum for us.
—______ the young fellow have a try?

A.Shall B.May C.Will D.Need
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1951

Mr. Mike, in ______ supermarket we bought an ipad last week, will give us a report on management this evening.

A.who B.which C.whose D.whom
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1621

What moved us most was that some ordinary people volunteered to help those ______ in the storm in Beijing.

A.catching B.having caught C.to be caught D.caught
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1605

It was while he was visiting his uncle in a mountain village ______ he got the inspiration for his new novel.

A.that B.which C.when D.where
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:725

A lot of attention ______ to greenhouse gas emission. Look at those environmental posters.

A.is paying B.is being paid C.has paid D.had been paid
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:278

We have been seeing good cooperation between tourism industries across the Taiwan Straits ______ shape since July, 2008.

A.taken B.to take C.taking D.being taken
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1589

Give me an undisturbed hour and I ______ the work Tom has left unfinished.

A.see to B.will see to C.would be seeing to D.have seen to
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:463

Many people believe that hunger is only a problem in the developing world. ______, it is a problem all over the world.

A.For one thing B.In addition C.As well D.On the contrary
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1045

Our coach says we won’t keep winning games ______ we keep playing well.

A.because B.unless C.when D.while
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:519

—How was your trip to London?
—Great. I was helped by an organization. Otherwise, I ______ it.

A.wouldn’t afford B.hadn’t afforded
C.wouldn’t have afforded D.needn’t have afforded
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:762

I have been living in the United States for 20 years, but seldom ______ so lonely as now.

A.have I felt B.I had felt C.I have felt D.had I felt
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:713

The Russian rocket designer has died. For many years, he ______ as an important assistant to the father of Soviet space program.  

A.serves B.was serving C.served D.has served
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1263

She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role _____ in making the earth a better place to live.

A.to have played B.played C.playing D.to play
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:471

______ he referred to in his article was often discussed by many people.

A.That B.What C.Whether D.Where
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:181

When we get knocked down, we get back up and we come back stronger, and, ____ I’m President, that’s what we’ll keep doing.

A.even though B.as if C.now that D.as long as
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1912

Don’t shoot butterflies with guns.
Can you    36     someone running after a butterfly with a gun in his hands? Won’t such stupidity make you burst out laughing? But wait. Stop and consider how often you might have done something    37    .
A hen, Henny-Penny, lived in a forest with many other animals and birds. One fine, sunny morning, she was busy looking for    38    in the ground. Suddenly she let out a frightened cackle (咯咯叫) with wings flapping    39    . A dry leaf had fallen down on her, and she went  40    at whoever she met, “Run, run for your lives; the sky is falling.” The other creatures stopped whatever they were doing. Some ran behind Henny-Penny, screaming warnings with her, while others    41     the unfounded story that the sky was falling.
We all have    42     people like this hen. The rest of us are like the other foolish creatures who didn’t stop to verify (证实) the    43     for themselves. They shoot butterflies with guns. They just will not think for themselves. Why don’t people think for themselves? Often because of laziness, or because they don’t want to be    44     for their way of thinking.
Walking through life    45     is more dangerous than crossing a busy road with eyes closed. Our thoughts should lead us towards the light of wisdom and sense. Our thinking should be high,  46     us to the ranks of the sensible. We have been blessed with reasoning, sensitive minds. Let us make use of them and be    47     of our own minds. Don’t let your mind be enslaved by someone else. Stop, think and then go ahead.

A.suggest B.imagine C.recall D.prevent

A.different B.extraordinary C.unusual D.similar

A.trees B.worms C.nests D.leaves

A.in delight B.in cheer C.in fear D.in amazement

A.screaming B.staring C.praising D.criticizing

A.recite B.edit C.spread D.print

A.come across B.searched for C.looked after D.cared about

A.impact B.process C.advantage D.truth

A.desperate B.good C.regretful D.responsible

A.speechlessly B.hopelessly C.mindlessly D.homelessly

A.declining B.raising C.wiping D.smoothing

A.masters B.slaves C.authors D.employees

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1559

Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.
Job hunting has always been a headache for college graduates. Though many graduates are employed right after graduation, some are   48 . Most serious of all, some still have no idea  49    to go working even a long time after graduation.
The reasons   50  this phenomenon are various. On the one hand, a few years ago colleges and universities enrolled so many students in popular majors, such as economy, finance and so on   51    the number of graduates is greater than the need in the market. On the other hand, most graduates would rather stay in large cities without suitable jobs to do   52  go to the country.
I believe the problem can be solved   53  both colleges and students take measures. First, they should research the market and develop special skills to suit   54  needs. Second, students’ attitude towards employment should be changed. They should go to some   55  cities and the countryside. There they can also give full play to their professional knowledge. In a word, if we pay much attention, the problem can be solved.

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:928

Men can be beautiful too, right?
CHINA is going to host the 18th World University Student Beauty Contest in Guangzhou this December. This year for the first time the contest will include a male section. Students from over 130 countries will compete for Mr. and Miss Beauty. The contest is one of the most respected beauty contests in the world. It was copied by the United Nations University (an international university belonging to the United Nations) in 1986.
Stick to studying
LI Yining, an economics professor at Peking University, said that he would not encourage students to try their luck in the stock market (股市). “They should stress study,” Li said, in his speech at Beijing Foreign Studies University. When asked, the professor said he expected house prices in Beijing to continue to rise. Li thinks the government should provide more affordable houses for low-level income people.
Campus cinema
Students at over 100 universities will have a digital cinema on campus after the National Day holiday. The 21st Century Digital Film on Campus Project was launched at the end of September. The ticket will cost 3-8 yuan, rather than 30-40 yuan at cinemas in town. Students often download movies online or watch DVDs. Now they can enjoy original films in the digital cinema. The digital cinema will show a variety of films other than Hollywood blockbusters (好莱坞大片).
Getting practical
All 12,000 graduates from vocational school in Shanxi Province have landed a job, according to the provincial government. In the past five years, it is estimated that over 95 percent of the professional school graduates have found jobs. However, the number for university graduates is 70 percent. Some employers said that they prefer professional school graduates who learned something more practical in school and expected lower salaries than university students.
In the third part, the underlined word “launched” may mean ______.

A.started B.ended C.told D.mentioned

Where can the material be chosen from?

A.A novel. B.A newspaper. C.An advertisement. D.A fashion magazine.

. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.More than 130 countries will take part in the 18th World University Student Beauty Contest.
B.The ticket for digital film will cost 3-8 yuan.
C.In the past five years, over 95 percent of the university graduates have found jobs in Shanxi.
D.Over 100 universities took part in the 21st Century Digital Film on Campus Project.

. Professor Li thinks that ______.

A.the house prices in Beijing will keep going up.
B.the students should try their luck in the stock market.
C.the government can do nothing about housing problem.
D.the students should not only pay attention to study.

. What can we infer from the passage?

A. In Shanxi, the professional school graduates are less popular with employers than university graduates recently.
B.The digital cinema will only show Hollywood blockbusters.
C.The graduates from universities can put what they learned into practice more easily.
D.No men competed in the World University Students Beauty Contest before this year.
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1868

Clothes can make phone calls, play music, dial your pal’s number, keep you warm during cold weather and operate your computer?
This is not a fantasy. A British company, called Electrotextiles, has created a wide range of clothes — clothes that have minds of their own! Scientists, working for the company, have invented a kind of fabric that can be blended(混合) with flexible electronic materials to create intelligent clothing. The result are electronic garments.
If you think the wearer has to be wired to different devices, think again. These designer clothes are wire-free, soft to touch and washable!! Like any electronic device, these high-tech clothes have to be powered. Currently, a tiny nine-volt battery serves the purpose. But the researchers hope that in the near future the clothes will generate electricity by using body heat. These clothes are 100 percent shock proof, they say.
The Electrotextiles team has also created the world’s first cloth keyboard. This keyboard can be sewn into your trousers or skirt. To use this device, you will have to sit down and tap on your lap! These ‘lap- tap’ gadgets(器具) are all set to take over laptop computers!
Another useful garment is the shirt-cum-mobile phone. This handy invention enables drivers to chat comfortably with others at the wheel! Other popular electronic wear include the denim(牛仔布) jacket with flexible earphones sewn into the hood(风帽) and the electronic ski jacket with a built-in heater. The ski jacket is also programmed to send signals to a satellite. This technology is known as global positioning system and can be used to track lost skiers and wandering kids.
Having completed the cloth keyboard, scientists have already started to work on a new project—a necktie that can be used as a computer mouse. What is the next? Do you have any idea?
. The electronic garments are similar to other electronic devices in that ______.

A.they feel smooth and soft
B.they use electricity as power
C.they can be washed in water
D.they are made from flexible materials

. How will researchers improve these high-tech clothes?

A.Body heat will be used as power.
B.The wearer will not get shocked.
C.A tiny nine-volt battery will work.
D.They will get charged automatically.

What does the underlined phrase “This handy invention” in Paragraph 5 refer to?

A.The laptop computer. B.The electronic ski jacket.
C.The shirt-cum-mobile phone. D.The world’s first cloth keyboard.

. If you are going on a ski adventure, which device do you need?

A.The cloth keyboard. B.The electronic ski jacket.
C.The necktie to be used as a mouse. D.The denim jacket with earphones.

. The main purpose of the text is ______.

A.to advertise for an English company B.to predict the future trend of science
C.to show how rapidly science develops D.to introduce some intelligent clothing
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:365

Bill Gates, the billionaire Microsoft chairman without a single earned university degree, is by his success raising new doubts about the worth of the business world’s favorite academic title: the MBA (Master of Business Administration).
The MBA, a 20th century product, always has borne the mark of lowly commerce and greed on the tree-lined campuses ruled by purer disciplines such as philosophy and literature.
But even with the recession(经济萎缩) apparently cutting down the hiring of business school graduates, about 79,000 people are expected to receive MBAs in 1993. This is nearly 16 times the number of business graduates in 1960.
“If you are going into the corporate world it is still a disadvantage not to have one,” said Donald Morrison, professor of marketing and management science. “But in the last five years or so, when someone says, ‘Should I attempt to get an MBA?’ the answer a lot more is: It depends.”
The success of Bill Gates and other non-MBAs, such as the late Sam Walton of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., has helped inspire self-conscious debates on business school campuses over the worth of a business degree and whether management skills can be taught.
The Harvard Business Review printed a lively, fictional exchange of letters to dramatize complaints about business degree holders. The article called MBA hires “extremely disappointing” and said “MBAs want to move up too fast, they don’t understand politics and people, and they aren’t able to function as part of a team until their third year. But by then, they’re out looking for other jobs.”
The problem, most participants in the debate acknowledge, is that the MBA has acquired an aura (光环) of future riches and power far beyond its actual importance and usefulness.
Business people who have hired or worked with MBAs say those with the degrees of ten know how to analyze systems but are not so skillful at motivating people. “They don’t get a lot of grounding in the people side of the business”, said James Shaffer, vice-president and principal of the Towers Perrin management consulting firm.
According to paragraph 2, what is the general attitude towards business on campuses ruled by purer disciplines?

A.Envious(嫉妒的). B.Realistic.
C.Scornful(蔑视的). D.Appreciative.

. It seems that the argument over the value of MBA degrees had been fueled mainly by ___.

A.the complaints from various employers
B.the success of many non-MBAs
C.the criticism from the scientists of purer disciplines
D.the poor performance of MBAs at work

. What is the major weakness of MBA holders according to the Harvard Business Review?

A.They are usually self-centered.
B.They are aggressive and greedy.
C.They keep complaining about their jobs.
D.They are not good at dealing with people.

. From the passage we know that most MBAs ________.

A.can climb the corporate ladder fairly quickly
B.quit their jobs once they are familiar with their workmates
C.receive salaries that do not match their professional training
D.cherish unrealistic expectations about their future

What is the passage mainly about?

A.Why there is an increased enrollment in MBA programs.
B.The necessity of reforming MBA programs in business schools.
C.Doubts about the worth of holding an MBA degree.
D.A debate held recently on university campuses.
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:879

Cheating on exams is popular in colleges and statistics show that it has risen dramatically during the past score years. Students don’t feel ashamed to cheat on exams. Most of them don’t care about cheating on exams.
Cheating on exams takes shape in various ways. Some students scribbled notes on small pieces of paper on which they had prepared for the exam, some took out their textbooks or reference books to copy, and still some adopted mobile phones as a way to cheat on exams. For instance, at the University of Nevada, students photographed test questions with their cell phone cameras, then sent them to classmates outside the exam room and got the answers back in text message. However, downloading other people’s writing on the Internet for plagiarism(剽窃) was found the easiest way.
Mr. Dapremont said technology had made cheating easier, but added that pressure to succeed sometimes clouded everything and made students do things that they shouldn’t do. Students today feel more pressure to do well in order to graduate from school and land jobs.
Whatever the reasons for cheating are, college officials say we must stop it. First, people will not be interested in studying any more with cheating. Second, they think studying isn’t meaningful. Third, others may be influenced negatively by people cheating on exams. Thus, we must ban cheating on exams. We should reduce opportunity of cheating on exams.
Most Americans still believe that honesty is an important part of American character. For that reason, there are numerous watchdog committees at all levels of society. Although signs of dishonesty in school, business, and government seem much more numerous in recent years than in the past, could it be that we are getting better at uncovering such dishonesty?
Many educators feel that as students gain confidence in themselves and their abilities, they are less likely to cheat.
Title: Cheating on exams
I. __________
◇being popular in colleges
◇arising dramatically
◇students __________
◇students not caring about it
II. Means of cheating
◇scribbling notes
◇copying textbooks or reference books
◇surfing the Internet
◇the latest technology making one cheat __________
◇great pressure forcing students to do well to ensure __________
IV. Consequences
◇cheating causing people not to be interested in studying
◇people thinking studying doesn’t__________
◇people who __________ influence others negatively
◇encouraging people __________
◇letting students believe in themselves and their abilities

  • 题型:0
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:151

Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Software developed by an Israeli company could help concerned parents protect their children from possible dangers online.
The software from United Parents, which can be downloaded for free onto the child’s computer, sends parents a warning by email or text message when doubtful relationships or activities are discovered.
A computer analyzes(分析) children’s interactions on Facebook and within 10 days the service will also be able to follow interactions over MSN Messenger. “Parents probably know about one or two email accounts or nicknames the child uses but often there are other accounts they don’t know about,” co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Hanan Lavy said. “We give the parents the information and they choose what to do with it.” When doubtful interactions are discovered, a warning will direct parents to United Parents’ website where they can get more information and advice about what to do next. Lavy said the service protects children’s privacy more than other products that save chat content and screen captures and require parents to look through masses of information. United Parents does not share with parents private content and dialogues, only the analysis done by a computer.
A Consumer Reports survey released in May found that millions of children use Facebook without supervision, exposing themselves to serious threats from potential dangers online. Lavy, who was head of research and development at Mercury, started United Parents after he saw the risky online behavior of a relative. “I thought the methods available were so unhelpful. I wanted the option of building a community where parents can help other parents,” he said.
Though many of the products available are from small players such as United Parents, large companies such as Intel Corp’s McAfee are entering the market.
How does the software make parents aware of their children’s doubtful relationships or activities? (No more than 9 words) (2 marks)
Why do you think some children don’t want their parents to know about all their accounts or nicknames? (No more than 10 words) (3 marks)
What is the purpose of Lavy’s starting United Parents? (No more than 10 words) (2 marks)
What is the main idea of the passage? (No more than 12 words) (3 marks)

  • 题型:0
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1528

Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
1. 要有具体的人和事;
2. 词数不少于120;
3. 不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:560