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  • 编号:48721
  • 题量:22
  • 年级:高一
  • 类型:月考试卷
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 人气:427



—Thank you for joining in our conversation tonight.    —--_____ .

A.It’s my duty B.It’s all right
C.It’s my pleasure D.With pleasure
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1327

---How about    opening ceremony of the 18th National Congress(十八大)?
---I should say it was    success.

A.a; a B.the; a C.a; / D.the; /
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1021

That salesman _____ me to buy his MP4, but it doesn’t work well now.

A.advised B.persuaded C.preferred D.expected
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2135

Here are Daphne and David; _____ is my brother.

A.the later B.later C.the latter D.latter
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:200

Mr.Feng put ZhaoMing            the study group.

A.in charge of B.in need of C.in the charge of D.responsible
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1411

-----How many elephants have you seen?
----                    .

A.No one B.None C.Not many ones D.Not many.
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1557

      we first heard of the man referred to as a computer specialist in software.

A.It was Hilary that B.That it was from Hilary
C.It was from Hilary whom D.It was from Hilary that
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1531

As a Chinese people ,do you have an idea that Japan_________illegally
(非法地)________ Diaoyu Islands since 1971?

A.is,occupying B.is, occupied C.had, occupied D.has been, occupying
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1854

_____ in her best skirt, the girl tried to make herself ____ at the party.

A.Dressed; noticed B.Dressing; noticing
C.Dressing; noticed D.Dressed; noticing
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1885

Every people in the village likes Jack because he is good at      jokes.

A.turning up B.putting up C.making up D.showing up
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1822

He is a new comer. There is no one _____, so let’s go and help him, shall we?

A.who to turn to B.for him to turn
C.for whom to turn D.he can turn to
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:268

After graduation I’d like to find a job      I can use what I have learnt at school. 

A. whose B.which C.that D.where
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1483

---What do you think of MoYan?
----In my opinion, he is              the other famous.

A. as great a writer as B.great as a writer as
C. a writer so great as D.as a great writer as
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:489

My father promised to buy me a nice present for the Christmas,2012,     beyond my imagination.  

A.which B.that C.the one D.something
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:702

Diaoyu Islands Issue is       about the islands----it refers to the invasion of China’s territorial sovereignty.(中国领土主权的侵犯)

A.more than B.no more than C.other than D.rather than
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1706

Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry that go into the collecting of those interesting birds and animals that they pay to see in the zoo. One of the questions that is always asked of me is 36  I became an animal collector in the first 37  .The answer is that I have always been interested in animals and zoos. According to my parents, the first word I was able to say with any 38    was not the traditional “mamma” or “daddy”,39   the word “zoo”, which I would 40  over and over again with a exciting 41   until someone, in groups to 42  me up, would take me to the zoo. When I 43  a little older, we lived in Greece and I had a great 44 of pets, ranging from owls(鹰) to seahorses, and I spent all my spare time 45the countryside in search of fresh specimens to 46  to my collection of pets.
47 on I went for a year to the City Zoo, as a student 48  , to get experience of the large animals, such as lions, bears, bison and ostriches,49  were not easy to keep at home. When I left, I 50  had enough money of my own to be able to 51  my first trip and I have been going 52  ever since then. Though a collector's job is not an easy one and is full of  53  ,it is certainly a job which will appeal 54  all those who love animals and 55 . 

A.how B.where C.when D.whether

A.region B.field C.place D.area

A.clearness B.emotion C.feeling D.affection

A.except B.but C.except for D.but for

A.recite B.recognize C.read D.repeat

A.volume B.noise C.voice D.pitch

A.close B.shut C.stop D.comfort

A.grew B.was growing C.grow D.grown

A.many B.amount C.number D.much

A.living B.seeing C.liking D.exploring

A.increase B.include C.add D.enrich

A.later B.further C.then D.farther

A.servant B.keeper C.member D.assistant

A.who B.they C.of which D.which

A.pay B.finance C.allow D.provide

A.normally B.often C.usually D.regularly

A.unhappiness B.sorrows C.excitement D.disappointments

A.for B.with C.to D.from

A.voyage B.travel C.journey D.Trip

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:723

It is under the CPC’s leadership that China has overcome many challenges in its economic, political and social systems and achieved remarkable progress the world has ever seen. Under the CPC’s leadership, China has become the world’s largest second largest economy. People’s lives have greatly improved, and hundreds of millions of people have been lifted out of poverty, an objective fact no one can deny. At the same time, China is quickly becoming a major player on the world stage.
As a responsible nation, China has been playing a growing role and shouldered greater responsibilities in world affairs. Such achievements, especially for a nation with a size equaling to a continent and a population of nearly 1.4 billion, are not easy to make. What roles do you think CPC has played in China? Do you think it’s the CPC leadership that has made China’s economic miracle possible? Is there any room for improvements for the future role of CPC? What challenges will lie ahead for the future leadership of CPC? Please share your opinion with us.
The purpose of writing the article is to ______.
A. describe the greatest changes in China.
B. describe the importance of China.
C. tell us some challenges facing the CPC. 
D. gain more information about the roles the CPC plays in China.
According to the passage, CPC refers to              .

A.Communist(共产主义) Party of China
B.Cost Per Click(每次点击付费广告)
C.card-programming control (卡片程序控制)
D.Computer Process Control(计算机过程控制)

How does the author feel about the roles the CPC has played in China?

A.Dissatisfied B.Amazed C.Annoyed D.Proud

The underlined word " miracle " in Paragraph 2 probably means _____.

A.problem B.disaster C.wonder D.event

What’s the best title for this passage?

A.What roles do you think CPC plays in China?
B.Why has CPC played an important role in China?
C.China has become the world’s second largest economy.
D.China has overcome many challenges and achieved remarkable progress.
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:797

The UK's education system is ranked(排列) sixth best in the developed world, according to a global league table published by education firm Pearson in October,2012.
The first and second places are taken by Finland and South Korea.The rankings combine international test results and data such as graduation rates between 2006 and 2010.
Sir Michael Barber, Pearson's chief education adviser, says successful countries give teachers a high status and have a "culture" of education.
International comparisons in education have become increasingly significant - and this latest league table is based upon a series of global test results combined with measures of education systems, such as how many people go on to university.
The two education superpowers - Finland and South Korea - are followed by three other high-performing Asian education systems - Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore.
The UK is then only ranked at the head of an above-average group including the Netherlands, New Zealand, Canada and Ireland.
These are ahead of a middle-ranking group including the United States, Germany and France. At the lowest end are Mexico, Brazil and Indonesia.
These comparisons draw upon tests that are taken every three or four years, in areas such as maths, science and literacy - and so present a picture lagging by several years.
Looking at education systems that succeed, the study concludes that spending is important, but not as much as having a culture that is supportive of learning.
It says that spending is easier to measure, but the more complex impact of a society's attitude to education can make a big difference.
The success of Asian countries in these rankings reflects the high value attached to education and the expectations of parents. This can continue to be a factor when families migrate to other countries, says the report.
Looking at the two top countries - Finland and South Korea - the report says that there are many big differences, but the common factor is a shared social belief in the importance of education and its "underlying moral purpose".
What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.The two different education superpowers
B.The result of one report about education system .
C.The UK's education system is worst.
D.Finland and South Korea’S education system

According to Sir Michael Barber, Hong Kong’s education system is ranked       in the world.

A.2nd B.3rd C.4th D.5th

All of the following statements is NOT true EXCEPT ________.

A.At the lowest end are Mexico, Brazil and Indonesia.
B.Education firm Pearson is disappointed at The UK's education system.
C.The United States’ education system is one of the best.
D.There are many big differences in Finland and South Korea.

What does the underlined phrase “comparisons” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A.比较 B.结果 C.研究 D.考试

What’s the common factor about the education system at the two top countries?
A. The shared social belief in the importance of education and its "underlying moral purpose".
B. The developed economy.
C The high value attached to education and the expectations of parents.
D. Having a culture that is supportive of learning.

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1676

Deserts are found where there is little rainfall or where rain for a whole year falls in only a few weeks' time. Ten inches of rain may be enough for many plants to survive (存活) if the rain is spread throughout the year. If it falls within one or two months and the rest of the year is dry, those plants may die and a desert may form.
Sand begins as tiny pieces of rock that get smaller and smaller as wind and weather wear them down. Sand dunes (沙丘) are formed as winds move the sand across the desert. Bit by bit, the dunes grow over the years, always moving with the winds and changing the shape. Most of them are only a few feet tall, but they can grow to be several hundred feet high.     
There is, however, much more to a desert than sand. In the deserts of the southwestern United States, cliffs (悬崖) and deep valleys were formed from thick mud that once lay beneath a sea more than millions of years ago. Over the centuries, the water dried up. Wind, sand, rain, heat and cold all wore away at the remaining rocks.  The faces of the desert mountains are always changing--very, very slowly--as these forces of nature continue to work on the rock.
Most deserts have a surprising variety of life. There are plants, animals and insects that have adapted to life in the desert. During the heat of the day, a visitor may see very few signs of living things, but as the air begins to cool in the evening, the desert comes to life. As the sun begins to rise again in the sky, the desert once again becomes quiet and lonely.
Many plants may survive in deserts when_______.

A.the rain falls only in a few weeks
B.the rain is spread out in a year
C.there is little rain in a year
D.it is dry all the year round .

Sand dunes are formed when_______.

A.there is plenty of rain in a year
B.sand piles up gradually
C.the sea has dried up over the years
D.pieces of rock get smaller

The underlined sentence in the third paragraph probably  means that in a desert there is_______.

A.too much sand B.more sand than before
C.nothing except sand D.something else besides sand

It can be learned from the text that in a desert_______.

A.there is no rainfall throughout the year
B.life exists in rough conditions
C.all sand dunes are a few feet high
D.rocks are worn away only by wind and heat

What’ the best title of this passage?

A.Deserts. B.The plants in the deserts.
C.The rainfall in the deserts. D.Sand dunes.
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1470

Billie Holiday was one of the greatest jazz(爵士音乐) singers in America. Her life was just a mixture of success and tragedy. Her singing expressed her experiences and feelings.
Billie Holiday was born Eleanora Fagan in 1915 in Baltimore, Maryland. Her parents were Sadie Fagan and Clarence Holiday. They were young when their daughter was born. Their marriage failed because Clarence Holiday was often out. He traveled as a musician with some of the earliest jazz bands and inspired his daughter.
Sadie Fagan cleaned people’s houses to make a living. But she could not support her family with the money she earned. So she moved to New York City where the pay was higher. She left her daughter in Baltimore with one of her distant relatives.
The young girl Eleanora Fagan changed her name to Billie, because she liked a movie star, Billie Dove. The talented Billie Holiday loved singing. She sang and listened  to music whenever she could. In one place near her home there was a machine that played records. The building was a theater where many famous singers also performed their newly-made songs for free.
Billie cleaned floors and did other jobs for the theater so that she could listen to the records. It was there that young Billie first heard the records of some famous black American blues artists of the 1920s. she heard Bessie Smith sing the blues. And she heard Louis Armstrong play the horn. Both musicians had a great influence on her.
Billie Holiday once said, “I do not think I’m singing. I feel like I am playing a horn. What comes out is what I feel. I hate straight singing. I have to change a tune to my own way of doing it. That is all I know.”
Billie Holiday’s parents divorced because _______.

A.Sadie Fagan wanted to move to New York City
B.the family couldn’t support itself
C.Clarence Holiday spent too much time in working
D.Clerence Holiday was a strange person

Who might originally have had an influence on Billie Holiday’s career in music?

A.Sadie Fagan B.Clerence Holiday. C.Bessie Smith. D.Louis Armstrong

From the passage, we can learn that ______.

A.Sadie Fagan was fond of living in New York
B.Clerence Holiday didn’t love his wife at all
C.Billie lived a happy childhood
D.Billie had a gift for music

The underlined sentence “ What comes out is what I feel” means _____.

A.Billie Holiday doesn’t like to sing for others
B.Billie Holiday’s songs reflect her unhappy childhood
C.Billie Holiday is fond of the songs written for herself
D.Billie Holiday’s music is greatly determined by her emotions

In order to listen to the records in the theater, Billie Holiday_______.

A.cleaned floors for the theater B.changed her name
C.moved to New York D.separated from her parents
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1550

Many high schools and colleges with a football team in the United States usually have a homecoming day. This can be the most important event of the year next to graduation. Students plan homecoming day for many weeks. When the day arrives, they begin before dawn to decorate the schools. There are signs to wish luck to the team and many other signs to welcome back the graduates from other years. Many people still come to homecoming clubs build booths and sell lemonade, apples or sandwiches. Some clubs help to welcome visitors. During the day people like to look for teachers that they remember from long ago. Often they see old friends and they talk together about those happy years in school. Everyone soon comes to watch the football game. When the game is half over, the band comes onto the field and plays school songs. Another important moment is when the homecoming queen/king appears. All the students vote for another student who is popular. It is a great honor to become______________.
Homecoming is a happy day. Even if the team loses, the students still enjoy homecoming. They can spend time with their teachers, classmates or friends, and actually it brings them much fun. Some stay at the school to dance, and others go to a party. For everyone it is a day to remember for a long long time. 
What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 5 words.)
Of all the events, what are the two things that all the students do on this day? (Please list one of them answer within 7 words..)
Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.)
Why do the students still enjoy homecoming even if the team loses? (Please answer within 15 words.)
The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph means                  .(no more than 3 words) 

  • 题型:0
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:993


  • 题型:12
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1629