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  首页 / 试卷 / 初中英语 / 试卷选题
  • 编号:56673
  • 题量:22
  • 年级:九年级
  • 类型:中考模拟
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 人气:1984



My father is teacher. He loves________ students very much.

A.his B.him C.their D.them
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1710

We usually have a class meeting ________ Monday afternoon.

A.at B.in C.on D.to
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:541

—Would you like to go for a walk with me?
—I’d love to, ________I’m afraid I have to finish my homework first.

A.but B.so C.and D.or
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1433

—Bill, can I use your dictionary? I left mine at home.
—Of course you________. Glad to help you.

A.need B.may C.must D.can
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:771

—Daming, are you feeling better now?
—No, mum. I feel even ________.

A.bad B.worse C.worst D.the worst
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:248

I don’t like the colour of this dress. Could you please show me________ one.

A.other B.others C.the other D.another
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:406

—________were you born, Kate?
—I was born in New York, America.

A.Where B.What C.When D.How
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:1580

—What were your parents doing when you phoned me last night?
—They ________with my grandparents.

A.were talking B.talked C.are talking D.talk
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1093

—Hello! May I speak to Alice?
—Sorry. She isn’t here right now. She ________ to the library.

A.goes B.went C.has gone D.is going
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:700

He’ll send us a message as soon as he ________ in Sichuan.

A.is arriving B.will arrive C.arrived D.arrives
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:2088

It’s time for class. So stop ________, please.

A.to talk B.talking C.talk D.talked
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:267

More and more parks ________in Mentougou in five years.

A.build B.built C.will be built D.were built
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:257

—Do you know ________?
—Next month.

A.When will they come B.when did they come
C.When they came D.when they will come
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1613

An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of his  1  all the time, watering and fertilizing(施肥)them.  
One day a young man went by the garden. He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining how happy he could be  2  he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was  3  . He was very surprised about this and asked, “You can’t see these flowers.  4  are you busy taking care of them every day?”  
The old man smiled and said “I can tell you four reasons. First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second,  5  I can’t see these flowers, I can touch them.   6  , I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s you.”
“Me? But you don’t know me,” said the young man.
“Yeah, it’s  7  that I don’t know you. But I know that flowers are angels(天使) that everybody  8  . We enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us.”
The blind man’s work opened our eyes and  9  our hearts, which also made his life  10  . It was just like Beethoven, who became deaf in his later life and wrote many great musical works. Beethoven himself couldn’t  11  his wonderful music, but his music has  12  millions of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn’t it one kind of happiness?

A.flowers B.trees C.vegetables D.grass

A.after B.as C.before D.if

A.deaf B.blind C.smart D.strange

A.What B.Who C.Why D.Which

A.although B.since C.because D.unless

A.First B.Second C.Third D.Fourth

A.true B.hard C.cool D.fair

A.greets B.knows C.meets D.doubts

A.broke B.hurt C.pleased D.treated

A.emptier B.busier C.luckier D.happier

A.write B.hear C.play D.believe

A.changed B.directed C.discovered D.encouraged

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:852


Name: Edward Scott
School: Kelvin Grove State High School
Grade: 7                            
Term ending: 6, May

An English boy
He is a little weak in this, but he has tried his best to catch up with others.
He can work out many difficulties. Well done!
He is the best in the class. Keep it up.
His reading is very good, he can remember many words.
He is not so good at this, but has done better than before.
He is familiar (熟悉的) with the names of many places in the world.
He doesn't like pop songs, though sings very well.
Remarks(评语): Edward has the ability to do a lot better. More work is needed
next term.
Class teacher: Ivy
Principal: M . L . Martin
School reopens: 11, September

Edward's best subject is             .

A.science B.French
C.geography D.English

Edward is not so good at             .

A.science and geography B.mathematics and history
C.history and French D.music and English

According to the form, which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A.Edward can't sing songs very well.
B.Edward doesn't do well in science.
C.Edward learns two foreign languages in school
D.Edward can do better if he works harder in school.
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1599

Everyone needs friends. Friends bring us happiness and hope in our lives. But the ability to make friends changes from person to person. To some people, making friends is easy, and to others it’s very difficult. 
Making friends is a skill, and the first thing is to know how to get along with others.
If you have trouble in making friends, maybe I can tell you how to do it.
★Realize your own good points. You have skills and talents that others will like.
★Believe that you are a good person and have something nice to share with others.
★Be humorous. Learn to laugh at yourself and your weakness. Remember to smile to others.
★Respect the others. Everyone has his own idea. Learn how to listen to others’ ideas without trying to make them accept yours.
★Be kind. If you are kind to others, they will usually be kind to you. There are hundreds of little things you can do to show kindness. Open the door for someone. Wave to a friend and so on.
★Don’t complain(抱怨). Learn to accept what you can’t change, and work hard to change what you can. No one is willing to hear your complaining all the time.
★Never give up. Even if you are faced with some closed-minded people, never give up. And try to find someone who will understand you.
Why do we need friends according to the passage?

A.Friends can do everything for us.
B.Friends can bring us happiness.
C.Friends accept our ideas all the time.
D.Without friends we could not live.

What’s the first thing we should learn in order to make friends?

A.To help others. B.To smile to others.
C.To get along with others. D.To listen to others’ complaints.

Which of the following shows a sense of humor? 

A.Opening the door for someone.
B.Complaining to others all the time.
C.Laughing at ourselves and our weakness.
D.Finding someone who will understand us.
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1825

If you have failed in the past to try to make big changes in life,try again now,one tiny step at a time.
Every year it’s the same.As December comes to an end,you think about the new year and all the ways you want to improve your life. But as you start to write down your hopes for the new year,you think about the last year.You excitedly write down all the changes you are going to make,but by the end of January those ideas get lost in your busy life.
Here’s a suggestion:Forget the too big,hard-to-achieve goals(目标) and just think about the small ones.“We often think that we have to do everything in big steps, even though it’s so hard for us to reach it.” said Robert Maurer,who recently wrote the book One Small Step Can Change Your Life.“What we try to do is to begin with such a small step that we can’t find any excuse not to do it.”
“Kaizen”,a Japanese word,is used to mean to change behavior and attitudes(态度).During World War Il,American factory managers were able to increase productivity by trying small, continuous improvements instead of sudden changes.After the war,the idea was brought to a rebuilding Japan.It made Japan develop fast. The Japanese called it “kaizen”, which means “improvement”.
Maurer studied the idea and did some experiments with it. “Kaizen” could possibly help people succeed in doing everything
Robert Maurer wrote a book to tell us           .

A.we should do everything in big steps
B.how to change one’s life with one small step
C.we should try a lot of sudden changes
D.how to find a small step without any excuse

The writer of the passage suggests we should           .

A.make changes at the end of the year
B.do few experiments with “kaizen”
C.do things with hard-to-achieve goals
D.take a tiny step to achieve big goals

Which of the following is TRUE from the passage?

A.Robert Maurer studied “kaizen” and found it helpful.
B.You can achieve your goals if you are not too busy.
C.You can’t find any excuse not to reach a big goal.
D.“Kaizen” was brought to Japan during World WarⅡ.
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1055

Have you ever heard someone use the phrase” once in a blue moon”? People use this expression to describe something that they do not do very often. For example, someone might say that he tries to avoid eating sweets because they are unhealthy, but will eat chocolate” once in a blue moon”. Or someone who does not usually like to go to the beach might say “I visit the shore once in a blue moon.”While many people use this phrase, not everyone knows the meaning behind it.
The first thing to know is that the moon itself is never really blue. This is just an expression. In fact, the phrase” blue moon” has to do with the shape of the moon, not the color.
As the moon travels around the earth, it appears to change shape. We associate certain names with certain shapes of the moon. For example, when we can see a small part of the moon it is called a crescent moon. A crescent is a shape that looks like the tip of a fingernail when we cannot see the moon at all; it is called a new moon.
When we can see the whole moon is called a full moon. Usually, there is only one full moon every month. Sometimes, however there will be two full moons in one month. When this happens, the second full moon is called a blue moon”.
Over the next 20 years, there will only be 15 blue moons. As you can see, a blue moon is a very rare (稀有的)event. This fact has led people to use the expression” once in a blue moon” to describe other very rare events in their lives.
Which of the following would be a good example of using the phrase” once in a blue moon”.

A.Simon often tells jokes. Simon tells jokes once in a blue moon. B.Tom rarely remembers to do exercise. Tom does exercise once in a blue moon. C.Mary likes to go shopping every weekend. Mary goes shopping once in a blue moon. D.Cindy hates to stay up, but she stays up every day. Cindy stays up once in a blue moon.

A.When the moon has a blue moon. B.When we cannot see the moon at all. C.When there are two full moons in one month. D.When we can only see a small part of the color.

A.Once a year. B.Less than once a year. C.More than once a year. D.At least twice a year.

A.A blue moon is a very rare event. B.The moon appears to change shape. C.The moon itself is never really bluee. D.A blue moon has to do with the shape of the moon.

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:340

Victor’s hobby was collecting stamps. He had stamps from many countries,like England,Canada and China. Can you guess what people gave him as gifts? That’s right—stamps. Victor’s favorite stamps came from France.        .He only needed one. That was a 1974 special edition(版). It was very hard to find.
He looked for it everywhere. He asked his friends and relatives to help him.
           . It made Victor very sad.
“Don’t worry,” his father said to him. “If you have enough patience, you’ll find it one day.”
“I hope so,” Victor said.
Victor also liked wring. He had a pen friend in France.       .Victor’s pen friend, Phillip, usually used new stamps to send letters. Sometimes, his mother gave him stamps to use. Once Phillip’s mother gave him a big, green stamp. It looked old. When Victor received the letter, he was very surprised. On the envelope, he looked carefully at the stamp.          .Victor was so happy. He told his sister,his mother and his father.
“You see,” his father said. “You did find you stamp. So,it’s good to have to things in life.” “ What are they?” Victor asked.
“Friends and patience.” He answered.

A. They wrote to each other every month
B. But nobody could find the stamp
C. It was the 1974 special edition stamp
D. His mother helped him to collect stamps.
E. He had almost every  stamp from 1954 to 2004


  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1004

When he was teenager, Hunter Adams was very unhappy, and he spent many years in the 1960s and 1970s in a special hospital for people with mental health problems. When he left hospital, Adams decided to become a doctor, so he went to a medical school in Virginia, in America. But when he was there, he did things in different ways. For example, he didn’t like the doctors’ white coats, so he wore shirts with flowers on them when he visited his patients, and he tried to make them laugh. The doctors at the medical school didn’t like Adams very much because he was too different.
Adams believed that people in hospital need more than just medicine. He saw unhappy and lonely people, and he tried to help them, not just as patients, but as people too. He spent a lot of time with children in hospital, and often put a special red nose on his face so he looked like a clown and made the children laugh.
When he finished medical school and became a doctor, Adams opened his own hospital, called The Gesundheit Institute, with some other doctors. They wanted it to be a place with a different way of working with sick people.
Hunter Adams became famous during the 1980s, and in 1998, Universal Pictures made a film about his life. It was very successful. In the film, Robin Williams played Adams. Williams said, “Hunter is a really warm person, who believes that patients need a doctor who’s a friend. I enjoyed playing him”
Was Hunter Adams a doctor?
Where was the medical school?
How did Hunter Adams make children in the hospital laugh?
What did Hunter Adams do after he finished medical school and became a doctor?
In Hunter Adams’ opinion, what was a good doctor like?

  • 题型:0
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1052

You look very tired               go to bed earlier.
Don’t read in bed.                  your eyes.
I’ll call you                   I arrive in Shanghai.
___________________________ my computer. Could you help me mend it?
Wang Xue _____________________________________________.

  • 题型:47
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1536

提示词语:thank you, care to, go on, government ,offer,encourage, brave 
Dear Daming,
I’m sorry to hear that a big earthquake happened in Ya’an, Sichuan. Some school buildings broke down in the earthquake and many students couldn’t go to school. But I know the government is trying their best to help them. And Chinese people are so strong and brave that they aren’t afraid of anything difficult. Can the students go on studying now? Please tell me more about them.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Dear Tony,
I’m glad to hear from you.                                         
Best wishes.  

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2029