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  首页 / 试卷 / 初中英语 / 试卷选题
  • 编号:56783
  • 题量:29
  • 年级:九年级
  • 类型:中考模拟
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 人气:311



—What about _____ English-Chinese dictionary on the bookshelf?
—In my opinion, it’s _____ useful tool book for my English learning.

A.a; an B.an; a C.the; a D.the; an
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1537

—How ____ the medicine tastes!
—Yes. But the medicine will really work soon after you take it.

A.terrible B.delicious C.sweet D.nice
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:572

—What time will Mr. Green be back to China?
—Sorry. I don’t know ________.

A.when did he go broad B.why he is going abroad
C.how soon will he be back D.how long he will stay abroad
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1812

—Mr. Wang, must I come again to clean the window on Sunday morning?
—No, you _____ . I have asked others to do it.

A.don’t have to B.mustn’t C.can’t D.shouldn’t
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1857

—When are you going camping?
—_____today or tomorrow. We’ll be free these days.

A.Neither B.Either C.Both D.Any
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1362

—Hefei is a beautiful city, isn’t it?
—Yes. There are about two ____ visitors here week.

A.thousands of B.thousands C.thousand D.thousand of
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2038

The match was really fantastic, _____ when Kebi scored in the last minute.

A.probably B.exactly C.especially D.mostly
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1176

—Would you please help me with the box?
—_____ .

A.Yes, please. B.No, Please don’t C.With pleasure D.No, thanks.
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:414

—I feel really _____ before the interview.
—Take it easy. Sure you are the best.

A.patient B.happy C.nervous D.cool
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2062

—Did you see a girl in red pass by just now?
—No, sir. I _____ a newspaper.

A.read B.am reading C.would read D.was reading
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2077

—After finishing your paper, look it over to _____ there are no mistakes.

A.think about B.try out C.find out D.make sure
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1893

—Why did you start out so early yesterday morning?
—_____ there on time.

A.Got B.Getting C.Get D.To get
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1741

If you don’t go to the meeting tomorrow, ________ ?

A.he will, too B.he won’t, either C.he does, too D.he doesn’t either
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:782

—Why don’t you use your own knife?
—Sorry, I’ve _____ it at home.

A.lost B.forgotten C.kept D.left
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1764

—Would you please ____ my son from the station for me?
—I’ll be glad to.

A.put up B.make up C.give up D.pick up
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1423

—Who is the baby in this photo?
—It’s my sister’s son. The photo _____ by her by e-mail ten days ago.

A.sends B.is sent C.sent D.was sent
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1495

People cut down too many trees, _____ the greenhouse effect becomes more and more serious.

A.so B.because C.although D.if
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2126

—Who did English homework better, Leo or Nick?
—Leo is more careful. I think Leo did _____ Nick.

A.as good as B.as well as C.better than D.worse than
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1695

She likes the music _____ she likes to sing along with.

A.that B.in which C.what D.who
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1724

—What sign is often found in the library?
—_______ .

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:157

Do you have a beautiful dream? I know almost everyone  1   their own dreams in their life. The dreams are very important  2   them. The dreams can make them  3   harder.
I am studying in a school now. My dream is   4  a teacher in West China. Many Children there want to go to school  5  they can’t. Their families are very poor and the parents have  6  enough money to send their children to school. But going to school and studying is the only   7  to change their life. Teachers are greatly needed there, so I want to be a teacher to help them. I  8  kind to my students and make friends with them.I will give them love and teach  9   how to be a useful person. I think it is a great   10  in the world.

A.has B.have C.is D.are

A.at B.to C.in D.with

A.to work B.to study C.work D.working

A.be B.to make C.to do D.to be

A.and B.but C.or D.so

A.not B.much C.many D.any

A.way B.book C.school D.room

A.am B.will be C.was D.am going to

A.they B.their C.them D.theirs

A.room B.book C.school D.job

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:199

When people talk about air pollution, they are usually thinking about outdoor air  1  . But do you know that there is    2   air pollution inside homes, offices, hotels and other buildings? The air in your home can be 2 to 100 times more polluted than the air outdoors! In fact, some American doctors say that 50% of illnesses have   3    to do with polluted indoor air.
A lot of pollution comes from indoor activities   4    smoking and cooking. As most people    5    about 80-90% of their time inside buildings, it is important to take indoor air pollution seriously, too.
Air pollution influences our health   6  . When the air is polluted, not only young children and old people suffer from it,   7   people with health problems suffer as well. Indoor air pollution can   8   people's eyes, noses and throats. Air pollution, both indoor and outdoor, can also lead to lung cancer(肺癌)and heart disease! In the great London fog in 1952, 4,000 people died in a few days   9  the pollution!   10   is said that half a million young children and women die each year in India because of indoor air pollution!

A.pollution B.sadness C.illness D.business

A.too B.none C.also D.neither

A.nothing B.everything C.something D.anything

A.as well as B.such as C.instead of D.for example

A.take B.cost C.give D.spend

A.in many ways B.in many things C.in many houses D.by the way

A.and B.but C.or D.until

A.hit B.hurt C.polluted D.destroyed

A.because of B.thanks to C.related to D.or

A.This B.That C.What D.It
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:632

A: Hello! Is that Mike speaking?
B: ______
A: Mike, do you enjoy your new school?
B: Yes, very much. But things are quite different here.
A: Really? ______
B: Yes, I go to school every day. But on Friday afternoon we do a lot of activities in the school clubs.
A: Sounds great! ______
B: Seven subjects. They are English, math, history, science, physics, art and P.E..
A: __ ___
B: I like math best. My math teacher says I am doing well in it.
A: __ ___

A.Yes, this is Mike speaking.
B.Well done!
C.Do you go to school every day?
D.What is your favorite subject?
E.That’s too bad.
F.Yes, I am.
G.How many subjects do you have?


  • 题型:0
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:962

Have you ever seen a horse with toes(脚趾)?Millions of years ago, horses had many toes. They had four toes on each front foot. They had three toes on each back foot. The horses were no bigger than the cats.These small horses lived in the forest. The toes helped the horses run on the soft, wet ground.
At first, it was very hot in the forest. But the weather changed. It became very cold. Many trees could not live in cold weather. The trees died and fell. Open fields took the place of forests. The sun made the ground dry and hard.
Horsed began to change, too. They began to get bigger. This took a long time. On the dry, hard land, horses needed only their middle toes for running. Their middle toes became hard. After a long time, horses had only one hard toe on each foot. Now we call this hard toe a hoof.
How many toes did a horse have millions of years ago?

A.14 B.12 C.16 D.13

What does the underlined word “hoof” mean in Chinese?

A.尾巴 B.马鬃 C.腿 D.蹄子

What was the weather like in the forest at first?

A.Very warm B.Very hot C.Very cold D.Very cool

Which is WRONG according to the passage?

A.The horses were much bigger than the cats millions of years ago.
B.The trees died and feel because the weather changed.
C.On the dry, hard land, horses needed only their middle toes for running.
D.The horses have fewer toes than before.

The main idea of the passage is that_______________.

A.horses had three toes on each back foot. B.horses lived in the hot forest
C.horses changed a lot over the years D.horses didn’t like the cold weather
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1446

A primary school teacher asked her students to write a composition about what they would like God to do for them. At the end of the day, while marking the compositions, she read one that impressed her deeply. Her husband, who had just walked in, saw her crying and asked her, “What happened?”
She answered, “Read this. It is one of my students’ compositions.”
“Dear God, tonight I ask you for something very special: Make me into a television. I want to take its place and live like the TV in my house. Have my own special place, and have my family around me. To be taken seriously when I talk. I want to be the centre of attention and be heard without interruption(打断) or questions. I want to receive the same special care that the TV receives even when it is not working. Have the company of my dad when he arrives home from work, even when he is tired. And I want my mom to want me close when she is sad and upset, instead of ignoring(不理) me. And ...I want my brothers to fight to be with me...I want to feel that my family just put everything aside, every now and then, just to spend some time with me. And last but not least, make sure that I can make them all happy and entertain them. God, I don’t ask you for much. I just want to live like our TV. ”
At that moment the husband said, “My God, poor kid, what horrible parents!” .The teacher looked up at him and said, “That composition is our son’s!”
Why did the teacher cry?

A.Because a composition moved her deeply. B.Because the composition was very bad.
C.Because the students were lazy. D.Because she had a fight with her husband.

Who was the boy that wrote the composition?
A student who was with God.               B. A student who was like a television
C. A student in her class, but not her son.         D. A student in her class, in fact, her son.
According to the article, what will happen when the boy talks?

A.Everyone will pay attention to him. B.He will be interrupted.
C.No one will pay attention. D.His mother will talk to him.

Which is not right according to the passages?

A.TV can entertain them B.TV can catch the attention of his family.
C.TV can give you answers when you ask question. D.TV can receive special care from his family.

According to the article, we can know the boy is_________.

A.naughty B.lonely C.happy D.wrong
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1647

News one: As the pace of life in big cities is getting faster, people are looking for more ways to relax. Let’s take a look at one way people are reducing stress in Beijing. The game is “Room Escape”. “Room Escape” was originally a computer game. In recent years, it has been adapted to a real life game. There are more than 10 places in Beijing where people can play this game.
According to the rules, the players are first taken to a house with several iron doors. They then need to find a way out of the house in one hour. Different houses have different ways of escaping, all of which require players’ bold(大胆的), careful thought, and teamwork.
News two: The Chinese government has published a list of 24 guidelines(指南) on how to take better care of parents. They are a modern update to 24 old stories about respectful children from the Yuan Dynasty.
The guidelines list 24 things to do with parents, including giving them a call every week, teaching them to use the internet, and supporting single parents’ remarriage. The guidelines stem from a Yuan Dynasty book, about 24 filial-hearted children who treated their parents very well. It is a value younger generations should never forget.
Why do people play “Room Escape”?

A.They play it for fun B.They want to know how clever they are.
C.They want to find out different ways of escaping. D.To relax themselves.

They must escape from the house__________.

A.in an hour B.in two hours C.in several hours D.in at least an hour

To escape from the house, they don’t need___________.

A.a strong body B.to act fearfully C.to think carefully D.to work together

What should we not do to our parents?

A.Teach them to get online B.Often talk with them
C.Ask them to marry again D.Treat them carefully

What does News Two tell us?

A.It asks us to read books from Yuan Dynasty.
B.It asks us to give our parents money.
C.It asks us to respect our parents.
D.It asks us to give them a call.
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1063

Recently,CCTV reporter have asked a simple question, “Are you happy?”
The question has caught many interviewees off guard. Even Mo Yan, who recently won a Nobel Prize, answered by saying “I don’t know.”
We should ask “What exactly is happiness? And how do you measure(测量) it?”. Last year, China’s Premier Wen Jiabao told the nation, “Everything we do is aimed at letting people live more happily.” At last year’s National People’s Congress(全国人民代表大会), officials agreed that increasing happiness would be a top target(目标) for the 12th five-year plan.
Many argue that happiness is elusive. It also means different things to different people. For some, happiness can be as simple as having enough money to buy a new bicycle; for others, it’s about socializing(社交活动) or finding the perfect spouse(配偶).
Chen Shangyuan, 21, a college student, said his idea of happiness always evolves(进化). “At present it relates to how productive I am in a day”, he said. “It might be linked to(联系) job security (安全) or leisure(休闲) time after I graduate.”
What did Mo Yan say when he was asked the question “Are you happy?”

A.Yes, I am very happy. B.No, I am not happy.
C.It depends on the weather. D.I don’t know

What’s the top target for the 12th five-year plan?

A.Economic B.Peace C.Culture D.Increasing happiness

What does “elusive” mean in the passage?

A.难以理解 B.难能可贵 C.难以实现 D.难以忘记

What does Chen Shangyuan think happiness might be linked to when he works?
A big house.    B. An expensive car.    C. Money       D. Job security or leisure time.
Form this passage, we can know that_________.

A.happiness can be measured
B.to be happy is very
C.different people have different ideas about happiness
D.If we have a lot of money we will feel happy
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:223

Sally has a beautiful v_________(嗓音),and we like listening to her songs.
Spring is the best time for p__________(种植).
Chinese culture is becoming more and more popular in w_________(西方的) countries.
Dick r___________(收到) a lot of presents on his birthday, and felt very happy.
The doctor looked over the patient c___________(仔细地).

  • 题型:15
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1243

我国部分省份已经开始了教科书的循环使用(recycling testbooks), 请就此用英文写一篇短文内容主要包括:
① 有利于家庭贫困的学生;
① 不能损坏书;
注意:⒈ 围绕以上内容进行合理表述;
⒉ 所表述的内容必须包含表中的所有方面;
词数 80—100词,开头语,结束语已经给出(不计入总词数)。
提示词汇:natural resources 自然资源,damage 损坏。
Recently, recycling textbooks has been put into practice in some provinces in China. As I know, it is a good way which will benefit(有益于) both society and us students.__________________________________________________________________________________

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1874