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  • 编号:75311
  • 题量:9
  • 年级:高三
  • 类型:高考冲刺
  • 更新:2021-11-19
  • 人气:1752

题客网高考押题卷 第三期(新课标版)英语


While we are on the subject of crime, our listener question this week comes from Mohamad Firouzi in Iran. He wants to know about the history of Alcatraz Island and the prison that once operated there.
Alcatraz Island is in the harbor of San Francisco, California. It is best known for being a federal prison, which was also called “The Rock.” It was once the most famous prison in America.
Alcatraz was a military prison from the late eighteen fifties until the nineteen thirties. Then it became a federal prison for the country’s worst criminals. These included murderers, bank robbers and kidnappers. One of the main reasons federal officials chose Alcatraz Island to detain these prisoners was because they thought it would be impossible for prisoners to escape.
Cold, deep and dangerous waters surround the island. Also, the distance between the island and San Francisco is too far for most humans to swim. No prisoner was ever officially reported to have successfully escaped.
However, in nineteen sixty-two, three men broke out of the prison. Each man worked very hard at night for many months to cut through the stone wall of his cell. They made false heads out of paper, paint and hair. On the night of June eleventh, the men placed the heads in their beds to make it look as if they were sleeping. Then, the prisoners escaped through the holes in their cells to get to the water. The men were never seen or heard from again. It is believed that they drowned while trying to swim to San Francisco.
The prison closed in nineteen sixty-three because of the high cost of keeping prisoners there and the need for major repairs. The last prisoners were moved to other jails.
In nineteen seventy-two, the United States Congress passed a bill creating the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Alcatraz Island and the old prison are part of this area.
Each year, more than one million people visit Alcatraz to see the prisoners’ cells and listen to stories about the jail’s history. But unlike the prisoners who once lived there, visitors can escape from the prison whenever they want and return back across the harbor to San Francisco.
The text mainly tells us________.

A.about the history of Alcatraz Island and the prison there.
B.about the history of Alcatraz Island.
C.about a military prison.
D.about the subject of crime.

Why did federal officials make Alcatraz the most famous prison in America?

A.Because no prisoner successfully escaped from the prison.
B.Because Alcatraz was Alcatraz Island.
C.Because Alcatraz was a military prison.
D.Because cold, deep and dangerous waters surround the island.

Paragraph 5 is written to ________.

A.tell us the three prisoners escaped the prison.
B.prove prisoners couldn’t successfully escape from the prison .
C.tell us how prisoners escaped the prison.
D.tell us the three prisoners could make false heads out of paper, paint and hair.

Now Alcatraz ________.

A.is a place of interest .
B.detains some prisoners.
C.is where the United States Congress is.
D.is still the most famous prison.
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:211

Last Thursday, I had the pleasure of visiting with Deputy Superintendent Pedro Martinez, Principal Neddy Alvarez and her staff at Western High School, located in the Clark County School District, in Las Vegas. The school undertook a comprehensive effort to completely transform the culture of the school and added a motivated group of talented teachers. Western altered(改变) the school day to add opportunities for students to get additional credits toward graduation and created smaller learning groups. As part of these comprehensive changes, the school’s leadership also focused on four main reforms to transform their school.
First, improvements started with the change in the relationship between the school and students to create a caring atmosphere at the school. Using the “Capturing Kids’ Hearts” strategies, school leadership and teachers began building a trusting environment and students and families described seeing changes aimed at improving student outcomes and ensuring the success of every student. The school day was altered to add more options for students to obtain additional credits toward graduation. Students and teachers were grouped into “houses,” so that smaller groups of teachers and counselors(辅导员)could create one-on-one relationships with students. Teachers and counselors said that the altered school day provides time to address student’s individual concerns and develop individualized learning plans to put every student on a path to graduation.
The school also made changes to encourage parents to support school and encourage real dialogues between parents and the teachers and leaders at Western. Funded in part through the United Way, the school created a family engagement center to get parents more involved in their children’s education, particularly parents of English language learners. Parents like Ally Gaona and Martha Mendez told me that they had a voice and the tools to engage in their children’s learning and that they recognize that the main responsibility for their children’s learning must rest with the parents. Parents were passionate about these positive changes and said that these changes signaled to the entire the community that the school was serious about family engagement.
What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To attract people to the school.
B.To talk about the school reforms.
C.To introduce the school
D.To introduce the relationship between the school and students.

How many main reforms are mentioned in the passage?

A.Two B.Three C. Four D.Five

Students and teachers were grouped into “houses in order to ___.

A.provide time to address student’s individual concerns.
B.add more options for students to obtain additional credits toward graduation..
C.create one-on-one relationships with students.
D.develop individualized learning plans to put every student on a path to graduation.

Which statement is the right according to the passage?

A.Parents didn’t support the reforms.
B.The reforms intended to improve student outcomes and ensure the success of every student.
C.The school asked parents to donate their money.
D.the school was not serious about family engagement.
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:159

BEIJING - China will build a nation-wide network within three to five years to monitor the impact of air pollution on health, a latest step to deal with a persistent smog crisis in big cities, an official said.
A total of 43 monitoring spots will be set up in 16 provinces and municipalities frequently engulfed by smog so as to facilitate research on air pollutants in different regions, the impact on the health of vulnerable groups and the study of related diseases, said Xu Dongqun, an official with the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
With funds allocated by the central government, the study will provide reference for preventive efforts to reduce the PM 2.5, Xu said.
Thick and dangerous smog have hit 17 provinces and municipalities with a population of 600 million this year. One of the major cities is Beijing, which has been shrouded in smog for several days during the ongoing seven-day national holiday in 2013.
China recently issued a 1.75 trillion-yuan (284.2 billion U.S. dollars) plan to deal with the worsening air, improving air quality within five years in order to decrease the number of heavily polluted days and improve the air in major city clusters.
China will build a nation-wide network in order to_________.

A.monitor the impact of air pollution on health
B.improve air quality
C.improve air pollution
D.increase the PM 2.5

The underlined word “persistent” means“________”.

A.短时的 B.持久的 C.短暂的 D.停留的

China will take measures to deal with air pollution except________.

A.China recently issued a 1.75 trillion-yuan (284.2 billion U.S. dollars) plan
B.set up monitoring spots in 16 provinces and municipalities
C.improveliving standard
D.improve the air in major city clusters

We can infer from the paragraph________.

A.Thick and dangerous smog have hit 17 provinces and municipalities
B.air pollution impacted a population of 600 million this year
C.The people in Beijing probably wore masks when they walked on the street during the national holiday in 2013.
D.the study will provide reference for preventive efforts to reduce the PM 2.5
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1969

A time capsule buried by Apple founder Steve Jobs 30 years ago has been discovered after its location was long forgotten.In 1983, the young tech innovator was attending a conference in Aspen when he and the group decided to bury as a stunt during a design convention.
The tube that was filled with an eclectic collection of goods- ranging from the then-new apple mouse to a six-pack of beer for the people who discovered the time capsule- was meant to be dug up 20 years later.
There was a problem with that plan, however, as everyone involved forgot where it was buried.
The final discovery happened at the hands of the crew from the National Geographic Channel`s reality show called Diggers.The discovery was well documented and is surely going to be featured on an upcoming episode, and even the experts had problems finding this particular treasure.
CNET reports that in spite of their preparations and clear idea of where the 13-foot-long tube was, it still took them two hours to dig it up using heavy machinery.
To anyone removed from the tech industry, the accomplishment in finding the tube appears to be the biggest accomplishment. To others, the most interesting object would likely be the `Lisa` mouse placed in the tube by the hands of a then-28-year-old Jobs.The Lisa Mouse, which Jobs named after his daughter, was one of the first commercial computer mice soled publicly, making it a rarity at the time.
The Aspen Historical Society is going to help the show creators catalogue the tube`s contents- but no word yet whether or not the Diggers cracked open one of the six bottles of Boddington`s Ale that was left inside for the people who found the tube.
Who found the time capsule buried by Steve Jobs?

A.Apple founder Steve Jobs himself.
B.the crew from the National Geographic Channel`s reality show called Diggers.
C.Steve Jobs' friends.
D.Steve Jobs’ daughter.

Which is the best title of the passage ?

A.A time capsule buried by Apple founder Steve Jobs.
B.Steve Jobs' plan.
C.Steve Jobs' time capsule is uncovered.
D.The tube by Steve Jobs.

How old is Steve Jobs now?

A.58 years old .
B.20 years old.
C.30 years old.
D.48 years old.
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:919

First Job Search Tips
Keep in mind that you may not get the first job you apply for, or the second... A job search can take time, especially if you don't have much experience. Here's how to ensure you're a top-notch candidate for the jobs you are applying for.
Be Persistent. Wait a few days, then follow-up your application with a phone call to the hiring manager reiterating your interest. If you have applied in person, stop in again and mention that you are really interested in the opportunity.
Don't Stop. Don't apply at one place and wait for the phone to ring. Complete as many job applications as you can, and consider a variety of positions.     .
     . Applicants who are only available for limited hours are less likely to get hired than those who are flexible as to when they can work. For example, one candidate for a summer job told the employer that they were only available on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings. Compare that to another applicant who selected "any" on the Hours Available section of the job applicant and you can see why the second applicant got the job.
Use Your Connections.      . Does your mom shop regularly at the store where you'd like to work? If so, have her mention that you're looking for a job. That's how I got my first job and how my brother got his first job at the drug store across the street.
Dress Appropriately. When applying for jobs, dress as though you had the job. If you're applying for a retail position, for example, visit the store before you apply to see what the staff is wearing.
      . When in doubt, dress up, not down.
Don't Give Up. Job searching isn't easy, especially when you don't have much experience or many skills.      . Your first job will be a stepping stone to your next job - and to your future career.

A.Don’t stop to look for a job.
B.The more you apply, the better chance you have of finding a job.
C.Be Flexible.
D.It will give you an idea as to how you should dress.

E.You shouldn’t apply for different jobs at the same time.
F.If you have a connection, use it.
G. Keep trying and keep applying and you will find a job.

  • 题型:0
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:689

Geography is an important tool for learning and understanding history. Geography affects history—just look at  the changes in world geography over recent years. Governments change, and _ _ countries were born.Many countries no longer have the same names they _  __even five years ago. Climate changes _  ___events such as droughts(干旱) and floods that cause lots of loss of life and the movements of people from one place to another in search of __. Environmental changes can change the entire _ __of a community or region.
As with history, children have a natural interest in_  __. Watch a group of children playing in the sand. One child makes streets for his cars, _  __ a second child builds houses along the_  __.A third scoops out a hole and_   ___ the dirt to make a hill, then pours water in the __ to make a lake, using sticks for _  __. The children name the streets, and __  __ may even use a watering can to make_  __ that washes away a house. They may not realize it, _  ___these children are learning some core features(核心特征)of geography—how people interact with the Earth, how climate _  __land, and how places _  __each other through the movement of things from one place to another. Turning to maps or globes, When we talk with our children about vacation plans, events    ___around the world or historical events, we teach them a great deal about geography. Not only can such activities help our children learn how to use key reference tools,__   _ over time, they help them form their own mental maps of the world, which allows children to better organize and ___information about other people, places, times and_  __. Such activities also help our children learn to how to work together in the future.

A.new B.some C.many D.old

A.did B.do C.are D.have

A.bring about B.come about C.take place D.happen

A.relative B.safe C.help D.safety

A.people B.history C.nature D.housing

A.climate B.building C.environment D.geography.

A.while B.but C.and D.so

A.paths B.streets C.railway D.ways

A.makes B.create C.pull D.uses

A.house B.street C.hole D.hill

A.houses B.bridges C.streets D.road

A.we B.he C.they D.workers

A.cloudy B.cover C.snow D.rain

A.but B.and C.yet D.still

A.effects B.affects C.affect D.influence

A.relate to B.concerned C.involving D.refer to

A.to happen B.happening C.happen D.happened

A.but B.and C.besides D.so

A.write B.read C.understand D.know

A.weather B.history C.climate D.events.

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1852

The    ____ Chinese dynasty to rule came from Manchuria, in northeast China. The Manchus were unable to    other nations from interfering with China. The British defeated China in the Opium Wars. The outsiders seized Hong Kong,  ___ more importantly, the British forced the Chinese government    ___( allow) them to sell a dangerous drug called opium to the Chinese people. Japan    ___(seize) the island of Formosa, which later became    (know) as Taiwan. By the turn of the twentieth century, foreigners had overrun China. Parts of China were ruled by British, French, American, German, Russian, and Japanese forces. The Chinese people believed that the Manchus    ___(lose)the Mandate of Heaven. Many people began to support a group known     the Nationalists, who pledged to free China    ___ foreign rule. In 1911, the Nationalists drove from power a six-year-old boy, who was    ____ last of the Manchu rulers.

  • 题型:0
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1778

The environment pollution is more and more seriously today. We have no clean water to drink it because of water pollution.And when trees cut down,some animals disappear.There was more and more dirty smoke in the air. People’s health has been greatly affecting by air, noise and water pollution. Many people died of diseases. In order to live a more better life, it’s time for us to protect our world.
Firstly, we shouldn’t throw away rubbish somewhere. And we should recycle, reduce and reuse things, which saves money and reduces pollution.Use things so long as possible.Don’t use plastic bags.Too,we must plant more trees and stop people cut them. We hope our world will be more and more beautiful .

  • 题型:27
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2023

注意 1.词数:100词左右。

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1092