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  首页 / 试卷 / 初中英语 / 试卷选题
  • 编号:85028
  • 题量:31
  • 年级:九年级
  • 类型:中考模拟
  • 更新:2021-11-09
  • 人气:1402



–There is _______ interesting book on the teacher’s desk. --Oh, ______ book is Wei Fang’s.

A.an; the B.the; the
C.the; a D.a; the
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1658

The second book ______I want to read is Business @ the Speed of Thought.

A.which B.that
C.what D.as
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1888

Tom is weak in physics. He always feels _______ before he takes a physics test.

A.interested B.comfortable
C.nervous D.proud
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1860

–-You should be _______ careful when you take the chemistry exam.
---I agree. In this way, I will make _______ mistakes.

A.more; less B.more; more
C.less; fewer D.more; fewer
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1031

When the students were playing games on the playground, Jim suddenly stopped _____
and began to cry, so we stopped _______ what was wrong with him.

A.to play; seeing B.playing; to see
C.playing; seeing D.to play; to see
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1259

–--Which would you like, tea or coffee?    ---_______. I really don’t mind.

A.Either B.Neither
C.Both D.Any
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1359

I wonder when they ___ for Beijing. I will go to the train station to see them off when  they ___.

A.leave, will leave B.will leave, leave
C.will go, leave D.go, leave
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:875

All of us went to the park ______ Bob. He had to look after his sister.

A.besides B.with
C.except D.around
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:977

–Look! A man is cutting a tree on the moon.
--It ______ be true. The teacher said there is no air on the moon.

A.can’t B.may not
C.shouldn’t D.mustn’t
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1297

---Few young people in China know about Lady Gaga , _______?
---_______, she is quite famous here in China.

A.do they; No B.do they; Yes
C.don’t they; No D.don’t they; Yes
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1800

---Who can tell me_______?   ---Every 15 minutes.

A.when the bus will arrive. B.how often the bus arrives
C.how long has the bus been away D.when will the bus arrive
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1445

–Do you know the man ________ visited the United States in February?
--Yes. He is Chinese Vice-President Xi Jinping. He said it was his ____ visit to the United States.

A./, five B.that, five
C.who, fifth D.which, fifth
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1898

–Where is Tom?  --He _______ the USA. He _______ back in two months.
A. has gone to; comes   B. has been to; will be
C. has been to; comes  D. has gone to; will be

  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1655

–Lots of trees and flowers ________ on both sides of the road last year.
--Oh, _______ beautiful they are!

A.have been planted; how B.were planted; what
C.were planted; how D.have been planted; what
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:936

Teachers often tell their students _______ across the road when the traffic light is red.

A.not go B.not to go
C.don’t go D.didn’t go
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:1448

He works _____ in English, but he can ____ make progress.

A.hardly, hardly B.hardly, hard
C.hard, hard D.hard, hardly
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1959

The teacher did what he could _____ his students.

A.help B.helping
C.helps D.to help
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:754

It’s cold outside. ______ your sweater before you go out.

A.Put on B.Turn on
C.Put up D.Give up
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1489

--- Why not go to Lao She Tea house tonight? --- ______

A.It doesn’t matter B.Thank you
C.Sorry to hear that D.Sounds great
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:234

--- What languages _____ in that country? ---- German and English

A.are speaking B.are spoken
C.speak D.is spoken
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1555

Different things usually stand for different feelings. Red, for example, is the color of fire, heat, blood and life. People say red is an exciting and active color. They associate(使发生联系) red with a strong feeling like        . Red is used for signs of       , such as STOP signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright, warm color of        in autumn. People say orange is a       color. They associate orange with happiness. Yellow is the color of       . People say it is a cheerful color. They associate yellow too, with happiness. Green is the cool color of grass in       . People say it is a refreshing color. In general, people       two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. The warm colors are red, orange and _       .Where there are warm color and a lot of light, people usually want to be           . Those who like to be with        like red. The cool colors are        and blue. Where are these colors, people are usually worried. Some scientists say that time seems to _     more slowly in a room with warm colors. They suggest that a warm color is a good          for a living room or a       . People who are having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly.        colors are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly.

A.sadness B.anger C.administration D.smile

A.roads B.ways C.danger D.places

A.land B.leaves C.grass D.mountains

A.lively B.dark C.noisy D.frightening

A.moonlight B.light C.sunlight D.stars

A.summer B.spring C.autumn D.winter

A.speak B.say C.talk about D.tell

A.green B.yellow C.white D.gray

A.calm B.sleepy C.active D.helpful

A.the other B.another C.other one D.others

A.black B.green C.golden D.yellow

A.go round B.go by C.go off D.go along

A.one B.way C.fact D.matter

A.factory B.classroom C.restaurant D.hospital

A.Different B.Cool C.Warm D.All

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1782

Do you want to live a happier, less stressful life? Try laughing for no reason at all. That’s how thousands of people start their day at Laughter Clubs around the world.
The first Laughter Club was started in Mumbai, India, in 1995, by Dr Madan Kataria. “Children laugh about 300 times a day. Adults laugh between 7 and 15 times a day,” says Dr Kataria. “Everyone’s naturally good at laughing — it’s the universal (共同的) language.” There are now more than 500 Laughter Clubs in India and over 1,300 worldwide.
Many doctors are also interested in the effects of laughter on our health. According to a 5-year study at the UCLS School of Medicine in California, with laughing there is less stress in the body. Laughter improves our health against illness by about 40%.
So what happens at a Laughter Club? I went along to the nearest club in the south of London to find out. I was quite nervous at the beginning of the class. I had no interest in laughing with a group of strangers, and I was worried about looking stupid (愚蠢的). Our laughter teacher told us to clap our hands (拍手) and say “ho ho ho, ha ha ha” while looking at each other. Although we couldn’t tell the differences between fake laughter and real laughter, they still produced the same healthy effects.
Surprisingly, it worked! After ten minutes, everybody there was laughing for real and some people just couldn’t stop! At the end of the class I was shocked by how relaxed and comfortable I felt. So if you’re under stress, then start laughing.
The passage is probably taken from ______________ .

A.a storybook B.a health magazine
C.a comic book D.a travel magazine

The writer was nervous at the beginning of the class because _______________ .

A.he was not clever enough
B.he wasn’t interested in laughing at all
C.he wasn’t good at getting along with others
D.he knew no one there and was afraid it would look silly to laugh for no reason

The underlined word “fake” probably means “___________” in Chinese.

A.假的 B.真诚的 C.真的 D.难堪的

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A.People feel less stressed when they laugh.
B.Adults don’t laugh as often as children.
C.People who often laugh never fall ill in their lives.
D.The first Laughter Club was set up in Asia.

Which is the BEST title for the passage?

A.A 5-year study B.Try laughing at Laughter Clubs
C.The first Laughter Club D.A difficult language to learn
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:399

It was midday when I got the call that my grandfather was not well and he was quickly getting worse. My family did not know how long he would stay in the world. I knew I had to get to the hospital to tell him how much I loved him. As I drove to the hospital, I pictured him before I got to tell him how much he meant to me. Trying to fight back the tears, I wanted to stay calm when I saw him.
When I got to the hospital, I hurriedly looked for his hospital room. I found him in a semi-conscious state (半清醒状态). On my knees, I said softly, “Hello, Grandpa.”
Still feeling shy, I decided not to leave his bedside without letting him know. While I asked about how he was, he told me, “I’ll be fine, Henry.” although we both knew that wasn't true. Then he asked me with a smile how I was doing.
Hearing what my grandpa said, I was much moved. I made the decision that I had to show my gratitude for him. As I found all the courage (勇气) I had, I hold his hand tightly. I cried out, “Grandpa. I just want to let you know how much I love you. I hope you already know that yet I just want to make sure.” By this time, tears were rolling down my face. All those years of love that I had shut and not let him know, became free.
Smilingly, he said, “I know. Thank you for telling me that. All I have on this planet is my family and my love for them. If there is anything I could ask of you, I want you to be good to your family, your mother, your father, and your brother. That’s all I want of you.”
What I learned that day changed my whole life. From then on, I began telling people how much I love them, care for them, and respect them. I get in touch with, for example, my babysitter, my barber, to show my appreciation. I go down into the city once a week and serve pizza to the homeless. I wake up every morning and list everything I’m thankful to in my life.
The author got the news of Grandpa’s illness________.

A.in the morning B.at noon
C.in the evening D.at midnight

The author didn’t tell Grandpa his love because _______ to say love to Grandpa before.

A.he was too shy B.he was too frightened
C.he was too busy D.he had no chances

The underlined word “gratitude”  means _________ in Chinese.

A.兴奋 B.惊讶
C.害怕 D.感激

The author wrote this passage to tell readers mainly about ________.

A.how to think highly of others
B.how to help others get out of trouble
C.how to get in touch with others
D.how to share feelings with others

The story develops with the changes of __________.

A.the author’s life B.Grandpa’s feelings
C.the author’s emotion D.Grandpa’s illness
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:594

Steven Jobs was born in 1955. He was an American businessman and inventor. He was the co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of Apple Inc. In the late 1970s, Steve, with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Mike Markkula, and others, designed, developed, and marketed one of the first successful lines of personal computers, the Apple II series and later, the Macintosh.
Steve was among the greatest of American inventors – brave enough to think differently, and believed he could change the world and in fact, he had the power to change the whole world. By making computers personal and putting the Internet in our pockets, he has brought joy to millions of children and grownups.
Steve was fond of saying that he lived every day like it was his last. He changed the way each of us sees the world. Steve’s brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations (创新) that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is much better because of Steve. On October 5, 2011, Steve died of cancer. The world has lost a visionary. We all feel sad about it.
Where can we find this passage?

A.In a science book. B.In a science fiction novel.
C.In a dictionary. D.In a newspaper.

Why Steve was fond of saying that he lived every day like it was his last?

A.Because he knew he would die soon.
B.Because he was too busy every day.
C.Because he was humorous.
D.Because he wanted to make full use of time.

From the passage, we can know that ______.

A.It is cancer that took the Steve’s life
B.Steve’s brilliance, passion and energy enrich and improve all of our lives
C.Apple II series and the Macintosh have made computers personal and put the Internet in
our Pockets
D.Steve was a businessman but not an inventor

According to the passage, “a visionary” means ______.

A.一位伟人 B.一位见证者
C.一位梦想家 D.一位冒险家

What would be the best title for this passage?

A.Steve Jobs’ death
B.Our loss of a great CEO
C.A great inventor, Steve Jobs
D.The great changes in our lives
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:489

Many people hurt their backs when they try to lift heavy things from the floor. It is easy to hurt your back muscle(肌肉) when you try to pick up a heavy thing. However, there is a correct way to lift things from the floor. If you pick up heavy things correctly, you probably will not hurt Your back.
To lift something from the floor correctly, first bend (弯曲) your knees and lower yourself. Keep your back straight. Do not bent over, from your waist (腰) keep your back and hips (臀部) and waist in a line. If you bent over, the muscles in your lower back can became hurt very easily. If you keep your back and hips straight, the muscles are stronger, because they hold up together. The other muscles can then help the lower back muscles.
As you lower yourself, try to get as close to thing as you can, put one knee on each side of the thing. Remember at all times to keep your back straight. Put your hand under the thing that is in front of you, between y our knees.
To lift the thing, you should stand up slowly. Use your leg muscles in order to stand up. In other words, lift with your legs, not with your back.
Which part of your body is more easily to be hurt when you lift heavy things?

A.The leg muscles. B.The back muscles
C.The hips D.The knees

Many people hurt their backs when they lift something because _______.

A.they are not strong
B.the things are very heavy
C.the way to lift the things is not correct.
D.they are very heavy

The muscles are stronger if you _______.

A.keep your back, hips and waist in a line
B.bend over from your waist
C.lower your self
D.get down on your knees

To lift heavy things, the most important of all is to _________.    

A.stand up slowly
B.keep your back straight
C.bend your knees
D.put one knee on each side

What does “In other words” mean? ________

A.总而言之 B.换句话说
C.在其它话中 D.在其它单词中
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:678

A: Hey, Steve.
B: Hi! How’s it going recently?
A: Terrible! I always feel upset.    
A: My parents always wish me to study hard and always compare me with others. It makes
me stressed out.
B: Don’t worry. Why don’t you chat on the Internet to share your feelings with others?
A: Really?
B: Sure. It’s very popular among us young people. You can also get many replies from friends.
B: Let me see. Well, you’d better have a try first. If you have a chance, you should invite
them to read your micro blog (微博), they’ll know you better.
A:                 Thank you.    
B: You’re welcome.

  • 题型:47
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1229

Let’s __   __   __   ___  ___ the children in poor areas.
你知道怎样使用微信吗? Do you know ___  ____  ____ micromessage?
我想知道今天他会不会来学校。I wonder ____ he will come to school ____  ____ today.
我们早起是为了赶上公车。We got up early __   ____   _____ catch the bus.
我盼望着假期的到来。_____ .
你介意把书架上的收音机关掉吗?__________ ?
他的父亲去世3年了。___________________________ ?

  • 题型:47
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1299


It was Christmas Day.Tina was alone in the great city house.Her parents went to the hospital because their oldest boy was ill.
"What a boring Christmas!" Tina thought to herself. At that moment,she  music in the street. She ran to the window and saw a little boy  .He was singing and beating a drum.Tina saw that he wore no 
"Are you cold?" asked Tina.
The little boy smiled,but she couldn't hear  he said.So she told him to come in. He was a little nervous,but the carpet (地毯) felt warm to  poor feet.He told Tina that his name was Guido.And he was   poor that he had to go singing from house to house for some money to buy his dinner.
"My mama is away,and I am   a sad Christmas.But I'll try to make it niceyou," said Tina.They played games and Guido sang to her.Then they had a big dinner. Guido was very happy.
That night,Tina told her mother, " Now I know something.Whenever you sad and lonely,find somebody and lonelier than yourself and cheer them up.It will make you feel all right.

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:535

Music not only gives you something to sing and dance to, but also can make you feel happier. Scientists say that music can help to relax people’s mind and even help to relieve(痛苦) pain. How does music work its magic? It is the fact that music can adjust(调节) our mood(心情). Recently, there is a scientific research toback up  what we have always known about music. The studies have shown that when people are excited or happy they are more helpful. The opposite (相反的情况)happens when people feel aggressive(好斗的) or under stress. The use of music can influence how helpful people can be.
Dr. Adrian North made a study with 256 university students.Half the group took exercise
in the gymnasium listening to music which can bring happiness and the other half exercised
to aggressive music. When leaving the gym, the students were asked to hand out flyers(传单) in support of the local disabled athlete’s foundation(残疾运动员基金会).
The results showed that nearly half of the group that listened to happy music were willing to (愿意) hand out flyers. But less than 20% in the group that heard the aggressive music were willing to do so. This study suggests that our choice of music can influence our willingness to cooperate(合作). While a study also shows that productivity (生产效率) can be increased with the right choice of background music in the workplace. As music stimulates(刺激)worker’s mind, job satisfaction is often positively influenced. Other studies have shown that workers who are in a good mood have more job satisfaction than those in a bad mood.
These studies show that music can have a powerful influence on a person’s ability to cooperate. Moods have a direct influence(直接影响) on cooperation and job satisfaction. These factors also have a direct relationship to the success of a business.
What do scientists say about music ? _____________________________.
The phrase “back up” , Paragraph 1 most probably means “support”, doesn’t  it ? _____       _.
Why do people use the right choice of background music in the workplace?_______ .
How do people feel if they are bored or sad ?_____________________ .
What do moods have a direct influence on?______________________________ .

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1002

Want to stay away from colds? ___
Compared to unhappy people, those who are cheerful and relaxed are less likely to suffer
from cold, according to a new study. _________, say the researchers from New York University.
"It seems that positive(积极的) feelings may reduce the danger of illness," said the study's
chief researcher Sheldon Cohen.
In an earlier study, Cohen found that people who were cheerful and lively caught coughs
and colds less often. _______ 
In this study, Cohen's study interviewed 193 adults every day for two weeks. During
the interviews, the people told researchers about the happy or sad feelings they had that day.
After the two weeks, the people were given colds by doctors and had to stay alone in a room for
six days.
But for people who said they felt happy during the  research  period , their illness was less
serious and lasted for a shorter time.
Cohen believes that when people experienced positive feelings, their body may produce
a chemical that helps fight illness and disease. _______

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:647

你喜欢阅读吗?请你以 “Reading---A good Habit” 为题写一篇有关阅读的短文。
1. 你的阅读习惯(喜欢的书籍、阅读的时间地点、购书方式等等)。
2. 阅读带给你什么益处(至少两点)。  3. 号召大家都读书。
1. 不能照抄原文,不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。如需使用学校名
称或学生的姓名,一律使用Panjin Middle School 和Jenny.

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:293