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  • 编号:8881
  • 题量:23
  • 年级:高三
  • 类型:高考冲刺
  • 更新:2021-08-18
  • 人气:917



______ Flying Luxury Hotel of Tomorrow is ______ huge 400-ton aircraft without wings.

A./, a B.The, a C.The, the D.A, a
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:1863

The Internet and the effect______ brought about did a lot of good to our daily life and work.

A.that B.what C.which D.it
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:1057

____ no cash for food, he broke into an old woman's house, hoping to steal some money.

A.Because B.As C.Since D.With
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:2069

Not until the train pulled into the next station _______ her suitcase gone.

A.Mary had found B.had Mary found
C.did Mary find D.Mary found
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:759

The silence of the library is sometimes broken by a sudden cough or the sound of pages       .

A.turning B.turned C.being turned D.having turned
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:329

If the food tastes nice, I’ll go to buy some more; _______, I won’t go.

A.if not B.when not C.if any D.when ever
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:383

Failure hurts grown-ups and children___________, but it can make a positive contribution to your life once you learn to use it.

A.actively B.likely C.alike D.similarly
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:1092

After the quarrel, I tried all my best to fix the misunderstanding between us, but all my efforts seemed _____.

A.in trouble B.in case C.in effect D.in vain
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:2077

The one concern for parents and students is _______ the student pursues their university education in a foreign country, the student will not have the opportunity to establish social contacts in China.

A.that B.that if C.whether D.how
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:529

______ it have been the failure to pick up directions from the ground control that caused the air crash?

A.Must B.Could C.Would D.Should
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:138

When it______air pollution, Beijing faces the three “C” s-----cars,coal and construction,which lead to Beijing's thick air pollution.

A.refers to B.comes to C.happens to D.speaks to
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:756

---Isn’t it a surprise that I happened to meet Francis Mathews at the Christmas Party last week?
---If my memory serves me correctly, you _____ each other for exactly two years.

A.hadn’t seen B.haven’t seen C.didn’t see D.don’t see
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:1619

Garter Druse ___________ his being selected for the important task to his courage,devotion and knowledge of the area.

A.led     B.owed C.devoted D.contributed
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:1056

The schedule, originally ____ out last week, had to be cancelled because of the unexpected snow storm.

A.carried B.to be carried C.being carried D.was carried
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:161

--- I’m not good at singing, you know.
---_________. It’s just for fun.

A.All right B.No problem C.Come on D.Cheer up
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:437

For as long as I can remember, I have been very_36____ at arguing with people. As soon as someone disagrees with me, I get angry because I feel __37__, like the other person is out to show that I am __38__. And for some reason, I hate being wrong! So my __39__ reaction is to get very defensive. I __40__ my voice, and I end up saying something I later __41__. Needless to say, the whole thing ends with me blaming __42__, and the other person feeling alienated(疏远) from me. This bothers me especially because my mother does the exact same thing and I hate __43__.
I have noticed this tendency in me for a long time now, __44__ I have never been able to stop. I did some __45__ management work with a therapist(治疗专家) a while ago, but because I moved and __46__ an advisor at school who can’t see me __47__, I have not been able to continue this important work. They tell you to stop and count to 10, __48__ your breathing, calm yourself down before you __49__. But that’s the whole problem. I could never think of __50__ myself until it was too late! The __51__ things had already come out of my mouth, and I was stuck picking up the pieces.
Right now the __52__ is urgent because my relationships with a wonderful boy is __53__ because of my being afraid of being wrong. He is closing himself off from me because I have hurt him, and __54__ I am no longer attractive as a woman with no confidence in myself and a bad temper. How do I stop ruining my relationships and hating myself? How do I stop __55__ being wrong?
36. A. bad                           B. good              C. hateful                     D. quick
37. A. disappointed          B. excited              C. attacked            D. ashamed
38. A. wrong                       B. foolish                 C. empty-headed    D. right
39. A. unusual               B. immediate       C. following          D. last
40. A. raise                          B. lower                C. keep                 D. change
41. A. remember                  B. regret                C. forget               D. realize
42. A. her                              B. him                  C. me                    D. myself
43. A .it                               B. her                   C. them                 D. us
44. A. so                      B. but                   C. although            D. however
45. A. health                        B. action           C. calmness           D. anger
46. A. headed to                   B. asked for           C. turned to          D. referred to
47. A. regularly                    B. carelessly          C. immediately      D. patiently
48. A. stop                           B. manage             C. keep                 D. control
49. A. say                            B. chat                  C speak                 D. talk
50. A. stopping                    B. managing          C. persuading      D. helping
51. A. hurtful                  B. surprising          C. colorful             D. dangerous
52. A. event                         B. thing                 C. affair                D. problem
53. A. in the way                  B. in the end          C. in danger           D. in the beginning
54. A. no doubt                    B. no problem     C. no wonder         D. no way
55. A. liking                        B. hating           C. finding              D. dealing

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1667

China has become an increasingly appealing market for Hollywood films, so it was inevitable that Academy Award-winning director James Cameron would touch down in Beijing Wednesday to promote his latest big-budget movie, Avatar.
During his 20-hour stay in the city, he shared with local media and some lucky fans details of his new film and shared his insights on China's growing film industry.
Having toured numerous countries for the promotion of Avatar since the film globally premiered on December 10, Cameron said he anticipated the visit to China for some time and apologized for his hoarse and tired voice.
"It is so sad for a director not being able to shout," he joked at the beginning of the press conference Wednesday afternoon, announcing that the 3D science fiction film will open in China on January 4.
Cameron collected 360 million yuan (US$52.7 million) at the box office in China with his blockbuster Titanic in 1998, a record that held for ten years until it was broken by Transformers in 2008.
Considering that another computer-generated, live action flick, 2012, has sold more movie tickets in China than in the US, the director said he is positive about Avatar's performance in China.
"Our partner here, the China Film Group, has given us great confidence," he explained, saying that the number of 3D screens has grown from 500 to 600 in the past month, a never-seen-before growth in Chinese mainland.
China is second only to the US as the country with the most 3D screens. Cameron said the screening of Avatar in China has specific importance as a test of future 3D film development.
"I'm very interested in the 3D film market in China. I cannot predict the box office results here, but I look forward to the test results." 
56. Cameron is hopeful about Avatar’s performance in China because ____.
A. Avatar is a newly-released 3D movie
B. Transformer held the record of box office in China
C. Avatar is directed by him alone
D. 2012 had a higher box office in China than in the US
57. Which of the following has the closest meaning to “anticipated” in Paragraph 3?
A. Participated.         B. Paid.                 C. Expected.     D. Delayed
58. The passage is most probably taken from ____.
A. a science book            B. a newspaper       C. a story book     D. a magazine
59. Why did Cameron come to China?
A. To promote his latest film Avatar.
B. To test the future development of 3D film in China.
C. To show his interest in the 3D film market in China.
D. To make a 20-hour trip in Beijing.

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:2055

Below is adapted from an English dictionary

figure/fīg ə / noun, verb                           
●noun 1. [C, often pl.] a number representing particular amount, especially one given in official information: the trade /sales figures
2. [C] a symbol rather than a word representing one of the numbers between 0 and 9: a six-figure salary 3. [pl] (informal) the area of mathematics that deals with adding, multiplying, etc 4. a person of the type mentioned: Gandhi was both a political and a religious figure in Indian history. 5. the shape of a person seen from a distance or not clearly 6. a person or an animal as shown in art or a story: a wall with five carved figures in it 7. [C] the human shape, considered from the point of view of being attractively thin: doing exercise to improve one’s figure 8. [C] a pattern or series of movements performed on ice: figure-skating [IDM] be/become a figure of fun: be/become sb. that others laugh at cut a…figure: (of a person) to have a particular appearance He cut a striking figure in his dinner jacket. put a figure on sth.: to say the exact price or number of sth.
s a fine figure of man/woman: a tall, strong-looking and well-shaped person figure of speech: a word or phrase used in a different way from its usual meanings in order to create a particular mental image or effect  figurehead: someone who is the head or chief in name only (with no real power or authority) ●verb 1. to think or decide that sth. will happen or is true: I figured that if I took the night train, I could be in Scotland by morning. 2. to be part of a process, situation, etc. especially an important part: My opinion of the matter didn’t seem to figure at all. 3. to calculate an amount or the cost of sth.: We figured that attendance at 150,000. [PHRV] 1. figure in: to include (in a sum): Have you figured in the cost of hotel? 2. figure on: to plan on; to expect sth. to happen: I haven’t figured on his getting home too late. 3. figure out: to work out; understand by thinking: Have you figured out how much the trip will cost? [IDM] It/That figures! (informal): That seems reasonable, logical and what I expect.

60. I didn’t really mean my partner is a snake; it was just a ______.
A. figure of eight    B. figure head     C. figure of speech    D. a fine figure      
61. ---She was coming late again.         ---______! That’s typical of her.
A. It figures her out                   B. It figures      
C. It cuts a poor figure                D. She is a figure of fun
62. What does “watch my figure” in the sentence “Don’t tempt me with chocolate; I am watching my figure.” mean?
A. add the numbers   B. have sports    C. try not to get fat    D. watch games

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:536

A 17-year-old boy, caught sending text messages in class, was recently sent to the vice principal's office at Millwood High School in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The vice principal, Steve Gallagher, told the boy he needed to focus on the teacher, not his cellphone. The boy listened politely and nodded, and that's when Mr. Gallagher noticed the student's fingers moving on his lap. He was texting while being scolded for texting. “It was a subconscious act,” says Mr. Gallagher, who took the phone away. “Young people today are connected socially from the moment they open their eyes in the morning until they close their eyes at night. It's compulsive.”
A study this year by psychology students at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Ga., found that the more time young people spend on Facebook, the more likely they are to have lower grades and weaker study habits. Heavy Facebook users show signs of being more sociable, but they are also more likely to be anxious, hostile or depressed. (Doctors, meanwhile, are now blaming addictions to 'night texting' for disturbing the sleep patterns of teens.)
Almost a quarter of today's teens check Facebook more than 10 times a day, according to a 2009 survey by Common Sense Media, a nonprofit group that monitors media's impact on families. Will these young people get rid of this habit once they enter the work force, or will employers come to see texting and 'social-network checking' as accepted parts of the workday?
Think back. When today's older workers were in their 20s, they might have taken a break on the job to call friends and make after-work plans. In those earlier eras, companies discouraged non-business-related calls, and someone who made personal calls all day risked being fired. It was impossible to imagine the constant back-and-forth texting that defines interactions among young people today.
Educators are also being asked by parents, students and educational strategists to reconsider their rules. “In past generations, students got in trouble for passing notes in class. Now students are adept at texting with their phones still in their pockets,” says 40-year-old Mr. Gallagher, the vice principal, “and they're able to communicate with someone one floor down and three rows over. Students are just fundamentally different today. They will take suspensions rather than give up their phones.”
63. The underlined word “a subconscious act” refers to an act __________.
A. on purpose       B. without realization    C. in secret         D. with care
64. Young people addicted to the use of Facebook _________.
A. are good at dealing with the social relationships and concentrate on their study
B. have high spirits and positive attitudes towards their life and work
C. have been influenced mentally in the aspects of behaviors and habits
D. are always in bad mood and have poor performance in every respect
65. Mr. Gallagher reminds us that the students in the past and those today _________.
A. like to break rules and have the same means of sending messages
B. are always the big problem for the educators and their parents
C. like sending text messages but those today do it in a more secret and skillful way
D. cannot live without a cellphone
66. What’s the best title of the passage?
A. Teenagers and Cellphones      B. Teenagers’ Texting Addiction
C. Employers and Teenagers      D. Teenagers’ Education

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:698

About six years ago I was eating lunch in a restaurant in New York City when a woman and a young boy sat down at the next table, I couldn’t help overhearing parts of their conversation. At one point the woman asked, “So, how have you been?” And the boy — who could not have been more than seven or eight years old — replied. “Frankly, I’ve been feeling a little depressed lately.”
This incident stuck in my mind because it confirmed (确认) my growing belief that children are changing. As far as I can remember, my friends and I didn’t find out we were “depressed”, that is, in low spirits, until we were in high school.
Undoubtedly a change in children has increased steadily in recent years. Children don’t seem childlike anymore. Children speak more like adults, dress more like adults and behave more like adults than they used to.
Whether this is good or bad is difficult to say, but it certainly is different. Childhood as it once was no longer exists. Why?
Human development is depended not only on born biological states, but also on patterns of gaining social knowledge. Movement from one social role to another usually involves learning the secrets of the new social positions. Children have always been taught adult secrets, but slowly and in stages; traditionally, we tell sixth graders things we keep hidden from fifth graders.
In the last 30 years, however, a secret-revelation (揭示) machine has been equipped in 98 percent of American homes. It is called television. Television passes information to all viewers alike, whether they are children or adults. Unable to resist the temptation (诱惑) , many children turn their attention from printed texts to the less challenging, more attractive moving pictures.
Communication through print, as a matter of fact, allows for a great deal of control over the social information which children will gain. Children must read simple books before they can read complex materials.
67. According to the author, feeling depressed is ________.
A. a sure sign of a mental problem in a child
B. a mental state present in all humans, including children
C.something that cannot be avoided in children’s mental development
D. something hardly to be expected in a young child
68. Traditionally, a child is supposed to learn about the adult world _________.
A.through connection with society      B. gradually and under guidance
C. naturally without being taught        D. through watching television
69. According to the author, that today’s children seem adultlike results from ______.
A. the widespread influence of television
B. the poor arrangement of teaching content
C. the fast pace of human scientific development
D. the rising standard of living
70. What does the author think of communication through print for children?
A. It enables children to gain more social information.
B. It develops children’s interest in reading and writing.
C. It helps children to read and write well.
D. It can control what children are to learn.
71. What does the author think of the change in today’s children?
A. He feels their adultlike behavior is so funny.
B. He thinks the change worthy of note.
C. He considers it a rapid development 
D. He seems to be upset about it.

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:1080

Is a mouse that can speak acceptable? How about a dog with human hands or feet? Scientists, the people with the know-how to make such things happen, are now thinking about whether such experiments are morally right or not.
On Nov. 10, Britain’s Academy of Medical Sciences launched a study on the use of animals with human materials in scientific research. The work is expected to take at least a year, but its leaders hope it will lead to guidelines for scientists in Britain and around the world on how far they can go mixing human genes into animals in search of ways to fight human diseases.
“Do these constructs (构想) challenge our idea of what it is to be human?” asked Martin Bobrow, a professor of medical genetics at Cambridge University and chair of a 14-member group looking into the issue. “It is important that we consider these questions now so that appropriate boundaries are recognized.”     
Using human material in animals is not new. Scientists have already created monkeys that have a human form of the Huntingdon’s gene so they can study how the disease develops; and mice with livers (肝) made from human cells are being used to study the effects of new drugs.
However, scientists say the technology to put ever greater amounts of human genetic material into animals is spreading quickly around the world --- raising the possibility that some scientists in some places may want to go further than is morally acceptable.
Last year in Britain there was a lively debate over new laws allowing the creation of human-animal embryos (胚胎) for experiments. On one side of the debate were religious groups, who claimed that such science interferes with nature. Opposing them were scientists who pointed out that such experiments were vital to research cures for diseases.
The experts will publish reports after the end of the study, in which they will give definitions (定义) for animal embryos with human genes or cells, look at safety and animal welfare issues, and consider the right legal framework to work within. 
72. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A. Scientists in Britain and around the world.                
B. Leaders of the research.
C. Guidelines for scientists.                         
D. Scientific experiments.
73. Scientists do research of mixing human genes into animals in order to ____.
A. test new drugs on animals
B. to find ways to fight human diseases
C. prove the research is morally acceptable
D. create monkeys and mice with livers made from human cells
74. We can infer from the passage that ____.
A. the experts will release reports after the study
B. scientists have never doubted the use of animals with human materials
C. the creation of human-animal embryos for experiments is legal in Britain
D. religious groups hold that cures for diseases have to be done through experiments
75. What would be the best title of the passage?
A. Morally right or not?  B. A debate about new laws
C. Cures for diseases                      D. Animal embryos with human genes

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:535

第一节:短文填空  10分阅读下面短文,根据上下文及所给中文提示或首字母填入符合文章逻辑意义,正确形式的单词(每空1分)
Organized by the Students’ Union, we watched the newly-released
sci-fiction movie –--2012 last ______ (星期三) evening. In the movie, the    76. __________
end of our world falls on Dec. 21, 2012. On the day,_________(地震)        77. __________
occur and volcanoes erupt,c_______ millions of deaths and leaving           78. __________
people desperate. Our planet is d______ in an instant. People across            79. __________
the world tried to s______ the catastrophe.                                80. __________
Having watched the movie, I was lost in thought. ______ is high time                81. __________
that human beings should protect the ______ (环境) better. If we continue              82. __________
to care s______ little about our earth, we human beings will be punished               83. __________
for______ we do today. I suggest everybody lead a more eco-friendly life. Do 84. __________
remember everybody can _______ a difference.                               85. __________

  • 题型:0
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:1210

注意:   1. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
2. 词数:120左右。

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1298