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  • 编号:907
  • 题量:50
  • 年级:九年级
  • 类型:中考试卷
  • 更新:2021-12-06
  • 人气:350



Mike is seven years old now and begins(开始) to go to school. His father is a driver and takes him to school in his car. Mike studies very hard(努力地) and all his teachers like him very  much.
One day, Miss White teaches the students to count from one to ten. Mike can count them. Miss White is happy and asks him, “How many people(人) are there(有) in your family, Mike?”
“Two, Miss White, ” Mike says.
“Who are they?”
“My father and mother.”
“Oh?” Miss White is surprised(吃惊地). She says, “But I think there are three people in your family—your father, your mother and you. Am I right?”
“No. I’m not at home now. I’m at school, you know!” Mike says.
Mike is           years old.
A. 6                     B. 7                      C. 8
Mike’s father is a          .
A. teacher          B. doctor                   C. driver
Mike goes to school          .
A. with his mother      B. with his classmates     C. in a car
Mike is           now.
A. at school            B. at home                  C. in his father’s office
The word “count” means (意思是)“        ” in Chinese.
A. 读                B. 数                    C. 写

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:460

Mrs. Green is a nurse. She lives in England. Her husband(丈夫) Mr. Green is a Japanese  56  at a high school. They have   57  kids: one is a son   58  his name is John. They also have two   59 : Lucy and Lily. This year they have another(另一个) baby. Mr. and Mrs. Green love her very much. But they have their work, so a woman looks   60  the young baby. She is new here. 
A neighbour(邻居)  61  the baby. She likes her very much.
“Look at the baby,” she says. “She looks very cute! I think she   62  Mr. Green. They
  63  have big eyes. But what’s her name?”
  64 ,” the woman says. “She is only five months(月) old. You know, she can’t   65 . ”
A. student                       B. teacher               C. doctor
A. two                   B. three                 C. four
A. and                     B. but                  C. so
A. sons                          B. daughters            C. brothers
A. at                            B. for                C. after 
A. finds                    B. studies                C. sees
A. looks like                       B. thinks about           C. comes from
A. all                        B. both               C. some
A. I don’t know      B. That’s all right          C. I think you are right
A. tell                         B. speak               C. say 

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:867

1.—My English is poor.
—Don’t w            . I can help you.
2.—What’s the time?
—It’s a q             past three.
3. We have about eight               (百) students in our grade.
4. Don’t               (忘记) to bring your English book here tomorrow. 
5. Jim is                (聪明的). The teacher likes him. 

  • 题型:15
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:903


fish      study       farm      glass      live

1. Michael wants             in Haikou. He likes Haikou very much.
2. My father often goes             in the morning.
3. Kangkang is a student. He             in a high school.
4. His father is a            . He works on a farm.
5. Please give me two             of water.

  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:429

1. 我和玛利亚是好朋友,我们经常互相帮助。
Maria And I are good friends. We often                                .
2.你明天有空吗?             you           tomorrow?
3.请叫他给我回电话。Please ask him to                                .
4.你想和我一起去购物吗?Would you like to                      with me?

  • 题型:17
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:678

根据下面表格所提供的信息,写一篇70词的短文,介绍你的笔友Jane的家庭及她的活动, 可适当发挥。

职   业

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1976

Hobbies can make you        as a person.

A.growing B.to grow C.grow D.grown
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1543

If it      fine tomorrow,we      a picnic.

A.be ; have B.is ; will have C.will be ; will have D.will be ; have
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:322

Don’t forget       your homework after you get home.

A.do B.doing C.did D.to do
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1252

His first novel       in 2009.

A.took out B.came out C.gave out D.looked out
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1781

Tom is      honest boy.

A.a B.an C.the D./
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1314

         the end of this term, we will have a big party.

A.To B.In C.At D.On
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1702

look at the lights in our classroom, please go and     .

A.turn them off B.turn off them C.turn it off D.turn off it
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1546

You aren’t outgoing , so you’d better     others.

A. make a friend with B.make friend with C.make friends with D.make friends
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:965

---My hobby is       old coins, what about you?
---In my free time, I like      in the park.

A.collected; painting B.collects; to paint C.collecting; to paint D.collect; painting
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1400

Mary did’ t go to bed       everything was ready for the party.

A.when B.if C.because D.until
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:906

What’s wrong        her plan?

A.with B.in C.on D.for
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1524

As they get older, they continue     the hobby.

A.do B.doing C.did D.are doing
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1648

I spend two hours       reading English every day.

A. on B.to C.for D.in
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:254

Can you tell me what time        ?

A.Is the train leaver B.does the train leave C.the train leaves D.leaves the train
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:873

By the way , is there _______ in today’s newspaper?

A.nothing new B.anything new C.new something D.new anything
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1145

Monday will be_________. ________bad weather it is!

A.rainy; What B.rainy; What a C.sunny; How D.sunny; How a
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:910

It is important_______ you_______ out for a walk after supper.

A.of ; to go B.to; to go C.for; to go D.for; going
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1811

Now many people are________ in playing_______ games on the Internet.

A. interested; interesting B.interesting; interested;
C.interested; interested; D.interesting; interesting;
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1175

Smoking will_______ your health.

A.be good for B.good at C.be bad for D.bad at
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:985

—By the way, have you got ______ e-mail address?
—Oh, yes, it is swimonland @ hotmail.com.

A.a B.an C.the D./
  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:2092

I saw many ____________ eating grass on the hill.

A.horse B.cow C.rabbit D.sheep
  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:291

–Whose shirt is this?
--It _______ be Li Lei’s. It is too big for him.

A.could B.must C.can’t D.might
  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:932

—Could you tell me _____________ last night?
—Er, I was watching TV at home.

A.what you were doing B.what were you doing
C.what you are doing D.what are you doing
  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较难
  • 人气:1881

---_______ the Internet ___________ in your school?
        ---Yes, but the computer in our office has broken down.

A.Is, used  B.Is, using  C.Does, use D.Has, used
  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:353

—Is this your sweater, Joy?
—No, It's not________ sweater. ________is yellow.

A.my, My B.my, Mine C.mine, Mine D.mine, My
  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:968

People _______the southwest of China were in great need of water a couple of months ago.

A.in B.at C.to D.on
  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:2038

On April 14, 2010, a serious earthquake happened in Yushu. More than 2,000 people ______ in it.

A.dead B.death C.died D.die
  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:968

–I don’t know your brother.
-Oh. The man _______came to see me yesterday is my brother.

A.who B.whose C.where D.whom
  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1074

–Attention, please. The flight has to be_______ because of the heavy rain.

A.put on B.put off C.put away D.put up
  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:724

—How long have you _______________ the motorbike?
—For about two weeks.

A.bought B.had C.borrowed D.lent
  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:896

Stop smoking, _______ you will get better soon.

A.and B.or C.but D.after
  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1583

_________happily the children are flying kites!

A.What B.What a C.How D.How a
  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1038

— Would you like me to show you the way?      ---_________.

A.No way B.Yes, you would . C. It’s right. D.That’s very kind of you.
  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:459

This sign means______. 

A.Go up B.No parking C.Don’t touch D.Don’t smoke.
  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:307

One will feel happy when others flatter( 奉承) him in his face. It is said that the best way of flattering someone is to give him a “top hat” 31 .
A student was going to leave the capital to become  32  official (官员) in a city far away. Before he started, he came to say  33  to his teacher.
“It is  34   job to be a good official.” his teacher said. “ you must be strict  35  yourself and never be careless.”
“Don’t worry about me, sir.” The student answered. “I have already   36   anyone hundred top hats, which will  37  those people quite happy.”
“But we are really gentlemen!  38  could a real gentleman do such a thing ? ” His teacher was a bit   _39  . “ Never forget  40  I taught you in class!”  
 41  are always right, sir. I also hate such things. But, sir,   42   no one really gentleman like you can be seen in the world now.” said the student. It seemed that he had to do so.
  43   hearing this, the teacher was pleased. “What you said is true!”
“I have  44  one top hat already. Now I have ninety-nine  45  .” the student said to his friend later on when he asked the student what he had talked with the teacher about.
(   ) A. to dress        B. dressing            C. wearing      D to wear
(   )

A.a B.the C.an D./

A.hello B.goodbye C.OK D.thanks

A.not an easy B.not easy C.a good D.difficult

A.about B.with C.from D.to

A.made B.bought C.prepared D.repaired

A.give B.let C.keep D.make

A.How B.What C.Why D.When

A.pleased B.angry C.excited D.sorry

A.that B.how C.why D.what

A.You B.We C.They D.Us

A.hardly B.about C.almost D.nearly

A.Before B.After C.Because D.If

A.sent out B.bought C.sold D.borrowed

A.left B.already C.yet D.else

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:771

Parents today also worry about their children’s diets. Some doctors give the following advice:     

(   ) According to the doctors’ advice ,what does junk food include ?

A.milk and vitamins. B.Fruits and sugar.
C.Vegetables and salt. D.Fat, oil, salt and sugar.

(   ) In this passage, doctors think that teenagers should eat more ______ .

A.food with no vitamins. B.fat and sugar C.vegetables and fruits D.salt and oil

(   ) The best title for this passage is ______ .

A.Bad Habits B.junk Food C.unhealthy Food D.advice on Healthy Eating
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:360

Dear Annie,
I have never written a letter to a newspaper before, I have just never felt the need to do such a thing. I have always felt I was quite able to do everything by myself. But now I know I was wrong.
Sometimes you really need help in life, I guess. And that’s why I’m writing this letter to you.
I have a happy family. I love my children and they love me . I’m a mother of three children. I know well how to bring up (带大)children, and two of them are already over twenty, so it is nothing new for me.
But now I have a serious problem:the Internet problem. My little son is just sixteen, and I feel he should do a lot of homework now , but he doesn’t seem to be interested in it . He can happily spend six or eight hours at a time on the Tnternet every day , He chats with pelple that he has never met before , but speaks little to us .He does lots of useless things on the Internet. And he sees red if you ask him to do his homework.
I just want him to be a good student . Now he seldomdoes his lessons at home. I’m afraid he will drop behind in his class soon. His father is a doctor , a very kind man . He never seems to be afraid of his father.
What can I do ?And don’t tell to talk to him. We’ve tried that and it didn’t work. But this is really a big problem in our family. I have tried everything I can think of . I
wonder how the Internet is so attractive(有吸引力的).You’re my last hope. Please tell me what I can do!
Ellen Smith
(   ) Mrs Snith wrote to Annie because       .

A.she often asked others for help
B.she thought she was a great mother
C.she didn’t know how to stop his son surfing the Internet
D.she didn’t know how the Internet was so attractive

(   ) What might NOT Mrs Smith’s son do on the Internet?                       

A.Send e-mails to his friends B.Prepare for his lessons
C.Chat with strange people D.Read the news

(   ) What does the phrase “he sees red”mean in this passage?                   

A.He feels sorry B.He feels happy
C.He becomes frightened D.He becomes angry

(   ) What do you think of Mr.Smith?                   

A.An irresponsible(不负责任的)father who nerver taught his son
B.A very excellent doctor who was busy with his work and had no time to teach
his son
C.A very kind man who loved his son
D.A man who always made his son be afraid of him but failed
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:794

A survey by baidu.com showed there were 16 million bloggers (写网络日志的人). Xu Jinglei was one of the first famous people that the website sina .com.  invited to open blogs.
The  web log written by Xu Jinglei is now the world’s most popular . Xu , an actress-turned –director, became famous overseas when she won a Best Director Award for the film. A  Letter From an Unknown Woman in 2004.
Her blog has broken the domestic (国内的) record  with more than 10 million visits .
Xu updates (更新) her blog every other day . But if she feels very good she sometimes posts two or three articles in a day .
Visitors leave thousands of messages about each of her articles , praising (赞扬) her open, free writing style, commenting (评论) on films.
(   ) Now Xu Jinglei’s web log is ________________ .
broken by hacker                       B.written by an unknown woman
C. the world’s most popular              D. closed by government
(   ) How many visitors does Xu’s blog have ?

A.About 16 million . B.About 36.82 million
C.2004 D.over 10 million

(   ) _________ invited Xu Jinglei who was one of the first famous people to open blogs.

A.The website baidu.com B.The website sina.com
C.The website Yahoo.com D.The website blog.com

(   ) From the passage we know that ________________ .
a survey by baidu.com showed there were 16 million bloggers writing in English
Xu Jinglei was the only one that the website sina.com invited to open blogs
Xu Jinglei always posts one article in a day
Visitors leave lots of messages about her articles in her blogs

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:613

Dictionaries say that “spring fever” is a lazy or restless feeling . People usually have the feeling on the first warm day of spring. Everyone has probably felt it at one time or another . people have talked about it for years.
Recently, scientists have taken a good look at spring fever. What they found is quite surprising.
In many places we live in , the winter months often seem dark and dreary. When spring comes late March , the world becomes colorful . The number of daylight hours grows with each passing day. According to many scientists, all the sunlight sets off chemicals in the brain (大脑). The chemicals make our feeling change and bring on spring fever.
(   ) How do people who have spring fever feel ?

A.active B.awake C.energetic D.restless .

(   ) Scientists think that ______________ cause(s) spring fever .

A.colors B.sunlight C.dark D.illness

(   ) According to the passage ,the underlined word “dreary ”means“__________” in Chinese.

A.沉闷的 B.暖和的 C.晴朗的 D.明亮的

(   ) The best title for the passage is ______________ .

A.How to Get Over Spring Fever B.Spring Fever
C.Darkness in winter D.Spring and winter
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1455


get back    polite   twelve   knife   excite

Watching a football match can make people feel _________ .
The Browns are going to celebrate their daughter’s ________ birthday.
His father always ____________ home at 5:00 pm .
We should speak to the old  ________ .
In Britain, people not only use ________ to cut things but also use them to have meals.

  • 题型:47
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1100

One night a hotel caught a fire , and people in it ran out in their night clothes .
_(幸运地),nobody was  (受伤).
Two men stood outside and looked at the fire.
“Before I came out,” said one, “I ran into some of the rooms and found a lot of money. People don’t think of money when they’re _(害怕的).When _(任何人) leaves paper money in a fire, the fire burns it. So I took all the bills that I _(能够)find. No one will be poor _(因为) I took them.”
“You don’t know my work, ” said the (另一个).
“What is your work?”
“I’m a policeman.”
“Oh!” cried the   (第一)man. He thought _(迅速地)and said, “And do you know my work?”
“No,” said the policeman.
“I’m a writer. I’m always telling  (故事)about things that never happened.”

  • 题型:47
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:558



  • 题型:52
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1252

中考临近,Tom经常很烦闷,晚上睡不着,上课注意力不集中,经常想着万一考不上怎么办?于是他给某报社的心理医生Mr. Green写了一份e-mail进行咨询,希望他能给自己一些建议,以便在冲刺阶段能全力以赴。
Dear Mr. Green,
I’m sorry to trouble you. You know there will be a/an    1  exam this term. But it seems that everything goes wrong with me. I can’t fall    2  at night and I can’t listen to the teachers carefully. I am always    3  about my grades. I know it is not good to do so, but I can’t control myself.        __________________      4    _____________________________        ? (此空格不限字数)
Write to me soon. Best wishes to you !

  • 题型:47
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1399

请你以心理医生Mr. Green的名义给Tom一些晚上更好休息以及如何放宽心态,积极备战的建议。要求通顺达意。字数在80-100词之间。
参考词汇: relax;  healthy;  happy;  confident (自信的)… …
Dear Tom,
I’m glad to hear from you. In my opinion, though the exam is very important,______________________________________________________________________
Yours truly,
Mr. Green

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1496