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  首页 / 试卷 / 初中英语 / 试卷选题
  • 编号:927
  • 题量:48
  • 年级:八年级
  • 类型:练习检测
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 人气:999



A                                                               B
1. Can you spell it?                                     

A.Thank you.
2. Are the basketballs next to the box?
B.All right.
3. Do you have a watch?
C.Yes, they are.
4. Your jacket is nice.
D.Yes. R-U-L-E-R, ruler.

5. Please call John at 8964318.                  E. No, but I have a clock.

  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1896


This is ______.

A.Motorola 8008 B.Siemens A55 C.Nokia 8210 D.Panasonic 2128

Is it a small radio? ______

A.Yes, it is. B.A radio. C.No, it isn’t. D.A video.

Is that a good way of exchanging(交流)by phone? ______

A.Yes, it is. B.No, it is. C.Yes, it isn’t. D.No, it isn’t.
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:917

Americans usually eat three meals a day. Breakfast usually comes before eight o’clock in the morning. They usually have eggs, some meat, bread, fruit juice and coffee. Lunch is between twelve and one o’clock. It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it near workplace.
Children in school take sandwiches, fruit, and cookies with them or eat in school. Supper, the main meal, is between six and eight in the evening. People cook it carefully. They may have meat or chicken, turkey and duck. They may all have potatoes or rice, vegetables or salad. The drink is coffee, tea or milk. Then comes the dessert.
Americans have breakfast ________.

A.after eight o’clock B.at eight o’clock
C.before eight o’clock in the morning D.in the morning

_______ is the most important meal in a day.

A.Breakfast B.Lunch C.Meals D.Supper

Americans usually have breakfast and supper at ______.

A.home B.office C.inn D.work place

When Americans have supper, _______ comes last.

A.drink B.meat C.dessert D.vegetables
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:888

Look at these things. This is Mr. Wang’s ID card. And this is Jim’s watch, that’s Mary’s key. Gina’s notebook is over there. Look! What’s that on the floor? Oh, it’s gold ring. It’s Jenny’s ring. It’s very nice.
This is Mr. Wang’s ______.

A.notebook B.key C.ID card D.watch

______ notebook is over there.

A.Jim’s B.Gina’s C.Jenny’s D.Mary’s

Is this Jim’s watch? ______

A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isn’t. C.Yes, he is. D.No, he isn’t.

Is Jenny’s ring very nice? ______

A.Yes, she is. B.No, she isn’t. C.Yes, it is. D.No, it isn’t.
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1572

Look at this. It’s a blue bag. It is my bag. What’s in it? Look, this is my English book. It’s blue, too. My Chinese book is also in my bag. It is yellow. This is my pencil case. It’s big and nice. I like English and Chinese. My bag is my good friend.
My bag is       .

A.yellow B.blue C.nice D.big

--- What’s in my bag? 
---        .

A.My English book B.My Chinese book
C.My pencil case D.All the three

My Chinese book is also in my bag. "Also" means(意思是)      .

A.也 B.颜色 C.不在 D.放进

My       is my good friend.

A.Chinese book B.English book C.pencil case D.bag
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:619

                             . He often buys some fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the fish, she says to herself, “Good ! I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat the fish. __________________________”
____________________________, the fish is not there and his wife always says, “Oh,your cat eats it ” And she gives Tom some bread for his supper._____________. He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs(称) the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, “My 
fish weigh one kilo. This cat weighs one, too. My fish is here, you see, _______________”

A.Tom doesn’t like fish.

E.Tom likes fish very much..
F.His wife is very happy.
G.So when Tom comes home in the evening

  • 题型:0
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:284



参考: Let me introduce myself(介绍我自己). I have a big(大的) family.

  • 题型:12
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:310

–Would you mind my ________ here?
--Sorry, I’m afraid you can’t. Lily is here.

A.sit B.sitting C.to sit D.to sitting
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1593

–Could you please take out the trash?
--OK. I’ll do it ________.

A.at a minute B.on a minute C.for a minute D.in a minute
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1605

–Would you mind passing the book to me?
--________. Here you are.

A.of course not B.of course C.Sorry, I can’t D.OK
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:881

Please be quick! The meeting will start ________.

A.just now B.right away C.far away D.away back
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:764

–Do you want to go hiking with me this weekend?
--I’d love to. But I have to ________ my little brother at home.

A.babysit B.look over C.look at D.take care
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:785

Would you mind ________ the noise here? The baby is sleeping.

A.not to making B.not to make C.not making D.to not make
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:984

Don’t complain ________ your neighbors. You’d better get on well with them.

A.with B.to C.at D.about
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1652

–What’s wrong with your computer?
--It doesn’t ________.

A.turn on B.work C.break D.turn off
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1150

This skirt is too short for me. Would you show me a ________ one?

A.better B.cheaper C.shorter D.longer
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1139

--- Would you like to go with me?    --- _______________.

A.Sorry, I would B.Of course, I should not go with you
C.Excuse me, I would D.Certainly, I would be glad to
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:181

My teacher ________ this morning because I was late for class again.

A.got tired B.got away C.got annoyed D.got excited
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1579

Could you please ________ the TV a little? It’s too noisy.

A.turn on B.turn down C.turn off D.turn up
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:678

–What food did you ________ just now?
--Beef noodles, but it hasn’t arrived yet.

A.cook B.eat C.have D.order
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1497

–What do you think of sneezing in public?

A.It’s impolite B.It’s nothing C.It’s polite D.It’s necessary
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:691

I like the color of the sweater, but it’s ________ big.

A.a few B.a bit C.few D.little
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:375

Elena Desserich was a little girl. She loved to ___1___ and write. Elena dreamed of becoming an artist when she grew up—but sadly, she ___2___ had the chance to be an adult. When elena was 5 years old, the ___3___ said that she had brain cancer(癌症) and only had 135 days to ___4___.
Elena ___5___ the long days in hospital working on her painting, which were full of hearts and smiling families. ___6___ of her painting was shown in a gallery(画廊), right next to a Picasso’s painting. Soon she lost the use of her ___7___, and she began to “talk” with her family by writing notes.
When Elena died, her parents were very sad, ___8___ they knew the day would come. When they were tidying up her things, they began to find notes. All through her final days, Elena was writing love notes to her family and hiding(藏) ___9___ in secret places in the house.
Her parents started to collect them and all the ___10___ would say “I love you Mum, Dad and Grace.” They kept finding them—the amazing gift from Elena.
1. A. sing          B. play           C. paint                 D. read
2. A. never         B. sometimes       C. always               D. usually
3. A. father         B. teacher               C. mother                D. doctor
4. A. die            B. live                  C. work                  D. paint
5. A. took           B. paid                  C. spent                 D. cost
6. A. All             B. One                  C. Both                 D. Neither
7. A. voice          B. eyes                 C. ears                  D. nose
8. A. ever since     B. even                 C. even though            D. however
9. A. it            B. her                  C. that                   D. them
10. A. notes         B. paintings             C. books                 D. places

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1155


line,  cigarette,  man,  smoke,  annoy,  anything,  careful,  cough,  wait,  polite,  because,  what

I went to the doctor’s yesterday ①____________ I had a bad cold. I have ②____________ for three days, so I had a sore throat. When I got there,m there were many people ③____________ inline. I had to join the line at the end. But the man who was in front of me was ④____________ there. The smoke made me sick. I wanted to stop him but I was afraid he would get ⑤____________. But I really couldn’t stand it. So I told him ⑥____________, “Would you mind smoking outside?” After hearing what I said, the man threw the ⑦____________ on the ground and said to me, “Sorry.” I thought it was bad to do so, but I said ⑧____________ and picked up the cigarette. Seeing what I was doing, the ⑨____________ face turned red and felt very sorry about ⑩____________ he did. He turned to me and said, “You are a good girl. I won’t do that again.”

  • 题型:52
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:947

– I think your clothes are________ style.They look really cool.
--Thank you.

A.out of B.in C.for D.at
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1974

If you don’t go to the zoo, I won’t go,________.

A.too B.also C.as well D.either
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:240

--Let’s go to the Tian’anmen Square by taxi.
--Oh, it’s not far from here. We_______ take a taxi.

A.couldn’t B.needn’t C.mustn’t D.can’t
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1748

You look really cool in the new dress, dear. How much did you ________ it?

A.spend B.take C.cost D.pay for
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1835

The young boy found ________ hard to finish the work alone.

A.that B.this C.it D.which
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1338

I _____ home _______10 o’clock last night.

A.not go; until B.not go; till C.don’t go; till D.didn’t go; until
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1743

–Your spoken English is much better.
--Thank you. My teacher often asks us ________ English as ________ as possible.

A.to speak; many B.not to speak; much C.to speak; much D.not to speak; more
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1990

I lost my friend’s bike, and I really don’t know ________.

A.what should I do B.what to do C.how shall I do D.how to do
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:995

–I have little money. Could I ______ some _______ you?

A.borrow; to B.borrow; from C.lend; to D.lend; from
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1299

–Why not tell her the good news right now?
--Oh, no. I want to ________ her.

A.surprise B.call C.find D.help
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:590

–Why did Tom look upset yesterday?
--Because all his classmates passed the test ________ him.

A.including B.except C.with D.without
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:188

He doesn’t like his job. He often ________ it. 

A.thinks over B.complains about C.looks after D.cares about
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:953

Don’t worry about the kids. I think they can do it ________.

A.by yourselves B.by myself C.by themselves D.by himself
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:961

–This pair of shoes is too small to ________ me. Could you show me another?
--Of course. Please look at these ones.

A.fit for B.fit C.suit for D.agree with
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1901

Mike’s cousin is the same age ________ him. They get on well ________ each other.

A.for; in B.for; with C.as; in D.as; with
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:312

I have a problem. Yesterday afternoon I ___1___ with my best friend, Kim. And he was very angry. I thought about it for a long time last ___2___. Now I know I was ___3___ at that time. But I don’t know ___4___ I should do. My mother thinks I ___5___ go to see Kim and tell him I was wrong. My father thinks I should ___6___ Kim and say ___7___ to him. And my brother ___8___ I should call Teen talk, the radio advice program. My sister tells ___9___ I should call up my teacher for ___10___.
Can you tell me what I should do?
1. A. argued                 B. smiled            C. shouted        D. talked
2. A. morning               B. noon            C. afternoon         D. night
3. A. right                   B. wrong          C. kind               D. good
4. A. how                   B. why                 C. what          D. where
5. A. will                   B. should                C. must         D. need
6. A. call                    B. to call               C. calling        D. called
7. A. hello                 B. morning             C. sorry       D. afternoon
8. A. wants                  B. says                 C. hopes       D. speaks
9. A. I                     B. my                  C. him            D. me
10. A. advice                  B. money             C. homework    D. study

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1353

Tom is a schoolboy. He is only seven years old, but he is very busy on weekdays. One Saturday he decided to relax himself, so he went to the cinema.
It was the first time for him to do that. He bought a ticket and then went in. But after two or tree minutes he came out, bought a second ticket and went in again. After a few minutes he came out again and bought a third ticket. Two or three minutes later he came out and asked for another ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asked him, “Why did you buy so many tickets? How many friends did you meet?” Tom answered. “No, I have no friend here. But a big boy always stops me at the door and tears(撕) my ticket.”
1. Tom wanted to buy ________ when the girl asked him why.
A. a second ticket           B. a third ticket           C. a fourth ticket         D. a fifth ticket
2. The big boy stopped Tom at the door because ________.
A. it was the big boy’s job                          B. the big boy didn’t like Tom
C. the big boy didn’t know Tom                      D. Tom didn’t buy tickets at all
3. The big boy was ________ at the cinema.
A. a bookseller             B. a policeman           C. a shopkeeper         D. a worker
4. From the story we know ________.
A. Tom had a lot of money                           B. Tom knew little about the cinema
C. the big boy wasn’t friendly to Tom                  D. the girl wanted to get more money
5. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Tom bought the tickets for himself.                  B. Tom hadn’t been to the cinema before.
C. Tom was too young to make friends.                 D. Tom met no friend at the cinema.

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1626

Everyone has his problems to worry about.
Son: I try to be a good son, but no matter how hard I try, my parents never seem to be satisfied. They think I should eat healthier food, I should wear nicer clothes, and I should get better grades. And according to them, my hari should be shorter, my room should be neater(整洁), and my friends should be more polite when they come to visit. You know it isn’t easy to be a teenager.
Parents: We try to be good parents, but no matter how we try, our children never seem to be satisfied. They think we should wear more fashionable clothes, we should buy a faster car, and we should listen to more interesting music. And according to them, we should be more sympathetic(富有同情心的) when they talk about their problems, we should be more friendly when their friends come to visit, and we should be more understanding when they come late from a Saturday night date. You know it isn’t easy being parents.
1. There are four people in the boy’s family.
2. The boy’s parents want him to have shorter hair and make his room cleaner.
3. According to the boy, it’s hard to have polite friends.
4. The parents try their best to be good.
5. According to the passage, children always want their parents to eat much healthier food.

  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1454

News Reports
What’s more important to students? Most Chinese students would say doing well in exams. Not British students! British students aged 13—19 think having a good time with their friends is more important. Many British boys would even leave school early for a good job! British girls worry more about their studies than boys.
Do you have to carry a heavy bag to school? Students at a high school in Kansas, America, have just had a meeting with their city’s mayor(市长) to complain about their heavy bags. They said their bags are giving their necks and backs hurt. The mayor said students may do more of their homework online in the future to give their backs a rest!
TV Is Good for You
Are your parents always telling you to stop watching Tv because it’s bad for you? Well, an American study says that television can teach students things they can’t learn in the classroom. It found that the students who wtched the US comedy show Friends learned important lessons about how to get on with their classmates.

Chinese students
Doing well 1______________ is more important.
British students
Having a good time with friends is 2______________.
American students
3____________ are giving their necks and 4___________. 5___________ is good for their study and life.
  • 题型:0
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1334

1. Tom bought much food. It i___________ milk, eggs and apples.
2. I want a p____________ job during the summer holiday.
3. My aunt didn’t go to the park. My cousin didn’t go there, e____________.
4. All the students laugh at me because my clothes are out of s____________.
5. Bettina failed her test, so she was very u____________.

  • 题型:15
  • 难度:较易
  • 人气:1084

1. I think Erin should tell her friend Anna not ____________ (be) late for class again.
2. She always hes an ____________ (argue) with her husband about money.
3. Children need some ____________ (organize) activities.
4. You don’t need to have too much ____________ (press). Just try your best.
5. They are ____________ (crazy) about dancing and singing.

  • 题型:15
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:718


can,  until,  out,  job,  difference,  wrong,  because,  find,  leave,  should,  same,  make

Children’s schooling is changing very fast today. In the past, teachers ①____________ children sit in class. They let them remember ②____________ kinds of things. And the children had to repeat(重复) things ③____________ they learned them by heart.
For some children, they were at school only ④____________ their parents made them do so. They usually got ⑤____________ of the classroom as soon as the teacher let them ⑥____________. Many children did part-time ⑦____________ to make money to pay for the schooling.
Today many teachers think it is ⑧____________ just to make children learn. They say they ⑨____________ help children learn. It’s better to heop children know how to learn and how to ⑩____________ out things by themselves.

  • 题型:0
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:649

A: You look worried. ①______________?
B: Miss Gao told us to write a letter to our pen friends, ②______________.
A: Can’t you write a letter?
B: ③______________.  But she told us to write in English. I’m weak in english. ④______________?
A: you can read the passage on Page 15 of our book. It’s a letter from an english girl. Read it again and again until you understand it.
B: But I don’t know how to use some English words.
A: ⑤______________.  You can look them up in an English-Chinese dictionary.
B: You are right. Thank you very much.

  • 题型:0
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:477

每个人都有成长的烦恼。假如你是某报社Teens Hotline的编辑杨浩,下面是三个学生的烦恼倾诉,请你给其中一位写一封不少于50个单词的e-mail,告诉他(她)你的想法、建议与期望。

My English is poor. My teacher said I was lazy. In fact, I really hope to improve my English.
I argued with my parents again. They don’t understand me and always make me do this and that.
I’m a student of Grade 8. I can’t sleep well these days. I’m always worried about many thing.
  • 题型:12
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1691