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  首页 / 试卷 / 高中英语 / 试卷选题
  • 编号:92946
  • 题量:17
  • 年级:高一
  • 类型:练习检测
  • 更新:2021-10-25
  • 人气:1529



At our training center, we create an enjoyable English language  . One can feel as if he is studying in an English-speaking country.

A.harmony B.atmosphere
C.existence D.Condition
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:488

—What do you think of your life in China?
—The first year was  , but things have gotten better.

A.classic B.rough
C.optimistic D.comfortable
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:476

We decided to ask Peterson to come with us  he knew the road quite well.

A.while B.when
C.even though D.as
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1468

—You may get caught in a traffic jam on the way. So, you’d better leave now.
—All right,    .

A.go ahead B.just in case
C.think nothing of it D.don’t worry
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:440

On the green grass  , which live in perfect harmony with people there.

A.where live many animals B.do many animals live
C.live many animals D.living many animals
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:226

Why not ride bicycles to  the countryside with us this weekend? I’m sure you will enjoy yourself and come across the unexpected things.

A.search B.discover C.explore D.desert
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1314

We should do  we can to help those who lost their homes in the heaviest rain.

A.whatever B.however C.which D.that
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1611

If men can’t live in harmony  nature, the balance will be destroyed.

A.to B.with C.of D.for
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1807

—What do you think of your part-time job in the summer vacation?
—Well, the work is  , but I feel happy when I can make money using my hands.

A.tired B.tire
C.tiring D.to be tiring
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:680

When we got to the cinema, there were no tickets left. We should have booked  .

A.in the end B.in advance
C.before long D.long before
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1617

According to the UN, chemical weapons were used in an attack near the capital of Syria on August 21,    over 1, 400 people.

A.to kill B.killing
C.having killed D.being killed
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1449

  you  off Mrs. Black this time tomorrow?
—Of course. And we are going to hold a farewell party for her this evening.

A.Will; be seeing B.Will; see
C.Were; going to see D.Would; see
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1876

—How will you make the trip to the Sahara Desert?
     a camel, of course. It sounds exciting.

A.By B.On C.With D.Through
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1561

—Why was the famous film star wearing dark glasses when she was shopping in the supermarket?
—Because she hoped that no one      her.

A.recognized B.will recognize
C.has recognized D.would recognize
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1807

This restaurant sits on the 35th floor of the building. You can get  good view of the city, enjoy good dishes and have  pleasant time in its KTV rooms.

A.the; 不填 B.a; a
C.a; 不填 D.a; an
  • 题型:28
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1161

Angelina Jolie says she has a really wonderful time with her partner Brad Pitt, who is an American actor and film producer—and that’s why they’re still together!
Jolie    six children with the actor. She was    by America’s Parade magazine if their children are the    she and Brad stay together.
“The children certainly tie us together, but a relationship won’t    if it’s only about the kids, ” Jolie replied. “You also must be really interested in each other and have a really, really wonderful,      time together. We do. Brad and I    being together. We enjoy it. We need it, and we    find that special time. We keep connected. We talk about it. It’s very    to our family. If Brad and I are strong and happy, then our kids have happy    and that’s the best thing we can give them. Brad knows completely,      as I am, every part of me. He loves me. The kids love me. Hopefully I’m giving my children the    that they are deeply loved and deeply safe. At the same time we are hopefully    their individuality(个性)as they get to know who they are, and not getting in the way of that. That’s why they are six very strong individuals. ”
The Oscar-winning star showed    of helping her children develop their individuality is    them to develop their own identities(自我认同感),      she admitted that she can’t    the recent controversy(争论)with Brad when she agreed that her daughter Shiloh could cut her hair short and      like a boy. For example, she usually wears a jacket instead of a skirt.
Angelina added to    , “She wants her hair cut like a boy and she wants to be    John for a while. Some kids wear caps and want to be a Superman and she wants to be like her    . ”

A.finds B.teaches C.raises D.hires

A.written B.reported C.stopped D.asked

A.reason B.intention C.purpose D.result

A.break B.hold C.lose D.happen

A.boring B.disappointing C.exciting D.surprising

A.love B.avoid C.hate D.consider

A.never B.seldom C.always D.sometimes

A.easy B.different C.far D.important

A.parents B.classmates C.relatives D.neighbors

A.mostly B.only C.exactly D.simply

A.knowledge B.sense C.sight D.view

A.changing B.forming C.encouraging D.destroying

A.little B.none C.all D.part

A.forcing B.allowing C.warning D.refusing

A.and B.though C.because D.but

A.remember B.explain C.realize D.understand

A.walk B.dress C.eat D.think

A.doctors B.players C.readers D.reporters

A.mistaken B.called C.recognized D.made

A.brothers B.sisters C.uncles D.aunts

  • 题型:24
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:680

From the outer of New York to the heart of Singapore, nature is everywhere you’re not looking in some of Earth’s most crowded big cities. Outdoor adventure is often just a few stops on the train—or a short drive-away from the annoying crowds. Here are a few favorites to get you going:
Mount Hollywood Trail(林间小道, 乡间小路), Los Angeles
It’s not a skyscraper or a Ferris wheel, and there’s no expensive restaurant up top. But if you want an absolutely unforgettable, no-admission-charged, 360-degree view of the entire Los Angeles region, it’s yours. All you have to do is to walk a little. One of the preferred exercise routes, the Mount Hollywood Trail, is easily accessed from the parking lot of the famous Griffith Observatory; you see what you get at the end of this steep 1. 5-mile trail, which winds its way through the Griffith Park winds up to the mountain’s 1, 640-foot peak.
Bronx River, New York
It may not be on your Top 10 list of things to do when you finally get to the Big Apple, but exploring the almost-secret river that flows through one of New York’s most mysterious boroughs(自治市)is an unforgettable experience. The Bronx River Alliance, a non-profit group that has worked tirelessly to bring the much-abused river back to life, operates cycling and canoeing trips along the river, from the rugged Hunts Point section down near the harbor on up through the borough.
Southern Islands, Singapore
Believe it or not, tightly packed Singapore does have plenty of open space left. There are actual trails right in the middle of everything, if you know where to look. But to really get away from it all, the Southern Islands, a small group of little green dots just off the city state’s southern shoreline, are just the thing.
Lee Valley, London
This East London river valley changed last summer, when anyone near a television got an eyeful of Olympic Park, built directly in the middle of the valley. Inside the park, beautifully landscaped sections quickly became a favorite relaxation spot for games goers. At present, you’ll find miles of walking paths worth exploring. Start at the Waltham Cross train and follow the signposted walking route southbound, guiding you past important historic industrial areas, through interesting city neighborhoods, past the western side of Olympic Park and on to the Thames.
If someone wants to enjoy an unforgettable experience for free, he can go to  .

A.Mount Hollywood Trail and Bronx River
B.Mount Hollywood Trail and Southern Islands
C.Lee Valley and Southern Islands
D.Bronx River and Lee Valley

The writer of the passage wants to  .

A.inform the readers that nature exists in crowded big cities
B.appeal to more people to outdoor adventure
C.recommend several historical spots to readers
D.present various approach to outdoor adventure

We know from the passage  .

A.it’s difficult to find a proper trail in packed Singapore
B.the Thames is not far away from the East London river valley
C.The Bronx River Alliance has succeeded in running the river
D.you may have trouble reaching the Mount Hollywood Trail
  • 题型:25
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1234