1. 96 97 take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada.
2. Why they suddenly disappeared still 98 a mystery.
3. At this moment, they see a penniless young man 99 on the pavement outside their house.
4. Just 100 you sit here is a great honour! 101 102 the bill, sir, please forget it.
5. He could not have Yong Hui 103 away with telling people lies.
6. For forty years Jane Goodall has been 104 about making the rest of the world understand and 105 the life of these animals.
7. He made people laugh at a time when they felt 106 , so they could feel more 107 with their lives.
8. Tony 108 Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek!
9. With all these attractions, no wonder 109 is increasing 110 there is a Disneyland.