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  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:阅读理解
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1130

Kleptomania is an illness of the mind that gives a person the desire to steal. Such a person is not really a thief. They are sick and cannot help themselves. All small children act naturally and as they grow up they normally learn to control their actions. People with Kleptomania for certain medical reasons have failed to develop control over their desire to take things that do not belong to them. With medical help they may become normal citizens again. The things that a Kleptomaniac steals are seldom of great value. They often give away what they have stolen or collect things without using them.
What is the topic of the text?

A.Young thieves. B.An unusual illness
C.Reasons for stealing D.A normal child's actions

From the text we learn that small children _______.

A.have little control over themselves B.usually steal things but grow up honest
C.are usually Kleptomaniacs D.like to give things away

Which of the following word can best replace the word "desire" in the first sentence?

A.chance B.power C.right D.wish

Kleptomaniacs usually steal things that

A.are valuable B.are unimportant
C.their friends like D.they themselves need
