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  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:完型填空
  • 难度:容易
  • 人气:316

Recently, I experienced a wonderful lesson in how little things still mean a lot. My home is on the Big Island of Hawaii. About a month ago, when I   36   my car and was about to drive off, I
  37   at the roadside. A piece of paper   38   my eye. I picked it up and read it   39  . Instantly, I was grateful that I had done that.
The form turned out to be a receipt from the State Motor Vehicle Division, documenting the owners’   40   of their Vehicle’s Registration fees. Quickly, I put myself in their shoes and  __41  : no one would throw this away, especially   42   it was current. I also looked over the form for contact or any personal   43  , perhaps a license tag or telephone number. But that seemed __44  . The form had been blown by the wind, so   45   would I find the owners? Had it been lying there for a few minutes or a week? So I checked the date and   46   the names of the owners , who must  47  in our town. I believed that the best and easiest step to take was to put the form in a(n)  48   addressed to the couple and mail it by post. Further, I imagined that if I had posted the receipt to a wrong   49   , how frantic(慌乱的)I’d be. But it was much   __50_  to attempt to return it than to leave them angry, upset , etc. over the   51   , so I did as I thought. My hunch(预感) was right. On the weekend, a happy couple   52   my house and brought me a big gift. They said they had panicked(恐慌)and   53   the receipt madly everywhere before giving up. Without it they would have to   54   another 8,000. It felt great to know I’d helped someone avoid a major trouble by doing   55   that at first glance seemed minor.

A.found B.started C.bought D.parked

A.lay down B.flew down C.glanced down D.jumped down

A.caught B.blocked C.kept D.covered

A.suddenly B.gladly C.formally D.carefully

A.application B.payment C.permission D.achievement

A.decided B.planned C.calculated D.thought

A.if B.because C.when D.though

A.opinions B.news C.data D.matters

A.possible B.important C.useful D.unlikely

A.why B.how C.what D.which

A.noted B.recalled C.called D.changed

A.wait B.live C.stop D.study

A.bag B.pocket C.envelope D.dustbin

A.place B.country C.way D.station

A.sadder B.better C.worse D.faster

A.luck B.pain C.mistake D.loss

A.called at B.toured around C.ran towards D.returned to

A.took away B.searched for C.looked at D.asked about

A.earn B.save C.borrow D.spend

A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything

