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  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:未知题型
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2123

We often close ourselves off when painful events happen in our lives. Instead of letting the world soften us, we let it drive us deeper into ourselves. We try to ignore the hurt and, pain, but we can't hide from ourselves.   
The items listed below are four tips you can open your heart more fully and completely.
1.Breathe into pain
Whenever a painful situation arises in your life, try to face it instead of running away.  .When the sadness strikes, take a deep breath and accept it.By using our breath we soften our experiences and allow more newness.
We're often confused at the next step to take. Actually, we can try a new decision making process.To start this process, we may ask, "Heart, what decision should I make here? What action feels the most right?" See what comes up, then put it into practice and evaluate the outcome.
3.Spend time alone
For most of our lives we're surrounded by people: our friends, family members, and strangers.  When you spend time in solitude(孤独),you're free from the influences of other people. It might be painful at first, but eventually you'll add a whole new layer of depth and understanding into your life.
4.Get outside of yourself
   But in reality, they actually work hand-in-hand. After you've explored the depths of yourself, you come away with a new understanding.
Now, it's time to share that - not through telling others, but through being with others.

A.Have a light heart
B.Ask your heart what it wants
C.Is there anything I'm hiding from myself?
D.How often do we really spend time alone?

E.This may seem a little contradictory to the last tip.
F.We should open our hearts and take action to heal the wounds.
G.When we run away from sadness, it gets stronger and more real.

