The reality show (真人秀) is a kind of television program . Usually a reality show has any series (集) . And it can be on TV for many years .
The reality show is quite different other kinds of TV shows . Because it shows the life of common people and no actors or actresses play in it . It often shows true stories that happen or in people’s daily life. So many people like to watch reality shows .
The first reality show came out in the 1990s in American . At that time , the most famous and popular reality show was Survivor . It was popular not only in American . But also around the world .
Reality shows also show different kinds of competitions . For example , there’s a Chinese reality show called The Voice of China . In this show , there are four famous Chinese singers . Their job is to find their favorite students and help them be the winner . The show is very successful . Many people like to watch it .
What is the reality show ?
Are there any actors acting in the reality show ?
When and Where did the first reality show happen ?
What program is The Voice of China ?
What do the four Chinese singers do in The Voice of China ?