His _____________________________that he feels a little too proud.自从他归国以来,他一直致力于构建中西文化的桥梁
He has devoted himself to __________________________ the East and West since he returned to Motherland.因为雾霾天气,所有的飞行员受命缩短飞行路线,立即返航。
All the pilots __________________________________________and return at once because of hazy weather在昨天的课上,老师让我们讨论了一些预防犯罪保护自己的安全提示.
In yesterday’s class, our teacher asked us to discuss some ______________________________ crime.这个不诚实的小男孩自认为有编造谎言的天赋。
The dishonest boy thinks he himself _______________________________________ lies.由于不断的恐怖袭击,伊朗人们一直生活在为生命安全担忧中。
People in Iran ____________________________________their life because of Successive terrorist attack.