My 4-year-old son, Shane, (ask) for a puppy for months, but his daddy always say: “No dogs! It will kill our rabbits. No dogs, and that’s final!” Each night, Shane prayed for a puppy, and each morning, he was (disappoint) when there was no puppy (wait) outside.
One evening, I was peeling potatoes for dinner when Shane sighed: “Dad will never change mind and I will never have a puppy in a million years.” Suddenly an idea hit me. So I handed him a potato and said: “Carry this it turns into a puppy. Keep it with you happens!” Shane faithfully carried his potato around for two days. He called it Wally and even took the pet for walk. Besides, every time I cooked potatoes, he cried because I was “killing Wally’s family”. the third day, I finally persuaded Dad buying Shane a puppy. Everything was perfect until one evening, when I was cooking, Shane asked: “Mom, could I have a pony for my birthday?” I looked at his sweet little face and said: “Well, first we’ll need a watermelon…”