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  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:阅读理解
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:385

Is chatting on your mobile phone boring without colorful emojis(表情符号)?Those happy , sad and laughing faces help us talk
So what kind of emoji does a country like most ? It has something to do with the environment and culture of different countries,according to a report in The Atlantic.
France loves heart emoji more than any other country.It’s reported that55%of emojis it uses are hearts .This adds to France’s image(形象)as a romantic country.
As for Americans,we see many users choose food pictures.America uses the burger and chicken leg emoji more often than other countries.

Besides,a nation’s scenery and history affect its emoji usage,too ?

As it often snows in Russia, people there turn to snow emoji more than those in any other country.In China,people like using panda emoji.And Australia uses more rabbit emoji than anywhere else.It
once built the longest fence(篱笆)in the world to keep rabbits from eating their way too far west.
The_______ emojis can help people________on the mobile phone.
France loves________ emoji best_______France is a romantic country.
The environment,culture,as well as_______and scenery of a country can_______its emoji usage.
It is often for ______ to choose emoji of food ________ the burger and chicken leg .
Australia once built the _______ fence in the world to ______ rabbits eating their way too far west .

