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  首页 / 试题 / 初中英语 / 试题详细
  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:未知题型
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:2114

The kind of dancing called ballet (芭蕾) began in Italy 500 years ago. You go to a tto see ballet which tells a story using music and dance. Ballet developed greatly in France about 350 years ago and dall over the world still call all the movements (动作) by their French names.
The Royal Ballet School(皇家芭蕾学院) in London is famous and children interested in ballet dreaming of bable to go there. The school holds several audition (表演会) every year where they choose schildren to train as ballet dancers. Auditions ta whole day and about 1,000 children go to the auditions every year. The c, aged about 10 or 11, are given numbers to pin (别在) on their clothes and, in a group, they copy the movements made by a teacher. Ballet teachers wthe children carefully and choose the children who have a suitable shape, some natural tand who very much want to learn. Children from other ccan go to the Royal Ballet School. They can send a video of themselves dancing and if they are good, they may be taken to travel to London for an audition. Every year, only 14 boys and 21 girls are c
to go to the school.

