41. Book signing means .
A. 预订书
B. 签名售书
C. 打折书
42. What is the book about?
A. The life of Dr. Aaron.
B. How to work in the field.
C. The ants of New England.
43. Linda bought the book in June, so she saved .
A. $3.00
B. $29.95
C. $56.90
41. Book signing means .
A. 预订书
B. 签名售书
C. 打折书
42. What is the book about?
A. The life of Dr. Aaron.
B. How to work in the field.
C. The ants of New England.
43. Linda bought the book in June, so she saved .
A. $3.00
B. $29.95
C. $56.90