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  首页 / 试题 / 初中英语 / 试题详细
  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:阅读理解
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:86

"Have you finished your lesson,George?" said Mr.Prentice to his son,who had laid aside his book and was busy making a large paper kite.

    "No,father,"replied George,hanging down his head.

    "Why not,my son?"

    "Because it is so difficult,father.I am sure that I shall never learn it.Besides,I could not remember it after I had learned it,my memory is so bad."

    "If I were to promise you a holiday on the thirtieth of the month after next,do you think you would forget the date?"

    "No,I am pretty sure that I should not."

    "You are first﹣rate at skating,and flying a kite,and playing at ball and marbles,are you not?"


    "And yet you cannot learn your lesson!My dear boy,you are deceiving(欺骗) yourself.You can learn as well as anyone,if you will only try."

    "But have I not tried,father?" again urged George.

    "Well,try again.Come,for this afternoon lay aside that kite you are making,and give another effort to get your lesson ready.Be in earnest,and you will soon learn it.To show you that it only requires perseverance I will tell you a story:

    "One of the dullest boys at a village school,more than thirty years ago,went up to repeat his lesson one morning;and,as usual,did not know it. ‘Go to your seat!' said the teacher angrily.

‘If you don't pay more attention to your lessons,you will never be fit for anything.'

    The poor boy stole off to his seat,and bent his eyes again upon his lesson.

    ‘It is of no use;I cannot learn.' he said in a whisper to a companion who sat near him.

    ‘You must try hard,'replied the kind﹣hearted boy.

    ‘I have tried,but it is of no use;I may just as well give up at once.'

    ‘Try again,Henry!' Whispered his companion,in an earnest and encouraging tone.

    These two little words gave him a fresh impulse,and he bent his mind again to his task.

Gradually he began to find the sentences lingering in his memory;and soon,to his surprise and pleasure,the whole lesson was mastered!

    "From that day," continued Mr.Prentice,"there was no boy in the school who learned more rapidly than Henry.From that day till the present hour he has been a student;and he now urges his son George to ‘try again' as he tried. "

    "And was it indeed you,father?" asked his son,eagerly looking up into the face of his kind parent.

    "Yes,my child.That dull boy was your own father in his early years."

    "Then I will try again." said George,in a decided tone;and,flinging aside his half﹣made kite,he turned and re﹣entered the house,and was soon bending in earnest attention over his lesson.

    "Well,what success,George?"asked Mr.Prentice,as the family gathered around the tea﹣table.

    "I learned the lesson,father!" replied the boy, "I can say every word of it."

    "Did you find it hard work?"

    "Not so very hard,after I had once made up my mind that I would learn it.Indeed I never stopped to think,as I usually do,but went right on until I had mastered every sentence."

    "May you never forget this lesson,my son!" said Mr.Prentice, "You now get the secret of success.It lies in never stopping to think about a task being difficult or tiresome,but in going steadily on,with a fixed determination to succeed."

(1)The meaning of the underlined word"perseverance"is   

A.the quality of continuing trying

B.the quality of being brave enough

C.thinking about what will happen next

D.thinking about what's the best thing to do

(2)Which is the correct order of the things below?   

a.Mr.Prentice told George his own story.

b.George learned the lesson successfully.

c.George was busy making a large paper kite.

d.George gave up his lesson halfway.

e.The family gathered around the tea﹣table.





(3)According to the passage,we can see Mr.Prentice   .

A.was encouraged by his teacher

B.was a top student at first

C.is always impatient with his son

D.is a kind and wise father

(4)Which can be the best title for the passage?   

A.A dull boy.

B.Try again.

C.A strict father.

D.Finish your lesson.

