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How often do you change your hairstyle or ask for new dresses? You may be   31  to follow trends(潮流)in Western countries, but young people in the United States don’t care as much about
32  as you do.
A recent survey(调查) among high school   33  in China, Japan, South Korea and the US found that   34   teenagers care more about their appearance than young people in the US.
This survey was held in 156 high schools in the four countries. More than 7,000 teenagers were
35  about their views on life and the world. South Koreans, at 83 per cent, cared most about their looks. They were   36   by the Chinese and Japanese, while US students showed the least interest in fashion at only 33 per cent.
“The different results show  37   of cultural background(背景),” said Sun Yunxiao from the China Youth and Children Research Centre. He explained that in the US there are many different 38  of beauty, so teens are more   39  to be confident about their appearance.
US teenagers’ high self-confidence is displayed(展示) in the   40 . About 85 per cent are happy with themselves. The percentage of self-confident Chinese students stands at only 30 per cent.
What’s   41 , US students showed more individuality(个性), with 88 per cent   42   that “people should follow their own interests rather than   43  of others”. This is much   44  than South Korea’s 69 per cent, China’s 49 and Japan’s 48.
Japanese students, at 52 per cent, are most dissatisfied with modern society. Chinese and Koreans follow at second and  45  most dissatisfied.
“ 46  to the survey, Chinese students are happy and disciplined (有纪律的). They have a strong wish to make a difference.  47  Chinese students need to be more independent and learn how to relax,” said Sun.
The students have different  48   backgrounds. But home and places where friends gather are the favorite places all teens seek happiness.
Exams and worries about life after graduation cause much 49  among most of the teens
50  for the survey.
31. A. absorbed            B. willing                 C. careless            D. unhappy
32. A. hairstyle                  B. dresses                    C. fashion                 D. culture
33. A. teachers           B. students           C. citizens                 D. colleagues
34. A. Asian                      B. American           C. African            D. Western
35. A. answered            B. requested           C. persuaded          D. questioned
36. A. followed            B. decreased            C. reduced           D. compared
37. A. relations             B. barriers           C. customs          D. differences
38. A. awareness           B. Standards         C. Consciences         D. expenses
39. A. admirable           B. confused           C. likely             D. unbelievable
40. A. survey               B. setting             C. reference            D. paper
41. A. worse               B. better              C. less                       D. more
42. A. disagreeing          B. observing           C. agreeing          D. puzzling
43. A. those               B. that                C. it                D. One
44. A. lower              B. larger              C. smaller           D. higher
45. A. first                B. third               C. fourth                   D. last
46. A. leading              B. devoting            C. Appealing           D. According
47. A. But                 B. And               C. So               D. Or
48. A. political            B. cultural            C. Economical         D. commercial
49. A. expectation         B. hesitation          C. Concern           D. Ambition
50. A. interviewed         B. advised            C. Overlooked         D. invested

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

At the beginning of this century, medical scientists made an interesting discovery; we are built not just of flesh and blood but also of time. They were   36   to show that we all have “a body clock”   37    us, which controls the   38   and fall of our body energies,   39   us different from one day one to the next.
The   40   of “a body clock” should not be too   41   since the lives of most living things are controlled   42   the 24 hour night-and-day cycle. We feel   43   and fall asleep at night and become   44   and energetic during the day. If the 24 hour-cycle is   45   , most people experience unpleasant   46   . For example, people who are not   47   to working at night can find that   48   of sleep causes them to   49   badly at work.
50   the daily cycle of sleeping and   51  , we also have other cycles which   52   longer than one day. Most of us would   53   that we feel good on some days and not so good on    54   ; sometimes our ideas seem to flow and at other times, they   55   do not exist.
36.A.anxious                 B.able                        C.careful                    D.proud
37.A.inside                     B.around                    C.between                  D.on
38.A.movement                     B.supply                    C.use                         D.rise
39.A.showing                 B.treating                   C.making                   D.changing
40.A.invention                B.opinion                   C.story                      D.idea
41.A.difficult                  B.exciting                  C.surprising               D.interesting
42.A.from                      B.by                          C.over                       D.during
43.A.dull                       B.tired                             C.dreamy                  D.peaceful
44.A.regular                   B.excited                   C.lively                            D.clear
45.A.disturbed                B.shortened                C.reset                       D.troubled
46.A.moments                B.feelings                  C.senses                     D.effects
47.A.prevented               B.allowed                  C.expected                 D.used
48.A.miss                       B.none                       C.lack                        D.need
49.A.perform                  B.show                      C.manage                   D.control
50.A.With                      B.As well as               C.Except                    D.Rather than
51.A.working                 B.moving                   C.living                     D.waking
52.A.repeat                     B.remain                   C.last                         D.happen
53.A.agree                      B.believe                   C.realize                    D.allow
54.A.other                      B.the other                 C.all other                  D.others
55.A.just                        B.only                       C.still                        D.yet

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Of all living creatures on earth, insects are the most plentiful. Some 1 are very useful to man, for example, bees, 2 we get honey and wax, and silkworms, which 3 us with silk. Other varieties, 4 , are extremely harmful, and do a great 5 of damage, especially to crops. Locusts are perhaps the most dangerous of all, 6 they will eat almost any green 7 , and when millions of them 8 on cultivated land they soon leave it 9 . In some countries they are the farmers’ 10 enemy. Another nuisance is the common 11 , not only because it 12 us indoors and out-of-doors, but because it spreads diseases.
  Scientists have given much time and 13 to the study of insects. It needs the most careful and 14 observation. Thanks 15 their discoveries we now know almost all 16 is to be known about the habits of these hardworking insects, bees and ants, which live in 17 better planned in some ways than our 18 . But the most valuable work has been done in trying to give 19 to men, animals and crops from the 20 which insects cause.
1.A.members            B.forms        C.qualities           D.varieties
2.A.by which            B.from which     C.of which           D.in which
3.A.give                B.produce        C.offer              D.supply
4.A.however             B.meanwhile     C.offer             D.supply
5.A.majority             B.number        C.amount           D.what’s more
6.A.and                 B.for            C.if                D.when
7.A.grass               B.field          C.fruit              D.plant
8.A.settle               B.attack         C.pass              D.cross
9.A.bare               B.nothing        C.empty             D.untouched
10.A.hardest            B.greatest        C.serious            D.wildest
11.A.insect              B.creature       C.fly               D.enemy
12.A.dislikes            B.bites          C.worries           D.hates
13.A.understanding       B.ideas           C.comprehension      D.thought
14.A.serious            B.patient        C.curious           D.long
15.A.for                B.of            C.to                D.with
16.A.that               B.which        C.there             D.what
17.A.societies            B.crowds        C.teams             D.organizations
18.A.world              B.nation       C.selves             D.own
19.A.help              B.protection    C.living             D.defense
20.A.injury              B.wound       C.sickness            D.ruin

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Cutting meat production and consumption by 30 percent would help to reduce carbon emissions(排放) and improve health in the most meat-loving nations, scientists said on Wednesday.
Using prediction models, British and Australian researchers  1  that improving efficiency, increasing carbon capture and  2  fossil fuel dependence in farming would not be enough to  3   emissions targets.
But combining these steps  4  a 30 percent reduction in livestock(家畜)  5  in major meat-producing nations and a similar  6  in meat-eating, would lead to "substantial population health benefits" and cut emissions, they said.
The study found that in Britain, a 30 percent  7  intake of animal-source saturated(饱和的) fat by adults would reduce the  8  of premature(过早的) deaths from heart disease by some 17 percent -- equivalent to 18,000 premature deaths reduced in one year.
In Sao Paulo, Brazil, it could mean as  9  as 1,000 premature deaths reduced in a year, they said.
  10  the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, 18 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions are from meat production and experts say rising  11  for meat, particularly in countries with growing economies, could  12  livestock production up by 85 percent from 2000 levels  13  2030.
The scientists said global action was needed to maximize the benefits of cutting meat production and  14 , and that the environmental  15  "may apply only in those countries that currently have high production levels."
The study was  16  in The Lancet medical journal as part of a series in climate change and health  17  the Copenhagen global climate summit scheduled next month.
In a second study, British scientists found that increased walking and cycling, and  18  cars, would have a much greater impact on health  19  low-emission vehicles in rich and middle-income countries.
Andrew Haines, director of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and head of the research series, said delegates at Copenhagen needed "to understand the potential  20  impacts of their plans."
(   ) 1. A. invented             B. experimented    C. found               D. proved
(   ) 2. A. increasing          B. speeding           C. stopping           D. reducing
(   ) 3. A. meet                  B. change             C. break                      D. adapt
(   ) 4. A. by                     B. with                 C. to                    D. in
(   ) 5. A. sale                   B. eating               C. production               D. use
(   ) 6. A. cut                    B. increase            C. addition            D. consumption
(   ) 7. A. lower                 B. higher              C. more                D. less
(   ) 8. A. amount              B. number            C. quantity            D. deal
(   ) 9. A. much                 B. many                      C. few                  D. little
(   ) 10. A. According to     B. Apart from       C. As well as         D. In addition to
(   ) 11. A. resistance          B. fear                  C. demand            D. anxiety
(   ) 12. A. weaken            B. strengthen         C. drive                D. broaden
(   ) 13. A. in                    B. by                    C. from                D. after
(   ) 14. A. evaluation               B. consumption     C. process             D. store
(   ) 15. A. advantage         B. disadvantage     C. pollution          D. improvement
(   ) 16. A. written             B. claimed            C. delivered          D. published
(   ) 17. A. along with               B. from behind      C. ahead of           D. in front of
(   ) 18. A. more                B. fewer                      C. no                    . none
(   ) 19. A. then                 B. as                    C. that                  D. than
(   ) 20. A. health              B. body                C. spirit                D. emotion

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once in a blue moon there is one on New Year's Eve. Revelers ringing in 2010 will be treated to a so-called blue moon. According to popular definition, a blue moon is the second full moon in a month. But don't   1  it to be blue - the name has nothing to   2  the color of our closest celestial(天体) neighbor.
A full moon   3  on December 2. It will appear again on Thursday in time for the New Year's countdown.
"If you're in Times Square, you'll see the   4  moon right above you. It's going to be that brilliant," said Jack Horkheimer, director emeritus of the Miami Space Transit Planetarium and host of a weekly astronomy TV show.
The New Year's Eve blue moon will be   5  in the United States, Canada, Europe, South America and Africa. For partygoers in Australia and Asia, the full moon does not show up  6  New Year's Day, making January a blue moon month for them.
However, the Eastern Hemisphere can celebrate with a partial lunar eclipse(月蚀) on New Year's Eve when  7  of the moon enters the Earth's shadow. The   8  will not be visible in the Americas.
A full moon occurs   9  29.5 days, and most years have 12.  10 , an extra full moon in a month - a blue moon - occurs every 2.5 years. The   11  time there was a lunar double take was in May 2007. New Year's Eve blue moons are rarer, occurring every 19 years. The last time was in 1990; the next one won't  12   again until 2028.
Blue moons have no astronomical   13   , said Greg Laughlin, an astronomer at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
"`Blue moon' is just a   14  in the same sense as a `hunter's moon' or a `harvest moon,'" Laughlin said in an e-mail.
The popular definition of blue moon   15  after a writer for Sky & Telescope magazine in 1946 misunderstood the Maine Farmer's Calendar and marked a blue moon as the second full moon in a month. In fact, the calendar   16  a blue moon as the third full moon in a season with four full moons, not the usual three.
Though Sky & Telescope corrected the  17  decades later, the definition caught on. For purists(语言纯正癖者), however, this New Year's Eve full moon doesn't even qualify as a   18  moon. It's just the first full moon of the winter season.
In a tongue-in-cheek essay   19  on the magazine's Web site this week, senior contributing editor Kelly Beatty wrote: "If skies are clear when I'm    20 celebrating, I'll take a peek(眯着眼睛看) at that brilliant orb(天体) as it rises over the Boston skyline to see if it's an icy shade of blue. Or maybe I'll just howl."
(   ) 1. A. wish                  B. wait                        C. hope                D. expect
(   ) 2. A. deal with            B. do with                   C. develop with     D. form into
(   ) 3. A. occurred            B. came                       C. ran                   D. went
(   ) 4. A. full                  B. half                         C. bright               D. part
(   ) 5. A. out of sight               B. visible                     C. big                   D. clear
(   ) 6. A. until                  B. when                       C. before              D. since
(   ) 7. A. part                   B. all                           C. any                  D. none
(   ) 8. A. moon                 B. eclipse                     C. sun                  D. shadow
(   ) 9. A. each                  B. every                             C. either                      D. all
(   ) 10. A. On the whole    B. Generally speaking   C. On average       D. In addition
(   ) 11. A. last                  B. next                        C. other                D. another
(   ) 12. A. go                   B. see                          C. come                D. look
(   ) 13. A. point                B. evident                    C. theory              D. significance
(   ) 14. A. name                      B. object                      C. phenomenon     D. tradition
(   ) 15. A. created             B. came about              C. made                D. copied
(   ) 16. A. named              B. called                      C. introduced               D. defined
(   ) 17. A. error                B. name                       C. reality              D. number
(   ) 18. A. blue                 B. red                          C. yellow              D. grey
(   ) 19. A. published         B. posted                     C. printed             D. written
(   ) 20. A. in                    B. out                          C. away                D. on

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

For some people, the sight of a mouse can be reason to scream. For other mice, the same sight can be reason to sing.
Mice will probably   21   sing their way to any concert, but researchers in the United States have found   22   that mice do,   23  , sing.
Scientists already knew that mice make ultrasonic(超声波) sounds—noises that are too high-pitched(高音的) for people to hear   24   special equipment.
To find out whether mice put such sounds together in song-like   25  , the researchers recorded the sounds of 1 mice. Using computer   26  , they were able to separate the sounds into specific types of syllables(音节), and found the mice produced about 10 syllables per second.
The results showed that nearly all of the mice repeated sequences(顺序) of syllables in different patterns. That’s enough to meet the definition of what scientists   27   song. But not all scientists are   28  _ that what the mice are doing is   29   singing. To prove it, the researchers must show that there’s learning involved. And, they need to __  30   why the mice sing.
21. A. almost                     B. even                       C. never                     D. usually
22. A. coincidence   B. evidence              C. guidance              D. instance
23. A. at once          B. by means             C. for example D. in fact
24. A. during                      B. inside                     C. through                D. without
25. A. fashions                  B. instructions C. patterns               D. styles
26. A. access                     B. printer          C. screen          D. software
27. A. call                            B. hear                       C. sing                        D. write
28. A. accustomed  B. convinced            C. involved                D. qualified
29. A. actually           B. obviously              C. simply          D. unlikely
30. A. figure out               B. get about             C. run across           D. talk over

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

For some people, the sight of a mouse can be reason to scream. For other mice, the same sight can be reason to sing.
Mice will probably   21  sing their way to any concert, but researchers in the United States have found   22  that mice do,   23 , sing.
Scientists already knew that mice make ultrasonic(超声波) sounds—noises that are too high-pitched(高音的) for people to hear   24  special equipment.
To find out whether mice put such sounds together in song-like   25 , the researchers recorded the sounds of 1 mice. Using computer   26 , they were able to separate the sounds into specific types of syllables(音节), and found the mice produced about 10 syllables per second.
The results showed that nearly all of the mice repeated sequences(顺序) of syllables in different patterns. That’s enough to meet the definition of what scientists   27  song. But not all scientists are   28  _ that what the mice are doing is   29  singing. To prove it, the researchers must show that there’s learning involved. And, they need to __  30  why the mice sing.
21. A. almost                     B. even                       C. never                     D. usually
22. A. coincidence   B. evidence              C. guidance              D. instance
23. A. at once          B. by means             C. for example D. in fact
24. A. during                      B. inside                     C. through                D. without
25. A. fashions                  B. instructions C. patterns               D. styles
26. A. access                     B. printer          C. screen          D. software
27. A. call                            B. hear                       C. sing                        D. write
28. A. accustomed  B. convinced            C. involved                D. qualified
29. A. actually           B. obviously              C. simply          D. unlikely
30. A. figure out               B. get about             C. run across           D. talk over

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Modern zoos are very different from zoos built fifty years ago. At that time, zoos were places ___1___people could see animals from many parts of the world. The animals lived in _____2___with iron bars. The cages were easy to keep clean.__ 3___, for the animals, the cages were small and impossible to hide in. Although the zoo ____4____ took good care of them, many of the ____5____ did not feel comfortable, and they often became ____6____.
In modern zoos, people can see animals in more _____7___ conditions. The animals are given more freedom  in larger places ____8____ they can live more freely as they would in _____9___. Even the appearance of zoos has changed. Trees and grass grow in the cages, and water flows____10____ the places that the animals live in. There are few bars,____ 11____ there is often a deep ditch(沟), filled with _____12___, which surrounds a space where several_____13___ of animals live together as they would naturally. In an American zoo, the visitor can walk ____14____ a huge special cage that is filled with trees, some small animals and many birds. And it is large enough for all the birds to live ____15____.In a zoo in New York, because of special night ____16____, people can observe certain animals that are ___17_____ only at night when most zoos are closed. Some zoos have special places for visitors to ____18____ animals that live in the desert or underwater. Some other zoos have special places for animals that live in cold conditions like the ____19____ from the Arctic.
Modern zoos not only show animals for visitors, but also ____20____ and save rare animals. For this reason, fifty years from now, the grand children of today’s can still be able to enjoy watching these animals. 
1. A. that           B. where           C. which          D. there
2. A. houses         B. rooms           C. cages           D. offices
3. A.Therefore            B. However       C. So             D. Though
4. A. masters        B. managers             C. keepers         D. trainers
5 .A. workers       B. animals         C. bears           D. animals     
6. A. excited        B. angry           C. ill             D. frightened
7. A. natural        B. difficult        C. warm           D. different
8. A. so that         B. and            C. but                  D. or
9. A. forest          B. nature           C. rivers           D. the water
10. A. in           B. by             C. near             D. through
11. A. instead       B. instead of         C. and              D. or
12. A. stones        B. earth            C. oil              D. water
13. A. sorts          B. families        C. classes         D. groups
14. A. by           B. out            C. through         D. in
15. A. happily       B. naturally        C. deeply         D. hardly
16. A. moon        B. sign            C. light            D. signal
17. A. live           B. active           C. living          D. sleeping
18. A. feel           B. touch            C. watch          D. talk to
19. A. snakes       B. monkeys        C. bears           D. tigers
20. A. buy           B. keep             C. sell              D. catch

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

From the earlier time it was well ___1___to the Peruvians that when a cut ___2____made in the thick skin of a ___3____tree, a white liquid like milk came ___4___. From this fluid (流动的) a sticky ___5_____of rubber might be made. This rubber is ___6____and wax-like when warm so that it is ___7_____to give any form.
The Peruvians ___8____the discovery that it is very good for ___9____out water. Then in the early ___10____of the century they made overshoes to ___11___their feet dry. Then a certain Mr Mackintosh ___12_____coats of cloth which were ___13____with rubber. Today Mackintosh raincoats are still ___14_____after him.
But these first rubber shoes ___15______raincoats were unpleasantly soft and sticky in ___16___. They were also stiff and very ___17____in winter. They were like wax(蜡) although they ___18____a bit stronger.
But the rubber ___19___use today has been improved. It is ___20____sticky but soft and elastic(弹性的) and strong enough for any season.
1. A. talked               B. heard           C. seen               D. known
2. A. has                B. was             C. may               D. will
3. A. rubber              B. apple           C. orange                  D. oak
4. A. from                B. through         C. out                D. up
5. A. raincoat            B. shoes           C. border             D. mass
6. A. hard                     B. fast              C. stubborn            D. soft
7. A. important            B. impossible       C. possible             D. uncertain
8. A. made                B. found          C. wrote             D. neglected
9. A. finding             B. keeping         C. making             D. pouring
10. A. kind               B. part             C. sort                D. halves
11. A. clean              B. clear           C. keep              D. prevent
12. A. made              B. found          C. appeared           D. gave
13. A. full                B. like             C. lined              D. applied
14. A. looked            B. named         C. made             D. searched
15. A. or               B. and              C. with               D. but
16. A. today              B. summer              C. winter             D. rain
17. A. soft                B. sticky          C. elastic             D. cold
18. A. felt                     B. made           C. needed                  D. produced
19. A. Mr Mackintosh      B. the Peruvians       C. we                 D. is
20. A. also                B. always         C. neither                  D. not

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die. But people now live longer than they   36  . Yet, all living things still show the   37   of aging, which will eventually   38   death.
Aging is not a disease, but as a person passes maturity (成熟期), the cells of the body and the  39  they form do not function as well as they   40  in childhood and teenage years. The body provides less   41   against disease and is more   42   to have accident.
A number of related causes may   43   aging. Some cells of the body have a fairly long life, but they are not   44   when they die. As a person ages,   45   of brain cells and muscle cells decreases.   46   body cells die and are replaced by new cells. In an aging person the  47  cells may not be as workable or as capable   48   growth as those of a young person.
Another   49  in aging may be changes within the cells   50   . Some of the protein chemicals in cells are known   51   with age and become less elastic (有弹性的). This is why the skin of old people wrinkles (皱纹) and   52  . This is also the reason why old people   53  in height. There may be other more important chemical changes in the cells. Some complex cell chemicals, such as DNA and RNA, store and   54   information that the cells need. Aging may affect this  55  and change the information-carrying molecules so that they do not transmit the information as well.
36. A.would          B.be used to C.used to     D. used
37. A.function         B.effect         C.affect        D. sign
38. A.lead in          B.give in         C.run into     D. result in
39. A.hands          B.feet C.heart       D. organs
40. A.do            B.has done         C.did          D. had done
41. A.energy        B.protection     C.vigor            D. power
42. A.likely            B.probable        C.possible    D. alike
43. A.attend to       B.contribute to  C.add to    D. devote to
44. A.replaced       B.reborn   C.recovered     D. surrendered
45. A.a number       B.the amount   C.the number   D. a great deal
46. A.The others             B.The other             C.Another        D.Other
47. A.old              B.left               C.new            D. other
48. A.to                B.for      C.of               D. in
49. A.factor           B.effect             C.reason   D. element
50. A.for themselves          B.of themselves   C.themselves        D. on their own
51.   A.change           B.to have changed  C.to change         D. to be changed
52. A.hangs loose   B.hangs loosely     C.is hanging loosely D. is hanging loose
53. A.increase         B.shrink    C.lengthen        D. decrease
54. A.pass away     B.pass by           C.pass off          D. pass on
55. A.improvement          B.procession     C.approach      D. process

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
