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    From tiny seeds(种子), great discoveries grow. A mini﹣garden carried on China's Chang'e 4 moon lander recently became home to the first plant to grow on another world.

    This is yet another success for Chang'e 4. On January 2, the probe(探测器)became the first lander to touch down on the far side of the moon. This is the unknown face of the moon that is always looking away from us, so we never see it from down here on the earth. Although it is often regarded as the dark side of the moon, the far side actually gets as much sunshine as the near side. For example, when all we can see is a silver of a new moon, the far side of the moon is in full sunlight.

    Part of Chang'e 4's mission(使命)is to see how a moon base could be built for humans, including exploring(探索)whether humans could grow food and other plant products there. Chang'e 4 carried a mini﹣garden with air, water and soil with seeds planted in it. When plants shoot on the earth, their stems grow away from the gravity(the force that keeps your feet on the ground),and so they always shoot upwards.The moon's gravity is a sixth as strong as the earth's, so Chang'e 4's experiment was a test:would the earth plants know which way was up on the moon? Four days after landing, a tiny cotton shoot showed that they do.

    Night has now fallen on the far side of the moon; sunlight will not return until the start of February.As a result, the cotton shoots died. Besides the darkness, the plants can't stand the cold(it can drop to ﹣170C on the moon at night). However, the experiment is a success, since it has proved that it is possible for plants to grow in space.

(1)The text is mainly about  

A. another success for Chang'e 4

B. Chang'e 4 moon lander

C. tiny seeds in the soil

D. the steps of an experiment

(2)Which of the following is TRUE about Chang'e 4?  

A. It carried a mini﹣garden.

B. It landed on the near side of the moon.

C. It explored the moon base.

D. It found plants on the moon.

(3)From the text we can know that  

A. the far side of the moon gets less sunlight

B. we can see the far side of the moon from the earth

C. the stems fail to grow away from the earth's gravity

D. the earth plants know the way to grow on the moon

(4)What can be inferred(推理)from the text?  

A. Plants can be grown on the moon soon.

B. It is perfect to do experiments on the moon.

C. The cotton shoots can last days on the moon.

D. We can see a new moon at the start of February.

(5)In which section of a magazine can you read the text?  

A. Health and sport.

B. History and culture.

C. Science and technology.

D. Population and environment.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you ever feel no one really understands you?Well,"Pepper",a robot could change all that.Pepper is the first robot to read human's feelings.Using its emotional recognition,Pepper can react to people when it is close to them﹣making jokes,dancing and even singing in Japanese.

The man﹣like robot looks a small girl.It is four﹣feet tall with a table computer set to its chest.It has human﹣like hands,a girl﹣like body and baby﹣like voice.It was shown to curious people in Tokyo stores on Friday by Softbank,a Japanese robotics company.

Pepper can examine face expressions,human voice and signs,then make an answer.Pepper is designed to be a family robot,but it isn't like Rosie,the household robot on the cartoon.Pepper is used at home or in the store,where we provide fun and entertainment.

Pepper gets power from love inside a family.Not only is he making jokes,making them laugh,also it helps people when they are in trouble.In a natural accident,it can help make those people who are sad or lonely feel relaxed.encourage them or make them laugh.

Pepper was on sale in Japan for around $2.000 in February,2015.For now,several Peppers are at Softbank stores in Tokyo for people to visit.The creators say before selling Peppery they want the robots to store more knowledge,so it can get along better with humans.

71.Do you think a robot can read human's feelings?   

72.Where was Pepper shown to curious people on Friday?   

73.What kind of robot is Rosie?   

74.How much did a Pepper cost in 2015?   

75.How can Peppers get along better with people?   

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


One news story is about men pretending(假装) to be women to enter the women's events in modern Olympics.People are arguing(争论)about how fair it is to test women athletes to make sure they are not men.One side argues that men are stronger,so will win any women's event.They say that athletes are tested to make sure they are not using drugs and more importantly,women should be tested to make sure they are not men.The other side argues that this is unfair to women.They say skill is more important than strength.But has this ever really happened?The answer is yes,several times! The most famous case is that of Dora in 1936Olympics.

The 1936Olympics took place in Berlin,Germany,three years after the Nazis came to power.The Nazis wanted to win lots of events at the Olympics.But they had wrong ideas about race(种族).They did not want black or Jewish people in the Germany team.But many of their best athletes were Jewish.The Nazis thought they might lose was the women's high jump.So the Nazis sent a male athlete,Hermann Ratjen,to compete under the name of "Dora".Did he get the gold metal?No.Dora came fourth.The winner was a young Jewish women from Hungary.She jumped 1.60metres.Dora only jumped 1.58metres.

How fair is it to(59)  women athletes to make sure they are not men?

One side:women are(60)  ,so men will win any women's event.

All athletes,especially(61)  ,should be tested.

The other side:strength is not so(62)  as skill.

The most famous case…

"Dora" in 1936Olympics,which were(63)  ,in Berlin,Germany.

Background:because of Nazis'(64)  idea about race,black and

Jewish athletes were kept out of the German team,which might lead to the(65)  ,of some events.

The case:the Nazis sent 'Dora',a man,to compete in the women's(66)  jump.Dora finished(67)  .The winner was a young Jewish woman from Hungary.

Conclusion:Men do not always(68)  !

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

An AIDS (艾滋病)understanding program in Yunnan was started six years ago.It was held by the Chinese Red Cross.The program is a great way of making sure that people learn the facts about HIV/AIDS.It is so successful that it is running in several other provinces now.

The program not only provides care and support for the people who carry HIV/ADIS virus(病毒),but also trains young people to teach others about HIV/ADIS.In the program,the volunteers hold two﹣day classes to teach people about the virus and its links(相关)to drug use and sexual practices.They also work with students,drug(毒品)users and people who may be at risk of becoming infected(感染)by the virus.

The organizers of the program said that people knew about HIV/ADIS and how it was spread after taking part in it.HIV/ADIS was found mainly among drug users and those who had become infected through careless blood transfusion(输血)practices.Today,the number of young people becoming infected through sexual activity is increasing,so it is important to deal with this big problem.

The Chinese government predicts that unless action is taken right now,as many as 10million people could be infected with HIV/ADIS in China in the next nine years.

In June 2001,the Chinese central government announced a five﹣year plan for dealing with the spread of the disease(疾病).This plan focuses on better education about the virus,a national system to report cases of the disease and better practices for collecting blood.

An HIV/ADIS understanding program

The organization of the program

An HIV/ADIS understanding program was started by (101)   

The purpose of the program

★To provide care and support for HIV/ADIS sufferers.

★(102)   to teach others about HIV/ADIS.

The things that (103)   have done for the program

★They have held two﹣day classes about HIV/AIDS

★They have worked with students,drug users,people who may be at risk of becoming infected the virus.

What the Chinese government has done

★It has made a five﹣year plan to deal with (104)   

From the passage,we know the HIV/ADIS virus is spread through (105)   and sexual practices.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Named after the "quest for heavenly truth",Tianwen 1,China's first Mars probe(探测器),has given us impressive pictures of the red planet.The first high﹣resolution(高分辨率的)pictures of Mars taken by Tianwen 1 were made public by the China National Space Administration(CNSA)on March 4.

   "These are the first close﹣up pictures of Mars' surface taken by China, " said Bao Weimin,a scientist of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

   The pictures were taken at different distances from Mars.The two black﹣and﹣white pictures were taken by the high﹣resolution camera on Tianwen 1 when the probe was about 330﹣350 kilometers above the Martian surface.As for the color picture,it was taken by Tianwen 1's medium﹣resolution(中分辨率的)camera when the probe was about 5,000 kilometers above the red planet. Itshows Mars' North Pole.

   The high﹣resolution camera can take both color and panchromatic(全色的)pictures.Panchromatic pictures,which are black and white,are the clearest,having the largest amount of data for scientific study,said Liu Tongjie.The medium﹣resolution camera,can only produce lesser clear pictures.Scientists put the panchromatic and color pictures together to form a clear and beautiful color picture,Liu added.

   Tianwen 1,the country's first independent Mars task,was sent up on July 23,kicking off the nation's planetary exploration program.The probe entered its preset orbit above Mars on Feb 24 and is looking for a landing site on the planet's largest plain.The probe is expected to land on the red planet sometime between May and June.

(1)When were the first high﹣resolution photos of Mars made public by CNSA?    


On Feb 24.


On March 4.


On July 23.

(2)What does the word " It" refer to in paragraph 3?    


The color picture.


The black﹣and﹣white picture.


The clear and beautiful picture.

(3)What do we know about the pictures according to the text?    


The first close﹣up pictures of Mars' surface were taken at different distances from Mars.


The color pictures have the largest amount of data for scientific study.


The clearest pictures were taken by the medium﹣resolution camera.

(4)What will be most probably discussed next?    


Tianwen 1 will take more pictures of Mars.


Tianwen 1 will land on the red planet,Mars.


Tianwen 1 will do some scientific research on Mars.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

With the development of technology,WiFi is becoming more and more popular and important in people's daily life.But have you ever experienced it?Just imagine what life will be like if there is no Internat.Maybe you won't be able to talk with friends,play video games or search for information for your homework on the Internet.

But in fact,only one third of the world's population are able to get information on the Internet.The rest are too poor to buy WiFi access(使用权) or they live in remoteareas.As a result,they live without the Internet.

Google and Facebook,two world﹣famous technology companies,have decided to do something about it.Google's Project Loon will try to send balloons whichare 15 meters wide into our Earth's stratosphere(平流层) in 2016.The balloons are made of a special material that is three times thicker than the plastic bag we use every day.Each balloons will carry a minicomputer and a WiFi radio.The WiFi radio will send the Internet over the areas it is floating over.Then people can get up to date information on weather or news.

71.The underlined word"remote"means   in the passage.









72.Two thirds of the world's population live without the Internet because   


they have no money to buy WiFi access.


they live in remote areas


they don't need the Internet


they can't afford WiFi access or they live in remote areas.

73.The underlined word"which"in paragraph 3 refers to(指代)   




Google and Facebook




Google's projects


74.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?


The balloons are 15 meters long


People can do lots of things on the Internet


The WiFi radio can send the Internet without any help.


The material of the balloons is not as thick as out usual plastic bag..

75.The main idea of the last paragraph is   


how to send the Internet


how to use the Internet


what the balloons look like


how soon people will get WiFi from the sky.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Running away is a serious problem.There are lots of runaway and homeless kids living in the streets around the world.


★Some kids run away because they have problems with their families.

★Some kids run away because they're afraid to tell their parents the bad things that they did at school or in society.

★Some kids run away because there is violence(暴力)in the family.

★Some kids run away because their parents divorce(离婚)or marry again.

★Some kids run away because they have problems at school.

What will you do if your friend wants to run away from home?

If your friend is thinking about running away,tell him or her that it is difficult to survive(幸存)in the streets.Try to help your friend feel less alone.

Whatever the problem isthere are other ways to solve itMaybe you can't think of the ways right now,but an adult(成年人)will know how to help you.You should tell an adult that your friend plans to run away as soon as possible.Being a real friend doesn't mean keeping a secret that may hurt someone.And running away isn't a solution(解决方法)for either of you.It only makes more problems and danger.



Kids run away because of many reasons.How many reasons are connected with their schools?




If a secret may hurt someone,you shouldn't keep it even though you're someone's real friend.  


What does the underlined word"It"in the last sentence refer to(指的是)?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Looking back at 2016,there were many moments that we were proud of and excited about.Here are some important and moving moments from 2016.

61.   Chinese Women's Volleyball Team won the gold medal at Rio 2016 Olympic Games.This is the third time that they have won the gold medal in the history of volleyball at the Olympics.

62.   Hangzhou,the host of the G20 Summit welcomed leaders from G20 members and guest countries as well as heads of relevant(相关的)international organizations.The discussions and wonderful show drew the whole world's attention.

63.   On April 12,2016,Xinhua Dictionary got two Guinness World Records﹣the most popular dictionary and the best﹣selling book.By July 2015,it had sold 567 million copies around the world.The book is also a good tool for foreigners who want to learn Chinese language and culture.

64.   He Jiang was born in a small village in China.He became the first Chinese student to give a speech at Harvard's commencement(典礼).It's the highest honor given by the university.

65.   On June 20,2016,a new Chinese supercomputer,Sunway TaihuLight,took the top spot of the new list of the 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world.China had come further than any other country in the history of supercomputer.



Xinhua Dictionary


The G20 Summit


He Jiang,an excellent student


Sunway TaihuLight


Chinese Women's Volleyball Team.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

With her eyes feeling increasingly tired and her vision blurry(视力模糊的),l6﹣year﹣old Tian Ting went to the hospital with her parents in January.She was shocked when she found out that her eyesight dropped from 5.0 to 4.6 in only a term. "A few of my friends have had the same experience lately," Tian said.

    In fact,poor eyesight among Chinese primary and high school students rose from 59.2 percent to 70.6 percent in the first six months of 2020,according to the Ministry of Education.

    To protect students' eyesight,the Chinese government has worked out new requirements (要求) for school supplies (供应品) and equipments that will take effect (生效) on March 1,2022.For example,according to the requirements,the size of text in students' textbooks should be no smaller than nine﹣point.Teachers should also try not to use projectors (投影仪) or other multimedia equipments (多媒体设备) that are too bright,Beijing Daily reported.There are also requirements for desks and classroom lights.For example,these lights should give off (散发) as little blue light as possible.

    Blue light is bad for our eyes,as it can kill the photoreceptor cells (光感器细胞) we need for vision,according to Harvard Medical School.Many of the electronic devices we use every day,like our phones and computer screens,give off blue light.

    Chinese government has also taken other steps to protect students' eyesight in China.In May 2020,the National Health Commission urged schools to make sure that students have at least two hours of outdoor activity a day.

(1)In the first half of 2020,there were     of students becoming short﹣sighted.





(2)The writer probably agrees that    .

A.Schools use textbooks with the smaller size of text

B.Teachers use over﹣bright multimedia equipments

C.Students are made sure to have fewer than two hours of outdoor activity a day

D.Schools use lights that give off less blue light

(3)What's the best title of the passage?    

A.How to protect us from illness.

B.How to have outdoor activity.

C.How to use electronic devices.

D.How to protect students' eyesight.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Daily News

    Wild beavers (河狸) are back! Experts say that the wild beaver families are doing well. The beavers are even boosting wildlife and the environment!

    Over ten years ago, a family of beavers turned up in a part of the river Otter, in Devon.No one knew exactly where they came from. It was a big surprise一wild beavers hadn't lived in England for around 400 years!

    In 2015, the government allowed the beavers to stay there as part of a trial (试验). They wanted to see if these animals could be reintroduced to the wild.The trial ends in February.Some scientists from the University of Exeter already say the beavers help the wildlife in the area. One scientist called it" an amazing story".

    A lot of this is because of dams. Beavers build dams along the river. This creates deep pools in the riverbed and slows the water down. Scientists say this is perfect for many different types of plants and animals! Many plants are growing near the beavers.Different types of animals are also becoming more and more in the river. Beavers also help make flooding less,scientists say.The beavers' dams slow down the speed of the river, especially after heavy rain.

    There are, however, some problems. Beavers gnaw (咬,啃) on trees and this can harm them.Their dams can also sometimes create floods (洪水) on people's land.

    Beavers aren't the only animals that are being reintroduced to the wild! In 2019, red squirrels were brought back to an area of the Scottish Highlands. Further away, the world's rarest (罕见的)duck, the Madagascar pochard, is making a comeback. It was set free into the wild on the African island in 2019 and is doing well.

    Who knows what other animals might be making a comeback?

(1)Which of the following best explains "boosting" in paragraph 1?  

A. building

B. spreading

C. helping

D. creating

(2)Why did the government want a trial first? Because they wanted to  

A. grow more plants along the river

B. build dams for the beavers in the wild

C. introduce the beavers to the wild

D. see if the beavers could be reintroduced to the wild

(3)What are the good things about wild beavers living on the river Otter?  

A. They help plants grow and make flooding less.

B. They bring heavy rain and floods.

C. They gnaw on trees and harm them.

D. Their dams create floods on people's land.

(4)How many kinds of animals are mentioned in the news story which have been reintroduced to the wild?  

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

D. Four.

(5)How do you think animal lovers feel about the news?  

A. Embarrassed.

B. Pleased.

C. Tired.

D. Disappointed.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Look at this newspaper page. Read about December holiday events in one town. Then answer the questions:

Holiday Events This Week

Monday, December 12

Crafts Projects

For kids ages 5 to 12

Library, 4 p.m.

Saturday, December 17

Holiday Fair

Do last﹣minute shopping

Town Hall, 11 a.m.

Friday, December 16

Holiday Concert

Hear the chorus sing

High School, 6 p.m.

Sunday, December 18

Benefit Breakfast

Bring cons to give

Clothes shop, 9 a.m.

(1)Which event is only for kids?  

A. Crafts Projects.

B. Holiday Concert.

C. Benefit Breakfast.

(2)What time does the breakfast start?  

A. 4 p.m.

B. 11 a.m.

C. 9 a.m.

(3)Which event is on Saturday?  

A. Holiday Fair.

B. Holiday Concert.

C. Benefit Breakfast.

(4)Where is the Holiday Concert?  

A. In the library.

B. In the high school.

C. In Town Hall.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Amazing China is a 90﹣minute documentary about the development of China. Many people have watched it.We asked some students how they liked this movie. Here are their opinions.

    ▲The director Wei Tie made this successful movie. It shows that China has progressed rapidly in the past nearly 70 years.

﹣﹣Li Lin

    ▲This movie drew a picture of common people's great work. I'm proud of our country because all the Chinese try to achieve Chinese dream.

﹣﹣Xu Wei

    ▲In this documentary, we saw the longest sea﹣crossing bridge in the world, Hong Kong﹣Zhuhai﹣Macao Bridge. Now, China also has longer high﹣speed rail network (高铁网) than any other country.

﹣﹣Liu Yang

    ▲The film helped people to know China better. The stories in the movie touched my heart deeply. From then on, I decided to work harder than before.

﹣﹣Huang Lei

(1)What kind of movie is Amazing China?  

(2)Who is the director of this movie?  

(3)Why is Xu Wei proud of China?  

(4)Which is the longest sea﹣crossing bridge in the world?  

(5)Did Amazing China touch Huang Lei's heart?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    The movie Ne Zha came back to the big screen last year. And lots of people watched it.

    For many years, the character Ne Zha has been familiar to many children of China. Most Chinese children came to know Ne Zha from the TV series Journey to the West. Of course, Ne Zha in that TV series is not as great as Sun Wukong. But still, Ne Zha is popular in Chinese children's hearts.

    Now, the relationships among the characters in the 3D movie Ne Zha are given modern meanings. New Ne Zha in the 3D movie is more than a child. He is very happy when he feels the warmth of the familyAnd he does not hide his anger when he meets bad men. He lives as he wants to live.

    It was hard to believe that a panda﹣eyed, buck﹣toothed(龅牙) child could be a hero in hearts of millions of people. But it made it and the movie was a big success.The film's director and screenwriter is Yang Yu. It took him three years to write this play and two more years to make the cartoon.It is one of the most successful cartoons made in China. You can enjoy the beauty created by high technology when watching it

(1)From which TV series did most Chinese children come to know Ne Zha?


(2)What does new Ne Zha look like in the 3D movie?


(3)How long did it take Yang Yu to write the play and make the cartoon?






  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When you look up into the night sky, you can see the moon. But do you know that you're only seeing one side of the moon? The other side, also known as the far side of the moon, has long been a secret to us. But now, we have a chance to see what's on the far side.

    On January 3rd,China's Chang'e 4 probe(探测器) landed on the far side of the moon. It is the first probe in history to land there.

    Chang'e 4 probe has already done a lot of things on the moon. One of its jobs is to grow plants. Chang'e 4 probe took six living things to the moon. Such as cotton, potatoes and fruit flies(果蝇). The cotton has already started growing. This is the first time humans have grown plants on the moon.

    Chang'e 4 probe also took a lot of pictures of the moon's far side. With these pictures, scientists will learn more about the moon.

(1)According to the passage, we can see both sides of the moon.  (判断对错)

(2)Growing plants on the moon is Chang'e 4 probe's only task.  (判断对错)

(3)Chang'e 4 probe is the first probe to land on the far side of the moon.  (判断对错)

(4)Seven living things were brought to the moon by Chang'e 4 probe.  (判断对错)

(5)The cotton has already begun growing on the moon.  (判断对错)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下面的图表, 完成问题.

Huawei has announced today that smartphone sales abroad in 2018 have reached over 200 million units. In recent months the company has become the No. 2 supplier(供应商)of smartphones, ahead of Apple and behind Samsung, marking a great progress Huawei has made since it entered this market eight years ago.

An extended version of the Fuzing bullet train will be fitted with the automatic train operation system(列车自动控制系统). With a design speed of 350 kilometers per hour, the new train is 439.8 meters long, with 17 carriages(火车车厢)that can carry 1283 passengers.

The world's first 5G﹣enabled railway station is on its way! The Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station is the first railway station built upon the 5G digital(数字的)indoor system, with China Mobile and Huawei launching(发射)the network's system there.

(1)In recent months, which company has become the No. 2 supplier of smartphones?  

A. Samsung.

B. Huawei.

C. Apple.

(2)An extended version of the Fuzing bullet train can reach the speed of  

A. 350 kilometers per hour

B. 200 kilometers per hour

C. 128 kilometers per hour

(3)  will be the world's first 5G﹣enabled railway station?

A. Beijing Railway Station

B. Shenzhen Railway Station

C. The Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
