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   Antarctica (南极洲) is at the southern end of the Earth. It is the coldest, driest and windiest place on our planet. What would it be like to live and work there?

    On Oct 15, 50 Chinese researchers took a ship named Xuelong 2 from Shenzhen to Antarctica. Xuelong 2 is the first icebreaker (破冰船) made in China. It took two years to build Xuelong 2. It is reported that Xuelong 2 is one of the world's best research icebreakers.

    Chinese researchers have been to Antarctica 35 times. Because of its unusual environment, researchers from around the world have been going there to do study (研究) for many years. Some studies can only be done in Antarctica. For example, there is little air pollution there. This makes it easier for scientists to study the weather, atmosphere (大气) and stars.

    The study of Antarctica's geology (地质) is also important. Rocks in Antarctica can tell us what the weather was like long time ago, and help us understand how the Earth has changed over time. There are also many wild animals, such as penguins (企鹅),seals (海豹) and birds. Scientists can learn how animals live in cold places by studying them.

    Xie Zhouqing is a professor at the University of Science and Technology of China. He was part of China's 15th research trip to Antarctica. He said, "Life in Antarctica is not easy.It is tiring and sometimes dangerous, but it is still quite fun." He also said,"I studied how penguins walk, what they eat, and why they move from one place to another. I was excited to see the cute animals playing around. I hope my studies can help protect them."

(1)What can we know from the first three paragraphs?  

A. Antarctica is at the northern end of the Earth.

B. There is plenty of air pollution in Antarctica.

C. Xuelong 2 is the first icebreaker made in China.

D. Chinese scientists have been to Antarctica 45 times.

(2)What does the underlined word "it" mean in the fifth paragraph?  

A. Life in Antarctica.

B. Rocks in Antarctica.

C. Fun in Antarctica.

D. Danger in Antarctica.

(3)What can we infer (推断) from the passage?  

A. The weather in Antarctica hasn't changed over time.

B. Xie Zhouqing mainly studied geology in Antarctica.

C. Chinese researchers have done many studies in Antarctica.

D. The study in Antarctica can't help protect penguins and seals.

(4)Where does the passage probably come from?  

A. A storybook.

B. A cooking guide.

C. A film review.

D. A science magazine.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In 1987 a small company named Huawei was started in Shenzhen.After more than 30 years of development,the company has now beaten Apple and become the world's second largest maker of smartphones.It has also become the world's supplier (供应者) of 5 G.In China and even in the world,Huawei is a wonder.Although it started producing mobile phones not many years ago,it has become one of the most famous phone companies.

    But recently,Huawei faces some difficulties.The US government made a law to stop its sales in America.American officials said Huawei gave information that it collected to the Chinese government.At the same time,the US government planned to stop selling parts and services to Huawei.They believed that Huawei's business would be hurt this way.

    "We have never received such a request from the Chinese government and we have never tried to get into other systems to collect information," Ren Zhengfei,Huawei's president said. "The law would have little effect on our company.Huawei has enough ability to deal with the problems," Ren added.

    In an interview several years ago,Ren Zhengfei said, "I started Huawei with only £4000 at the beginning,but now it has become a 100 billion company.The experience was not as romantic as you imagine."

    Facing the law of the US,Huawei is growing.Huawei's smartphone sales around the world rose 50 percent compared with a year earlier in the first three months of 2019.At the same time,sales from both Samsung and Apple fell.So far Huawei has grown into the world's largest telecommunication equipment supplier (供应商),selling in 170 countries.It may beat Samsung as the largest smartphone maker in the near future.

(1)How many kinds of smartphones are mentioned in total in this passage?    





(2)Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?    

A.Huawei collected the information for the Chinese government.

B.Ren Zhengfei started Huawei with only £4000 in 1987.

C.Huawei has beaten Samsung,a South﹣Korea phone maker so far.

D.Huawei has developed its business smoothly.

(3)What does the underlined word "romantic" in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese?    





(4)The last paragraph mainly tells us    .

A.Huawei has become one of the most famous phone companies.

B.Huawei has become the largest maker of smartphones in the world.

C.Huawei has got into some systems of the US.

D.Huawei is full of hope and must succeed in the future.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    I think there are several reasons that suggest developing robots is a waste of money.

    In San Diego recently $ 325,000 was spent on inventing a robotic squirrel to do some scientific experiments. The research proved that squirrels are able to scare away snakes by wagging (摇动) their tails. Do you need a robotic squirrel to work this out?

    What about AIBO,a robotic pet,developed in Japan? In Japanese aibou means "buddy". These pets have been developed at huge cost mainly to provide entertainment.They've been used in movies and music videos. Universities have used them for educational purposes.However, in 2006 the company stopped producing these robotic pets in order to save money. Was it worth a lot of money?

    Then there's NAO, a robot which has been developed by a French company.Its main purpose is to make life easier for humans. It speaks 19 languages and has its own personality.It can tell children a story, help in the classroom or the home, or act as a companion to those people who need someone to be with.A fully developed one costs ﹩16,000. Is that value for money? Who can afford it anyway?

    There may be good reasons why it is worth developing robots, but so far I haven't thought of any.

(1)What does the underlined word "companion" in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese?  





(2)What is the true fact about the robots mentioned?  

A. The robotic squirrel is needed by every scientist to do some research.

B. AIBO wasn't made any more because it only provided entertainment.

C. A fully developed NAO may tell kids stories in different languages.

D. All the three types of robots used to be produced at a very low cost.

(3)What does the writer think of developing robots?  

A. It can help bring people a lot of fun.

B. It has advantages in many ways.

C. It may be useful but costs too much.

D.It is worth a great deal of money.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What time does your school start?Do you wish you could get up later every morning?You are not alone if your answer is "Yes." In the US,many middle school students have the same wish.

   In America,many schools start before 7:30 am.But that may change soon.A new law has been passed in California.According to the law,middle schools should not start before 8:00 am.The government hopes school children will have longer time in bed.

   Many scientific studies show that teenagers are more active in the afternoon and in the evening.Simply telling them to go to bed earlier doesn't work well.Most of them don't get enough sleep because of bad sleeping habits and early school starting time.They need more sleep in the morning.Scientists suggest middle schools should start at 8:00 am.or later.Students can get well ready to learn and they won't fall asleep in class.______The change can help improve students' grades.

   While scientists are happy with the new law,many parents disagree with it.They won't be able to send their children to school before they go to work.They also fear that later school starting time will lead to later ending time.As a result,their children will have less time to take part in after﹣school activities.

   It's good news that Chinese education experts have noticed the problem and made some rules about that.So what's your opinion?Do you expect China to pass a similar law?

(1)The schools shouldn't start       according to the new law in California.


before 7:30 a.m.


after 7:30 a.m.


after 8:00 a.m.


before 8:00 a.m.

(2)Why don't most of the teenagers get enough sleep?    


Because their parents need them to do housework.


Because their sleeping habits are bad and schools start early.


Because they play computer games ill ate.


Because they have too much homework.

(3)Which sentence do you think can be filled in the blank in paragraph 3?        


They can put on weight.


They will like their teachers.


They will join more clubs.


They will pay more attention to classes.

(4)What can we know from the passage?        


The government of New York has passed a new law.


All the parents disagree with the law.


Later school starting time may lead to fewer after﹣school activities.


Teenagers are more active in the morning.

(5)From the passage,we can infer(推断)that        .


students should have enough sleeping time in the writer's opinion


students in California will have less sleeping time


Chinese experts aren't worried about students' sleeping time


China has already passed a similar law

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Influenza, or flu(流感), is a type of virus. It spreads from one person to another quickly. When someone who has the flu coughs or sneezes, little droplets from their lungs (肺) spread out into the air.Anyone nearby can get sick. Even a person who touches something with the virus and then touches his or her mouth, eyes, or nose, can become infected(感染).

    The outbreak of the 1918 influenza infected about 500 million people worldwide. It killed from 20 million to 50 million people. It was first seen in Europe, the United States, and parts of Asia.It then spread quickly around the world. Many people who became sick were young, healthy adults.At the time, no treatments worked in the prevention of the spread of the killer flu. People were ordered to wear masks. Schools, theaters and other public places were closed.

    When the first wave(波>in the spring of 1918 hit, it didn't seem serious. People who were infected felt the usual flu symptoms(症状), which are chills, fevers, and feeling tired. Those who got sick generally got better after several days. Not many died. However, a second, highly contagious(传染的)wave of influenza appeared in the fall of that same year. Victims died shortly after they were infected ﹣ within hours or days. Their skin turned blue and their lungs were filled with liquid(液体),making it very difficult to breathe.

    By the summer of 1919, the flu pandemic(大流行病) came to an end. Sick people had either got well or died. Almost 90 years later, in 2008, researchers announced they'd discovered why the 1918 flu was so deadly. The flu virus inflamed (使…恶化)the lungs, causing them to fill with liquid.

    Since 1918, there have been several other influenza pandemics, although none has been quite as deadly.

(1)What information about the 1918 flu is mentioned in the passage?  

A. The reason why it was so deadly.

B. The reason why it ended.

C. The change it caused to medical research.

D. The place in which it was last seen.

(2)All the people that were infected with the 1918 flu  

A. had blue skin that led to their death

B. had touched someone with the virus

C. died as their lungs were filled with liquid

D. had the virus in their bodies that made them sick

(3)Which of the following statements about the 1918 flu is TRUE according to the passage?  

A. Wearing a mask was the best way to treat it.

B. A younger person had a lower risk of being infected with it.

C. People expected the coming of its second wave, but couldn't stop it.

D. It was deadlier than any other influenza pandemic in modern history.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Are you short﹣sighted? If you are, your parents might have tried to do something to fix it, such as having you get an eye massage(按摩), take medicine or even get surgery(手术). People who offer these services or products often say that they can reduce or even cure short sight.

    However, you will no longer see advertisements like this before long. The government has issued a notice to ban(禁止) businesses from using words like "recovery" or "short sight cure" in

their advertisements.

    The notice says that short sight cannot be completely cured with current medical technology. Therefore, these advertisements could mislead children and their parents.

    Young people can prevent and control short sight by spending more time outside and less time in front of books or computers. People who have sight problems should first go to a hospital and let a doctor decide what to do.

    More than 450 million Chinese have suffered from short sight since June 2018. Short sight rates are around 30 percent for primary school students, 60 percent for junior high school students and 80 percent for senior high school students. This is likely because students spend a lot of time reading books and using electronic devices.

    To reduce short sight among young people, the government made a new plan last August. The plan is designed to limit the amount of time children spend playing video games, as well as limit the production of new video games.

(1)Some people say that they can cure short sight to  

A. show off their high﹣leveled skills

B. sell more products and services

C. share their medical technology

D. prove that eye massages are useful

(2)Advertisements with the word "  " will be banned by the government.

A. recovery


C. short sight

D. surgery

(3)If you have a sight problem, you should   first.

A. get surgery

B. get an eye massage

C. take some medicine

D. ask a doctor for advice

(4)According to this passage, which group has the highest short sight rate?  

A. Primary school students.

B. Junior high school students.

C.Senior high school students.

D. College students.

(5)From the last two paragraphs, we can know that  

A. students should be stopped from using mobile phones

B. students in lower grades are more likely to get short sight

C. production of new video games will be limited

D.a law was made to protect the eyesight of people

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Earlier this year, China achieved a new milestone (里程碑) in space research. On January 3, 2019, Chang'e﹣4 became the first lunar probe (月球探测器) in history to successfully land on the far side of the moon.

    The Earth's gravity (重力) slows the moon's rotation (自转), matching it to the speed of its orbit (公转). Therefore, the far side of the moon is almost "dark" and has never been seen. It's this sense of the unknown that makes the far side of the moon such an interesting place for scientific and space research. Being blown by solar (太阳的) winds, the far side may have the special minerals (矿物质 ). For this reason, Chang'e﹣4 will study the effect of solar winds on the lunar surface and any mineral found by the spacecraft. Chang'e﹣4 is also carrying flower seeds, potatoes and silkworm eggs to see whether life is possible on the moon. If it is, then the moon will become a possible choice for space travel in the future.

    However, research of the "dark" side isn't easy. As the far side is blocked(阻断) off from us, radio noise coming off Earth is also blocked. This is why China's relay satellite (中继卫星) Queqiao was sent up in May, 2018. Thanks to Queqiao, the communication problem between Earth and Chang'e﹣4 has been well solved.

    Power supply (电源供应) is also a challenge to the task. Chang'e﹣4 gets energy from the sun through its solar panels. As we know, a lunar day has the length (长度) of 28 Earth days. After Chang'e﹣4 was sent up on December 8, 2018, it took the probe over 20 days to orbit the moon to be in a position to be able to land in moon daylight and use its solar panels.

    Luckily, everything goes well, Chang'e﹣4 has worked on the "dark" side for over 5 months. It has sent back many photos of the far side of the moon and has been used to carry out some scientific experiments.

    The New York Times used the word " groundbreaking" to praise the task and wrote that "it will offer help to the history and development of the moon".

(1)When was Chang'e﹣4 sent up?  

A. In May, 2018.

B. On December 8, 2018.

C. On January 3, 2019.

D. The passage doesn't tell us.

(2)The main tasks of Chang'e﹣4 don't include  

A. studying if life is possible on the moon

B. studying the effect of solar winds on the lunar surface

C. solving the communication problem between Earth and other probes

D. researching any mineral found by the spacecraft

(3)The meaning of the underlined word "groundbreaking" in the last paragraph is the closest to "  ".

A. harmful

B. unpredictable

C. risky

D. pioneering

(4)According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?  

A. Chang'e﹣4 has sent back many photos of the far side of the moon.

B. A lunar day has the length of 28 Earth days.

C. China's relay satellite Queqiao was sent up in order to offer power supply to probes.

D. Chang'e﹣4 is the first lunar probe in history that has successfully landed on the "dark" side of the moon.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If you wear glasses, there's good news for you.(1)  A new study has found that needing to wear glasses is connected with higher levels of intelligence.

    In the study, researchers from the University of Edinburgh studied data(数据)on brainpower and genes. Genes, made up of DNA, are information in the cells of our body. They determine how we look and how our bodies work. (2)  They found a connection between brainpower and physical characteristics including eyesight and health. People who were more intelligent were more likely to have genes that might show they need to wear glasses. The researchers also found that being smarter has some advantages. They found ways in which smarter people have fewer health problems.

    (3)  They are not proved(证实的)causes. It is easy to prove that two things are connected. It is harder to prove that one thing, like intelligence, causes the other, like needing glasses.

    Forget genes though. Wearing glasses makes people think you are more intelligent, even if you don't need them. A number of studies have found that people who wear glasses are usually seen as smarter, more hard﹣working and honest. (4)  They get the people they work for on trial(审 判)to wear glasses. Glasses are also used to show someone is intelligent in movies and on TV.

    (5)  People who do not need glasses sometimes wear them. They wear them just to look smart or cool. Glasses are not only for needs. Wearing glasses can also be cool. Many movie stars are fans of fashion glasses.

A.Many lawyers use this to help them.

B.We must try our best to protect our eyes.

C.However,these are all simply connections.

D.You might be smarter than those who don't.

E.Ideas about wearing glasses have begun to change.

F.Wearing glasses sometimes makes people look silly.

G.The researchers studied the genes of over 300,000 people.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


New Zealand's 5note (纸币)has been chosen as the best in the world.

The orange and brown s 5note called"high face score"(高颜值)

beautifully shows the country's history,culture and traditions,as well as

the face of New Zealand's most popular mountain climber Sir Edmund


On February 29*,2016,Leonardo won the best actor Oscar(奥斯卡),

for which he has been struggling(奋斗) since 1994.Each time,he missed

it for some reasons.However,he never gives up the performing arts.

His hard work finally leads to his success.

Qian Hongyan,a famous"basketball girl",comes from a poor family in Yunnan In 2009,the brave girl became a national champion(冠军) in the Chinese National Paralympics( 残奥会)Swimming Competition.In 2014,she won the 100m breaststroke final (蛙泳总决賽) during the Yunnan Provincial Paralympics Games,Her story encouraged Thousands of disabled people in China.Today,she is still on the journey Olympics.

61.What color is NewZealand's 5note chosen as the best?  

A Orange and brown.

B Orange and red,

C.Yellow and brown.

62.How long has Leonardo been struggling for the best actor Oscar?  




63.What does Qian Hongyan do according to the passage?  

A.A runner.

B A dancer.

C.As swimmer.'

64.What do both Qian Hongyan and Leonardo mainly tell us in the passage?  

A.Never give up.

B.Success is fun.

C.Practice makes perfect,

65,We can read the three passages above from.  

A.a newspaper

B a novel

C.a storybook.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On April 19th, a pottery (陶器) exhibition was held at Wuhan Optical Experimental Valley School. Many pieces of pottery in different sizes were shown at the school. Some were a bit broken, but all of them were beautiful works of art created by the students.

    At the end of last year, the school started a project that called on teachers to collect disused or broken pieces of pottery from the countryside. So far, they have collected about 3,000 pieces.

    "Pottery used to play an important role in the daily lives of Chinese people." school head Ma Guoxin told the reporter. "By pottery painting, the students can improve themselves in many ways. They can better understand the history of the pottery, put their creativity into the pottery and show the love for life and beauty. "

    Students turned the pottery into different works of art.They were all encouraged to paint pictures on the pottery, even though some students didn't know how to paint. Wang Zixuan, a student from Grade Eight, with little knowledge of painting, painted a beautiful night scenery on a piece of pottery. It was so nice that many students loved it.

    Almost every classroom has coloured pieces of pottery. They are either used as flowerpots or pen containers(笔筒). The school has also set up several art corners to show the pottery. For example, the students have put up some pottery on bookcases outside of a lecture hall(报告厅) It has become an enjoyable place for students to rest and read.

(1)On April 19th, a   exhibition was held at Wuhan Optical Valley Experiment School.

A. flower

B. film

C. pottery

D. costume

(2)According to the passage,   were encouraged to paint the pottery.

A. the students who painted very well

B. the students who got good grades

C. the students who didn't know how to paint

D. all the students in the school

(3)By pottery painting, the students can improve themselves in many ways EXCEPT  

A. knowing how to collect pottery

B. better understanding the history of the pottery

C. putting their creativity into the pottery

D. showing the love for life and beauty

(4)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?  

A. The school has collected about 2,000 pieces of pottery so far.

B. Wang Zixuan was a student from Grade Seven.

C. We can't find any coloured pottery in their classrooms.

D. The students enjoy resting and reading at the art corners.

(5). In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage?  

A. Sports news.

B. Traditional art.

C. Healthy living.

D. Popular music.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A small cloud moves slowly through the air in a hospital operating room (手术室).In the room a patient with cancer(癌症),lies on a table.The cloud is all around the patient,covering her body and filling her lungs(肺).The cloud is not smoke.It is made of millions of nano﹣robots(纳米机器人).These tiny robots move from cell (细胞) to cell in the patient's body,killing the cancer.

    Fighting cancer with nano﹣robots is only an idea today,but scientists say that it could be possible in the future.Using nano﹣robots for good purposes such as fighting the illness or repairing the environment may be the way to many of today's problems.

    However,nano﹣robots could be a dangerous risk as well.Because nano﹣robots are so tiny,they will have to work in large teams of many thousands to many millions.For this reason,nano﹣robots will have to be programmed(被编程)to build themselves.Scientists will not have the ability to build millions of nano﹣robots one by one.

    This ability to re﹣produce is making some scientists worried.What will happen if something goes wrong in the programming?Quite a lot of crazy nano﹣robots would be far worse than any illness.Some people think that if they get out of control,nano﹣robots could make the Earth gone.

    What should be done?Should we continue researching nano﹣robots or should we search for other methods?This is one of the many difficult decisions that we have to make in the future.

(1)What is the cloud in the passage?    

A.Smoke in the air.

B.Millions of nano﹣robots.

C.Something full of drops of water.

D.Clothes to cover a patient.

(2)What does the underlined word it in Paragraph 2 refer to(指代)?    

A.Fighting cancer with nano﹣robots.

B.Moving from cell to cell.

C.Killing the cancer.

D.Repairing the environment.

(3)Which of the following is NOT the reason why some scientists are worried about using nano﹣robots?    

A.Nano﹣robots have the ability to build themselves.

B.Something may go wrong in the programming.

C.Scientists have to build millions of nano﹣robots one by one.

D.Nano﹣robots in large teams may be out of control.

(4)What does the writer think of using nano﹣robots in the future?    

A.He agrees to the idea.

B.He disagrees to the idea.

C.He doesn't talk about his own opinion.

D.He is crazy about it.

(5)What is the best title?    

A.Future Robots

B.The Ways to Fight Cancer

C.Nano﹣robots in Use

D.A Cloud of Hope and Danger

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A Pioneer for all People

Though he was one of China's most famous scientists,Yuan Longping considered himself a farmer,because he worked the land to do his research.

Known as "Father of Hybrid Rice (杂交水稻)",Dr Yuan graduated from Southwest Agricultural (农业的) College in 1953.From then on,finding ways to grow more rice was his life goal.As a young man,he saw the great need for increasing the rice production.At that time,hunger was a serious problem in many parts of the countryside.Dr Yuan searched for a way to get more rice with the same size of the fields.In 1974,he became an agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has high production and that is called super hybrid rice.In the 1980s,he went around the world and gave advice about growing rice to farmers in other countries.In 2004,he won the World Food Prize for his work.

Dr Yuan was quite satisfied with his life.He would much rather keep time for his hobbies.He enjoyed playing the violin,swimming and reading.Spending money on himself meant very little to him,so he gave millions of yuan to help some researchers with their research in farming.

Long ago Dr Yuan had a dream about rice plants as tall as sorghum (高粱) .With his hard work,he grew the rice that could feed more people.President Xi Jinping praised him for his great contributions (贡献) to China's food safety and world corn development.

Answer the questions according to the passage. (必须使用完整语句作答)

(1)Why did Dr Yuan consider himself a farmer?


(2)What is Dr Yuan known as?


(3)When did Dr Yuan win the World Food Prize?


(4)How did Dr Yuan help other researchers?


(5)What did Dr Yuan make contributions to according to President Xi Jinping?


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

This 12﹣year﹣old Girl Built a Robot to Find Plastics in the Ocean

    Anna Du was walking along the beach when she noticed plastics there.She reached down to pick them up, and quickly realized there were many more tiny pieces than she could deal with. It seemed impossible to clean them all up.

    Du, 12 years old at the time, tried to solve the problem like any good scientist﹣first. by doing a little research. That's how she learned that 8 million tons of plastics end up in the oceans every year.

    Then she got to work building something that could help solve the problem;a remote﹣operated vehicle(遥控潜水器), or ROV. Her ROV can move through water and find plastics on the ocean floor.

    The actually cool part of Du's ROV is the detection(探测) system. She uses a camera along with three different kinds of light to find the plastics. She also uses visible(可见的) light to find unnatural colors that might make the plastics stand out.

    "She has a very good engineering sense to break down a problem like this and then go after it," says engineer Casey Machado. "It sounds simple, but it's a level of thinking that's really amazing."

    Du started attending public events and workshops at a university when she was five years old, and so she picked up the engineering skills necessary to build her ROV. She says actually getting her ROV to move through water well was not easy. She failed many times, but she never gave up trying and testing.

    When asked about future plans,she mentions wanting to address the effects of climate(气候)change."I think there are a lot of problems that could be solved with new inventions," says Du.

    Du thanks her parents, who for years have taken her to student outreach activities, for supporting her interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). She says she has been able to meet students and scientists there.

    "I know I want to be an engineer because I like building things to help solve world problems," says Du."But I'm not sure what kind of engineer I want to be yet."

(1)What did Anna Du notice while walking along the beach?  

(2)How old was Du when she did a little research to solve the problem?  

(3)What can Du's ROV do?  

(4)Why does Du want to be an engineer in the future?  

(5)What made Du succeed in building her ROV?             

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Some primary schoolchildren have been raised in homes with more green space around. They are likely to come with larger volumes of white and grey matter in certain areas of the brain. These differences are associated(关联) with beneficial effects on cognitive function (认知功能). This is the main conclusion of a study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health.

   The study was performed among 253 schoolchildren in Spain.Lifelong exposure(接触) to green space in the living places was recorded﹣using the information on the children's addresses from birth up through to the time of the study. Brain structure was studied using 3D magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Working memory and inattentiveness(注意力不集中)were graded with computers.

   "This is the first study that shows the association between long﹣term exposure to green space and brain structure." Says Dr. Payam Dadvand, the leading researcher of the study. "Our findings suggest that exposure to green space early in life could result in beneficial structural changes in the brain."

   The findings show that long﹣term exposure to greenness is positively associated with white and grey matter volumes in several parts of the brain. Some of them are related to higher scores on cognitive tests. Moreover, larger volumes of white and grey matter in those parts might lead to better working memory and less inattentiveness.

   Exposure to nature has been thought to be necessary for brain development in children. Another study of 2,593 children shows that children in school with more green space have a greater increase in working memory and a greater decrease in inattentiveness.

   Humans are believed to be tied to nature. Playing in greener areas offers children opportunities to search and learn. Accordingly, green space is thought to promptimportant exercises in discovery, creativity and risk taking. These exercises in turn positively influence brain development.

   Dr. Dadvand's study suggests how such structural changes could bring about the beneficial effects of green spaces on cognitive development. It also adds to the proof that suggests the lasting effects of early life exposure to greenness on our health and the benefits of increasing greenness in cities.

   Further studies are needed to prove the findings in other populations, settings and climates. And researchers need to examine differences according to the nature and quality of green space.

(1)The second paragraph is mainly about   

A. how the study was performed

B. what was recorded in the study

C. how long the study lasted

D. who took part in the study

(2)The word "prompt" in paragraph 6 probably means "   ".

A. control

B. encourage

C. balance

D. change

(3)What can we learn from the passage?   

A. Working memory influences white and grey matter in the brain.

B. Dr. Dadvand stressed the importance of changing the environment.

C. Studies proved the influence of greenness on populations outs of Spain.

D. Living in greener neighborhoods benefits children in brain development.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

China has named the nation's first Mars rover(火星车)Zhu Rong.For all of us,Zhu Rong is a well﹣suited name.

In an ancient Chinese story,Zhu Rong had the face of a man and the body of an animal.He rode on two dragons.When he had a big fight with Gong Gong,the god of water,Zhu Rong won.But after the fight,the human world came into complete darkness.Then he brought fire from heaven(天国)to the world.

"Zhu Rong is regarded as the earliest god of fire in traditional Chinese culture," a space official said. "The first Mars rover was named Zhu Rong.The name symbolizes(象征)light and hope for space exploration(探索)in our country,and means to guide humans to continue exploration."

After leaving the earth last summer,Zhu Rong circled Mars for several months and landed on it in May.In recent years,our country has sent up the world's first quantum satellite(量子卫星),and Chang'e﹣4 has made a soft landing on the moon.We have made great progress in space technology and will soon start building our own space station.

(1)What Zhu Rong brought from heaven to the world was      .









(2)For China's space exploration,the name Zhu Rong symbolizes       .


a big fight


complete darkness


light and hope


Chinese culture

(3)The underlined word "it" in the last paragraph refers to"    "


the earth




the moon


the sun

(4)According to the passage,we can infer that       .


Zhu Rong is a bad person in an ancient Chinese story


China has made great progress in space technology


the writer is proud of China's space technology


the official doesn't like the name Zhu Rong

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
