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    I think there are several reasons that suggest developing robots is a waste of money.

    In San Diego recently $ 325,000 was spent on inventing a robotic squirrel to do some scientific experiments. The research proved that squirrels are able to scare away snakes by wagging (摇动) their tails. Do you need a robotic squirrel to work this out?

    What about AIBO,a robotic pet,developed in Japan? In Japanese aibou means "buddy". These pets have been developed at huge cost mainly to provide entertainment.They've been used in movies and music videos. Universities have used them for educational purposes.However, in 2006 the company stopped producing these robotic pets in order to save money. Was it worth a lot of money?

    Then there's NAO, a robot which has been developed by a French company.Its main purpose is to make life easier for humans. It speaks 19 languages and has its own personality.It can tell children a story, help in the classroom or the home, or act as a companion to those people who need someone to be with.A fully developed one costs ﹩16,000. Is that value for money? Who can afford it anyway?

    There may be good reasons why it is worth developing robots, but so far I haven't thought of any.

(1)What does the underlined word "companion" in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese?  





(2)What is the true fact about the robots mentioned?  

A. The robotic squirrel is needed by every scientist to do some research.

B. AIBO wasn't made any more because it only provided entertainment.

C. A fully developed NAO may tell kids stories in different languages.

D. All the three types of robots used to be produced at a very low cost.

(3)What does the writer think of developing robots?  

A. It can help bring people a lot of fun.

B. It has advantages in many ways.

C. It may be useful but costs too much.

D.It is worth a great deal of money.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    Do you like Physics or Chemistry? Matter (物质) is always changing, either physically or chemically. If a material goes through a physical change, it is still the same material. During a chemical change, one kind of matter changes into another completely different kind of matter. For example, when we burn wood or cook fish, materials change. People use chemistry every day in the kitchen. The food we eat has many different natural chemicals. Many of the chemicals in food are necessary parts of a healthy diet.

    Much of the food we eat has been changed in some way from its original form. The changes that food undergoes may be chemical or physical. If a change does not affect the food's chemical composition, we call it a physical change. For example, melted (溶解的) cheese has gone through a physical change. It gets softer when it is heated but it is still the same type of material. Any change that changes the chemicals in the food is a chemical change. Bread contains carbohydrates, which are chemicals made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. When bread is baked (烘焙), the carbohydrates break down into black carbon and water. The carbon gives the bread a dark color and a crunchy texture (质地). The water goes into the air.

    To get a closer look at the chemistry of baking, let's watch how a carrot cake is made. The main steps of baking any cake are mixing the ingredients (材料) and baking them together. In the course of making cakes, the dry ingredients are mixed first. They are flour, sugar, salt, baking soda, baking powder and spices. Flour gives the cake structure. Sugar helps to make it sweet. Salt strengthens the cake batter. Baking powder and baking soda make the cake rise.

    Next, the carrots may be added to the cake. These help give the carrot cake its flavor, texture, and color. The other ingredients in the carrot cake are oil and eggs. The oil makes the cake tender and moist. Eggs serve two purposes﹣the whites help the cake to rise, while the yolks (蛋黄) give it a creamy texture. All of these ingredients form a mixture. This mixture can be separated into its different components (成分) although it is very difficult. Once the cake mixture is formed, it's poured into a cake pan and baked in an oven. The heat from the oven has caused chemical changes to take place. The cake is finished and the ingredients cannot be separated.

(1)The material doesn't change when we  

A. melt ice cream

B. burn paper

C. bake apple pies

D. cook beef

(2)What's the correct order of baking a carrot cake in the passage?  

a. Carrots, oil and eggs are added.

b. The dry ingredients are mixed.

c. The mixture is baked in an oven.

d. Baking powder and soda make the cake rise.

e. Preparing some dry ingredients.

f. The heat from the oven causes chemical changes.

g. The ingredients cannot be separated.

h. The mixture is poured into a pan

A. b﹣a﹣h﹣f﹣g

B. b﹣h﹣c﹣d﹣f

C. e﹣d﹣c﹣a﹣g

D. e﹣c﹣a﹣g﹣d

(3)After reading the passage, we know that  

A. water and carbon can give the cake a dark color and a crunchy texture

B. people can separate the mixture of eggs and oil into different components

C. chemicals in different kinds of food that people eat are bad for their health

D. sugar and salt can't be put into the mixture to make a cake at the same time

(4)The passage mainly helps us to  

A. look at the steps of baking cakes closely

B. learn how to make carrot cakes at home

C. have a healthy diet with natural chemicals

D. understand physical and chemical changes

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Recently children have been told to buy traditional alarm clocks instead of mobile phones to wake them up in the morning. Schools will advise pupils to turn off mobile phones or iPads in the evening to have enough sleep.

    Researchers from a charity say that using internet﹣connected devices(装置)in the evening can prevent children getting more rest. Moreover, they suggest that school children should invest in a real alarm clock to make sure that they get a good night's sleep and arrive at school on time.

①_____. The result is that 40% pupils in secondary schools can now hardly get on well without these devices. About two﹣thirds of pupils have a habit of taking mobile phones to bed at night.

②______.The study also shows that girls are more likely to be attracted by mobile phones than boys, and often use the Internet to talk to friends by social networking websites, such as Facebook and Twitter. One girl aged 12 said, "I have been told that I am addicted(上瘾的)to the Internet, and prefer being online to being with other people."

③_______.A girl of 13 told researchers, "I can't imagine if someone takes my iPad away. I walk around the house with it even though it's not turned on. I just like being with it." Another girl added, "Sometimes I can't sleep without using the mobile phone at night."

④______.The charity, which was set up to promote(推动)iPads in the classroom, has now given five suggestions to protect children from being affected by electronic(电子的)devices.

(1)To get a good night's sleep, school pupils are asked to buy  

A. iPads

B. alarm clocks

C. mobile phones

D. electronic devices

(2)The underlined words "invest in" in Paragraph(段落)2 mean  

A. hand out

B. hand in

C. spend time on

D. spend money on

(3)It is better to put "A study of about 3000 pupils shows that almost half feel to be controlled by electronic devices" in  

A. ①

B. ②

C. ③

D. ④

(4)From the passage, we can learn that  

A. most pupils turn off their mobile phones in the evening

B. using mobile phones can make children get more rest

C. one﹣third of pupils get used to sleeping with mobile phones

D. girls are more interested in using mobile phones than boys

(5)What will be talked about in the following paragraph?  

A. Examples of boys.

B. More information about the charity.

C. The tips given to children.

D. Instructions about electronic devices

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Around the world, people live in homes of many shapes and sizes. In some countryside, people live together with their family in a huge house with gardens or backyards. On the other hand, the buildings in cities are usually very close together.

    A home can be any kind of building﹣ large or small. Some people even have homes on boats, in tents or in caravans that can be moved around. Caravans are mobile homes. They are towed(拖,拉) by either a car or a huge truck. Some of them are holiday homes. We can see many families staying together in these caravans.

    In the past, rich and important people built strong castles to keep their families safe. The castles(城堡) were built on hill tops with high walls and some even had moats. Moats were deep and wide ditches(壕沟) filled with water. They made it difficult for enemies to attack.

    Today, we have different ways of protecting our homes. Some homes are installed(安装) with video cameras and an alarm system. These will help to alert(向……报警) home owners if someone tries to break in.

    Homes are important to all the people. Everyone needs a home where they feel sheltered and safe.

(1)How are the buildings in cities?  

(2)What is used to tow the caravans?  

(3)Who built castles to keep their families safe in the past?  

(4)Why were moats built?  

(5)What do people use to protect their homes today?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)One of my friends sometimes takes aside another friend to talk to her about something she doesn't want me to hear. It makes me feel sad. What should I do?  

(2)Some of my friends are in a fight. like them all equally(同样地), but they say I have to choose sides. Help!  

(3)I look up to my sisters. They're both intelligent(聪明的) feel that I'll never be as good as them.  

(4)I am the shortest person in my class, and my classmates call me "Tiny Mouse. " How can I make them stop?  

(5)I always use the computer and can't stop I feel that I'm not getting any smarter and the computer is warping(扭曲) my brain.  

A. It's wonderful that you admire them. but try not to compare yourself to them. Instead of trying to be like them, just try to be the best you possible. You will find that you will be much happier when you try to be true to yourself, rather than when you try to be like someone else.

B. The only way to break a habit is to force yourself to do something different. A world of exciting and interesting activities is just waiting for you. Write a list of things you've always wanted to do, learn, make, or try. When you feel like playing it, do something else.

C. Discuss this with her. Try not to suppose that she talks about you unless you actually hear what she says. But let her know that you are unhappy when she tells secrets around you. If you feel uncomfortable talking to her in person, you could write her a note instead.

D. We often hear from kids who are laughed at about their height. They probably don't mean to hurt your feelings. There are advantages and disadvantages to being any size. You might play along and come up with a funny reply. However, if you feel hurt, try talking to a parent or teacher.

E. Explain to your friends that you like all of them. You can play with each person or group separately. If they don't like this, then you may want to focus on other friendships until these friends work things out. Another idea is to offer to help your friends solve their problems.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It's normal for you to feel shy and nervous when you are in the new environment. It's natural to feel nervous, or shy in front of others at times. If you think you are too shy and want to be a little more active, try the following advice.

    (1)   There is no need to hide it. When people get to know you are a shy person, they may understand you better. It will also help you feel easier in talks.

    (2)   When you smile, people will think you're friendly and want to talk with you. Remember that all people have feelings and most people will stay away from an angry﹣looking face.

    You shouldn't keep quiet at a party all the time. If you find it hard to start a talk, you can say something nice about people around you. (3)   It must be very helpful for you to start a talk! And after you begin to talk to someone or smile at someone for the first time, remember to say "I did it! " to yourself.

    (4)   Think about more ways to enjoy the party and have fun. Don't waste time worrying about your look or whether all people like you or not.

    If you keep trying the advice, you may not be shy in the new environment one day. (5)  

A. Imagine how great you feel when someone says something nice to you.

B. I believe you can do it!

C. Try to smile often.

D. Tell people you're shy.

E. Pay your attention to important things.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you often listen to music at loud volumes? You should know that this habit is bad for your hearing. Over 1 billion young people are at risk of hearing loss(听力丧失), because of listening to loud noise for long periods of time. Listening to music or watching a TV show at loud volumes can harm your hearing.

    The United Nations has standards for safe listening. It is not safe to listen to sounds that are louder than 85 dB (分贝) for eight hours or 100 dB for 15 minutes.The sound of a busy road is about 85 dB and the sound of a rock concert can be about 100 dB.

    Loud noise is harmful to the inner ear. Most of us are born with about 16,000 hair cells(听毛细胞) in our inner ears. These cells notice sounds. However, listening to loud noise for a long time can make these cells work too hard and cause some of them to die. This is what causes hearing loss Once this happens, it's hard to get your hearing back.

    Some people might think that their music isn't all that loud. But this can depend on where you are. For example, if you are in a noisy place like the subway, you might turn up your music too loud without realizing it. Later, when you listen to it at the same volume in a quiet place, you might feel uncomfortable.

    The "safe level" for most sound is below 80 dB for up to 40 hours a week. a level of 80 dB is about equal to(相当于) the noise of a subway.

    Here is some advice on safe listening. Over﹣the﹣ ear headphones(头戴式耳机) are better than in﹣ear ones. They do a better job of stopping outside noise, so you can listen at a lower volume.Don't listen to loud music on your headphones for a long time. Follow the 60: 60 rule: listen to music at 60 percent of your headphones' maximum volume for no more than 60 minutes a day.


(1)It is safe to listen to sounds that are louder than 100 dB for 15 minutes.  

(2)Listening to loud noise for a long time can cause some hair cells in the inner ear to die.  

(3)From the fourth paragraph, we know people don't always realize how loud their music is.  

(4)In﹣ear headphones are better than over﹣the﹣ear ones because they can stop more outside noise.  

(5)This article mainly tells us why ears are an important part of our bodies.  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Obey the rules of British roads

      British roads, some of the safest in the world. A study in 2018 compared more than 30 countries and found that 3.8 people per 100,000 died in traffic accidents in the UK. This number was lower than any other country. So, what did British drivers do to achieve this? What are they doing differently? Here are five top tips for drivers who are planning a trip to the UK.

     People in Britain drive on the left side of the road. In fact, a long time ago people drove on the left in most countries, but now only a few countries have this. Don't forget that this also means you must drive the other way around roundabouts ( 环岛).

     British people feel that waiting should be fair for everybody. If you are in a queue of traffic,then don't try to push past the cars in front of yours. This is called "jumping the queue". You must wait for your turn; otherwise people may get angry with you.

     You must stop at the traffic lights when they are red. In many countries. it is OK to go past the red lights if you are turning a corner or if there isn't any other traffic around. In the UK you could have a lot of trouble if you do this.

     If another driver flashes (闪烁) his cars lights at you, he is probably trying to tell you that he will wait for you to go first. British people don't like to use their car horn ( 喇叭) much and they think people who do so are rude.

     If you get in an accident,don't try to pay the police.The police in the UK never take money,and if you try to offer them some, you could end your holiday visiting British prison.


(1)How many tips are mentioned in the passage?  

(2)Which side do British people drive on?  

(3)If you jump the queue, how will other drivers feel?  

(4)What does the driver probably mean if he flashes his car's lights at you?  

(5)If you give the police money, what will happen to you?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

                               Athletics vs. Gardening

     The students of Southside School were asked to give their opinions about whether the school should run an athletic program or start a vegetable garden.

An athletic program is hatch better than gardening. How are we ever going to win anything at the Inter﹣School Athletics without proper training? At the moment, we only do athletics for one tam and the teachers train us. We need experts(专家)to teach us things like throwing and high jump.

I know lots of kids say they're tot interested in competitions, but that's because they've never won anything. If they got better training and started winning things, they'd soon change their minds.

People always say kids don't get enough exercise. Just because you do gardening outdoors doesn't make it exercise, so I don't sec how it matters.

Athletics is much better for fitness and lots of kids can have a go at the same tine. I don't think there would be enough jobs for everyone in a garden.

In fact, I think a garden is a really bad idea. I don't know why we're even considering it.

Liz, Grade 8

I think a vegetable garden is a great idea. We already do hours of sport, including athletics. And not everyone likes sport.

Gardening is a great way to get exercise without worrying about whether you're any good at it, or whether you're going to win. And you really do gel exercise when you garden. There's digging, weeding and watering Even picking things can be hard work ﹣ pumpkins aren't light you know!

There are lots of kids around here who don't have gardens so they can't grow things even they want to. If you really want to do more sport, you can join a club.

And think about it: What helps you to be good at sport? You need to eat lots of fruit and vegetables. If we learn to cook all the things we grow, the garden will keep us all fit and healthy and then we'll be better at sport.

Sam, Grade 8

(1)Which of these points do Liz and Sam both make?  

A. Kids should take exercise.

B. Kids should eat vegetables.

C. Kids should try to win more.

D. Kids should be outside more.

(2)What is one reason Liz gives for saying "a garden is a really bad idea"?  

A. Some students don't like getting dirty.

B. Some students don't enjoy being outside.

C. Some students already know how to garden.

D. Some students may have no chance to garden.

(3)Why does Sam say, "And think about it.: what helps you to be good at sport?"  

A. To change the subject.

B. To introduce his next reason.

C. To support Liz's idea.

D. To find an answer to the question.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Q: At recess(课间休息), I don't know what to do because all my friends are playing games I don' like or don't want to play. So I end up standing by myself at recess doing nothing. What should I do?

                                                                                                           Alex rider,13, Bloomfield,N.J.

A: In fact, recess was my least favorite part

of the school day for Grades 1 to 5. I was

never really into playing kickball. So, like

you, I spent many days at recess standing alone. Take advantage of the extra time you have.I learned that reading a book is the best way to pass time, especially if it is sunny. Books are good for a lonely recess,because they take you out of your world and into another. If reading isn't your thing, then try making new friends. Some other things I would do at recess were chess and paper cutting. Those might be worth trying. Maybe the teacher who is watching over all the kids needs someone to talk to as well. Whatever you want to do, don't let your time go to waste.Johnny Hayes, 15

A: Do you believe in time travel, Alex?Because you just dragged me 40 years into the past. When I was 13, half my friends threw themselves into kickball at recess﹣ which was too vigorous(剧烈的) for me right after lunch. So, like you, I stood around a lot. Then, one day, my teacher, Susie, asked me."What do you want to do? I had no answer for her. But suddenly, it came to me: marbles! I asked a few friends, and they were happy to join me. Now, I'm not suggesting you play marbles, only that you consider what you feel like doing and can make you happy. And one last idea: There's no harm in trying games your friends are playing that you think you won't like. You might just surprise yourself. Philip Galanes, adult

(1)Who is asking for advice?  

A.Alex Rider.

B.Johnny Hayes.


D.Philip Galanes.

(2)One of Philips suggestions is to  

A.read a book

B.talk to a teacher

C.do what you feel like doing

D.stand without doing anything

(3)Why do Johnny and Philip mention the kickball game at their schools?  

A.To show they shared similar experiences.

B.To show they were good at the kickball game.

C.To encourage Alex to make use of the new game.

D.To encourage Alex to surprise himself with a new game.

(4)Which part of a newspaper may this passage be taken from?  

A.Science Study.

B.Art Style.

C.Sports World.

D.Teenage Problem.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You think it's " cool " to carry your backpacks and head out to school.But if you don' t know exactly how to choose,load,lift and wear them﹣these all﹣important accessories(配件)can be a pain in the back.Not to mention the neck,head and shoulders.

   Backpacks can influence your health.Carrying a heavy load improperly can lead to

poor body position;and even hurt the spinal column(脊柱).This can cause muscle strain,headaches,back,neck and arm pain.

    For example,if it is carried on one shoulder,a heavy backpack forces the muscles and spine to balance the unequal weight.This may increase the possible back problems later in life.

    More than 50 percent of young people suffer back pain by their teenage years.Research shows that this could be mainly caused by improper use of backpacks.

   Here's some advice to help you carry backpacks comfortably and safely.

   Choose the right backpack.Forget leather(皮革)! It looks great,but it's far too heavy.Go for canvas(帆布).Pick a pack that has two wide,adjustable,comfortable shoulder straps(带子),along with a hip or waist strap,and plenty of pockets.Make sure the pack fits properly and its size is suitable for the wearers body.

    Packing it properly.Only put in the pack what is needed for that day.It's a good idea to know what each object weighs.The total weight of the filled pack should be no more than 10 to 15 percent of the wearer's own body weight.Pack heaviest objects close to the body,and place little ones outside, away from the back.

    Putting the backpack on.Put the pack on a smooth surface,at waist height.Put on the pack,one shoulder at a time,then adjust(调整)the straps to fit comfortably.Remember when lifting a backpack, or anything,to lift using the arms and legs and to bend at the knee.

   The right way to wear a backpack,Both shoulder straps should be used,and adjusted so that the pack fits the body,without hanging to one side.Backpacks should never be worn over just one shoulder.You should be able to move your hands between the backpack and your back.The waist strap should also be worn.

   Take the above advice,and you may not complain back pain,numbness or weakness in your arms and legs any more.

(1)What could mainly cause some young people to suffer back pain by their teenage years?  

A.Too much homework.

B.Poor treatment for backs.

C.Improper use of backpacks.

D.Unhealthy sleep position.

(2)Which of the following does the writer suggest?  

①Choose leather backpacks because it looks"cool" to go to school.

②Pick a pack that its size is suitable for the wearer's body.

③Make sure the backpack contains only what is needed for that day.

④Pack heaviest objects close to the body,and place little ones outside.

⑤Put the pack on a smooth surface,above the waist height.





(3)If a boy weighs 40kg,how heavy should his filled backpack be at most?  

A.About 4kg.

B.About 6kg.

C.About 10kg.

D.About 15kg.

(4)What is the passage mainly about?  

A.Some problems that teenagers face in their study at school.

B.The suitable backpack material that you should choose.

C.The good influence that backpacks have on your health.

D.Some advice on how to carry backpacks comfortably and safely.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Drones(无人机)are like planes, but come in many shapes and sizes. They have no pilots and controlled from outside the drones. During these years, they have been used to attack(进攻)enemies or move goods in dangerous areas.

    Now small drones are a part of people's lives. For example, people use drones to take photos or make videos. Besides, a drone delivery (投递) service has proved successful.

    Online store JD can use drones to deliver small packages(包裹). It has built several drone stations so that it can load ( 装载) and deliver its packages.

    Drones have made our shopping experience different. We can order a new coat in early morning and it will be delivered before we finish breakfast.

    Bizzby Sky, a UK company, has created a delivery service for small goods. Open a smartphone app(应用软件) ,enter your address, set a time and pay enough money for the delivery service. Then in minutes, a drone will do tasks for you.

    However, any drone company needs government permission (允许) to fly its drones in many countries. We believe we will see more and more drones with goods fly in the sky very soon.


(1)Drones are like Planes, but come in many  . They have been used in some fields such as attacking enemies or   in dangerous areas.

(2)Drones can   to take photos or make videos by people. Besides. a drone delivery service has

proved to be another  

(3)Several   have been built by JD to have its packages loaded and  

(4)If you open a smartphone app, enter  , set a time and   enough money on the delivery service, a drone will do tasks for you.

(5)Today's shopping experience isn't   the old one because of drones. However, no drone company can fly its drones   getting government permission in many countries.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If you ask me what my favorite sport is, my answer is swimming. I started learning how to swim when I was five years old. I have been swimming ever since.

There are many reasons why I love swimming, but I'll just share a few with you. Maybe I can even encourage you to go for a swim.

    The first reason I love swimming is that I feel totally relaxed whenever I leave the pool. I love the feeling of floating on the water and feeling almost weightless.

On the other hand. it can also be a competitive sport which raises your heartbeat. It's amazing pushing yourself to the challenge of beating someone else to the finish line. It's great fun racing across the pool as fast as you can!

    Another reason that I love swimming is that it has more styles than other sports such as running and walking.It doesn't feel like you're doing the same thing over and over again.

    In summer, swimming can be a nice, refreshing (恢复精力的) break! There's nothing better than jumping into the water on a hot summer's day. You can choose to swim in a swimming pool or in the sea.

    And finally,it's a life skill which everyone should have.Not only is it good for your health, but you never know when you'll need your ability to swim.

(1)In Paragraph 3, "floating" means "  " in Chinese.

A. 跳跃

B. 漂浮

C. 翻滚

D. 日光浴

(2)The last sentence of the passage means that  

A. swimming is a healthy sport

B. swimming is a useful life skill

C. everyone should have more life skills

D. you should teach your friends to swim

(3)Which of the following is not mentioned?  

A. Swimming is relaxing.

B. Swimming is competitive.

C. Swimming is simple

D. Swimming is refreshing.

(4)What can be the best title for the passage?  

A. How to Swim Better

B. Let's Do Sports

C. A Swimming Star

D. Why I love Swimming

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)Who plays the leading role in making decisions?  

A. Cat.

B. Marc.

C. Iggy.

D. Barney.

(2)The underlined word "awesome" probably means  

A. awful

B. crazy

C. nervous

D. fantastic

(3)What do we know about the Island Club?  

A. It's a new place for the three friends.

B. It's one of the top clubs of UK.

C. Coffee is always free there.

D. Iggy prefers to eat there.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you ever counted the number of digits (数字)in your mobile phone number? Your number has 11 digits. You may sometimes find it hard to remember your number. That's because China has the longest mobile phone numbers in the world. Why is that?

The 11 digits can be divided into three parts. Each part has a different meaning. The first three numbers tell you which mobile phone service provider(提供者) you are using. For example, 135 is for China Mobile Communications Corporation and 188 is for China Unicom. The fourth to the seventh digits tell you where the number is registered (注册). And the last four digits are random(随机的).

The main reason for using 11 digits is that we have the largest population in the world. We once had 10numbers. But as our population grew, there were not enough numbers for us to use. So we began to use 11 digits starting from 1999. Eleven digits can be used to make tens of billions of mobile phone numbers. That's enough for each person to have seven or eight phone numbers to use in China.

And mobile phone numbers can be recycled. Usually, the service provider will reuse a canceled number after three to six months. If you call a number that you haven't contacted (联系)for a long time, you may find that its owner has changed.

Besides China, Britain and Japan also use 11﹣digit mobile phone numbers. But their numbers always start with 0. So they cannot create as many numbers as we can. Countries like the United States, Australia and India use phone numbers with 10digits. Canada's mobile phone numbers are perhaps the shortest in the world: they use seven digits.

(1)Is China the only country that uses 11﹣digit mobile phone numbers in the world?  

(2)What can we know from the fourth to the seventh digits of a mobile phone number in China?  

(3)Why does China use 1l digits for mobile phone numbers?  

(4)When can a mobile phone number be recycled in China?  

(5)Which country perhaps has the shortest mobile phone numbers in the world?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
