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My favorite book is the Little Prince written by the French writer Antoine.The book tells about how children see the world. It's so interesting that I can't help reading it over and over again.

    The prince is kind and innocent (天真无邪的),so he doesn't understand why people want to have power, wealth and praises so much.He flew to different planets to find the answer, but finally he still had no idea. In fact, he also had his own problems. In the past, he fell in love with a red rose that was beautiful but vainglorious (自负的). Later, he left the rose because of her vanity (自负).On the earth,he made friends with a fox. They lived together for some time,but in the end he made up his mind to leave to find his rose. To his surprise,the rose was dead,and the planet was full of monkey bread trees.It's a pity that he lost his rose forever.

    In my opinion, I think he should value the friendship with the fox, because, after all, the rose was dead.The friendship is important as well.The story is about friendship,love and humanity(人性).It's helpful for us students to think more about the world. So let's open it and take a great journey along with the little prince.


(1)The book the Little Prince was written by an English writer.  

(2)The prince didn't find the answer to his problem at last.  

(3)The prince left the rose because she was poor.  

(4)The prince made friends with a snake on the earth and lived with her for some time.  

(5)The story of the book is about friendship, love and humanity.  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A couple often went shopping together. They both liked teacups. One day they saw a beautiful teacup in a store. As they picked it up, it suddenly spoke.

    "I haven't always been a teacup. Once I was red clay. My master rolled(揉、搓) me over and over and I shouted, but he only smiled."

    "Then I was placed on a rolling wheel and suddenly I went around and around.'Stop!' I cried, but the master only nodded."

    "Then he put me in the oven. I had never felt so hot. I could see him through the opening and I could read his words,'Not yet.'"

    "Finally the door opened, and he took me out and put me on a shelf. Then he brushed me and put me back into the oven. This time it was twice as hot. I begged. I cried. I could see him through the opening nodding his head, saying,'Not yet.'"

    "Then I knew there wasn't any hope. I was ready to give up, but the door opened and I was taken out and placed on a shelf. Later he handed me a mirror and said,'Look at yourself.' I said,'That can't be me. It's beautiful!'"

    "'I want you to remember,' he said,'if I had just left you without rolling, you'd have dried up. If I had stopped rolling you around on the wheel, you would have been out of shape. If I hadn't put you in the oven, you would have broken. If I hadn't brushed you all over, you would not have any color in your life. If I hadn't put you back in that oven for the second time, you wouldn't be kept for very long because the hardness would not have held. Now you are a finished product. You are what I had in mind when I first started with you."

(1)On the rolling wheel, when the red clay asked him to stop, the master  

A. stopped rolling it at once

B. only smiled

C. shouted at it angrily

D. only nodded

(2)Which of the following shows the right process of making the teacup?  

a. It was put into the oven for the first time.

b. It was put on a rolling wheel and went around.

c. The master took it out and brushed it all over.

d. It was put back into the oven again.

e. The master rolled the red clay over and over.

A.e, c, a, b, d

B. e, b, c, a, d

C.e, b, a, c, d

D.e, c, b, a, d

(3)The master brushed the teacup all over to make it become  

A. hot

B. hard

C. colorful

D. soft

(4)From the last paragraph, we can infer that  

A. the master knew how to make the teacup

B. the master disliked the teacup

C. the teacup will dry up if it is rolled

D. the teacup will be on sale

(5)What lesson does the passage mainly teach us?  

A. Beautiful look won't be refused by people.

B. Don't give up any chance in front of you.

C. Caring about others makes the world wonderful.

D. Going through hard time can make you better.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    Once upon a time,there was a farmer living in the State of Song.He grew crops(庄稼)in a big field very hard every day. There stood a big tree stump (树桩) in the field. One day, he was working in the field when he saw a rabbit run into the stump, break its neck and die accidentally (意外地).

    (1)  . That night he thought:"There is no need for me to work so hard every day.All I have to do is wait by the tree stump and pick up the rabbit that runs into it." So from then on he stopped farming, and just sat by the tree stump waiting for another rabbit to come and run into it.(2)  . Crops died and his field became waste gradually (逐渐地).But never did he see another rabbit run into the tree stump.

    (3)  .They thought he took the accident for the inevitable (必然的).

    In the story, this farmer wanted to live a better life by hoping for having unexpected good luck, but he was too lazy and foolish.

    (4)  .No one can gain anything if he doesn't work hard.

    Nowadays, people use the phrase "waiting for rabbits by a tree stump" to describe those who just wait and dream of reaping (收获) without sowing. (5)  .We should also keep in mind that it is a waste of time waiting for something that only happens accidentally in our life. Just come down to earth.

A. Day in and day out, he waited and waited.

B. We should stop daydreaming and get to something practical.

C. People in the village laughed at him for his foolish behavior.

D. Happily, the farmer took the rabbit home and cooked a delicious meal for himself.

E. As the English saying goes, "no pains, no gains."

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Sing a Song of People by Lois Lenski

Sing a song of people

Walking fast or slow;

People in the city

Up and down they go.

5 People on the sidewalk,

People on the bus;

People passing,passing,

In back and front of us.

People on the subway

10 Underneath the ground.

People riding taxis

Round and round and round.

People with their hats on,

Going in the doors;

15 People with umbrellas

When it rains and pours.

People in tall buildings

And in stores below;

Riding elevators

20 Up and down they go.

People walking singly,

People in a crowd;

People saying nothing,

People talking loud.

25 People laughing,smiling,

Grumpy people too;

People who just hurry

And never look at you!

Sing a song of people

30 Who like to come and go;

Sing of city people

You see but never ____!

(1)The poem is about a   city.





(2)In Line 21, the word "singly" means   





(3)According to the poem, the best word for the blank is   





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    This painting is called The Fighting Temeraire.Temeraire is the name of the big.old sailing ship that you can see on the left of the picture.People chose this picture to be the greatest painting in Britain.

    J.M.W.Turner painted it in 1839.It shows the old sailing ship,the Temeraire,on the River Thames near London.There's a small tugboat pulling the old ship. It's in fact taking the Temeraire on its last journey.The old ship is going to the breaker's yard.In the background we can see the sun setting.

    The picture,however,is more than just a painting of two boats in the evening.The artist wanted to show the end of an era(时代).The time of the beautiful,old sailing ships is coming to an end.That's why we see this happening at sunset.In the little,brown tugboat we can see the new industrial era starting.The tugboat is small and dark and it's making a lot of smoke,but it's very strong,because it's pulling the much bigger ship.

    The painting shows a real event.Turner watched the Temeraire taking its last journey up the Thames,but he changed some of the details.He painted the old ship white and gold so that it looks like a ghost. In fact,the real ship was black and yellow.We also see the sun setting behind the ship,but in fact,the ship travelled towards the sunset.However,Turner wanted to show the sun setting on the time of the beautiful old sailing ships.

    Turner painted The Fighting Temeraire when he was quite old,so perhaps he wanted to show the sun

setting on his own life,too.He loved the painting and he never sold it.You can see it today in the National Gallery in London.

(1)The Fighting Temeraire  

A.is the name of a big sailing ship.

B.was thought the best painting in Britain.

C.shows two nice new ships.

D.was painted by a famous young artist.

(2)The old ship was pulled to the yard  

A.to be painted new.

B.to be repaired.

C.to be broken up.

D.to be sold.

(3)What does the tugboat stand for according to the passage  

A.The new industrial era.

B.The beautiful old era.

C.The painter's own life.

D.The white and gold ghost.

(4)What can we learn from the last two paragraphs  

A.The color of the real sailing ship was white and gold.

B.In the painting the sailing ship was going towards the sunset.

C.Finally Turner sold this painting because he didn′t like it.

D.Today the painting is kept in the National Gallery in London.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It is believed that Huck Finn is based on(基于)a childhood friend of Mark Twain's. In fact, Twain was not alone in basing a fictional character(虚构的角色)on a real﹣life person.

    Severus Snape / John Nettleship

    Severus Snape is a skillful wizard(巫师)teaching magic in Harry Potter. The writer, J.K. Rowling, once said that the character was based on a teacher of hers.

    The teacher turned out to be John Nettleship, who taught Rowling chemistry. At first, Nettleship felt surprised. "I know I am a strict teacher," he said. "But I don't think I am as bad as Snape!" On second thoughts, however, he said that he was so illtempered that most of his students avoided making him mad. Also, he used to wear long hair and have an untidy lab. That sounds familiar to Harry Potter fans.

    Alice / Alice Liddell

    Famously, Lewis Carroll's Alice in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is based on Alice Liddell.

    Carroll was close to the Liddell family. One day, ten﹣year﹣old Alice asked Carroll to tell her a new story. Carroll began to create his famous tale of Alice and what happened after she fell through the rabbit hole. The little girl liked the story so much that she asked him to write it down. And the rest is history.

   Dill / Truman Capote

    In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee based Dill on her childhood friend, Truman Capote. Capote once said, "Lee was my best friend. Have you ever read To Kill a Mockingbird? I'm a character in that story! The story takes place just in the town where we lived!"

(1)Snape and Nettleship have something in common EXCEPT  

A.their jobs

B.their looks

C.their hobbies

(2)What does the underlined word "ill﹣tempered " mean in Paragraph 3?  




(3)What made Carroll decide to create Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?  

A.Alice Liddell's requirement.

B.His great interest in rabbits.

C.His experience of travelling.

(4)Being a character of To Kill a Mockingbird, Truman Capote felt  




(5)The text is mainly about  

A.purposes of writing fictional stories

B.introductions to famous writers' childhood friends

C.characters of fictional stories from real﹣life persons

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Joe Bot and Rob Ot are robots.They are also best friends.The two pals live on a faraway planet.They are characters in a new book series (系列). The books are graphic (绘画) novels.They are written by Russ Bolts and illustrated (插图) by Jay Cooper. The first two Bots books are in stores now.

(1)What is the name of the book series?  

A. Joe Bot and Rob Ot

B. Two Robots

C. Bots

(2)Who is the writer of the Bots books?  

A. Joe Bot.

B. Russ Bolts.

C. Jay Cooper.

(3)Who are Joe Bot and Rob Ot?  

A. They are robots.

B. They are best friends.

C. They are characters in a new book series.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day, a little monkey and a little fox went out to play. They saw an apple tree on the other side of the river. There were many big and red apples on it. But there was no bridge over the river. The monkey thought hard and had an idea. They pulled down a tree and put it over the river as a bridge.

    The monkey said, "My old friend, you go there first."But after the fox went to the other side, he kicked(踢)the tree into the river and ran to the apple tree. "How can I get there without the tree?"cried the monkey. The fox laughed and said, "You just stand there and watch me eating the apples." The monkey was very angry.

     Suddenly it began to rain. The water level(水位)in the river rose(上涨)and the tree flew away with the water. "You can eat all the apples. But you can't come back," shouted the monkey. The fox stopped eating and looked at the monkey sadly.

(1)What did the monkey and the fox see on the other side of the river?  

A. A bridge.

B. An apple tree.

C. A boat.

(2)Who thought hard and had an idea?  

A. The monkey.

B. The fox.

C. Both of them.

(3)What did they put over the river as a bridge?  

A. A tree.

B. An apple.

C. A monkey.

(4)Why was the fox sad at last?  

A.Because he was angry with the monkey.

B.Because he couldn't come back.

C.Because he couldn't eat apples.

(5)What does the story tell us according to the passage?  

A.The fox shouldn't go first.

B.The monkey could eat apples first.

C.One shouldn't care only about himself.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In ancient times, there was a king who loved flowers, His palace was always decorated with beautiful orchids(兰花) and other flowers. As the king grew older, he knew that one day he would have to give up his throne(王位).So he had to find someone to rule the country.

     The other day, the king had an idea. He asked his servants to travel to every part of the country and give every citizen a single orchid seed(种子).He then announced that the person who grew the most beautiful orchid would take his throne.

     Everyone in the country then got their own seed. One young man named David was especially excited about the news, because he had experience in growing flowers himself.

     David planted his seed in a pot and put it in a place where it would get lots of sunlight. He watched   it carefully every day. But as hard as he tried, his flower simply would not grow.

     Finally, it was time for everyone to give their flowers to the king. David took his empty pot to the palace. "Your Majesty(尊敬的陛下),I am sorry to say that I could not grow an orchid, but I hope you can see that I tried my best," he said.

     The king was moved by David's honesty. Although he did not choose David as the new king,he gave David a job as a royal court judge(法官).He believed that David's honesty would make him the right person to make sure the justice(公正) in the country.

(1)According to the king's order, who could be the next king?  

A. The man who was the smartest.

B. The man who was the most honest.

C. The man who could plant the best seed.

D. The man who could grow the most beautiful orchid.

(2)What do we know about David?  

A. He told a joke to the king.

B. He failed to grow the king's orchid.

C. He was good at growing orchids.

D.He was chosen to be the next king.

(3)What does the underlined word"it" refers to in Paragraph 4?  

A. The pot.

B.His flower.

C.The seed.

D.The sunlight.

(4)What can we learn from the story?  

A. David was the only winner in the end.

B. It is stupid of the king to choose David as a judge.

C. It is impolite of David to give an empty pot to the palace.

D. The king believed honesty was very important for a judge.

(5)Which of the following is the best title of the passage?  

A. Honesty is the Best Policy

B.How to Grow Orchids

C. Flowers are the Best Gifts

D.It's Very Easy to Grow Orchids

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

After wandering (闲逛)around in the city for a long time, Tom finally found himself standing in front of the palace. He looked through its golden gate, hoping to take a look at a real prince(王子).

    There were some guards(卫兵) standing at both sides of the gate. Tom, dressed badly, was moving nervously past them when he suddenly caught sight of a well﹣dressed boy who was followed by several servants. He was no doubt the prince!

    Tom was excited. He wanted to get close to the prince and have a good look at him. However, a guard saw him and stopped him rudely(粗鲁地).

    The young prince, whose name was Edward, was angry with the guard for his rudeness. He asked the guard to open the gate and took Tom to his room in the palace.

    The two boys became good friends. They even exchanged their clothes after Tom told Edward that he had dreamt about dressing like a prince, As they stood side by side in front of a great mirror, they were surprised to find that they looked almost like twins!

    The two boys were in each other's clothes when Edward suddenly noticed a bruise(淤伤) on Tom's hand. He soon realized that it was caused by the guard who had stopped Tom rudely. In a moment, the young prince ran out of the room. He decided to punish the guard.

    However, the guard didn't realize that the prince was in Tom's old worn clothes. He hit Edward heavily on the ear and threw him out of the palace.

(1)Why did Tom look through the gate of the palace?  

A. To talk with the guard.

B. To ask for a place to live in.

C. To have a look at a real prince.

(2)How did Tom feel while moving past the guards?  

A. Nervous.



(3)When Tom was stopped, Edward got mad because of  

A. the bad manners of Tom

B. the strict rules of the palace

C. the rude behavior of the guard

(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?  

A. Edward and Tom were twin brothers.

B. Edward was kind, caring and friendly.

C. Edward was tired of living in the palace.

(5)We can infer(推断) from the passage that  

A. blood is thicker than water

B. two heads are better than one

C. never judge people by their looks

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I first arrived on this island, I had nothing. But I've found the ship and made a small boat. I've brought back many things I can use﹣food and drink, tools, knives and guns. Although I have lost everything, I have not lost my life. So I will not give up and I will wait for another ship. I have already cut down trees and built a house. I go out with my gun almost every day to kill animals and birds for food. I'm even learning to grow fruit and vegetables.

    A few weeks ago, I found the marks of another man's feet on the sand. Who else is on my island? Not long after that, I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship. One of them died but the other ran towards my house. I helped him kill the cannibals. This man now lives with me and helps me. I named him Friday because that day was the day I met him. He is smart and I have already taught him some English.

﹣Taken from Robinson Crusoe

(1)Did Robinson have anything when he first arrived on the island?


(2)What has Robinson brought back from the ship?


(3)What is Robinson learning to grow?


(4)Who tried to kill two men from a broken ship?


(5)Why did Robinson name the man Friday?


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Don't Worry! Be Happy!

If I were a bird.I'd fly up high,

Above the clouds,up in the sky.

I'd float and sing and soar and play,

Without any worries to ruin my day.

If I were a dolphin,I'd splash in the sea,

And dive and flip﹣great fun for me!

I'd play with friends under the sea so blue.

There'd be no chores or homework to do.

If I were a bear,I'd sleep all day,

And then wake up at night to play.

I'd fish and run and jump and climb,

With no one around to ruin my good time.

If I were a dog,daring the day I'd rest.

So when Master came home,I'd be at my best﹣

Ready to run or play balls or catch,

Ready to jump,roll over or fetch.

But I'm not a dog or a bird or a bear,

I'm not dolphin who can swim everywhere.

I'm just a kid who wants to have fun,

But I know I can't till my work's all                  

Word bank:

float v.漂浮           soar v.高飞

ruin v.毁灭           splash v.飞溅

31.The poem is probably written by a(an)  




D.zoo keeper

32.The author is trying to tell us he wants to   

A.fly or swim all day

B.be free like animals

C.be a dog

D.fish and run in the forests

33.The best word for the blank in the poem is   





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A young queen was given a magic box by a wizard(男巫). The box would bring happiness to the whole country whenever it was opened in a place full of the spirit of generosity(慷慨).

The queen traveled all over the country, looking for the most generous people. If she collected them all, she would open the magic box. The queen felt disappointed because nothing special happened.

One day when the queen decided to return to her palace, she saw a poor little boy begging. She would like to give the boy some money, but she didn't have any with her. So the boy asked her if she could give him the old box. Then he could sell it for a little money. At first the queen hesitated(犹豫), because she had been told the box had magical powers. But seeing how poor the boy was, she gave it to him. The boy took the box and opened it.

Immediately, all the most wonderful things one could imagine started flying out of the box and a voice said, "Why look for it in others? Goodness always starts in yourself."

While enjoying all the wonders of the magic box, the queen learned to set an example to others, and then became the best queen ever in history.

31. The young queen gave a magic box to a wizard.  

32. The queen traveled all over the country to look for the most generous people.  

33. From the story, we can learn that people should be generous.  

34. According to the story, we can know that the boy and the wizard were good friends.  

35. The queen became the best queen ever in history in the story.  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tape﹣Measure Murder is a short story by Agatha Christie.In the story,Miss Politt,the dressmaker,finds that Mrs.Spenlow is dead in her house in a small village called St Mary Mead.Everybody,including the police,thinks that Mr.Spenlow is the murderer (凶手) because he is so calm and quiet after discovering his wife's death.But after the police talk to Miss Marple,she finds out the real murderer.

The best part of the story is when Miss Marple explains how she solves the mystery (疑案) by noticing a tiny pin (别针) on a policeman's uniform.Her explanation is very clear and clever.Miss Marple is my favorite character in the story.I think she is very special because she is just an old lady but she is even smarter than the policemen.I never thought that an old lady could be the main character of a detective story!

Can you guess who the murderer is?Read the book to find out!You will enjoy the story very much because the ending is so surprising.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

New Baby Brother

I was sitting in school

when I heard the news.

"Your baby brother is born,

and wants to see you!"

Dad got me from school

and to the hospital with no delay.

Hurrying on our journey,

he almost forgot the way!

My brother's hands were tiny,

and wrinkly soft,like a prune.

After he smiled at me,

Mom said,"He'll come home soon!"


they say"He is so sweet.

And one day he'll walk around

on those little baby feet!"

31.The writer was   when hearing the news.

A.at school

B.at home

C.in the hospital

D.in the store

32.The writer's   took the writer to the hospital to see the baby brother.





33.The family felt   to have the new baby.





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
