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─They said that we would take a camping this weekend.
─________ it rains then?

A.What if B.What for C.What about D.How come
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When I miss my family, it’s ________ great comfort to have a ________ family to be with.

A.a; substitute B.a; replace C./; substitute D./; replace
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He objects to ________ the students do their homework late at night.

A.make B.making C.force D.forcing
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When asked why he went there, he said he was sent there ________ for a space flight.

A.training B.being trained C.to have trained D.to be trained
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  • 难度:未知

It didn’t ________ to me that the naughty boys should have ________ to prove what we discussed the day before.

A.occur; set out B.happen; set about
C.strike; set off D.come up; set up
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—I’m sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.
—I think so. He ________ for it for months.

A.is preparing B.was preparing
C.had been prepared D.has been preparing
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It is difficult to ________ one twin from the other. They almost don’t ________ from each other.

A.differ; distinguish B.Distinguish; different
C.distinguish; differ D.tell; different
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I couldn’t ________ to her. The line was busy.

A.go by B.go around C.get in D.get through
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The man was ________ to six years in prison for treating his wife cruelly.

A.condemned B.arrested C.accused D.assumed
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Most students have little difficulty ________ college life.

A.to adapt B.adapting C.adapting to D.adapted to
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After many years’ hard working, his parents managed to ________ the debts for his education at university.

A.pay for B.pay back C.pay off D.pay out
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From Jame’s face, I could see he was terrified of ________ by us.

A.abandoned B.abandon
C.being abandoned D.to be abandoned
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  • 难度:未知

I’ve got to the position ________ hard work.

A.by this means B.by all means C.by no means D.by means of
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Being a good listener is a kind quality and that’s ________ it takes to keep friendship.

A.which B.what C.how D.where
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—You look upset. Anything wrong?
-I failed in the physics exam again ________ all the efforts I made.
Which of the following answers is NOT true?

A.in spite of B.despite C.but for D.regardless of
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As I got up today, I smelt fresh coffee. I woke up to   36    a cup of it with some biscuits on my bedside table. This reminded me of   37   , the old school and college days, when mom used to wake me up by serving a   38    cup of coffee. The taste is still so   39    in my memories.
A   40     thought hit me, “I was in bed, so who prepared this coffee for me? Is it a dream?”
I pinched(掐)myself, ouch… that hurt, which meant I was not   41   . I walked out of the room with the cup of coffee,   42    my roommate. I asked him whether he prepared that for me, and the answer was YES.
I was relaxed   43    somehow my heart wanted him to say NO, because I wanted to be in a   44    that my mom prepared it for me. The whole   45    reminded me of mom and I   46    her at that moment.
On my way to my office, I was thinking about those days when mom used to cook my   47  meal. I could not   48    any single day when I slept without food. But now, I no longer   49  the food mom cooked.
This very thought   50    tears to my eyes and I decided to call up mom. I reached the office and gave her a call.
The first thing she asked was, “Is everything all right?” I was   51   . And I thought, “How the time has   52   ”.
When I was with her, I used to call her after every hour when I was out with my friends. In those days she   53    asked me what was wrong, as she knew that it was my habit. My call at this point of the day to her meant that I was in   54   .
Time has changed, she is still the same, and it is   55    who have changed.

A.find B.drink C.prepare D.cook

A.kitchen B.comfort C.warmth D.home

A.smelling B.cooking C.steaming D.pouring

A.deep B.fresh C.heavy D.recent

A.funny B.possible C.realistic D.sudden

A.thinking B.working C.dreaming D.reacting

A.in search of B.in favor of C.in place of D.in case of

A.and B.but C.or D.so

A.sense B.relief C.belief D.state

A.scene B.incident C.care D.matter

A.hated B.expected C.missed D.questioned

A.last B.every C.tasty D.complete

A.check B.count C.remember D.cover

A.pack B.finish C.imagine D.enjoy

A.brought B.caused C.pushed D.raised

A.careless B.speechless C.rootless D.homeless

A.influenced B.passed C.flied D.changed

A.never B.still C.often D.almost

A.peace B.surprise C.trouble D.progress

A.my roommate B.she C.the situation D.I

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  • 难度:未知

The story I am going to tell you happened about three years ago when I started to learn how to drive. At first, I was very frightened, and I thought I could never learn how to drive a car. Driving a car frightened me because in my home country women never drive, but in the United States every woman has to know how to drive. My husband paid an instructor to teach me how to drive. After that, my husband practiced with me for a long time. My husband always told me that I had to learn. It was important to me and my family.
However, I couldn’t get my license right away. I failed my driving test two times. After practicing for a long time, I decided to go for my third driving test. I had failed my first test because I was very nervous. Everybody encouraged me to continue practicing. Three weeks later, I decided to try it again, but I failed again. After that, I was very embarrassed(困窘的), and I said I couldn’t get it, so I stopped practicing for a while.
Not knowing how to drive was bad because I couldn’t do anything. I had two kids, my husband works, and I have to take care of everything. Driving was so necessary that I decided to try it again. And finally, that time, I passed the test. Now I have my license. I know how to drive, and it has changed my life in some important ways. Now I’m driving to the college, learning English and hoping I will get a good job in the future.
Why did the author think that she could never learn how to drive a car?

A.Because she was not an American woman.
B.Because she was afraid of a car or a bus.
C.Because in her own country women never drive.
D.Because her husband didn’t know how to teach her.

The underlined word “instructor” in the first paragraph probably means __________.

A.someone who teaches a special skill
B.someone who teaches a sport skill
C.someone who teaches in an American college
D.the information telling you how to drive a car

How many persons in the author’s family are mentioned except the author herself?

A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5

The passage mainly shows us that the author failed for quite a few times but she never gave up and __________.

A.she succeeded in driving her car to send her two children
B.she succeeded in driving to the college to get a good job
C.she succeeded in driving to the college and learned English
D.she succeeded in passing driving test and got her license in the end

The best title of this passage should be “__________”.

A.My Driving License B.My Husband and I
C.Passing the Test D.Never Give Up
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When I was six, Dad brought home a dog one day, who was called “Brownie”. My brothers and I all loved Brownie and did different things with her. One of us would walk her, another would feed her, then there were baths, playing catch and many other games. Brownie, in return, loved each and every one of us. One thing that most touched my heart was that she would go to whoever was sick and just be with them. We always felt better when she was around.
One day, as I was getting her food, she chewed up(咬破)one of Dad’s shoes, which had to be thrown away in the end. I knew Dad would be mad and I had to let her know what she did was wrong. When I looked at her and said, “Bad girl,” she looked down at the ground and then went and hid. I saw a tear in her eyes.
Brownie turned out to be more than just our family pet. She went everywhere with us. People would stop and ask if they could pet her. Of course she’d let anyone pet her. She was just the most lovable dog. There were many times when we’d be out walking and a small child would come over and pull on her hair. She never barked(吠)or tried to get away. Funny thing is she would smile. This frightened people because they thought she was showing her teeth. Far from the truth, she loved everyone.
Now many years have passed since Brownie died of old age. I still miss days when she was with us. 
What would Brownie do when someone was ill in the family?

A.Look at them sadly. B.Keep them company.
C.Play games with them. D.Touch them gently.

We can infer from Paragraph 2 that Brownie __________.

A.would eat anything when hungry B.felt sorry for her mistake
C.loved playing hide-and-seek D.disliked the author’s dad

Why does the author say that Brownie was more than just a family pet?

A.She was treated as a member of the family.
B.She played games with anyone she liked.
C.She was loved by everybody she met.
D.She went everywhere with the family.

Some people got frightened by Brownie when she __________.

A.smiled B.barked C.rushed to them D.tried to be funny

Which of the following best describes Brownie?

A.Shy B.Polite C.Brave D.Caring
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  • 难度:未知

The worst earthquake in 40 years shook South Asia on Sunday, starting with horrible waves that swept entire villages into the sea. At least 20,000 people in six countries were killed in the disaster, and millions were left homeless.
The quake shook deep beneath the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It was felt more than 3000 miles away in East Africa, where heavy tides kept fishermen at home and resorts(度假胜地)closed.
It was as if the sea had struck the land. Residents of Sri Lanka, a small island country off the coast of India, ran to the hills to find safety from the tsunami. Many took their radios, televisions, and other valuables with them. The disaster hit Sri Lanka hardest. Of its 20million people, 1 million lost their homes, and 10000 died.
“The water simply raised itself up and huge waves came ashore,” wrote eye-witness(目击者)Peter Thomas from India. “It was moving very fast. The force broke the glass walls of a restaurant on the beach here and damaged hundreds of boats.”
In some places, the tsunami struck with no warning. “The weather was fine with no clouds,” wrote an eye-witness in Indonesia. “Suddenly the seawater just hit the city. In some parts the water was up to chest level.”
A massive(大众的)effort to help the affected countries is already underway. Leaders from around the world have promised to help, and teams of aid workers and doctors are rushing to the sea. “The United States stands ready to offer all the help to those nations most affected.” Said White House spokesman Trent Duffy. Organizations from the Red Cross to the International Monetary Fund have started fund-raising(筹款)drives to make up the costs of rebuilding.
The underlined word “tsunami” in Paragraph 5 can probably be replaced by “__________.”

A.fierce wind B.heavy rain C.terrible storm D.large waves

Which of the following is NOT true when this disaster happened?

A.A sudden storm started with thunder and lightning.
B.The seawater rose suddenly and flooded the land.
C.Huge waves came upon the land, damaging the buildings and boats.
D.The sea struck the land, causing heavy losses.

In the last paragraph, the writer mainly states __________.

A.lack of help B.international efforts
C.the fighting against the disaster D.the result of disasters

What’s the best title of the passage?

A.Tens of Thousands of People Are in Danger
B.Storm Caused Disasters in South Asia
C.Terrible Quake Hits South Asia
D.International Aid for South Asia

Where would you probably see this passage?

A.In a textbook. B.In a newspaper.
C.In a travel guide. D.In a dictionary.
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  • 难度:未知

Whether it’s a carol(圣诞颂歌)service or an evening of karaoke in the pub, many people will enjoy a good old singsong this Christmas. Singing aloud will not just lift the spirits---it’s good for your physical health as well. Filling the lungs(肺)with air, increasing the heart rate and getting blood pumping round the body faster can all help our physical health.
For the past few years Heart Research UK has been Funding a Christmas campaign aimed at getting people singing, simply for the benefit it can bring. The organizer of the campaign says singing is a safe, simple and social activity that everyone can enjoy. “Singing is linked to long life, stress reduction, and general health protection. It also brings a great amount of happiness. It is impossible to sing well with a long face because it affects your pitch(音高).”
Professor Graham Welch, who leads the International Music Education Research Centre at the University of London, has spent more than 30 years studying the effects of singing. He says that singing is a form of exercise. It means we’re also having a strong aerobic activity(有氧运动)when we’re singing, which results in increasing the feeling of pleasure while decreasing that of stress.
“And communal(共同的)singing—like in a singing group, a church service or even a singsong in the pub—helps improve our sense of self-respect. It increases our sense of satisfaction with ourselves, a greater sense of feeling included. ”
Helen Astrid, a singing teacher, also sees the great effects that singing brings. “It lifts us up on a spiritual level, it helps our self-respect, and it’s great for all ages from small kids to grannies—you can have a good sing and let your hair down.”
But she warns people not to have too many beers or glasses of wine, though a glass may help them gather courage before taking to the stage during the holidays.
Heart Research UK holds a campaign to __________.

A.encourage people to sing for God at Christmas
B.study the effects of singing on people
C.get people to sing and improve their health
D.bring happiness to people during holidays

What are the benefits of singing according to Graham Welch?
a. Singers’ living longer.
b. Singers’ general health protection.
c. Singers’ feeling happier.
d. Singers’ stress reduced.
e. Singer’s self-respect improved.

A.a, b, c B.b, c, d C.c, d, e D.a, b, e

The underlined part “let your hair down” probably means __________.

A.feel at ease B.protect yourself
C.dress casually D.cover your nervousness

What can we infer from the passage?

A.Singing at Christmas is good for health.
B.In a low mood one is not able to sing well.
C.Experts have disagreement on singing.
D.Singing is the same as other aerobic activities.

Which is the best title of the passage?

A.Karaoke—Best Place for Singing!
B.Christmas—Best Time for Singing!
C.Singing—Healthy but Difficult
D.For Health—Let’s Sing!
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  • 难度:未知

In order to be a success in the American business world, you must get along with people. You must learn to behave yourself in such a way that you earn the affection(关爱)and respect of others. As we have already pointed out, Americans mix business and pleasure. Therefore, learning how to chat informally(非正式地)can be a help with your American business contracts. Americans like to talk about a number of different topics—sports, politics, cars, popular movies, television shows and personal interests.
Many large American cities have sports teams. If you are working with Americans in the United States, it would be a good idea to find out about the local sports teams so that you can join in the almost inevitable discussions about “What our team will do this year.” Politics can be a sensitive topic unless everyone is of the same mind politically. Limit your discussions to asking questions of your friends. Most Americans are car owners and some are even obsessive(着迷的)about the subject. You can contribute to the discussion by talking about cars you have owned or by sharing information you have had in automotive magazines. Americans watch television almost every night and attend movies regularly, so naturally ___________________________.
If you are unable to watch American television or attend American movies, reading the entertainment section of such magazines as Time and Newsweek will keep you up to date on what is popular in America.
What’s the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)
Why should people be careful with the topic—politics? (Please answer within 8 words.)
Please fill in the blank in the second paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.)
Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.
Suppose you are doing business in America, what would you do to be a success in business world? (Please answer within 20 words.)

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参考词汇:开博客 open one’s blog 释放压力:release pressure
Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that more and more high school students open their
own blogs on the internet.                                                                                 

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