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It’s _________ for us to finish such a difficult program. We have to say sorry to them.

A.possible B.impossible
C.interesting D.different
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

——________do you go to the dentist?
——Let me see, twice a year, maybe.

A.How many B.How much
C.How often D.How soon
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You should read the article as ____ as I do to know what the writer really wants to tell us.

A.careful B.more careful
C.more carefully D.carefully
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

David lives a very simple life ____ he has a lot of money.

A.and B.because C.if D.though
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  • 难度:未知

Cindy’s father, Tian Liang ___ as a policeman in the TV show “Daddy, where are we going?”.

A.dressed up B.made up
C.took up D.look up
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  • 难度:未知

– What’s the weather like tomorrow?
-- The radio says it is going to be even ______.

A.bad B.worst
C.badly D.worse
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  • 难度:未知

Our school put off _______ the sports meeting because of the bad weather.

A.holding B.hold
C.to hold D.held
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  • 难度:未知

Alice wanted to know ___   _ her grandmother liked the bag.

A.if B.that C.which D.what
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We’ll go shopping if it ________ rain tomorrow.

A.don’t rain B.won’t rain
C.isn’t raining D.doesn’t rain
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  • 难度:未知

We can’t work out the physics problem. Can you tell us ________?

A.how to do B.what to do it
C.how to do it D.what should to do
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

-What’s ____  _matter with you?
-I have  ____  _ toothache.

A.a;the B.the;a C./;the D.the;/
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  • 难度:未知

-Tom’s father is tall.   - ____  _.

A.So is Tom. B.So Tom is.
C.Neither is Tom. D.Neither does Tom
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  • 难度:未知

There ________ more buildings in ten years.

A.will have B.will be
C.have D.has
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  • 难度:未知

The food smells _____. I don’t like it.

A.well B.good C.bad D.terribly
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  • 难度:未知

---- May I sit here?
---- _________. It’s for Lily.

A.Sure B.No problem
C.You’d better not D.Thank you
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  • 难度:未知

The winter vacation is coming. How do you make your vacation     from your school life? Here is some      for you. Maybe it can help you learn while you have fun!
You can go to visit    .There you can see a lot of interesting and valuable things, such as works of art or historical items. That will help you learn more history___     your country.
Reading in the  ___  is also a good choice. You can find different kinds of books there. You can read lots of English storybooks. It is _____for your English learning.
Traveling with your ______is also exciting! Also, you can do many outdoor activities, such as climbing the mountain, going to the beach. But you should always tell your parents ___  doing any of these things.
It is a good idea to make a vacation book. You can write     in the vacation book: what you want to do for your vacation and what you see during your vacation. You can also draw something you like most on your vacation to make it more interesting. When a new term begins, you can     it with you to share your experience with your friends.

A.same B.different C.easy D.hard

A.reason B.advice C.answer D.problem

A.stores B.hospitals C.museums D.places

A.on B.about C.in D.at

A.home B.library C.school D.shop

A.helpful B.bad C.easy D.difficult

A.friends B.parents C.mother D.father

A.after B.when C.before D.because

A.nothing B.anything C.something D.another thing

A.bring B.take C.talk D.tell
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Sunny English Club        For students
16:00 – 18:00 Every Saturday   200 Yuan a month     9 Zhou Yu Street    Tel: 3785290
Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more!
Ocean Museum       9:00—17:00 From Thursday to Sunday     Ticket: 50 yuan
132 Xue Yuan Street    Tel: 5439871       Show you a full picture of sea lives!
Health Centre       9:00—17:30      16 Yong Le Street      Tel: 3801451
Free examinations for those over 70.     Give you good advice to keep healthy!

Sunny English Club is for _______.

A.nurses B.policemen
C.businessmen D.students

You will pay ________ if you want to stay in the English club for half a year.

A.300 yuan B.600 yuan
C.1200 yuan D.2400 yuan

You can visit Ocean Museum ________.

A.on Saturday B.on Wednesday
C.on Monday D.anytime

One can get free exams in Health Centre if he is ________.

A.9 B.17 C.67 D.73

If you are interested in the life of fish, you should go to________.

A.Health Centre B.Ocean Museum
C.Sunny English Club D.16 Yong Le Street
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A young man is lying in hospital sadly. The 24-year-old lost his right leg. The doctor said that his long history of smoking was the reason. “I first smoked when I was 14. It made me feel like a man and I thought it looked cool. Now I know I was wrong,” said the young man.
It is a mistake many young people make. According to the survey, 40 million of China’s 130 million young people aged between 13 and 18 smoke. Fifteen million of them are addicted (上瘾的). The survey also found that about 68% of young smokers first smoked before the age of 13.
Many young people see people smoke in the movies, but in real life, stars like Jackie Chan think smoking is a bad thing and not cool at all.
Doctors say that if a person starts smoking very young, he or she may live 22 years less than those who don’t smoke.
How long did the young man smoke?

A.For 10 years. B.For 13 years.
C.For 14 years. D.For 18 years.

What did the young man think of smoking when he first smoked?

A.It was wrong. B.It was bad.
C.It was boring. D.It was cool.

What does the underlined word “it” refer to (指的是)?

A.Smoking. B.Getting ill.
C.Lying in hospital. D.Stopping smoking.

The number of young people who smoke in China is ____ million.

A.15 B.40 C.68 D.130

What can we learn from the passage?

A.Many stars think smoking is cool.
B.People who smoke can only live to be 22.
C.It’s a big problem that many young people smoke.
D.Many young smokers first smoked before the age of 10.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

People began to make robots about several hundred years ago. In the past, some of the early ones looked like animals or humans. However, they couldn’t talk and were pretty dumb. They worked like clocks and did the same things over and over again.
Now modern robots don’t always look like people. Some are like big machines; others are nothing but long arms attached to boxy(箱子般四四方方的)bodies. However, modern robots are smart. Some can solve problems on their own. Their brains are computers and their eyes are sensors(传感器). Motors(发动机)help them move.
In the future, robots will learn from their mistakes more than they do now. They will be smarter. It’s possible that we will have robot judges, robot household workers, and robot factory workers. Robots will help people to do more things.
How long is the history of robots?

A.Hundreds of years. B.Several hundred years.
C.Seven hundred years. D.A hundred year.

What’s the possible meaning of dumb?

A.Talking like people. B.Clever.
C.Unintelligent (迟钝). D.Cute.

Most robots look like people ______ .

A.in the past B.clever
C.in the future D.all the time

Which of the following is NOT true about modern robots?

A.Some robots can solve problems on their own.
B.Some robots are like big machines.
C.Modern robots are smart.
D.Some robots’ brains are sensors.

What can’t robots do in the future according to the passage?

A.They can help people do housework.
B.They can work as judges.
C.They can work in the factory.
D.They can have brains as people.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Tony is a good boy. He wants to read some English books on Sunday.
Mother’s Day is coming. Lucy wants to buy some clothes for her mother.
Bob likes playing basketball very much.
Melody goes shopping a lot. She likes clothes on sale very much.
George moves to a new house. He wants to buy some chairs for his new home.

A.Book Store: We sell all kinds of books. And all the English books are on sale now.
B.Sports Clubs: Come and join us. You can play tennis, basketball and other sports with students at your age.
C.Library: We have many kinds of language books: Chinese, English and Japanese. You will enjoy reading books here.
D.Basketball Fans Center: You can enjoy watching the NBA matches here. It opens form Monday to Saturday.

E. Furniture(家具) Store: We are the largest furniture store in town. We have everything you want for your house.
F. Beauty Clothes Store: We sell clothes for women at any age.
G. Lucky Mall: It’s the time of the year. All the things are
on sale.


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

would, go, you, where (?)
Norman Bethune, brave, very, was (.)
do, know, you, what, public holiday, is, it(?)
can, imagine, how worried, feels, she, I (.)
because, Sally missed, her hand, hurt, the final practice (.)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We’ll go to Beijing _______ ________ this afternoon.
_______ ________ they were a little nervous.
Mr Wang said he would _______ us________ with maths problems.
The foreign friend gave him lots of presents, _____ _____ a pen, a knife, a hat on so on.
Li Hua found his bag lying on the floor ____ ______as he came back to the classroom.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Long, long ago there was a bad king. All of his people h     him.
One hot day he was taking a walk along a river when he decided to have a swim in it. He was a good s   . But while he was in the river, he s  fell ill, and was nearly drowned(淹死). At that time two fwere working in the field n  They came over, jumped into the river, and he was    . They didn’t know who he was until they p     him out of the water.
The king was happy. He said to the two farmers, “Ask for a   , I’ll give it to you. I’m the r   in the world. And today you have saved my life.”
One of them answered, “You can do one thing for us.” “What is it?” asked the king. He thought that they would ask for a lot of money.
“Don’t tell a    that we have saved you.”

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

提示:周六上午8:30在学校集合,老师带领我们乘坐公共汽车去塘沽游玩;我们在沙滩上玩,在海里游泳;还在海洋公园(the Sea Park)看了动物表演;在塘沽呆了两天,过得很愉快。
Dear Mike,
How are you recently? _____________________________________
Li Ming

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  • 难度:未知