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It's ________ (令人惊讶)that she passed the driving test.
P ________ must be made in cash.
The plane crashed, killing all 200 people a ________ .
The real cause of the accident was ________ (不清楚).
Before I draw the ________ (结束). I'd like to thank you all for coming.
The v ________ from England to India used to take six months.
We sat outside in the ________ (灿烂的)sunshine.
She decided to accept the offer for ________ (短缺;需要)of anything better.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Elephants are ________ ( surprise) long-lived creatures.
Einstein was one of the greatest ________ (think)of the 20th century.
It is difficult to imagine his accepting the decision without any ________ (consider).
Unsatisfied though he was with the ________ (pay),he took the job just to get some work experience.
In many ________ (east)countries massage was and is a part of everyday life.
Tim is in good shape ________ (physical)even though he doesn't get much exercise.
The research lacks solid evidence, and therefore, its conclusion is ________ (doubt).
Don't draw any ________ (conclude)before you know the facts.
The new fossil findings may tell us more about human ________ (evolve).
In the study families are ________ (class)according to their incomes.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


come to a conclusion    at the end of    with great care
lead to    out of    on the way    make notes of    separate
from    start out    at the beginning of

I have read your letter of October 26th ________ .
The debate did not ________ until midnight.
What ________ as fun quickly became hard work.
________ the meeting, it was announced that an agreement had been reached.
________ class, the noise of desks being opened and closed could be heard outside the classroom.
The boss of the company had ignored his friend's advice, which ________ the failure of his business.
We went to the show ________ curiosity more than anything else.
He sat ________ everything that was said.
The old man, having worked abroad for twenty years, is ________ back to his motherland.
South America was ________ Africa many years ago.

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  • 难度:未知

The soldier rushed into the cave, his right hand ________ a gun and his face ________ with sweat.
A held; covered       B. holding; covering
C. holding; covered    D. held ;covering

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The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly, her long hair ________ .

A.flowed in the breeze
B.was flowing in the breeze
C.were flowing in the breeze
D.flowing in the breeze
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  • 难度:未知

The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons ________ for the day.

A.finishing B.finished
C.had finished D.were finished
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  • 难度:未知

On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, ________ parents seated together joking.

A.their B.whose
C.which D.that
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The Smiths are rich and they have three cars, one a Toyota, ________ Land Rover of the latest.

A.another B.other
C.the other D.the others
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He asked us about the ________ news in a ________ voice.

A.surprising; surprising B.surprised; surprised
C.surprising; surprised D.surprised; surprising
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It was in the lab was set up last year ________ they finished the experiment.
A. that; that     B. where; in which
C. which; where   D, in which; that

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The boy ________ fifty yuan in repairing the watch yesterday.

A.cost B.spent
C.paid D.took
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Recently several severe traffic accidents have ________ the death of many innocent people which attracted great attention from the public.

A.stuck to B.appealed to
C.referred to D.led to
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From facts, scientists have ________ that more energy is being absorbed from the sun, throwing the earth's energy "out of balance".

A.confirmed B.concluded
C.concentrated D.conflicted
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  • 难度:未知

Who designed the first helicopter (直升机)? Who painted the most famous pictures in the world? Who knew more about the human body than most         ?There is an answer to all these questions — Leonardo da Vinci.
Leonardo may have been the greatest genius(天才)             have ever known. He lived in Italy around the year 1500,but many of his            seem modern to us today. For example, one of his notebooks has drawings of a helicopter. Of course, he couldn't         a helicopter with the things he had. But scientists say his idea would have worked.
But Leonardo wasn't just an inventor. He was one of the greatest artists of his day. By the time he was twenty years old, he was called a master painter, and as he got older he became            more famous. Sometimes he drew a hand in ten different ways         he was ready to paint.
Many of Leonardo's wonderful paintings are still with us today. You may know one of his most famous works the         woman known as the Mona Lisa.

A.artists B.doctors C.painters D.people

A.paintings B.inventions C.experiences D.traditions

A.draw B.fly C.imagine D.build

A.less B.no C.even D.very

A.before B.after C.because D.when

A.interesting B.crying C.smiling D.surprising

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Beijing had its coldest morning in almost 40 years and its biggest snowfall since 1951. Britain is suffering through its longest cold snap (寒潮)since 1981. And freezing weather is hitting the US south.
Whatever happened to global warming?
Such weather doesn't seem to fit with warnings from scientists that the earth is warming because of greenhouse gases. But experts say the coldness doesn't deny global warming at all—it's just a blip in the long-term heating trend.
"It's part of natural variability(变化性)," said Gerald Meehl, a senior scientist at the National Centre for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. With global warming, he said,"We'll still have record cold temperatures. We'll just have fewer of them. ”
Scientists say man-made climate change does have the potential to cause more frequent and more severe weather extremes, such as heat waves, storms, floods, droughts and even coldness. But experts did not connect the current cold weather to climate change.
So what is going on?
"We basically have seen just a big outbreak of Arctic air over populated areas of the Northern Hemisphere,"Arndt said. In the atmosphere, large rivers of air travel roughly west to east around the globe between the Arctic and the tropics. But recently, this air flow has become bent into a pronounced (明显的)“z” pattern, moving from north and south. If you live in a place where it brings air up from the south, you will get warm weather. In fact, record highs were reported this week in Washington state and Alaska.
But in some other unlucky parts of the globe, Arctic air is moving down from the north. And that's how you get the low temperature in Beijing, and 18 inches of snow in parts of Britain, where a member of Parliament who said the snow "clearly indicates a cooling trend " was laughed at by colleagues.
The “z” pattern arises naturally from time to time, but it is not clear why it's so strong right now, said Michelle Heureux, a meteorologist at the Climate Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The center says the pattern should begin to weaken in a week or two.
Many areas are suffering low temperature except __________.

B.Washington state and Alaska
C.the US south

The underlined word “blip” in Paragraph 3 means __________.

A.temporary phenomenon
B.abnormal phenomenon
C.common phenomenon
D.rare phenomenon

From the text, it can be learned that __________.

A.global warming trend has proved wrong
B.there will be less coldness in the future
C.the “ z ” pattern Arctic air flow seldom happens
D.scientists haven't found out the reason of coldness

The present coldness is probably caused by __________.

A.climate change
B.Arctic air traveling west to east
C.the “z” pattern Arctic air flow
D.the cooling trend
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Australia is famous for its beautiful beaches. And Australian people love swimming and going to the beach. But it wasn't always that way.
Different Climate, Different Habits
When Europeans first invaded (侵略)Australia, the only people here who were good at swimming were the Aboriginal people. The Europeans came from climates where it was too cold to swim. However the warm climate of Australia soon changed their attitude to swimming. At first, only men swam. They swam without any clothes on— there were no women to see them.
Cover up!
By the 1880s and 1890s visiting the beach was very fashionable. People wore everyday street clothes—much more than people wear at the beach today.
In those days people believed they should cover their most body so it would not be seen by the opposite sex. Special bathing costumes (服装) were designed for women. This costumes used a lot of cloth and were very heavy when wet, making it difficult to swim.
Laws Made and Laws Changed
The government decided to stop men swimming naked. It passed a law which forbade bathing between 6 am and 7 am. But in 1903,the laws changed;  people could swim in the daytime, but they had to wear neck-to-knee costumes.
The Shrinking Costume
As time passed, swimming costumes became smaller and more convenient.
At first men and women were covered from neck to knee. Then arms became bare. Then more of the legs were uncovered. Each new change was regarded by many as shocking and rude and people wrote letters to the newspapers complaining about the new costume. Nowadays some people go to special "nude beaches" to swim naked.
However, most people cover their bodies more than they did ten years ago—not because they think bare skin is shocking—but to protect their skin from the harmful rays of the sun.
Which of the following statements about the climate of Australia is TRUE?

A.It made European settlers think differently about swimming.
B.It changed European settlers' swimming costume.
C.It made European settlers feel much hotter.
D.It made European settlers have to swim naked.

What should swimmers do during the late 19th century?

A.They should hide when they meet a person of the opposite sex.
B.They should cover their body to avoid being seen by the opposite sex.
C.They should wear many heavy clothes on beaches.
D.They should wear special wet costumes designed for them.

What does the underlined sentence mean?

A.People were surprised by each new change and criticized it.
B.People were amazed by each new change and praised it.
C.Only newspapers were in favor of each new change.
D.Only newspapers thought poorly of each new change.

What can we conclude from the last paragraph?

A.People worry about getting skin cancer from too much sun.
B.People protected their swimming costumes from too much sun.
C.People are greatly shocked by the nude beaches.
D.People think it rude to swim with the smaller costumes.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear fellow students,
Our school advocates that we should build a low-carbon campus in order to protect the earth. ____________________________________________________________________

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