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—What do you think of Beihai?
—It’s great. ______ air is so fresh.

A.A B.An C.The D./
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—What _______ is it today?
—It’s Monday.

A.day B.time C.date D.month
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Not only the students but also the teachers took part _______ the school sports meeting last week.

A.at B.on C.in D.for
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Jimmy can’t buy anything now because he has _______ money on him.

A.little B.a little C.few D.a few
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On my ______ birthday, I got a guitar as a gift from my father.

A.twelve B.twelfth
C.the twelve D.the twelfth
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My sister was writing an e-mail _______ I was watching TV at this time yesterday.

A.until B.after C.while D.as soon as
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—What’s _______ movie theater in your city?
—Town Cinema. It has the most comfortable seats.

A.worse B.the worst C.better D.the best
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—Is that boy under the tree Li Ming?
—No, it _______ be Li Ming. He is in Shanghai now.

A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.won’t
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—How long have you _e? _____ the bike over ther
—For two days.

A.bought B.had C.borrowed D.lent
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—Dad, smoking is bad for your health.
—You’re right. I’ve decided to ______.

A.take it down B.find it out
C.turn it off D.give it up
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______ silent, please. The baby is sleeping.

A.Keep B.Kept C.To keep D.Keeping
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I know Nanning very well because I ______ there many times.

A.go B.will go
C.have gone D.have been
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—I think I’ll wear jeans to the party?
—That’s not a good idea. If you do, the teacher ______ you in.

A.don’t let B.won’t let
C.didn’t let D.doesn’t let
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The two girls _____ how to dance one month ago and now they can dance well.

A.taught B.have taught
C.are taught D.were taught
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  • 难度:未知

—Mr. Wang, could you tell me ______?
—Usually at the Dragon Boat Festival.

A.how people eat Zongzi
B.how do people eat Zongzi
C.when people eat Zongzi
D.when do people eat Zongzi
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One day, a poor man was travelling on horseback. At noon, he tied his ____ to a tree and then sat down to eat something.
A few minutes later, a rich man came along and tied his horse to the ____ tree. “Please ____ your horse to another tree,” said the poor man.” My horse is wild. It will kill ____.” But the rich man said, “I shall tie my horse as I like!” He tied up his horse and had his lunchnearby.
After a moment they heard a terrible noise, the two horse were ____. They went up to them, but it was too late. The rich man’s horse was killed. “See what your horse has done!” cried the rich man. “You will have to ____ it.” And he brought the poor man before the judge(法官).
The judge asked the poor man some questions. But he made no ____. At last the judge said, “This man is dumb(哑的). He cannot speak.” “Oh.” the rich man shouted ____, “He can! He spoke to me when I met him.” “Are you sure?” asked the judge. “What did he say?”
“He told me not to tie my horse to the same tree ____ his horse was wild and would kill my horse.” “Oh.” said the judge. “So he warned you. And can you expect to get money from him?” The rich man said ____ and left silently.

A.cow B.horse C.sheep D.dog

A.other B.another C.same D.different

A.tie B.ride C.bring D.give

A.hers B.his C.mine D.yours

A.fighting B.eating C.playing D.walking

A.look after B.pay for C.think about D.fight with

A.choice B.mistake C.answer D.decision

A.easily B.happily C.carefully D.angrily

A.if B.so C.because D.although

A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything
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George was head of an African country. He was going to pay a visit to the USA. He decided to learn some English words so that he might greet Bill Clinton, president of the USA then, in English. So he asked his wife for help because she knew a little English. His wife told, “When you meet Mr. President, just greet him with “How are you”, and he may answer ‘I am fine’. Then you need only to say ‘Me, too’, and leave the rest to your interpreter(口译).”
When his plane landed at the airport, George said to the smiling Clinton, “Who are you?”. This was quite unexpected to the president and surprised him greatly. But he quickly calmed() down. Still with a smile on his face, he answered, “I am Hillary’s husband.” To his reply, George answered back without a moment “Me, too”, and looked at the president’s wife, Hillary, smiling sweetly as well.
George was from Africa.
George’s wife knew a lot of English.
George wanted to learn some English words to greet Bill Clinton in English.
Bill Clinton was very surprised at first when George said “Who are you?” to him.
From the passage we know that George was Hillary’s husband.

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  • 难度:未知

Travelling around the world is a dream for many people, but a young couple from China has made his dream come true. They drove along the ancient Silk Road, from China to the UK.
Luo Chang and Ding Jie, a young couple from China’s Guizhou Province, spent two months drving from their home in Shanghai all the way to London. The journey covered about 20,000 kilometer, and they crossed 14 countries and regions(地区).
Ding Jie said, “ People were excited to see two travelers driving a foreign license car, appearing on their streets. We were stopped many times to take photos with them. Sometimes, when we couldn’t understand each other’s language, they would express their ideas with gestures(手势).
During their driving trip, they also spent many nights in local people’s homes. Luo Chang said, “This is an amazing experience. We were driving on a highway or a country road to someone’s home. Someone you’ve never met but was already preparing dinner for you. We feelwe have friends all over the world.
During the trip, Luo and Ding took nearly 10,000 photos and kept diaries to record the beautiful scenery(风景), the friendly people and the different customs on the way.
The young couple’s dream was _______.

A.to travel around the world
B.to travel around the UK\
C.to travel around China
D.to travel around the USA

The young couple covered about ______ kilometers and crossed _____ countries and regions.

A.20,000; 15 B.20,000; 14 C.10,000; 15 D.2,000; 14

How did the young couple travel?

A.By train. B.By ship
C.By car. D.By plane.

During the trip, the couple recorded the following EXCEPT ______.

A.beautiful scenery B.friendly people
C.different customs D.foreign licenses

From the passage, we can learn that _____.

A.the couple knew 14 languages
B.the couple spent all the nights in hotels
C.the couple was welcomed during the trip
D.the couple drove along the Silk Road, from China to Brazil
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  • 难度:未知

Tornadoes(龙卷风) are one of the worst weather events on earth. Each year, tornadoes kill many people. The storms often carry homes, cars and trees from one place to another. And they can also destroy anything when they pass by.
A tornado comes from a thunderstorm(雷雨) in the sky down to the ground. It is big at the top and small at the bottom.
A tornado appears when winds in different directions meet in the cloud and begin to turn in circles. People can see tornadoes almost everywhere in the world. But most happen from late winter to middle summer. There is a second high season in November. During spring, warm air moves north and mixes with the cold air left from winter. In November, the opposite happens. Cold air moves south and mixes with the warm air left from summer.
Tornadoes always come suddenly. Weather scientists have done something to predict(预测) tornadoes. But the storms often move too fast for people to protect themselves. Last year, tornadoes killed more than one hundred people in United States.
Scientists say the best place to be in is a small room, without windows, in the middle the lowest part of a building when tornadoes come.
According to the passage, we know the shape of the tornadoes may be like ______.

In the United States, most tornadoes happen _____.

A.from late summer to middle summer
B.from late autumn to middle winter
C.from late autumn to middle spring
D.from late winter to middle summer

According to Paragraph 4, tornadoes appear when ______.

A.warm air and cold air mix
B.cold air and cold air mix
C.warm air and warm air mix
D.warm water and cold water mix

What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “destroy”?

A.保护 B.珍惜 C.毁灭 D.惩罚

From the passage, we know that ______.

A.the United States has very few tornadoes
B.tornadoes are one of the worst weather events in the world
C.people should stay in big rooms with windows when tornadoes come
D.more than one thousand people were killed by tornadoes in the USA last year
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  • 难度:未知

Can you find Hepu on the _______(地图) of Guangxi?
–What does your aunt look like?
--She’s of medium build, and she has long _______(头发).
–Which of the two T-shirts do you like better?
--The _______(黄色的) one.
My uncle goes fishing to relax every _______(星期天).
She began to learn to _______(做饭) when she was eight years old.
When I’m down or tired, I _______(更喜欢) movies that can cheer me up.
The geography teacher tells us that the Caspian Sea is 1,025 meters _______(深的).
The boy who is often absent from classes will _______(不及格) his exams this time.
Hangzhou is _______(广泛地) known for the West Lake and Longjing Tea.
There are over _______(三十) new words in Unit 3 and I’ve already memorized all of them.

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  • 难度:未知

A: Hi, excuse me.
B: Yes. How can I ____ you?
A: I’m new in town. Where is the Science Museum, please?
B: Go along Center Street and ____ right on Main Street. Then you’ll see it on your left. It’s across from the park.
A: Is it far from here?
B: ___, it’s quite far from here. And you can take a bus.
A: Which ____ can I take?
B: The No. 5 bus.
A: Is __ a bus stop near here?
B: Yes, there is. I can walk with you.
A: Oh, that’s great! Thanks so much.
B: No problem.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


friend    others   teach   you    too   different   rule    what    spend    adult

Young people and older people don’t always agree with each other. They sometimes have ____ ideas about work and life. But in one special program in New York State, adults and teenagers live together in a _____ way.
Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 ____ live and work together for eight weeks as a group. Everyone works several hours each day. Some teenagers work in the forest or on the farms. Some learn to make things like tables and chairs and build houses. The adults ____ them theses skills.
There are several free hours every weekday. Weekends are free, _____. During the free hours, some of the teenagers learn photo taking or painting. ____ sit around and talk or sing. Each teenager chooses his own way to ___ his free time.
When people live together, rules are necessary, In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rules together. If someone breaks a ___, the problem is brought to the whole group. They talk about it and ask, “How did it happen? _____ should we do about it?”
One of the teenagers says about his experience, “___ stop thinking only about yourself. You learn to think about the group.”

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  • 难度:未知

在初三班会课上,老师要求同学们就“暑期外出安全”话题展开小组讨论。以下表格内容是你所在小组讨论后提出的建议,请根据该内容,以“How to Keep Safe in the Summer Vacation”为题,写一篇英语短文。


How to Keep Safe in the Summer Vacation
We all know that it’s important for us teenagers to keep safe in the summer vacation. But how can we keep safe? Here are some of our suggestions.
I hope the above suggestions can help you have a safe and happy summer vacation

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