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Hi,Michelle.Is this ___________camera?

No,it's not mine.I think it's Tom's.(  )


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As the ___________ girl in our class,Mary was chosen to take part in the running race.(  )


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nobody could solve this difficult problem alone_____________ others'help.(  )


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Who ___________ your pet dogs while you were out for a holiday?

My neighbor,a warm﹣hearted woman.(  )

A.put onB.looked after

C.gave upD.turned off

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I'll have an important meeting this weekend,so I can't go fishing with you.

___________.I thought we could have a nice time together.(  )

A.It's a pleasureB.You're welcome

C.What a pityD.I am sure

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Bill will be a/an ___________ to interview the football players in the coming Rio 2016 Olympics.(  )


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  • 难度:未知

Drivers should drive ___________ when they are passing by a school.(  )


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  • 难度:未知

It's dangerous for you to go out for a walk in the forest ___________ at night.(  )

A.on businessB.by the way

C.on your ownD.on the top

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Where would you like to go for your summer holiday,Beijing or Shanghai?

__________.I will go to Sanya in Hainan.(  )


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Excuse me.I'd like to take exercise but I'm new here.Could you please tell me___________?

Follow me.I'll take you there.(  )

A.how I can get to the airport

B.where the supermarket is

C.How to get to the police station

D.which is the way to the sports center

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tim was a little boy of nine years old.He was busy last Saturday morning,because he went to the park with his friends to paint.

He returned home very late.It was nearly half past twelve,but nobody was in.He found that there was a note on the table.It read:

Tim didn't want to follow his parents everywhere.He felt so good that he could be a real big boy and look after himself.

Thinking there was nothing important out there,he cooked some noodles for himself and also helped himself to some apple juice.

Then he started to do some housework.He was really a good helper to his mother.When his mother was away,he would always find some housework to do,like sweeping the floor and washing the dishes.He felt it quite right for him to do some housework at weekends.

In the late afternoon,his parents came back.He asked them what happened.

"Why?You forget?It's Grandmother's birthday today."

"Uh,gee!I simply forgot!I must telephone Grandmother."

He picked up the phone.

"I'm terribly sorry,Grandma,that I forgot about your birthday.Anyway,anyone will forget one thing or another.So I won't get worried if you forget my birthday next Tuesday."

36.Who was in when Tim returned home from the park? 


B.His mother.

C.His grandfather.

D.His father.

37.Why didn't Tim go to his grandparents'in the afternoon?  

A.He was busy in the afternoon.

B.He didn't see the note on the table.

C.He didn't want to see his grandmother.

D.He didn't want to follow his parents everywhere.

38.What is TRUE about Tim?  

A.He was free last Saturday morning.

B.He hated to do some housework.

C.He forgot his grandmother's birthday.

D.He cooked dinner for himself.

39.Put the following into correct order according to the story.  

①He found a note.

②He did some housework.

③He went out to paint.

④He phoned his grandmother.

⑤He cooked lunch.





40.At the end of the story,Tim reminded (提醒)his grandmother not to forget  

A.his father's birthday

B.his mother's birthday

C.his grandfather's birthday

D.his birthday.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Room Service

Offer the service 24 hours a day.

Phone the Information Desk,and your message will be passed on to the room waiter.

Dining Room

Breakfast:8:00 am﹣9:30 am

(Tips:The room waiter may bring breakfast to your room at any time after 7:00 am.If you need it,please fill in a card and hang it outside your door before 6:00 am.)

Lunch:12:00 am﹣2:00 pm

Dinner:6:30 pm﹣8:30 pm


Dial"0"for the Information Desk to put you through with the room waiter.Tell the Information Desk if the morning calls are needed.

Shop & Coffee House

Business hours:

Shop:9:00 am﹣5:30 pm

Coffee House:12:00 am﹣2:00 pm 8:00 pm﹣1:30 am

Other Services

Hot water:It is offered 24 hours.

Cinema:Films begin at 7:00 pm on Sundays and Wednesdays.

Swimming pool:Enjoy yourself at any time if you like.It's free.

41.When can you get the room service?  

A.Only at midnight.

B.Any time during a day.

C.Before 12 am.

D.After 12 am.

42.If you want to have breakfast at 7:15 am,what should you do?  

A.Phone the Information Desk.

B.Go to the coffee house to have it.

C.Go to the hotel dining room.

D.Put a card outside your room before 6:00 am.

43.If you want to have a two﹣hour business talk in the coffee house,you may go there at  

A.10:00 am   

B.11:30 am   

C.12:00 am   

D.1:00 am

44.The service guide tells us that you can   at any time in the hotel.

A.go swimming

B.go shopping

C.see a film

D.go to the coffee house

45.You can most probably see the service guide.  

A.in a hotel dining room

B.in a bedroom of a small family hotel

C.in a bedroom of a large hotel

D.in a hotel shop.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hover Camera (无人相机)

Wang Mengqiu,the inventor of Hover Camera,was born in Hangzhou in 1982.He once studied at Stanford University in the United States.He became famous overnight (一夜成名)because of the invention.

Forget selfie sticks (自拍杆)!Compared to other cameras,Hover Camera has many advantages.

*It can fly and stay in mid﹣air,track your face and even follow you to make sure it gets the perfect picture.

*It can be controlled by using a smartphone(智能手机).

*It records movements with a 13MP camera and takes 4K video.

*It is the best choice for weddings,sports games and holidays.

Mr.Wang also said,"The main design consideration is easy and safe to take for the users.It‘s very light and small.It can be folded (折叠)in two,so it can be easily put into a bag.When the power is low?it can land on the ground safely on its own.

It's reported that the company has raised﹩25 million to produce it.As it is still being tested(测试),Hover Camera can be bought later this year.

The price has not yet been decided.But a spokesman says the company hopes to sell it for less than﹩600.

46.Hover Camera can  

A.swim in the water

B.fly in the mid﹣air

C.change its weight

D.be used as a phone

47.The underlined word"track"means  





48.According to the passage,why is Hover Camera easy and safe to take?  

A.It's light and small.

B.It can be folded in three.

C.It doesn't need power.

D.Only a smartphone can make it land.

49.Which is not mentioned in the passage?  

A.How can we control Hover Camera?

B.When can we buy Hover Camera?

C.How much is Hover Camera?

D.How popular will Hover Camera be?

50.According to the passage,Wang Mengqiu is a  young man.





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As the years go by,the Italian community has found its place in Australia.One of the main reasons is the birth of a second generation (代).The children of migrants (移民) have grown up as Australians.

Lucy's family is an example.

Lucy's parents came from Italy in the 1950s.Lucy was born in Sydney soon after her parents arrived in Australia.Lucy's parents were both workers.They spoke Italian at home.When Lucy went to school she had to learn English.Her mum and dad could speak just a little English.At home it was always Italian.When she got a bit older,her mum and dad would ask her to help them out when they didn't understand something in English.

When she was growing up,her parents didn't allow her to do as much as her Australian friends.Her friends didn't understand why she couldn't go out and do things with them,or why she always did what her parents wanted!Lucy's parents spent a lot of time with other Italians,mainly because it was much easier for them to communicate in Italian.Because of this,she spent more time with kids from Italian background.

Things have changed since Lucy had children of her own.Lucy is not as strict as her parents were,so her own kids have more freedom (自由).They can move between the different cultures and feel easier in both cultures.They haven't had so many problems about their identities (身份)•They see themselves as Australians with an Italian background and they‘re proud of their traditions.

51.Lucy's family live in  





52.Lucy's parents spoke  at home most of the time.





53.When Lucy was a kid,she was allowed to  

A.do what her parents wanted

B.do everything with her friends

C.do as much as her Australian friends

D.spend more time with kids from Australian background

54.Lucy's children  

A.only speak Italian

B.can't accept Australian cultures

C.don't like their own Italian traditions

D.live in Italian and Australian cultures freely

55.What's the main idea of the passage?  

A.Lucy's parents lived a hard life in the early years.

B.It's hard for Lucy's children to accept Australian culture.

C.As time goes by,the Italians in Australia have found their places there.

D.The Italians have played an important role in Australian society.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What's in a Name?

Your name is very important.When you think of yourself,you probably think of your name first.(56)  

Right now,the two most popular names for babies in the United States are"Jacob"for boys and"Emily"for girls.(57)  And why are some names unpopular?

Names can become popular because of famous actors,TV or book heroes,or top players.Popular names mean very positive (积极的)things.Unpopular names mean negative (消极的)things.(58)  Here are some common opinions about names from a recent survey.

(59)  The biggest reason is tradition.They have no choice.Many people are named after a family member.

(60)  A name that is unpopular now might become popular in the future.That's good news for all the Georges and Bettys out there.

A.Chinese names are different from English names.

B.Of course,opinions can change over time.

C.Surprisingly,people usually have similar opinions about names.

D.Why are these names popular?

E.Because it is an important part of your identity(身份).

F.So why do parents give their children unpopular names?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What Would You Do?

What Would You Do?is a TV programme on American ABC.The programme is started by the news reporter John Quinones.He said.

"It is popular with many people﹣both the (61)y   and the old.It tests what people will do (62)w  they see someone in trouble.We use hidden cameras to record what will (63)h  .Its purpose is to tell us to help people in need."

Here is last week's programme.

In a cake shop,one actor acted as a blind woman named Pamela and the (64)o  acted as the shop worker of the cake shop.The shop worker looked down upon(瞧不起) the blind.So when the blind woman came into the shop and (65)b   a box of cakes,the shop worker cheated (欺骗)her when he gave her the change (零钱).He (66)o  gave her 6 dollars instead of 34 dollars.

Would someone be brave enough to (67)h  the blind woman?Yes!A woman customer stopped the shop worker (68)f  cheating the blind.Seeing this,several other customers joined in too and asked the shop worker to return the rest(剩余的)(69)m  to the blind woman.

At this time,John Quinones appeared and explained that he was recording a programme (70)c  What would you do?Then he interviewed the first customer who said that it was necessary to give a hand to the people in need.

A psychologist (心理学家)said,"It's difficult to take the first step to stand up.It needs courage."

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nowadays,camping has been popular among young people.It's a great way to be outside and enjoy the nature.Whether you prefer to be in the woods,mountains,or by the river,you are sure to have a wonderful experience when you go camping.Here is some advice for camping.

Fire may he dangerous,so just use fire only when you must.(72)Make sure to put the fire out when you don‘t use it

When you are talking,keep your voice down.If you talk loudly,you may disturb (打扰)other people,and you will also miss the chance to see wild animals outside.

It is necessary to put up your tent(帐蓬)only in safe areas.If you put up your tent in other areas,you may get into trouble.Remember to do it for your safety.

Don't forget to take your camera so that you won‘t miss the wonderful natural wonders.Later,You'll understand how nice (73)they are.Make sure your camera has enough power.

People often get lost in the forest.It's a good way to take a map that helps you to get the right direction.Now,people usually take GPS with them.Maps and GPS can help you find the way easily.

71.The writer gives us  pieces of advice for camping.(填数字)

72.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.  

73.What does"they"in Paragraph 5 refer to(指代)?  

74.Which two things are needed to avoid getting lost in the forest according to the passage?  

75.Give a proper title(题目)to the passage.  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

假如你叫鸸•是英语学习小组组长:英语课上老师要求展开小组调查.内容包括爱 好、理想职业及原因•然后由各组组长在班内汇报:柄根据表格内容提示•介绍木组成员 及自己的情况,写一篇80﹣100词的调查汇报.




Dream jobs


Yi Ke



bring her pleasure and success

Zheng Yong



experience life and learn about different cultures

Meng Xin

looking after animals

WWF worker

help animals live in peace

I(Xiao Peng)





Boys and girls,

Everyone has hobbies and dreams.Now let me share ours with you.       

I hope we enjoy our hobbies and dreams can come true.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知