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Everyone         (除了) me has seen Hi.Mom,so I'll go to see it today.

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Kate wanted to turn the room into a study,w     her husband preferred a kitchen.

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Lulu's best friend never gives up her      (梦想) of being a teacher.

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      (参观者)must show their health QR codes and check their temperature before they go into the museum.

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My daughter's sweet         (嗓音)always makes me relaxed.

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David feels very proud to be a member of the school volleyball         (队).

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In front of my village is a clear r    .I used to go fishing with my grandpa there.

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There are many old people who are over a h            years old in Hainan.

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All Chinese people think       (高度地)of Zhong Nanshan because of his achievements.

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China's women's soccer team     (赢得)a ticket to this summer's Tokyo Olympics in April.

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I like food cooked by my mother because it's      (健康的)and delicious.

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The    (死)of Yuan Longping,Father of Hybrid Rice(杂交水稻),made us very sad.

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The boy is only 10 years old,but he is much     (高)than his father.

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You will                  others if you're crazy about computer games.

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Western people like to use      (餐刀) and forks while they are eating.

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We should try our best to help        (无家可归的) people.

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Tom studies               his elder brother.

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His         (能力)in swimming was noticed by the coach.

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Don't worry.We'll find a way to         (解决) the problem.

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The role of the disabled in society

    The 2022 Paralympic Winter Games will be held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou in north China's Hebei province.

    Hosting the Paralympic Games will help draw attention to the need for countries to do more to make sure equal chances for all people in society.(1)It is necessary to realize the great achievements which are made by disabled people.

    (2)残疾人在中国的生活已经改善了很多,and more achievements are expected to be seen as the country has been speeding up to realize the goal of achieving "equality,participation and sharing," as expressed in the 2019 White Paper on China's 70 years of progress in dealing with the needs of the disabled.

    (3)The Chinese government is trying to solve the needs of the disabled and provide them with new chances. For example,buildings,holds,public transport and other public places are becoming more wheelchair friendly.

    Modern media also play an important role in educating the public about the needs of the disabled and also changing society's image of them,so there is greater focus on their special abilities rather than on their abilities.

    In fact,the society's most disabled people provide all of us with important lessons.They show us confidence,creativity and positivity.The loser will fail 99 times and then give up. (4)要成功,你必须有耐心,永不放弃。You must always learn from your failures,and move on.





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    The Internet and your friends influence your beauty standards. (1) 你的朋友总是在网上发照片。They want to show off their beautiful dresses or strong bodies,and you will compare yourself to them.

First of all,not to follow popular beauty standards blindly.They are out of reach for 99% of us,so it's better to just forget about them.

    (2)Another suggestion is to tell yourself that you are special. Talk about your feelings with someone you trust.Hearing how much they value you can help you feel comfortable in your own skin. (3)每个人都了不起。Everyone has their own talents.

    Finally,it is a good idea to try to direct your attention away from bad thoughts.To achieve this,you should do something you enjoy.You can enjoy yourselves by learning. (4)This is a lifelong journey because every day brings something new. You can also take part in social activities,like playing sports with your friends.These things can help you take your mind off matters that worry you and make you feel good about yourself.

    You may often judge yourself by what is on the outside,not on the inside.However,like a book,your contents are much more important than your cover. (5)Don't judge a book by its cover. If you can learn to see the good things about yourself,you will soon begin to love yourself just the way you are.






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A large store had a big sale day.Ads had been placed in the (1)   (当地的)newspapers several days before.The sales were so good that people rushed to the store that day.The opening time was 9 a.m.,but people had got together at the store as (2)   (早地)as 7 a.m,waiting for the door to open.

    A small man looked at the long line and tried to make his way to the (3)   (前面).The crowd became angry and people started shouting at him.They (4)       (推)him in order to force him back to the end of the line.(5)   (尽管)the people in the crowd were angry,still the man tried walking to the door a second time.Many people near the door were (6)   (更强壮的)than him but he still made it.

    "Hey!"someone shouted in the crowd. "Is that you (7)     (又,再)?When will you learn to wait in line?""They got him to the back of the line and three big (8)   (女士)said they would watch him and stop him going forward. "That will make him think twice!"they thought.

    The small man(9)   (摇动)his head. "This is too much for me to deal with!"he said.He wanted to open the store,but he thought that it would serve these rude(10)   (顾客)right if he went home and didn't open the store at all that day!

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Yangge is a kind of traditional Chinese folk(民间的) dance.The performers (表演者) dance to music with handkerchiefs(手帕)or fans in their hands.(1) It's a very popular festival activity in north China.

Yangge may have different forms from place to place,but all of them express happiness. (2) 很多人非常喜欢秧歌。Most dancers are young men and young women.Some are even old ladies.Almost every village in northern Shaanxi Province has yangge teams. (3) They begin to prepare yangge even a month before the Chinese New Year.During the Spring Festival,the yangge teams pay New Year's calls from house to house.

(4) They wish people a happy New Year by dancing yangge in the streets. Some young men often play the drums,and the performers wave red silk bands(挥舞红绸带).People set off firecrackers(鞭炮)to welcome the dancers.(5 )他们邀请表演者品尝自制食物。The sounds of songs,drums and firecrackers form an air of festivity in the village.

Nowadays,yangge has spread into city parks,streets and squares,and it has developed into a kind of popular exercise for city people.






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Thailand Literacy Program

Omkoi is one of the mountainous areas in Thailand.It is an area of (1)       (北 方的)Thailand.There are neither schools(2)     (也没有)libraries there and people cannot read or write.The government of Thailand hopes to change that with a program.It

(3)    (包括)bringing books to the villages.

A number of these villages can be reached only on foot,and there is always a very long rainy (4)    (季节)in Thailand.So how do the villagers get books that they need most,especially (5)    ( 在...期间)the rainy days?Of course,teams of (6)    (大象) !

Now there are several teams carrying books in Omkoi.They spend almost a month covering (7)     ( 七)or eight villages.These special teams make it possible to provide education for almost two thousand people in Omkoi.

In Bangkok,the capital of Thailand,there's a program called "Train Library for Young People",The train serves the homeless children on the (8)    (街道).Years ago,the railway police of Bangkok realized that those children(9)    (真正地)needed a good place for learning and they began to act immediately.Now they have cleaned up and

(10)    (修理)some old railway cars.These cars are turned into libraries for the children.

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Trees play an important role in our environment.For a start,they make air(1)    (更干净的)for us to breathe.The older a tree is,the more important it is to us.Why not look at ancient trees(2)    (仔 细地)around you and find out more?

For the past (3)   (十五)years,a charity called the Woodland Trust has been recording ancient trees in the country.It has created a database (数据库)about these tree.

Since the database was set up,the Woodland Trust has(4)     (添加)over 180,000 trees,but it believes there are many more to be found.It's hoped that all(5)    (成员)of the public will help to locate them ﹣ including you.

You can take an(6)    (积极 的)part in the Woodland Trust's project.Perhaps when you next go for a walk with your family,you can examine the trees you pass to see

(7)    (它的)age.If you find one that you think could be very old,record(8)    (确切地)where it is using an online map.If you want to record the tree,you should take a photo.Don't(9)    (忘记)to make sure you are allowed to examine it closely if the tree isn't on public land.

"Ancient trees are as much a part of our heritage (遗产)as works of(10)     (艺术),"explains Jeremy Evans of the Woodland Trust. "But they don't get the same protection.The good news is,you don't have to be a tree expert to take part".

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Until recently,Ajayi had never gone to school.Now fifty,she attends a school in Ilorin,Nigeria,wearing the same pink dress as two(1)       (百)other girls at the school.She studies with the students nearly forty years younger than she is.

Ajayi runs her(2)       (自己的)business making and selling bags,but she believes it is(3)       (仍然)necessary for her to learn to read and write.

In class,she answers questions(4)       (积极).She plays,talks and(5)    (讨论)together with her classmates.

She is good at(6)   (烹饪).Children all like the food she makes.They enjoy

(7)    (她们自己)at school.

Ajayi's(8)     (女儿)used to feel embarrassed about their mother's attending school with children.But now.they choose(9)        (支持)her efforts.

She plans to continue her(10)         (教育)for four more years,saying it will help her business.

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At 7 am,we got on the state﹣of﹣the﹣art Fuxing Hao train at Shanghai Railway Station.We stored our(1)       (背包)and found our seats.Unlike other trains which start with a shake and much(2)     (噪音),this train felt so smooth that if you were not looking out of windows,you could(3)       (几乎不)tell we were moving.Yet,within minutes,we were passing over the rails at speeds of more than 350 kilometers an hour.

Soon,the towns of(4)       (东部的)China were rushing by.I saw my wife smiling and(5)        (指向)to a coin she had balanced on the table.She took another coin and balanced it next to the first,and then another,until she had a(6)        (行)of coins.They stood there on the table for more than 20 minutes before one finally fell over.

After that,we(7)         (两个都)went back to reading and enjoying the beauty outside.We felt quite(8)         (放松的).Then,before we knew it,we heard the announcement that we were arriving in Beijing.For 1,318 kilometers,we(9)        (花费)only 4 hours and 38 minutes.Thanks to high speed trains,we can travel in China much more conveniently.No(10)        (疑惑),they will also bring the people of the country closer together,and in time bring about deep social changes,the full nature of which no one can fully guess.

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You look so smart!Your jacket         (go well with) the blue jeans.

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The task is too difficult.Lucy has no c         but to ask others for help.

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Things Spotter

    If you often lose things,you'll be happy with a new(1)   (发明)called Things Spotter.It'll look like a small key tag that can be put on your objects.The tag will(2)   (连接)to your mobile phone through BlueTooth technology.When you find something missing,don't(3)   (担心)!Just press a button on your mobile phone and a map on your screen will tell you where to look.

    Fire Recharger

    It's really fun to(4)   (扎营)in the wild!But what can you do if the batteries(电池)on your mobile phone are empty?Some(5)   (工程师)are working on a Fire Recharger.It(6)   (生产)electricity from the heat of fire.This means you can use a small fire to charge(充电)your mobile phone.It is very useful and will be(7)   (广泛地)used in the future.


    Those lively underwater photos are so beautiful,but not easy to take.Besides,underwater cameras are not(8)  (便宜的)enough.But soon you will have the(9)   (机会)to buy a pair of DigGoggles.That's the name of a(10)      (特殊的)diving mask that can take photos.Open and close your eyes twice and your camera will go 'click'!

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The teacher        (want to know) how many students would like to go to the zoo.

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People around the world can hardly       (避免) buying products made in China.

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To help my parents live a better life is       (确切地) what I want.

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In my opinion,reading more is one of    improving your language ability.

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When they   (最终)arrived at the hotel,it was midnight.

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 l ,life is always full of beauty as long as you watch carefully.

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Yuan Longping,the "Father of Hybrid Rice",won many       (奖) for his rice research.

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Of the three cities,Ningbo,our hometown,is the       (生机勃勃的).

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After the earthquake,doctors and nurses were     busy      take enough rest.

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Whether you can finish this task                                to spend on it.

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Let's        the room.

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die;politely;check out;fair;quarter;yours;clear out

(1)My bike is broken.May I use    

(2)Nearly three     of the earth's surface is covered by water.

(3)I took lots of photos yesterday just to     the new camera.

(4)We Chinese feel sad that Dr.Wu Mengchao     in May,2021.

(5)When you visit a foreign country,it is important to know how to ask for help      .

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