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—Must I finish my homework right now?
—No, you                 . 
A. needn’t                    B. may not                C. mustn’t

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When we got to Yushu airport , we were told that they          more than 500 people from the ruins(废墟) by earthquake.
A. has saved                  B. saved                  C. had saved    

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—Would you like          to drink?
—Yes, I’ d like a cup of coffee.
A. something else             B. else something           C. anything else    

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Why not           an English club to practice          English?
A. to join; to speak            B. join; speaking       C. join; to speak

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

This kind of paper         soft.
A. feels                     B. tastes              C. smells        

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—Your watch is so beautiful. It must be expensive.
—Not at all. I only          ¥20 on it.
A. cost                     B. spent               C. paid          

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         trees have been planted near here, so the air is very fresh.
A. Two hundreds             B. Hundred of          C. Hundreds of          

  • 题型:未知
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My father has a computer, but he doesn’t know       to use it.
A. what                     B. how               C. who           

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I don’t know if Jack          . If he        , call me, please.
A. will come; will comes       B. comes; come        C. will come; comes         

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  • 难度:未知

—I did badly in my English exam.
—            .
A. Congratulations           B. That’s great          C. I’m sorry to hear that 

  • 题型:未知
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Life in 30 years will be   31  because many changes will take place, but what will the changes be?
The population is growing fast. There will be    32   people in the world and most of them will live longer than before. Computers will be   33  smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every home. And computer studies will be one of the important  34  in school.
People will work fewer hours than they are doing now, and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and traveling. Traveling will be much cheaper and  35 . And more people will go to other countries  36  holidays.
There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used for  37   new towns and houses. Then there will be less  38  for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe people won’t eat it every day, they will eat more vegetables and fruit instead. Maybe people will be healthier.
Work in the future will be different, too. Dangerous and hard work will  39  by robots. Because of this, many people will not have  40  to do. This will be a problem. 
A. same                    B. difference                C. different      
A. little and little     B. less and less              C. more and more
A. much                   B. many                   C. more          
A. subject                  B. subjects                 C. way                   
A. easily                   B. more easily              C. easier           
A. for                     B. with                    C. at           
A. build                   B. building                 C. to build        
A. rooms                  B. room                    C. spaces        
A. done                   B. do                      C. be done       
A. works enough             B. enough works             C. enough work

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I really enjoy _________ to the light music. (listen)
Please keep the window ______because the wind is blowing hard. (close)
Which do you think is more difficult, written English or _________ English? (speak)
My classmate is better than me at __________. (sing)
Jim went to school in a hurry this morning without ________ breakfast. (eat)
I want to know how to eat and drink __________. (health)
Have you found your _________ car? (lose)
He was a famous writer in the __________ century. (twenty)
Edison was one of the greatest __________ in the world. (invent)
I think this CD player is __________ to learn English. (help)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

“How are you?” is a nice question. It’s a friendly way that people in the U.S.A greet(问候) each other. But “How are you?” is also a very unusual(不寻常的) question. It’s a question that often doesn’t need an answer. The person who asks“ How are you?” hopes to hear the answer “Fine”, even if the person’s friend isn’t fine. The reason is that “How are you?” isn’t really a question and “Fine” isn’t really an answer. They are simply (只)other ways of saying “Hello” or “Hi”.
  Sometimes, people also don’t say exactly(确切) what they mean. For example, when someone asks “Do you agree?”, the other person might think, “No, I disagree. I think you’re wrong...”But it isn’t very polite to disagree so strongly(强烈地), so the other person might say “I’m not sure.” It’s a nicer way to say that you don’t agree with someone.
  People also don’t say exactly what they are thinking when they finish talking with other people.For example, many talks on the phone finish when one person say “I’ve to go now.” Often, the person who wants to hang up(挂)says: “Someone’s at the door.” “Something is burning (烧)on the stove(炉).” The excuses(借口) might be real(真的), or not. Perhaps the person who wants to hang up simply doesn’t want to talk any more, but it isn’t polite to say that. The excuse is more polite, and it doesn’t hurt (伤)the other person.
  Whether they are greeting each other, talking about an idea, of finishing a talk, people don’t say exactly that they are thinking. It’s an important way that people try to be nice to each other, and it’s part of the game of language.
“How are you?” is another way of saying "Hello." or" Hi."
It is polite to say" No. I disagree. I think you are wrong, "if you don’t agree with others.
When someone says "I have to go now "On the phone,it means he wants to go on talking.
"Someone is at the door." may be an excuse for finishing a talk.
Sometimes people don't say exactly what they are thinking about just because they try to be nice to each other.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One midnight(午夜), a little girl woke up (醒来)to pass water. She by herself got up and down her bed, walked to the bedroom door and opened it. She looked outside and walked back, for it was so dark in the hall that she feared(害怕).
Her mother said, “Don’t be afraid, honey. Take courage(勇敢些)!”
“What’s courage(勇气)?” she asked, running to her mother’s bed.
“Courage is the brave(勇敢的) breath(呼吸),” her mother answered.
“Mum, do you have courage?”
The girl held out(伸出) her little hands, saying, “Mum, blow(吹) some of your breath of courage to me.”
After her mother blew out two mouthfuls(口) of breath into her little cold hands, the little girl clenched her fists(握拳) nervously(紧张地), afraid that the “breath of courage” would run away(跑掉). Then with her fists clenched, she walked out of the bedroom towards the bathroom with nothing to fear.
Her mother said to herself, “It will be nice if someone can blow some kinds of ‘breath’ to me. Then I can hold it in my hands too when I feel terrified or lost.”
In fact, mostly, what we are terrified of is nothing but the fear in our mind(心). Who we should defeat(战胜) is nobody but ourselves.
The girl walked back because __________.
A. the bathroom was too far away
B. her mother wouldn’t go with her
C. she was too afraid of the dark                  
We learn from the reading that ___________.
A. the girl went to the bathroom by herself       
B. the girl pretended to be terrified of nothing
C. the girl’s mother was able to blow brave breath
To stop “mother’s breath” from running away, the girl __________.
A. held out her little hands
B. clenched her fists          
C. talk to her mother
The writer mainly wants to tell us that ________.
A. adults are always brave enough                
B. children learn to be brave quickly
C. the fear in one’s mind is the real problem
Which is the best title of the passage?
A. The Fearless Mother         
B. One Lonely Girl      
C. The Breath of Courage

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The world is an interesting place. Different people like different things. Some people like loud music. Other people don’t. 1.   .
Many people like sports, but they do not all like the same sports. In some countries, cricket(板球运动) is a very popular sport. In others it is not popular at all. No one plays it or watches it on TV. However, most people like soccer. The World Cup is very popular. 2.  .
Different people like different foods. Some people do not like meat. 3.   . Some people do not like potatoes or bread. They prefer rice.
4.   .Most people have their favorite colors. Some people like bright colors. Others prefer pale colors.
Many people like traveling. Different people like different places. Some people like to go to the country. They like the fresh air. Some people like to go to the cities. Because they like shopping.5.  . What do you like? Have you got an idea?

A. They like soft music.
B. Not everyone likes the same color.
C. Millions of people watch the games on TV.
D. Different people like different kinds of pets.
E. They eat fruit and vegetables most of the time.
F. Some other people enjoy beautiful places like the mountains or beaches.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Co-operation(合作) is always needed when you make a project that the teacher gives you.
First, discuss all you would like to do with your classmates. Choose one of the members to write down what you’re talking about. Then, with the ideas you get, list all you want. Everyone shares the duty for the project. You can collect information not only from books but also on the Internet. Making a survey and doing a research are also good ways. After that, all the members put what has been found together. Try to make the project more well-organized. In the end, you can give a report in front of your class to show the results of your hard work.

You need when you make a project.
How to do it?
·First, with your classmates and choose one member towhat you’re talking about.
·Second, collect and list all you want. Making a survey and doing aare also good ways.
·After that, put what has been found together and make the project more well-organized.
·In the end, show the results of your hard work by giving a
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Peter: Hi, Sally. Come and have a look at my photos.
Sally: Are these the photos you took in Africa, Peter?
Peter: Yes, 1    are. Look, this is a wildebeest. It’s an animal in Africa.
Sally:  2   it eat meat?
Peter: No, it doesn’t. It only eats grass.
Sally: Are there a lot of animals in Africa?
Peter: 3  ,there are many.
Sally: Oh, this photo looks interesting. What are you doing there?
Peter: I 4  riding the elephant.
Sally: Did you have a good time there?
Peter: Of course. I really enjoyed 5  .

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It’s fine today.   ①          ②    go out for a walk?
   ①          ②    to think about our plan for the summer vacation.
Beijing is     ①          ②    its many places of interest in the world.
I tried     ①          ②     in the PE test.
You’d better not   ①          ②    your parents, and learn to look after yourself.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

假设你是Li Ming, 请给你的美国笔友Tom写一封e-mail,介绍你的英语老师Mr. Lee.要点如下:
1.他40岁,有一个幸福的家;               2.性格外向,与学生相处很好;
3.他的课堂很有趣,课后常帮我们学英语;    4.不抽烟,非常喜欢运动,擅长下棋;
1.词数80左右,信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 2. 文中不要提及真实的校名和人名。
Dear Tom,
How are you recently? Now I’ll tell you something about my English teacher, Mr. Lee.    
I’m looking forward to your reply.
Li Ming.

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