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-Shall we have a party this evening?
-lt's a deal_____.

A.I'II treat B.Thank you C.It's up to you D.Let me See
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-Will the book I ordered arrive in time?
-lt _______, if there is no traffic jam.

A.must B.can C.should D.would
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Folk music can usually ______ senior citizens because of their experiences.

A.express B.cover C.play D.reach
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The dress is very nice, but not ______ the girl's taste, for she is somehow particular.

A.for B.with C.by D.to
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Mary's favorite is fiuit. _______ kind it is.

A.whatever B.wherever C.whenever D.however
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With the computer's system _______. it can't be used at the moment.

A.updating B.being updated C.updated D.to update
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. -Did you get ro the village before the sun set?
-No. It was already midnight. My bike ____ on the way.

A.has broken B.was breaking C.breaks D.broke
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-It will be cool to have______ summer drink in the heatwave.
-Sounds good!Let's try _____ great enjoyment.

A.不填; a B.a; the C.a;不填 D.the; a
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A new comer ____ to join us in the game tomorrow.

A.is supposed B.is supposing C.supposed D.supposes
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I've achieved a lot in my study, thanks to ____ who helped me.

A.others B.those C.ones D.these
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Lily managed to accomplish ______ the teacher encouraged her to do.

A.that B.what C.which D.whether
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It was almost eight years Iater _____ the young man got his doctor's degree and became an  engineer.

A.since B.when C.before D.that
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A good friend is a person _______    we Turn for help when we are in trouble.

A.who B.whom C.to whom D.to which
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Experience doesn't always _____ to the problem we are faced with.

A.make a choice B.make a difference C.make up D.make out
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The presents ______ on my birthday moved me a lot.

A.received B.were received C.receiving D.to receive
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Tears slid down Ken's cheeks. Their newbom baby         was removed from life supprt, taken back to her and her  , Charlie. who held their baby. Austin was bom at 12:17 p.m. three months   than he should have been. The length of a school ruler. he weighed one pound. nine ounces. Doctors tried    that technology and medicine could offer at the      baby, but Austin did not respond well. Austin's lung tissue (组织) had probably      developing four weeks before. even still     . his mother, because of an accident Zero chance of     . It was time to let him go, and let him leave in his mother's arms - at peace and in no pain.
In the next few hours, Charlie's parents, and Ken's mother came to meet and say     Austin. Charlie and Keri        their eyes on the baby as he snuggled(依偎) into Keri's chest. The end, they believed. was coming   . Nurse Melissa walked in every so often to check Austin's         . If it was time for him t0       . his heart rate would begin to slow. After four hours,     , Austin was still breathing. His heart thumped(跳动) at a healthy 120 beats per        . He moved his head and wrapped his fingers and toes around the fingers of his          . Four hours became five, then six. Austin and his parents remained still      . Word about this baby had spread out. Everyone was talking about him. As the minutes and hours ticked away, Austin was going strong The tests showed a(n)       level of carbon dioxide in his blood. which meant he was        enough oxygen into his body. The clock passed midnight. Austin had        the next day. Miracle. a life miracle!

A.Melissa B.Charlie C.Austin D.Keri

A.husband B.nurse C.doctor D.wife

A.sooner B.faster C.later D.earlier

A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing

A.young B.tiny C.big D.sick

A.started B.stopped C.delayed D.continued

A.inside B.outside C.beside D.with

A.arrival B.approval C.death D.survival

A.hello to B.sorry to C.goodbye to D.yes to

A.put B.focused C.took D.had

A.steadily B.fast C.slowly D.soon

A.heartbeat B.mouth C.blood D.temperature

A.wash B.live C.die D.eat

A.however B.therefore C.meanwhile D.otherwise

A.second B.minute C.hour D.day

A.friends B.sisters C.relatives D.parents

A.crying B.waiting C.sitting D.sleeping

A.unsatisfied B.unacceptable C.normal D.excellent

A.losing B.getting C.making D.pouring

A.lived into B.waked up C.waited for D.suffered from

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My father got his first job at eleven years old. cleaning up the garbage outside of the bowlingalley(保龄球场). Two years later his dad died. and my fatber worked odd jobs to help put food onthe table during the Depression. Ten years after that. Dad fell in love. married Mom and had ababy girl. Eight more children followed. During those years, Dad slipped into a routine he neverbroke He woke up before six. took the train to work and wouldn't get home until after five thirly.After supper, Dad spent the rest of the evening in the basement making dental parts for extra    
Two years ago, at the age of sixty-four, Dad retired. When I was young, Mom and Dad did well to hide the fact that we were poor. All nine of us attended Catholic schools and we always had plenty of school supplies. We slept in wooden beds, shared one bathroom and watched television from a tiny black-and-white set in the living room. Mom and Dad never bought anything for themselves. They clipped coupons, wore the same pair of sneakers for twenty years and sewed wom clothing together every Saturday afternoon.
At his retirement party. I wanted to thank Dad for all his hard work and sacrifice by buying him the best present I could think of. As I shopped though. l realized there was nothing I could buy for Dad. Dad taught me through his own faith that the greatest gifis come from the heart Finally. I left my present on the kitchen table for Dad to find before he Ieft for his frnal day at work.
How did Dad get extra money besides his daytime routine work?

A.Collecting garbage outside the alley.
B.Making dental parts in the basement.
C.Putting food on the table in a hotel.
D.Working oddjobs on the train.

What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

A.Dad retired after sixty-four years of hard work.
B.Dad and Mom could afford their children good education.
C.Parents made every effort to save for chcir children
D.The family was once poor but became well off later.

After reading the text. what would be the author's present for his Dad?

A.A big-screen television.
B.A vacation schedule.
C.A letter of grateful words.
D.A great retirement party.

What can be the best title for the text?

A.Thank You. Dad. B.Dad's Expenence.
C.A Hardworking Dad. D.Dad. a Breadwinner.
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Parents are not only looking for a unique name for their baby, but they also want a name that has a special meaning. American Indians usually have pretty interesting names. These names are given to them through various methods and usually by an elder. American Indians feel very strongly abouL naming their child, and it is almost treated like a ritual. In some American Indian cultures. they even hold a ceremony when they are to name a child
Amcrican Indian children are usually named by an elder who could be eheir grandmother, grandfather. mother or father. The name given by the elder comes to them in many different forms such as charactcnstics of the person, dreams that the elder may have. or the name of a family member who has died It is also true that some Amerlcan Indians arc named after some sort of animal while others are named after nature Some tribes (部落) name their children after events that happen before thiir birth.
Also in different tribes. two of the American Indians in the same tribe can't share the same name Once the person with the name has died. then the name may be used again. It is said that Amcrican Indians believe that they shoutd not address the baby by the name that they are given because if the name is too well-known. the child or baby may be called back to the spirit world; this is what causes many American Indians to be given nicknames(绰号). Many Amcrican Indians arc more commonly known by their nicknames instead of their names given at birth
What does the underlined word "ritual" in Paragraph l probably mean?

A.exciting moment B.special event C.good opportunity D.great time

Which is not the way Indians name their child?

A.The name of a certain animal.
B.Onc of the child's ancestors.
C.The dreaius of the Indian child.
D.An event before the child's birth.

Why are American Indians given nicknames?

A.It is not convenient to use their formal names
B.They don't want to be famous in the tribes.
C.Parents are afraid cheir child would die young.
D.Nicknames are shortcr and easier to address.

What doCS the text mainly talk about?

A.Ongins of American Indians' names
B.Hisrory of American Indians' names
C.Importance of American Indians' names.
D.Customs in American Indians' names.
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Seek books that interest you. Reasonable prices. Best sellers for this season.

Which author tells you the way to do things with children?

A.Chris Barnardo. B.David Peace. C.Rachel Carson. D.David Kynaston

Which book would an environmentalist probably be more concemed about?

A.Red or Dead. B.Dadcando. C.Silent Spring D. Family Britain.

What is the purpose of the writer?

A.To share newly-published books.
B.To summarize books for this season.
C.To find some interesting books.
D.To advertise popular books on sale.
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The olinguito(小尖吻浣熊)is new to science. Although lt has been living in the cloud forests of South Amcrica for some time.
Scientists say the olinguito is the first new carnivore(食肉动物)discovered In the Americas in more than 30 years. It is a hairy orange-brown creature with a sweet face and big eyes The animal has small. rounded ears and lives in the trees An adult weighs one kilogram and measures about 75 centimeters. with half of those centimeters taken up by its ringed tail Most of the time. it likes to eat fruit, although it also eats meat. Active at night, the animal has lived in Colombia and Ecuador for a long time. But the olinguito did not exist in science books before now.
Kristofer Helgen, director at the National Museum in Washington, led the research team that confirmed the existence of the olinguito. It had been mistaken more than a century ago for a look-alike animal -- a similar but larger olingo(尖吻浣熊). Mr. Helgen had been studying olingos in a museum for ten years. At that time. he observed a difference in the size and shape of the heads and teeth. That led him on an effort to prove he was looking at an animal never before described by science. He got lucky when he communicated with a zoologist in Ecuador. The animal expert there made a short video that shows an olinguito in the trees. The video confirms that the oiinguito is different from the olingo     Mr. Helgen says tens of thousands of olinguitos live in the wild and are not in danger of disappearing forever. Human beings, however, are moving closer to the olinguito habitat in the Andean cloud forests. The research team estimates that 42 percent of historic olinguiio habitat has been removed
Comparcd with most carnivores. the olinguito may seem more _____.

A.terrble B.fierce C.clever D.lovely

The onlinguito was unknown to people in the past because ____

A.it was mistaken for another species
B.it was active in the eveing
C.it was too small to be seen clearly
D.it covered itself by its long tail

What does the underlined word "That" in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Having been studying olingos for ten years.
B.The short video the animal expert made.
C.His communication with an expert in Ecuador.
D.Differences between olingos and olinguitos.

We can infer from the text that ______.

A.the olinguito could be made full use of
B.the number of olinguitos is in the conutrol
C.the clinguito is a completely new species up to now
D.people know more and more about animals
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Avoid Intemet Addiction
·   Many people suffer from addiction to the Intemet and have a hard time paying attention to the important things around them. How can we prevent ourselves from going online too much?
·Admit you have an addiction.   Realize more and more people in the world are becoming addicted. You are not the only one with this problem. Do not be embarrassed; find others with the same problem and help each other beat it
·Limit your computer time. Make sure not to turn lt on too many times a week. Before using your computer. decide on a time limit such as 30 minutes. Set the clock and make sure that you get off the computer when the time is up.      .Try using the computer at the library You won't be as attracted to look at certain websites and they do have a limit on how long you can stay online.    ,so you won't be as attracted to be on the Intemet as at home
· Go for a run with a friend or get exercise some other way. Keep up with the local events in your neighborhood. There may be talks, films. concerts. and sports events etc. Find some, as long as it is not on the Internet, and get involved

A.You will be happier if you use the Internet less
B.There is no use avoiding the truth
C.Also. it is a good place to get some good books and magazines to read
D.Get a hobby or an interest

E. Internet addiction affects a lot of people
F. Get your family to remind you if you've been on a long time
G. Try to reduce the amount of time by 5 minutes each time

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Bobby was a dog that went every moming to a baker's shop to fetch twelve bread roll for its owner. However. when Bobby returned back one day, it had only eleven rolls. Bobby's owner wants to know what had happened, but he followed Bobby to the baker's shop the next day Instead taking the road home as usually. Bobby took another road and went up to a farm. There was a poorer little dog with a broken leg. Bobby was offered the roll to the little dog. The owner was very proud of Bobby and rewarded itself a nice big bone. Later, the owner's family never grew tired of tell everybody how kind and clever Bobby was

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Dear Peter,
Li Hua

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