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I'm a fresh hand so I don't think I can do it well.
-________Something attempted,something done.

A.Come on. B.It just depends.
C.Why not? D.I think so.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

World leaders have to face the fact that ________ global warming has become perhaps ________ most complicated issue.

A./;the B./;/
C.the;the D.the;/
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

.General Secretary,Xi Jinping stressed that cross-strait cooperation would be strengthened________the two sides could agree to oppose Taiwan independence.

A.as long as B.even if
C.unless D.until
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

________that the government can clear up official corruption,we are________about the future of our country.

A.Convinced;optimistic B.Convincing;optimistic
C.Convinced;pessimistic D.Convincing;pessimistic
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A New York couple have been killed in a car crash on their way to hospital,but the unborn baby________the accident.

A.experienced B.survived
C.escaped D.fled
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The newlylearnt words will be impressed on us only if they are ________used in everyday communication.

A.gradually B.accurately
C.familiarly D.frequently
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

George once told me that he would visit our house,but,for various reasons,he________so far.

A.didn't B.hasn't
C.hadn't D.wouldn't
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The problem is so complex that I'm afraid it will take me several hours to________.

A.put out B.set out
C.break out D.figure out
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The video,Gangnam Style,is becoming the first video________more than one billion views.

A.got B.getting
C.to get D.gets
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I've had a cookie,but you'd better give me________.I want to taste again.

A.other B.another
C.others D.the other
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  • 难度:未知

-Personally,I believe I can do it well on my own.
-________Selfconfidence is the first secret of success.

A.It's up to you. B.Take it easy.
C.Let' s get going. D.I'm with you on that.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

He changed so much that only when I looked closely________he was exactly my long lost friend.

A.I realized B.did I realize
C.I did realize D.realized I
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In the past,people usually believed what newlyborn babies wanted was food and to be kept warm and dry.They thought babies were not able to ____ things until they were five or six months old.____ the researchers in the United States now believe babies begin learning on their first ____ of life.They say babies are strongly ____ by their environment and one baby will ____ if his or her mother does something that the baby likes.
A baby learns to get the best care possible by smiling to ____ her mother.This is how babies start to learn to ___ and communicate with other people.The researchers say this ability to learn ___ in a baby even before birth.They also ____ the idea that newlyborn babies can ____ and understand sounds they heard while they were still ____ inside their mothers.
Recently,an American study ____ 112 babies found babies learned better when they were ____.The babies appeared to learn well whether they were sitting up on their own,sitting in seats or __ to sit up.The researchers say keeping that kind ____ had what they called a ____ effect on the babies' ability to learn about objects.They say the body position may be linked to development in the ____.One ____ says babies can pay more attention to ___ an object if they do not have to be worried about their balance.

A.eat B.know C.remember D.learn

A.Besides B.While C.But D.Therefore

A.hour B.day C.week D.month

A.influenced B.accepted C.disturbed D.moved

A.cry B.smile C.eat D.sing

A.annoy B.love C.notice D.please

A.live B.connect C.speak D.smile

A.disappears B.informs C.exists D.happens

A.infer B.support C.deny D.instruct

A.recognize B.realize C.receive D.record

A.sleeping B.delivering C.shaping D.developing

A.helping B.raising C.involving D.containing

A.sleeping soundly B.lying down C.awaking clearly D.sitting up

A.assisted B.forced C.asked D.mentioned

A.hobby B.gesture C.decoration D.purpose

A.negative B.unmarked C.significant D.side

A.language B.feeling C.brain D.body

A.psychologist B.mother C.doctor D.researcher

A.exploring B.finding C.feeling D.discovering

A.anxious B.confident C.worried D.curious

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

BEIJING,Feb.5,2013(Xinhua)-Chinese health authorities on Tuesday launched a campaign to fight against assisted reproductive technology (ART:辅助生育技术) abuse.Unauthorized ART use,surrogate motherhood and the illegal collection and supply of sperm and eggs,as well as the illegal sale and abuse of ovulation induction(诱导排卵) medicine,will be targeted.
The Ministry of Health and health department of the People's Liberation Army General Logistics Department jointly announced the campaign at a conference.Both departments also ordered all of their local branches to suspend permits for new organizations that wish to offer ART treatments.That is,new organizations will not appear recently.Official figures showed that at the end of 2012,China had 358 organizations authorized to conduct ART treatment.
The health ministry also delivered a brief statement of the country's current infertility rate(不孕率) and ART use.The infertility rate in China is now between 7 and 10 percent,the ministry said.Some 70 to 80 percent of women who are suffering from infertility can be pregnant after changing their lifestyles and receiving medical treatment.Around 20 percent of infertile couples have to resort to ART to have babies.In 2011,about 350,000 people received ART treatment and more than 60,000 infertile couples successfully had children with the help of ART,the ministry said.
ART abuse DOSEN'T include________.

A.surrogate motherhood
B.unauthorized ART use
C.the regular usage of medicine
D.the illegal supply of sperm and eggs

What does the underlined word “suspend” (paragraph 2) probably mean?

A.Support. B.Pause. C.Allow. D.Ban.

From the last paragraph we can know________.

A.Nearly10 percent of couples could not have their own babies
B.70 to 80 percent of women could not be pregnant now
C.Over 350,000 infertile couples had their babies with the help of ART
D.About one fifth of infertile couples have to turn to ART for help

What's the best title of the passage?

A.China targets ART abuse
B.ART is used in China
C.ART is illegal in China
D.China increases ART using
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On June 15th,2012,millions of people watched as 33yearold Nik Wallenda walked across one of the world's greatest waterfalls on a tightrope(钢丝).What made the 25-minute walk that was televised live and watched by over 13 million people worldwide even more amazing,is that it was done over the Niagara Falls-An action that had never been attempted before.
Even though Nik was wearing a harness(保护带),a safety measure provided by ABC,the television network that broadcast the event,his action to keep his balance against the strong winds made for some heart-stopping(令人担忧的) moments for the audience.
Nik,however,never slowed down for even one moment.Wearing special shoes made by his mother,he remained totally focused on the job at hand.It was only when he got to the last stretch near Canada's Table Rock that he knelt down on one knee and finally broke into a smile.Waving and blowing kisses to the cheering audience,he knew he had accomplished a great task,which most people had thought impossible.
While he described the whole experience as peaceful and relaxing,Nik said his biggest challenges came from a totally unexpected source-his 40 pound balancing pole.The balancing pole was so heavy that he could hardly carry it on the tightrope.
One would think that now that Nik has realized his lifelong dream he would be ready to hang up his “balancing pole”.However,the adventurer who already has seven Guinness World Records under his belt,is just getting started-Next up? A 5,000-foot tightrope walk across the Grand Canyon.While the one across the Niagara Falls took years of planning because he had to convince the US and Canadian officials,this one should happen in the very near future.That's because,the Florida resident has already been granted(授予) a permit by the Canyon officials.
Why did so many people fix their attention on the event?
A.Because it was done by Nik Wallenda.
B.Because nobody had done it there before.
C.Because it was broadcast live by ABC.
D.Because it was impossible to do the event.
What made the audience hold their breath during Nik's performance?

A.How Nik managed to cross the Niagara Falls with safety measure.
B.What Nik would do when he lost his balance on the tightrope.
C.How Nik kept his balance against the strong winds.
D.How long Nik will take to finish the event.

What was the greatest difficulty for him to face in Nik view?

A.The supplied tightrope.
B.The safety belt.
C.The balancing pole.
D.The audience's noise.

What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?

A.Nik will go on with his dream.
B.Nik's life dream is changing.
C.Permission of governments is important.
D.The Grand Canyon is a dream for Nik.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are a great number of people in the world while few people are great.I think there is probably only one great person out of 10,000 at best,and most probably much less than that.
The reason why there are only few of them is that most people do not pay the price of greatness.There are so many people who want to be great,why only very few of them actually pay the price? The answer to the question explains the difference between the almost 100% people who want to be great and the much less than 0.01% who actually be so.The reason is that the road to greatness is full of pains.
Greatness requires sacrifices and there is no sacrifice without pain.The kind of sacrifices required for greatness is the ones that make the process continuously painful for long time.If you only want to be good it may be painful just every now and then,and many people can still handle it.But being great is a total difference.The pain is much deeper and it is continuous,so very few people can endure this kind of pain.Most people naturally choose things that bring pleasures to them.It's unnatural to choose pain over pleasure,let alone doing it continuously for long time.But that's what I believe is the secret to greatness: The secret to greatness is choosing pain over pleasures continuously for long time.
What is the purpose of Paragraph 1?

A.To compare.          B.To list statistics.
C.To lead up to the topic. D.To give information.

If one person only wants to be good,what will he/she face?

A.Occasional pains. B.Continual work.
C.Constant pains. D.Various difficulties.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Pleasures mean greatness.
B.Greatness equals sacrifices.
C.What's greatness.
D.Greatness lies in continuous pains.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A nameless British millionaire is currently putting people to the test by handing out £1,000 to those he randomly meets in the street.All he'd ask is that they'd do something positive with the cash.The reactions are varied,from the surprised to the suspicious to the simply delighted.He has given away close to £100,000 to people he has met around the world.He hands those that he chooses a card explaining his project and allows them 48 hours to get in touch.
“Mr.Lucky” is from London,in his late thirties and appears wearing rolled-up jeans and with a camera around his neck.Working for an insurance company abroad,he earned his fortune and resigned last year after having realized he had more money than he knew what to do with.
“I once booked myself a flight into space;I thought I'd fulfill my childhood dream.Then I told my friends and when the conversation changed to what they would do if they had that amount of money,I felt embarrassed.Their ideas were much more generous,interesting and responsible than mine,” said Mr.Lucky.After canceling his space flight and struggling to choose a worthy cause for his cash,he decided to set up the WeAreLucky project.“I didn't want to just pass on my luck;I also wanted to share the responsibility.I decided to give away £1,000 every day.I'd asked the receivers to fill in a brief questionnaire to explain their intentions in using the money.”
But is handing over the responsibility to others really a responsible thing to do? How does he know the money will be used properly? “I'm not going to judge or start checking up on them.Sometimes what we need to do is just believing others,” he said with nearly childlike enthusiasm.
How do people feel when offered £1,000 by “Mr.Lucky”?

A.Shocked. B.Cheerful.
C.Embarrassed. D.Stressful.

How did Mr.Lucky get so much money?

A.Flying into space.
B.Giving out some questionnaires to people.
C.Setting up a web site.
D.Working in an insurance company.

Which conclusion can be drawn from the third paragraph?

A.What Mr.Lucky dreamed in his teens is to fly into space.
B.What Mr.Lucky wants to do is to pass on his fortune.
C.Why Mr.Lucky decided to set up the WeAreLucky.
D.Why Mr.Lucky changed the way he spent money.

Why did Mr.Lucky hand out his money?

A.He was easy-going and rich.
B.He wanted to help the poor.
C.He believed people could use it properly.
D.He needed people to share his responsibility.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知