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Mr Right had to sell the house even though it was          his own wishes.

A.below B.over C.above D.against
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She always does very well in the English exams. But she can          understand VOA Special English.

A.always B.hardly C.already D.easily
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  • 难度:未知

—What do you think of the performance yesterday evening?
—Great!              is o’Henry style.

A.The surprising ending B.The surprised ending
C.A surprising ending D.A surprised ending
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—The plane is leaving right now, but Jim hasn't arrived yet.
—Well, he said he _____here on time.

A.came B.would come C.can be D.will be
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Which is _____ difficult, this one or the other two?

A.more B.the more C.most D.the most
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—It’s a long story, but you will find that there are few new words in it .
—Good!        it will be too hard for children. 

A.So B.And C.But D.Or
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—What should we do to prevent H7N9 bird flu?
—We must           from crowded places.

A.come out B.pass away C.put out D.keep away
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Can you make sure ________ he will come here today, Linda?

A.that B.which C.whether D.what
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You’d better try different ways you can think of          maths problems. It’s good for you to learn maths well.

A.work out B.to work out C.working out D.is working out
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  • 难度:未知

_____of the money will go to the Red Cross to help those who need help. 

A.Many B.Much C.A little D.A few
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—Visitors need to know all the travel routes to Paris, ______?
—Sure. But The trip has not arranged.

A.do they B.need they C.don't they D.needn't they
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  • 难度:未知

—Did Tom’s parents go to the meeting yesterday?
—Yes,        of them did, but          spoke.

A.each, none B.both, none C.neither, both D.both, neither
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  • 难度:未知

—How about the book you are reading?
—Good indeed. It          many problems we have come across in our study.

A.says B.talks C.reports D.covers
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— Lisa, you look so tired. Shall I give you a ride?
—Thanks very much.             .

A.It’s my pleasure B.It couldn’t be better
C.Don’t mention it D.Do as you like
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  • 难度:未知

Hello! Welcome to our Music Program. And now if you listen to this programme, you’ll know that it’s time for our competition every week. Last week’s prize of two theatre tickets was won by Bill Martins. Congratulations, Bill. I hope you’ve       your tickets by now. This week we are offering a classical (经典的) CD. I hope you will be the first listener to tell the name of the music and the person who      it. but      I do, you need to get a pencil and a piece of paper, as I’m going to give you some       which should make your job a little easier. Are you ready? Right. Now listen carefully, as you might be this week’s       winner.
Although the person who wrote the music was born in Italy, he spent most of his     in Spain. Have you got that? The second point: There is also a famous play which has the same title as this music and which is usually performed in the open air in the summer. Any    yet? I should warn you that it’s not that easy. Now for the next point: When this piece of music was first performed, many people in the audience got up and walked out. They thought the music was terrible and said it was a waste of their money. It’s      really, when you think how       it is today.
And now for the last point. Part of his music was used for an advertisement which you can see on television, in a lot of magazines and even on your cinema screen from next month. I’m        when you hear the music, you’ll know what the advertisement is for. I’m not going to tell you what product (产品) it is, because that would almost give you the answer!
So, that’s four things to remember. If you can give us the answer, please ring 400-8937224. And the music is coming up now.

A.heard B.checked C.received D.noticed

A.sang B.wrote C.loved D.played

A.after B.until C.while D.before

A.notice B.stories C.help D.secret

A.correct B.lucky C.successful D.funny

A.life B.money C.music D.dream

A.question B.idea C.thing D.point

A.fantastic B.surprising C.unfair D.unwelcome

A.common B.funny C.interesting D.popular

A.believe B.think C.afraid D.sure

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  • 难度:未知

Long March exhibit
The Shanghai History Museum is putting on an exhibition to remember the Long March(长征). On show are more than 220 photos and 40 other things that explain with pictures how the Red Army went through all the difficulties in Jiangxi Province and fought its way to northern Shanxi province in the mid-1930s. The show will end on November 20.
Time:      10:00 am—4:00 pm.
Address:    1286 Hongqiao Road
Admission:  20 yuan each and half price for students
Thai elephants
Eight elephants from Thailand are entertaining visitors at Changfeng Park by riding bikes, playing basketball, balancing on a beam, dancing and blowing a mouth-organ. People are encouraged to have a tug-of-war(拔河) with the animals or lie on the ground and have the elephants walk over them, The elephants give three shows a day at 9:30 am,3:30 pm and 8:00 pm and there is an additional show at l:30 pm at weekends.The show will end on November 15.
Address:    189 Daduhe Road
Admission:  10 yuan
Dancing dolphins
Dolphins jumping from the water to touch a ball, swaying their bodies to music, kissing people and doing maths by tapping their tails have made the dolphinarium in Peace Park an attraction for children. Seals and sea lions also perform.
Hours:      10:30 am, 4:00 pm, and 7:30 prn
Admission:  10 on weekdays   20 yuan on weekends
At the exhibition, you will see          

A.many articles written by famous writers.
B.260 things used by the Red Army.
C.many photos and pictures about the Long Match.
D.many books on the Long March.

Which of the following is NOT done by the Thai elephants?

A.Riding bicycles
B.Blowing a mouth-organ
C.walking with visitors
D.Having a tug-of-war with people

If your parents want to enjoy all these events with you on Saturday, how much will you pay?

A.less than 80 yuan B.80—100 yuan
C.100—120 yuan D.more than 120 yuan
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Because earthquakes happen without warning, it’s important to take steps now to prepare.
Because you don’t know where you will be when an earthquake happens, prepare some supplies for your home, workplace, and car.
1. Water. 
A person needs at least 1 or 2 gallon of water daily just for drinking. Store at least 1 gallon of water per person per day and be prepared for a 72-hour period. It is suggested that you buy bottled water. Keep bottled water and do not open it until you need to use it. Also, do check the “use by” date.
2. Food. 
It’s always a practical idea to keep food that can be stored easily. Have an enough supply of canned food, powdered milk, dried fruits, non-salted nuts and canned juices for at least 72 hours. 
3. Flashlights(手电筒) and spare batteries. 
Keep a flashlight beside your bed, at your place of work, and in your car. Do not use matches or candles after an earthquake. Maybe it’s dangerous. Prepare a battery-powered radio and spare batteries. Most telephones will be out of service, so radios will be your best thing of information. 
4. Clothes. 
If you live in a cold place, you must think about warmth. You might not have heat after an earthquake. Think about your clothing and bedding supplies.
Why should people prepare themselves for an earthquake?

A.Because earthquakes can be known before they happen.
B.Because earthquakes take place without warning.
C.Because earthquakes take place at times
D.Because it’s people’s daily work to prepare the earthquakes.

From the prepared water, we may know that          .

A.A person should prepare 0.5 gallon of water for one day.
B.You’d better use your own bottle to keep water.
C.We should drink water after the “use by” date.
D.You shouldn’t open the bottled water until you need it.

According to the article we know that           .

A.we can keep some fresh fruits for at least 72 hours.
B.a telephone is the most important prepared thing.
C.flashlights but not matches are first used after earthquakes.
D.clothes are used to protect your head.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for a living. One night I went to pick up a passenger at 2:30 AM. When I arrived there, I walked to the door and knocked, “Just a minute,” answered a weak, elderly voice.
After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in her eighties stood before me. By her side was a small suitcase.
When we got into the taxi, she gave me an address, and then asked, “Could you drive through downtown?”
“It’s not the shortest way,” I answered quickly.
“Oh, I’m in no hurry,” she said. “I’m on my way to a hospice(临终医院). I don’t have any family left. The doctor says I don’t have very long.”
I quietly reached over and shut off the meter(计价器).
For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked, the neighborhood where she had lived, and the furniture shop that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl.
Sometimes she’d ask me to slow down in front of a special building and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.
In the early morning, she suddenly said,” I’m tired. Let’s go now.”
We drove in silence to the address she had given me.
“How much do I pay you?” she asked.
“Nothing.” I said.
“You have to make a living,” she answered. “Oh, there are other passengers,” I answered.
Almost without thinking, I gave her a hug(拥抱). She held on me and said, “You gave an old woman a little moment of joy.”
The old woman chose to ride through the city in order to ______.

A.show she was familiar with the city
B.see some places for the last time
C.let the driver earn more money
D.reach the destination on time

The taxi driver did not get the money because he ______.

A.wanted to give her a hand
B.shut off the meter by mistake
C.had received her payment already
D.was in a hurry to take other passengers

What can we learn from the story?

A.No pains, no gains.
B.People should respect(尊重) each other.
C.An act of kindness can bring people great joy.
D.People should learn to enjoy our life.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If cars had wings, they could fly and that just might happen, beginning in 2011.The company Terrafugia, based in Woburn, Massachusetts, says it plans to make such a car-plane called “Transition”, to customers(顾客) by the end of 2012. “It’s the next ‘wow’ vehicle,”said Terrafugia vice president Richard Gersh. “Anybody can buy a Ferrari, but as we say, Ferraris don’t fly.”
The car-plane has wings that unfold for flying—a process the company says takes one minute-and fold back up for driving. A runway is still needed to take off and land.
The Transition is being marketed more as a plane that drives than a car that flies, although it is both. The company has been working with FAA to meet aircraft regulations, and with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to meet vehicle safety regulations.
The company is aiming to sell the Transition to private pilots as an easier and cheaper way to fly.They say it saves you the trouble from trying to find another mode of transportation to get to and from airports: You drive the car to the airport and then you’re good to go.When you land, you fold up the wings and hit the road. There are no expensive parking fees because you don’t have to store it at an airport—you leave it in the car park at home.
The car-plane is designed to fly under 10,000 feet. It has a maximum take-off weight of 1,430 pounds, including fuel and passengers.
The Transition’s price tag: $194,000, But there may be something else you need to pay, like a radio, transponder or GPS and so on.
So far, the company has more than 70 orders. “We’re working very closely with them, but there are still some remaining steps,” Brown said.
We can learn from the first paragraph that _________.

A.car-planes will be popular in 2012
B.people might drive a car-plane in 2012
C.both Transition and Ferrari can take off and land
D.Richard Gersh is the vice president of Massachusetts

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A.The car-plane needs a runway to take off and land.
B.A car-plane with radio and GPS will cost $194,000
C.The car-plane may fly at 8,000 feet
D.People can park the car-plane in the car park at their home.

Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “unfold” on this passage?

A.start B.spread C.cover D.travel

What’s the best title for the passage?

A.Cars With Wings May come true soon
B.A Ferrari or a Car Plane
C.A Easier and Cheaper Way to Fly
D.Cars With Wings Can Fly as Fast as Planes
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The question under             (讨论) really is, how to realize China dream?
She         (拒绝) to further talk that evening of her own worry.
I went to college           (总之), as a part-time student.
Some animals are          (不活动的)during the daytime. They always go out to search for food at night.

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  • 难度:未知

I_________(simple)can’t believe what she told me yesterday.
It is        (honest) to lie about your age when you enter the competition.
The factory suffered a heavy _________(lose) as a result of the accident.
They found that cooking meat on a fire made it         (tasty) and safer.

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  • 难度:未知

There is a boy       (stand) on the beach wondering if his father will come back with his fishing boat.
You          (invite)to that BBQ party, Why didn’t you go?
—It’s time to do your homework, Jack.
—Yes, Mum. I’ll turn off the TV as soon as the programme        .(end)
The teacher let his students make a survey ______(find) out your group's favourite activity.
—Where were you doing when the rainstorm came, Jerry?
—I         (read) in the library.
They         (allow)to do the experiment if they have done all the preparation.
China        (send) search planes and used 21 satellites to hunt for MH370 already.
-Did Liu Ying and Liu Yang come to your birthday party, Tina?
-Of course. I         (invite) them many times.

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  • 难度:未知

If you visit southern cities in China nowadays, you can feel a great Christmas atmosphere e    .
Santa toys are h    from store windows; decorated Christmas trees are shining inside hotels and restaurants, and people are walking along the street w   Santa toys in their hands.
Why does such a foreign festival as Christmas become so popular? I think it is because it has a cutural tradition and a human touch.
Just imagine how e    kids will be when a smiling Santa knocks at the door and h   out gifts; and how romantic lovers will feel when they are receiving roses from each other. It's not strange that the holiday is getting more and more popular a   young people.
For example, the presents of the spring festival are usually "preserved ham"(腊肉), and eating moon cakes is always the theme of the Mid-Autumn Festival. The winter solstice(冬至) is a time to kill chickens and ducks.
H     , more and more Chinese people, especially younger ones, have lost interest in food. More often, people may admire those young children who receive a gift they have always w    during Christmas.
It is not a bad thing to c      a foreign festival. But as a country with a long history, how can we make our traditional holidays more and more tasteful? And how can we c     a healthier and happier festival culture?

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He                  going abroad for further education.
What a pity!The tickets for the concert                       yesterday.
I hope you can                                    .
In my opinion, confident,honest and hardworking                     .
2014 winter Olympics                          .Is Sochi more beautiful now?
With the development of science and technology, I can’t             in ten years. 

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  • 难度:未知

3.然后,我会去南禅寺(Nanchan Temple)。那里可以尝到全国各地的美食。
1. 出行计划须包括所给的内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯。
2. 第5要点的内容须用2-3句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥。
3. 出行计划的开头已在答题卡上给出,不计入总词数。
Wuxi Underground Line 1 will be in use in June, 2014.                          

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  • 难度:未知