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Have you got some paper, a pair of scissors and, above all, a desire to decorate your house? Then, we have the perfect holiday artwork for you: Make Star Wars snowflakes (雪花). Remembered as a cherished form of work in classrooms before the holidays, paper snowflakes have drawn many people's attention again.

The designer, Anthony Herrera, just recently released his 2013 collection. "The Star Wars snowflake designs began as just doing designs of characters that I and my daughter wanted to make three years ago," Herrera told us in an email. "The second year I introduced vehicles, and this year I decided to push further by designing battle scenes."
Sometimes, he feels a bit bored with his job. With each year, the designs have got more detailed and various, but the process of creating them remained the same: sketching figures on paper with a pencil until a symmetrical (对称)pattern comes out, then scanning the designs and cut them with scissors. However, he says he has plenty of ideas for new flakes next year, so no two will ever be the same. Hopefully with Star Wars: Episode VII coming in 2015 he'll have even more work in the future.
Check out your favorite finished versions of Herrera’s flakes (from both 2013 and previous years) and download the pictures beneath them and then get down to creating your own work. A warning: Most designs aren't for the casual flake-maker, so patience you must have.
Making paper snowflakes draws many people's attention probably because ______.

A.it is a traditional form of decoration B.it is a course of artwork in school
C.it is a way of killing time in holiday D.it is designed by Anthony Herrera

From the text, we know that Herrera ______.

A.can make snowflakes with his daughter's help
B.made more complicated designs before 2013
C.introduced paper vehicles in 2011
D.will make a great variety of detailed paper flakes

Herrera is fed up with the job sometimes because ______

A.he has to design detailed and different patterns
B.he has to follow the fixed process of paper cutting
C.he spends much time designing, scanning and cutting
D.he has few ideas for what the next designs will be like

By writing the last paragraph, the author tries to ______.

A.offer us more information about Herrera’s paper cutting
B.tell us how to download picture of snowflakes
C.instruct people to be a real creative artist
D.remind us of being patient with Herrera’s designs
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It's wonderful to go to another country, complete a volunteer project and feel that you really have a positive influence. But how can you become an international volunteer?
* Plan practically. Contact the organization a few months before leaving and find out if there are materials which are rare and hard to attain for the project. What you often consider plentiful here, such as nails or hammers, is in great need in other parts of the world.
* Do the project together, not on your own. You are a guest in the community. The most successful result is not that you build something and walk away, but that you and the community build something as a team. Share skills and build together.
* Be flexible. Not everything is going to happen as planned. Often the other country doesn't have the right tools, manpower, transportation or funds to get all the needed work done. In a word, they lack infrastructure(基础设施).
* Contact with the people in the community. Often you will have "downtime" outside of the range of the project. Rather than retreat to the group with whom you traveled, be sure to spend time with the people of the community. Listen to the things about their lives. If you can't speak the language, smiles work wonders. And you will be surprised ― you will find a way to community.
Volunteering is a special and life-long experience for everyone involved. Be prepared that the person who may be changed most is you. It's a joyful, often careful experience which will encourage you to view yourself, your neighbors and your world quite differently.
When you volunteer to join in a project, you are advised to          .

A.build something and walk away
B.make good preparation in advance
C.avoid involving locals in activities
D.depend on yourself to solve problems

According to the author, volunteer will          .

A.reduce challenge in the world
B.determine the future of a volunteer
C.change a person's opinion of the world
D.benefit volunteers most in their learning

What is the passage mainly about?

A.What prepares you to become a volunteer.
B.Where volunteers are needed most in the world.
C.Why volunteering is popular with young people.
D.How volunteers develop a relationship with local people.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What would you do if you were a fifth grader facing a huge homework load every night, and you found out that there was a machine that would do all the work for you? That's the situation presented to Sam, Kelsey, Judy and Brenton in Dan Gutman's entertaining new book for young readers, The Home Machine.
The four children, all fifth graders in Miss Rasmussen's Grand Canyon School, are as different as any other 11-year-old child could be, but they have one thing in common — all are somewhat separated from their classmates. Sam is a newcomer and has had his share of school trouble before; Kelsey quietly carries her pain at losing her father; Judy's sense of justice always annoys others; Brenton is the smartest child in the school, so smart that even his parents and teachers have trouble keeping up with him. When Brenton and his three classmates are put into the same study group by their teacher, the others discover that Brenton has made a time-saving gadget(装置) to do homework for him. While the boy is perfectly able to do his homework himself, Sam, Kelsey and Judy can use the help.
Having perfect grades is something new for these three, and as they meet every day to "do homework", they find that they're learning a lot about each other. Such a good thing can't last though, and when a secret man starts trying to get in touch with them, they begin to get nervous. Soon there's an even more frightening problem ― why can't the Homework Machine be turned off?
Told in different voices as all the children make statements to the Grand Canyon Police, the story develops in an interesting fashion. Gutman is a gifted writer who has written dozens of children's books, each with a funny and impressing table that should be equally liked by boys and girls.
What is one common thing that all the four children have to deal with at school?

A.Getting along with their classmates.
B.Doing their homework by themselves.
C.Overcoming difficulties on their own.
D.Catching up with others to get good grades.

Which of the following words best describe Brenton?

A.Strange and nervous. B.Quiet and smart.
C.Brave and special. D.Clever and helpful.

Why did the children get frightened?

A.They lost touch with each other.
B.They were questioned by a strange man.
C.They had no idea how to stop the machine.
D.They were tracked down by the police.

This passage most probably comes from            .

A.a student's diary B.a book review C.a school report D.a science story
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Facebook (脸谱网) friends cannot replace the real thing, say psychologists(心理学家).
People are happier and laugh 50% more when they talk face to face with friends or via webcam (web camera) than when they use social networking sites, a study has found.
Dr. Roberts, a famous lecture at the University of Chester, said such websites don't appear to help make true friendships. Based on two questionnaires(调查表), he found there was no link between Facebook use and people with larger groups of friends.
Dr. Roberts, whose work will be presented at the British Psychological Society conference in Harrogate, said, "The bottom lime conclusion is that our relationships are not dependent on the quantity of communication. They depend on quality, and even Skype(一种网络即时语音沟通工具) is better at increasing the quality of our communication than time on Facebook." Even talking on the phone or texting does not make people feel as good as sharing a smile, the research says. The studies suggest quality, not quantity, of communication is the most important for keeping friends for life.
People find the most satisfying relationships come from a small number of close friends, with an outer "ring" of 10 significant others. With these people, it doesn't matter what type of social media you use for communication. But people who want to "contact the world at large" using Facebook can be disappointed because they spread themselves too thinly, claim researchers.
In a third study, Dr. Roberts asked people to communicate with friends face to face or via Skype and keep a 14-day diary. This was compared with communicating via phone, text messages or social networking sites. People communicating face to face on Skype were 50% more likely to laugh, and they rated themselves as significantly happier.
Dr. Roberts's finding that there was no connection between Facebook use and people with many friends was         .

A.based on questionnaires B.based on conversations
C.through instant messages D.through social media

What is the idea of the fourth paragraph?

A.Most people contact each other online.
B.Keeping a friend for life is not easy.
C.The quality of communication is important.
D.Skype is better at understanding us than Facebook.

What does the underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph probably suggest?

A.They are too excited to express themselves.
B.They limit their social circle to a small range.
C.They spread their information at a low speed.
D.They lack information to introduce themselves.

What is Dr. Roberts's attitude towards the use of Facebook?

A.Positive. B.Casual. C.Responsible. D.Unsupportive.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We’re always looking for well-written reviews of books, music, movies, television shows, websites, video games and other products. When writing a review, concentrate on exactly what you liked or didn’t like. Give examples of strengths and weaknesses, be descriptive and provide background information on an author, director, actor or musician, if possible. Find professional reviews in magazines or newspapers and see how reviewers deal with their topic, but be sure to express your own voice in your review.
Grammar Hint for Reviews: When describing a book, movie, album or anything else, use the present tense.
Book Reviews
Discuss an author’s technique, strengths and weaknesses instead of focusing on the plot. Does the story flow? Is there a strong sense of character and place? Did you stay up until dawn to finish it? Is it good reading for teenagers? What influence did it have on you and why? If you’ve read other books by the same author, discuss how this book compares.
Movie Reviews
Think of the major Oscar categories and consider the performances, music, lighting and setting, etc. Do these work together? Did some hold up while others didn’t? If the movie is based on a book, discuss whether one is better than the other and why. If the movie is a remake, compare the film to its original.
Remember that a well-written movie review should discuss strengths and weaknesses. Some readers may not have seen a movie yet, so don’t give away an exciting scene or the ending!
College Reviews
Begin by providing an overview of the college, including location, size and a description of the campus and/or dorm life. Think about all aspects of your college visit. What academic, athletic and after-class programs are available? What are the students like? What makes the college different from others? Every school has strengths and weaknesses. Be objective. Consider what the school has to offer and who might enjoy or benefit the most from attending there.  
When writing a review, you ________.
cannot refer to any previous review
must express your own views and opinions
must provide some information about the author
needn’t give any examples to support your views
Which aspects should be included in all three reviews?

A.Strengths and weaknesses. B.Plot and character.
C.Programs and scenes. D.Location and description.

Where can you probably find the passage?

A.In a personal diary.
B.In an official report.
C.In a tourist guidebook.
D.In a popular magazine.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Mom, Clear My Calendar
September is around the corner, and some of us are already complaining about summer’s end. But parents have a special reason to do so. The end of summer means the start of school. And these days, planning a young child’s schedule is a big challenge. The challenge is no longer finding activities to fill a child’s day; it is saying no to the hundreds of options available. Our mailbox is filled with brochures urging us to sign our kids up for classes from cooking to martial arts(武术).
Educators are themselves discouraged by the number of special classes that many children attend. In the name of “enrichment,” three-year-olds not only go to preschool in the morning but study French or gymnastics after lunch. One teacher tells of a four-year-old asking for help in the toilet before hurrying off to tennis. Another teacher says that children sometimes hold on to her at pickup time. What happened to unstructured time?
A generous explanation is that we enjoy giving children opportunities we never had. The truth however is that many parents have doubts about how much time they spend away from their families. And one way to reduce this guilt is to believe that time spent in these classes is somehow more beneficial to children than the time we know we should be giving them ourselves.
David Elkind, an expert on children, suggests that the 1960s gave birth to the belief that earlier is better. Parents hope that early music lessons, for example will build a child’s confidence. The truth, however, is that any time children are asked to do too much, too soon, they are at greater risk for feelings of failure.
A child’s time does not have to be planned to be meaningful. Remember the lazy days of summer? Some children sleep late and play with the kids across the street until it’s time to come home for dinner. However, with the majority of mothers working, fewer children enjoy that idle (空闲的) time now.
Come September, children across the country will finish a full day of kindergarten, only to attend an after-school program until 6 P.M., when a working mom or dad comes to take them home. That’s too much for a five-year old. Finances, of course, do limit some parents. But let’s be honest with ourselves – our own busy schedules, whatever they involve, are no excuse for burdening a young child’s.
The author holds that it’s a challenge to plan a schedule for a child mainly because _____.

A.a child’s schedule is too complex
B.activities suitable for kids are limited
C.parents are stuck in numerous choices
D.children always say no to parents’ advice

What the two teachers say in Paragraph 2 implies that _____.

A.children love to stay at school
B.they are popular with children
C.children dislike after-school classes
D.after-school classes are of poor quality

According to the author, what is the real reason for parents to send their children to after-school classes?

A.Parents want to make up for their own regrets.
B.After-school classes develop children’s potential.
C.Parents have doubt about their own ability to guide children.
D.After-school classes give parents an excuse for being absent.

Which of the following will the author probably agree with?

A.For children’s benefits, the earlier the better.
B.Children’s spare time should be carefully designed.
C.Idle time for children is becoming a thing of the past.
D.Parents should be forgiven if they have a good reason.,
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

      A decades-old tradition, illustrated in a modem children's book, links the sweetness of honey with the joy of learning to read.
The grandpa held a jar of honey so that all the family could see. He then dipped a spoon into it and put some honey on the cover of a small book.
The little girl had just turned five. Stand up, little one, "he asked the girl softly.  "I did this for your mother, your uncles, your
old brother,  and now you ! "
Then, he handed the book to her.  "Taste f "
She touched the honey with her finger and put it into her mouth.
" What  is  the  taste?" the  grandpa  asked.
The little girl answered,  " Sweet ! "
Then all. the family said in a single voice, "Yes, and so is knowledge, but knowledge is from the bee that made that sweet honey,  you have to go after it through the pages of a book ! " The little girl knew that the promise to read was at last hers. Soon she was going to learn to read.
This is the beginning of a profoundly moving children's book entitled Thank You, Mr. Falker.
In this book, Patricia Polacco writes of her own passion to read, inspired by the honey on the book. It wasn't until fifth grade that she met her beloved teacher who provided the help that she needed to finally unlock the magic of the written world.
The child learning to read is admitted into a collective memory by way of books. And with the printed words that are active with. meaning,  the child bees acquainted(熟悉的) with a common past which he or she renews, to a greater or lesser degree, in every reading. Much as the author of the book Thank You,  Mr. Falker puts it,  " Almost as if it were magic,  or as if light poured into her brain, the words and sentences started to take shape on the page as they never had before-And she understood the whole thing---Then she went into the living room and found the book on a shelf, the very book that her grandpa had shown her so many years ago. She spooned  honey on the cover and tasted the sweetness---Then she held the book, honey and all, close to her chest.  She could feel tears roll down her cheeks, but they weren't tears of sadness- she way happy, so very happy. "
The girl who tasted the honey on the book was ______.

A. nearly six years old B.less than five years old
C.a little more than five years old D.more than six years old

It can be inferred from this passage that_______.

A.the girl's mother and uncles were good scholars
B.Mr. Falker helped Patricia Polacco write her book for children.
C.the girl who tasted the honey on the book grew into an artist
D.the honey-on- book tradition has been practiced for many generations

The book entitled Thank You, Mr. Falker is about

A.the early life of Mr. Falker
B.the magic power of oral words on children
C.Polacco's early experience with reading
D.how the honey on the book makes children feel happy

The last paragraph implies that the happiness of the little girl came from _______.

A.the ability to read books
B.the honey she tasted
C.the book her grandpa had shown her
D.the collective memory that accepted her
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I was standing in the kitchen helping with dinner, asking my mom about my brother's doctor ' s  appointment. They  were  testing  him for  autism(自闭症 ) .  My  brother, Captain, four  years old at the time, had always been my best friend. We would wrestle, play games and have the best of times together, even though we were far apart in age. My mom told me about the appointment, but ,when she got to the point about the test, she  stopped. I turned around  and  she had tears  in her eyes. I  stared  at her, wishing she would say  something , when  I realized what that  silence meant. My eyes  got blurry (模糊的 )  and  my  breathing  got  very  ragged.  " The  test was positive , sweetheart , "  she said. I broke down, crying.
My mom was trying to cool me down, saying that Captain couldn't see me like this and I had to be a big girl , when the front door opened, and Captain, our three-year-old sister Cali, and  my father came in. I walked out of the kitchen. I couldn't look at him. Everything had just  changed. He was no longer that little baby brother who was just a normal little boy.
We had to move a while later because Captain needed treatment. One day ,I was standing  in the bus line waiting when the " short bus"  came and picked some kids up. The children in  the other line started making jokes about the " retards(智力迟钝者) "  on that bus and I felt a  strange feeling in my stomach, ,which I had never felt before.
During a band class, my teacher, Mrs. Young, stopped our playing to give us some feed-  back. " Guys ,we ' re playing like the kids on the short bus !  Come on!"  I felt that same feeling I had in the bus line. The entire room was laughing when I raised my hand.  " Yes , Alexis?"  Mrs. Young asked. "I don't think we should make fun of the short bus, because there are a lot of people on  that bus who have great personalities and have the same feelings as we do. And also ,I know  some people on those buses and they are some of the most caring, sweetest, and smartest people , so I would appreciate it if you didn't make fun of them. "
Everyone stared at me. Mrs. Young apologized for the comment and then started the song again.
What did Alexis think her mother' s silence mean in Paragraph One?

A.There was no chance for Alexis to play games with Captain.
B.Captain was likely to miss the appointment.
C.Captain really suffered from autism.
D.Alexis had to prepare dinner quickly.

Why did Alexis go out of the kitchen?

A.Because she didn't want to help with dinner.
B.Because she would be much sadder looking at Captain.
C.Because she wanted to play with Captain outside.
D.Because she wasn't willing to meet a sick brother.

What Alexis said to her teacher can be seen as a kind of         .

A.threat B.approval C.apology D.condemnation

Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Speaking up. B.Giving up. C.Looking .up. D.Taking up.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

     Say you're in the wine store and you want to buy something new. You have nothing to go by outside of the label. Will the label tell you anything you should know? Here's some general advice:
Vintage. This is the first thing we look for ourselves. You don't need to care whether 2001 or 2002 was a better year in the Sierra Foothills. The vast majority of wines at the store are meant to be drunk right away, so you make sure the wine isn't too old, particularly if you're buying it expecting lively, fresh fruitiness. We often see five-year-old Pinot Grigio and two-year-old Beaujolais Nouveau at stores, for example, so as soon as we see that kind of age on wines like those, we know we can skip them and move on(and possibly not shop there again).
Alcohol content. Too many wines have too much alcohol, which leaves them unbalanced. Sure, there are some classic wines with high alcohol levels, but many of today's regular table wines--Merlot, Chardonnay--have levels at 15% or above. Some of those might be terrific, but if we had nothing else to go on, we'd look for alcohol content at about 14% and below.
The more specific the better. A wine that says it's from Napa is probably a better bet than a wine that simply says it's from California. Unfortunately, this will also probably be reflected in the price, so this might not tell you much about value, If you care enough to know a few of famous vineyards for producing high-quality grapes, they might help you make an educated guess about quality.
Old vines. Theoretically, older vines produce fewer, but more flavorful grapes, but the problem is that no one has defined what an "old vine" is, so anyone can put this on the label. Just ignore it.
A phone number. You'd be surprised many small-production wines these days include a phone number on the back and an invitation to call the winerY, which is a sign of a highly personal winerY. We have called those numbers many times over the years and it's amazing how often the winemaker or winerY owner answers the phone.
The underlined word "Vintage" in the second paragraph probably means "________ " .

A.the place where the wine was made B.the year when the wine was made
C.the freshness of the wine D.the label of the wine

It's better to buy

A.five-year-old Pinot Grigio B.the wine labeled from older vines
C.the wine from famous vineyards D.two-year-old Beaujolais Nouveau

From the passage we Can infer that

A.the wine with high alcohol levels is definitely terrific
B.most wines at the store are intended to be drunk right away
C.older vines have lower production
D.some winemakers keep the promise all the time

What is paragraph 4 mainly about?

A.Geography. B.Price C.Quality. D.Grapes.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

      Pulling heavy suitcases all day in the summer is hard work, especially when you are a thin  14-year-old boy. That was me in 1940-the youngest and smallest baggage boy at New York City's Pennsylvania Railway Station.
After just a few days on the job, I began noticing that the other fellows were overcharging  passengers. I'd like to join them, thinking, "Everyone else is doing it."
When I got home that night, I told my dad what I wanted to do. "You give an honest day's   work," he said, looking at me straight in his eye. "They are paying you. If they want to do that,   you let them do that."
I followed my dad's advice for the rest of that summer and have lived by his words ever since.
Of all the jobs I've had, it was my experience at Pennsylvania Railway Station that has stuck with me. Now I teach my players to have respect for other people and their possession. Being a member of a team is a totally shared experience. If one person steals, it destroys trust and hurts everyone. I can put up with many things, but not with people who steal. If one of my players were caught stealing, he'd be gone.
Whether you're on a sports team, in an office or a member of a family. if you can't trust one another, there is going to be trouble.
What can be inferred about the baggage boys?

A.They could earn much, but they had to work hard.
B.Many of them earned money in a dishonest way.
C.They were all from poor families.
D.They were thin, young boys.

What does the father's advice imply?

A.It is wrong to give more to the passengers.
B.Don't believe them if they are paying you more.
C.Don't follow others to overcharge the passengers.
D.It is difficult to work hard and live as an honest boy.

The underlined word "it" (in Paragraph 2) refers to______

A.overcharging passengers
B.pulling heavy suitcases all day
C.paying passengers money
D.working in an honest way

The writer can't put up with stealing because he thinks that _______

A.it is a total shared experience
B.it is considered as the most dangerous
C.it does great harm to human relationship
D.it may led to the loss of his sports team.

It can be concluded from the text that _______

A.his father's advice helped him to decide which job to take up
B.working in the sports team was his most important experience
C.he learned much from his shared experience with his team members
D.his experience as a baggage boy had a great influence on his late life
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

     What exactly is a Dream Career? I am sure it means different things to different people. You could presently be unsure about what your final job would be. If you have any doubts about what your dream career is, you may know which careers you definitely would not like to do. For example, if you have an interest in art, and do not like math, you most certainly would not be an engineer .If you love art. and have no artist talent ,maybe you would like to be around art instead, as an art curator (馆长)
A career related to your passion, bobby, or special interest, is the path to follow in finding your dream job. Try thinking about what things you like to do in your spare time. Many are attracted toward turning what they love to do in their off work hours into a full time job. For example, if you like to put together model cars, maybe you would like opening your own hobby shop, or work for someone who owns one.
Once you find what you arc interested in doing, you can then match this to a career which will be similar to what you are passionate about. What you consider a dream career has to centre around what kind of person you actually are. This is called your Career Personality. What type of person do you consider yourself to be? People are naturally attracted to those things which reflect  who they are as unique individuals. For example, if you are slightly on the shy side, maybe you would like a job where you work on your own. relatively unsupervised ,behind a computer. If you are outgoing, maybe you would like to work with others, and be the supervisor.
All it may take to find our dream career is to know ourselves a little better, trust in our own judgment, and be realistic about what we can attain occupationally: This is how I found what I am doing now.
What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To explain what a dream career really is.
B.To offer tips on finding a dream career.
C.To tell us what Career Personality means.
D.To give examples of different personalities.

Which of the following about Career Personality is TRUE?

A.One should choose a dream career by his/her personality.
B.Choosing a dream career depends on a person's ability.
C.One should choose a dream career according to the reality.
D.One should try different types of careers by his/her ability.

Which of the following is what we need to find a dream career?
a. Realizing our ability.
b. Believing in ourselves.
c. Having a better understanding of ourselves.
d. Considering the background of our family.

A.a, c, d B.a, b, c C.b, c, d D.a, c, d

From the second paragraph we learn your dream career has something to do with the
following EXCEPT ______.

A.your hobby B.your special interest
C.your part-time job D.your passion

55. It can be inferred from the passage that

A.a dream job is one that most people are fond of
B.people all want to turn their part-time jobs into full-time ones
C.finding our dream career should follow different suggestions
D.the author's present dream job is chosen by his personality
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

“Can’t hold a candle to” is a popular expression.When there wasn’t electricity, someone would have a servant light his way by holding a candle.The expression meant that the person who cannot hold a candle to you is not fit even to be your servant.Now,it means such a person cannot compare or compete.
Another expression is“hold your tongue.”It means to be still and not talk.“Hold your tongue”is not something you would tell a friend.But a parent or teacher might use the expression to quiet a noisy child.
“Hold out”is an expression one hears often in sports reports and labor news.It means to refuse to play or work.Professional football and baseball players“hold out” if their team refuses to pay them what they think they are worth.
The expression“hold up” has several different meanings.One is a robbery.A man with a gun may say,“This is a hold up.Give me your money.”Another meaning is to delay.A driver who was held up by heavy traffic might be late for work.Another meaning is for a story to be considered true after an investigation.A story can hold up if it is proved true.
“Hold on”is another expression,which means wait or stop.As you leave for school,your brother may say,“Hold on,you forgot your book.” It is used to ask a telephone caller to wait and not hang up his telephone.
Our final expression is“hold the line.”That means to keep a problem or situation from getting worse—to hold steady.For example,the president may say he will“hold the line on taxes.”He means there will be no increase in taxes.
The author introduces the expressions mainly by _____________.

A.giving examples B.making comparisons
C.raising questions D.quoting famous remarks

The expression“can’t hold a candle to”call be used when ____________.

A.some footballers refuse to play a game
B.someone else is wanted on the phone
C.someone is not qualified for a position
D.someone was delayed by heavy traffic

The tune ofthe phrase“hold your tongue”is probably a little ___________.

A.amusing B.polite C.unfriendly D.offensive

If some teachers“hold out”,they probably __________.

A.change their artitude B.refuse to work
C.make a compromise D.show their devotion

Which of the following sentences can convey positive meanings?

A.I was late as I was held up by a hold up.
B.Hold on!You have to pay the bill,sir.
C.You can’t even hold a candle to Michael.
D.I promise to hold the line on house prices.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Dad,
Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Father's Day cards. They all had a special message that in some way or another reflected how I feel about you. Yet as I selected and read, it occurred to me that not a single card said what I really want to say to you.
You'll soon be 84 years old, Dad, and you and I will have had 55 Father's Days together. I haven't always been with you on Father's Day but I've always been with you in my heart.
You know, Dad, there was a time when we were separated by the generation gap. You stood on one side of the Great Divide and I on the other.
The Father-Daughter Duel shifted into high gear ( 档位) when you taught me to drive the old Dodge and I decided I would drive the '54 Chevy whether you liked it or not. The police officer who sent me home, after you reported the Chevy stolen, didn't have much tolerance for a stubborn 16 year old, while you were so tolerant about it, Dad, and I think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life.
Our relationship greatly improved when I married a man you liked, and things really turned around when we began making babies right and left. Somewhere along the line, the generation gap disappeared. I suppose I saw us and our relationship as aging together, rather like a fine wine.
But the strangest thing happened last week. I was at a stop sign and I watched as you turned the corner in your car. It didn't immediately occur to me that it was you because the man driving looked so elderly and fragile behind the wheel of that huge car. It was rather like a slap in the face delivered from out of nowhere. Perhaps I saw your age for the first time that day.
I guess what I'm trying to say, Dad, is what every son and daughter wants to say to their Dad today. Honoring a father on Father's Day is about respect and sharing and acceptance and tolerance and giving and taking. It's about loving someone more than words can say, and it's wishing that never had to end.
I love you, Dad.
How did Jenny probably feel on the night she was sent home by the police?

A.Frightened B.Guilty C.Nervous D.Disappointed

We can learn from the passage that Jenny and her father_________.

A.had a hard time understanding each other.
B.has been getting along very well.
C.are separated due to the generation gap.
D.kept in touch by writing to each other.

Why did Jenny feel strange when she saw her father last week?

A.She had never seen him driving so slowly before.
B.She didn't expect to meet with him there.
C.She had never realized his being old and weak
D.She seldom saw him driving that huge car

Jenny wrote his father this letter to _________

A.remind him of the early incident B.express her gratitude to him
C.say sorry for her being stubborn D.tell him about their conflicts
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It is one of the most annoying words in the English language and it seems there is no escaping it.The word “huh?” is in worldwide use, a study found.
Researchers discovered that languages spoken in countries from Ghana and Laos to Iceland and Italy all include ‘‘huh?”, or something that sounds very like it. They said that while the study may sound silly,the word is an absolutely necessary part of speech.Without it and similar words,it would be impossible to show that we haven’t heard or understood what had been said and this would lead to constant misunderstandings.
But while other words used in the same context,such as ‘‘sorry'’ or‘ ‘what”,vary widely across languages,“huh?” remains unchanged.
The Dutch researchers carefully studied ten languages from around the world,including Siwu, which is spoken in Ghana, and an Australian Aboriginal language,as well as Italian,Spanish,Dutch and Mandarin Chinese.
They analyzed tapes of recorded conversations for words that sounded like ‘‘huh?” and were used to request that whatever had just been said be repeated.All contained a version of ‘‘huh?”.The word was also found in another 21 languages.While there were subtle differences in each country, all sounded basically the same.
This is surprising because normally unrelated languages will use very different words to describe the same thing.For instance,the Japanese for “dog’’ is ‘‘inu”,while the French is‘ ‘chien”.It is thought that languages around the world have developed their own version of “huh?’’ because the sound is quick and simple to form,as well as being easily understood.
The researchers,said that it might seem unimportant to carry out scientific research into a word like “huh?'’ but in fact this little word is an essential tool in human communication.They also have an answer for those who claim that ‘‘huh?’’ isn’t a word.They say that it qualifies because of the small differences in its pronunciation in different languages.It also can be considered a word because it’s something we learn to say,rather than a grunt or cry that we are born knowing how to make.
According to researchers,the word “huh?” is very important in speech because of       .

A.its important function in communication
B.its simple and easy sound and spelling
C.its popularity in every language
D.its stable meaning in language development

If you hear someone you’re speaking to say “huh?”, what should you do?

A.You should apologize to her for speaking in a low voice.
B.You should invite her to share her different views politely.
C.You should try to say what you’ve just said again in a clearer way.
D.You should ask her to repeat what she says before that.

The main method used in the research of “huh?” was_____________.

A.comparing different words with the same meaning in different languages
B.interviewing language experts in universities
C.talking with people from ten different countries
D.analyzing the recorded conversations in different languages

According to researchers,‘‘huh?” should be considered a word rather than a sound because  __________ .

A.it is pronounced quite differently around the world
B.it is something humans learn to say
C.there is a clear and consistent spelling of the word
D.it is listed in most dictionaries
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知