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21._______number of guests to the hotel has been repoted to____manager onduty .
A.The; the       B, A; the              C.The;不填         D.The ;a

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22.----I' m smy,  I didn' t mean to put you to so much trouble.

A.It' s my pleasure ! B.No trouble at all.
C.I'm really sorry! D.You're welcome.
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23.You shouldn' t come in here leaving the customers_________at the counter

A.wait B.to wait C.Waiting D.waited
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24.----It's very cloudy and freezing cold.
-----  Yes,  I' m afraid it________be snowing tonight

A.must B.need C.should D.Might
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25.The other day,I remember, ____I bought the dress, I met my boss in the shopping mail

A.when B.which C.that D.Where
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26.The whole class_____searching for the missing boy when the heavy rain poured down

A.was B.were C.had been D.would be
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27.Let' s move all the products into the hall and_____them in a proper order.

A.design B.decorate C.develop D.Arrange
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28.The university with two____campuses hasa student population of 50,000 in total.

A.unique B.single C.separate D.Alternative
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29.There are also instructions about the________of all the buttons and switches.

A.purpose B.function C.power D.Effect
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30.Mr.Snuth advised us to________a written agreement even it was just a small deal.

A.hold on B.insist on C.believe in D.rely on
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31.-----She missed her train to London,____she didn"t seem to care.
---- Well, there is anotherl one in 15 minutes.

A.or B.as C.thus D.Yet
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32.They said his lack____experience could lead to a disaster and he should ask for nec- essary help.

A.of B.in C.for D.To
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33.Before she______thethe door, she____what had happened to her computer.

A.walked;noticed B.walked; had noticed
C.walks; has noticed D.had walked; noticed
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34.Well,_____,  he is just my  celleague. But I think we  can become best friends one day.

A.time and again B.now and then C.in the mean time D.for the moment
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35.1 suddenly found my watch didn ’t  wolrk any more and only then_______ was late for school.

A.had I realized B.I had realized C.did I realize D.realized I
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I was walking downa.darkly lit street late one,evening when I heard ambiguous screams coming from behind bushes.Alarmed,I  36  to listen, and panicked  37  I realized that what l WaS hearing were the,definite sounds.of  a  38  :heavy noise, and tearing of cloth.
A woman was beingattacked. Should I get  39   ?1 was frightened for my own   40 , and blamed myself for having  41  decided to take a new route home that night.Shouldn't I justrunto the nearest phone and call the  42  ?
Although it seemed an etemity(漫长),the deliberations in my head had  43  only sec-onds, but already the girl's cries were growing   44  I knew I had to act fast. How  45  I  walk away from this? No,Ifmally determined,  I  could not tum my back on the  46  of  this Unknown woman, even if it meant  47   my ownlife.
I am not a brave man, nor amI athletic.I don't know where I found the moral  48     and physical strength- but once I had finally determined to help the girl,I became strangely    49  I ran behind the bushes and pulled.the attacker  50   the woman. Grasping, wefell to the ground, where we wrestled for a few mrnutes until the manjumped up and escaped.
Breathing hard,I stood upright and   51  the  girl, who stayed down behind a tree, sob-bing.In the darkness,I could barely see her outline, but I could certainly  52  her trem-bling shock.Not wanting to frighten her further,I  53  spoke to her from a distance. "The man ran away. You're safe now.’’There was a long pause and then I heard the words, said in  wonder, in  54 ."Dad, is that you?" And then, from behind the tree, out  55  my  youngest daughter, Katherine.
36.A.broke down   B.slowed down   C.calmed down  D.tumed down
37.A.when        B.until        C.before         D.though
38.A.quarrel        B.conversation  C.struggle        D.dispute
39.A.involved      B.informed     C.conquered    D.deserted
40.A.property      B.safety          C.appearance    D.presence
41.A.quickly        B.bravely        C.suddenly      D.cleverly
42.A.friend          B.neighbour    C.folk         D.police
43.A.abandoned          B.covered       C.held        D.taken
44.A.louder         B.clearer         C.weaker        D.heavier
45.A.should         B.could       C.would          D.must
46.A.fate         B.face         C.moment       D.spot
47.A.saving         B.risking         C.losing          D.devoting
48.A.lesson          B.spirit       C.story       D.courage
49.A.behaved       B.performed    C.transformed   D.Expressed
50.A.off          B.down         C.from       D.over
51.A.attended      B.appreciated  C.negotiated     D.approached
52.A.sense       B.feel         C.observe        D.hear
53.A.after all       B.at first         C.as well         D.asa result
54.A.surprise       B.disappointment C.sorrbw         D.amazement
55.A.cried       B.looked         C.stepped        D.showed

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My parents influenced us with the concepts of family, faith and patriotism when l was  young.Even though we struggled to make ends meet, they stressed how fortunate we were to - live in a great country with limitless opporturuties.
I got my first real job when l was ten. My dad, Benjamin, injured his back working in a  cardboard - box factory and was retrained as a hairstylist. He rented space in a little mall and gave his shop the fancy name of Mr. Ben's Coiffure.
The owner of the shopping center gave Dad a discount on his rent for cleaning the parking. lot three nights a week, which meant getting up at 3 a.m.To pick up trash,  Dad used a little machine that looked like a lawn mower. Mom and I emptied garbage cans and picked up litterby hand.It took two to three hours to clean the lot. I'd  s1eep in the car on-the way home.I did this for two years, but the lessons I leacmed have lasted a lifetime,I acquired' disci-pline and a strong work morality, and leamed at an early age the impmtance of balancing life's competing interests-----in my case, school, homework and a job.This really'helped during my senior year of high school, when l worked 40 hours  a  week flipping hamburgers,at a fast – food  joint while taking afull load of college - prep courses.  The hard work paid off .I attended the U.S.Milttary Academy and went on to reaceive graduate degree  in law and business from Harvard. Later,I joined a big Los Angetes law firm and was elected to the California state assembly. In these jobs and in everything else I’ve  done,I have never forgotten those nights in the parking lot.The experience taught me that there is dignitty in all work and that if people are workmg to provide for thems elves ahd their families ,that is something we should honor.
56.According to the text,  the author thinks          
A.he is lucky to have many chances to get a job
B.it is difficult to find a job to make ends meet
C.his parents are full of complaint about their life
D.it is not acceptable to live in such bad conditions
57. In order to get a discount on rent,          
A.his father had to work as a hairstylist
B.his father had to work in a cardboard - box factory
C.they had to clean the-parking lot three nights a week
D.his father had to pick up litter by hand three hours a day
58.Which of the following is NOT true of the author?
A.He got the graduate degrees from Harvard.
B.He took a college - prep courses at high school.
C.He took a part - time job during his senior year.
D.He regretted having worked in the parking lot.
59.What does the underlined sentence "The hard work paid off" mean?
A.The author got a high pay by working hard.
B.The author compkuned of the hard work.
C.The effort wluch he made had no effection.
D.The hard work was worthwhile for the author.
60.We can leam from'the text that ________   
A.it is urrimaginable for a child to help his family
B. it is honored to work for one's family as a member
C. it is unnecessary to keep work rules-of behaviour
D.the harder the work is, the more interest one shows

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Charter schools operate with public money but without many of the rues that Sovem tradi-tional public schools.In the Uruted States the rules for charter schools difFer from state to state. But in Seneral these schools havegreater freedom to decide what to teach and how to teach it.
The "charter 'is a perfarmance contract.It establishes thegoals of the school and other details like how student performance will be measured. Forty - seven million students attend traditional public schools.But more than a million students attend charter schools:
And now a group of charter schools have formed the Green Charter Schools Network.The idea is to have environmentally friendly school buildings but toalso go further than that.The schools teach students to become involved in community issues that affect them and the environ-ment. For example, youg children grow crops in a school garden and leam about healthy eat-ing.Older students help recycle waste from the cafeteria.And local schoois share what they grow in community gardens with people in need.
Jim McGrath is president.of the Green Charter Schools Network. He says there are about 200 "green" charter schools across the United States. He says the plan is to also include tradi-tional public schools as well as private schools.
Jim McGrath:  "The most important thing is that every one of us - every child, every adult - has a reaponsibility that their action, every action we make has an effect on the earth  that we live in. And that our natuntl resources are not unlimited. And that if we want a positive earth for future generations, we all need to make comnutments to be agents of change so that we don' t destroy our natural resources.
The Green Clarter Schools Network holds its first national conference this October in Min- nesota.It will include companies and orgaizations like Waste Management and the Uruted States Green Brulding Council. We sincerely hope that their goal is to expand the movement across the country.
61.Charter schools are quitedifent from public ones in that______________
A.they are operated by public money
B.they still use the traditional rules
C.they have more freedom in management
D. they attract more students than others
62.The Green Charter Schools Network is established to______________
A.advise teenagers to attend charter schools
B.paint the school buildings in the color of green
C.measure the students with the same standards
D.get students involved in environment friendly activities
63.Which of the following statements about the Network are true EXCEPT_________
A. It only concernsthe charter schools in the U.S.
B.It holds its first national conference in Minnesota.
C. It will benefit both the schools and the communities.
D.It promotes different schools to share their achievements.
64.According to Jim McGrath,____________
A.people's action plays little part in nature
B.natural resources are abundant for people to use
C. students should be taught to be responsibk for the world
D.everyone should make efforts to change the positive nature
65.What' s the writer' s purpose of this passage?
A.To criticize the traditional education system.
B.To encourage the students to adopt healthy eating.
C.To inspire people to recycle waste from the cafeteria.
D.To arouse the schools to take action to protect the earth.

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A new study in West Africa shows how farm irrigationsystems powered by the sun can pro-duce more food and money for villagers. The study-in Benin found that solar - powered pumpsare effective in 8upplying water, especially during the long dry season.
Sub - Saharan Africa is the part of the world with the least food security. The United Na-tions Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that more"than one biillion of the world' s peo-ple faced hunger last year.Around 265 million of them live'south of the Sahara Desert:  Lack of  rainfallis one oftheir main causes offood shortages..
Jennifer Bumey from Stanford University in Califomia led the study.The research team helped build three solar - powered drip irrigation -(滴灌) ,systems in northem Benin. Between 30 and 35 women used each system to pump water from the ground or a stream.Each woman was responsible for farming her own 120 sqrurre meters of land. They also farmed other land  collectively.
The solar - powered irrigation systems produced an average of nearly two tons of vegetables per montb. During the first year, the women.kept a monthly average of almost rune kilograms of vegetables for home use.They sold the surplus produce at local markets. The eamings greatly increased their ability to buy food during the dry season which can last six to nine months. Peo- ple in the'two villages with the systems were able to eat three to five more servingsof yegetables per day.But making the surplus available at markets also had a wider effect.
The study compared the villages with two others where women farmed with traditional methods like carrying water in buckets. The amount of vegetables eaten in those villages also  increased, though not as much.The researchers note that only four percent of the croplamd in sub - Saharan Africa is irrigated. Using solar power to pump water has higher costs at first. But    the study says it can be more economical in the long term than using fuels like gasoline,  diesel  or kerosene. And solar power is environmentally friendly.
66.Food security in Sub - Saharan Africa is insufficient mainly because of
A.lack of rainfall         B.limitation of farmland
C. a small crop variety   D.little sunlight
67.From the third paragraph we know that _______.
A.water is wasted by using the system
B. the farmers imgate the land together
C. all farmers use irrigation systems in northem Benin
D. the solar - powered systems take up more manpower
68.The underlined word "surplus" in the 4th paragraph most probably means_______
A.special             B.unnecessary      C.extra      D.abandoned
69.Usinf.solar power to pump water has advantages EXCEPT that
A.solar energy has higher cost at first
B.solar power helps to protect environment
C.solar power helps farmers increase eanungs
D. solar energy can be more economical in the long run
70.What can be the best title for the text?
A.Manpower affects rainfallin Africa
B.Irrigation by carrying water in buckets
C.Solar - powered pumps aid African farmers
D.Vegetable supply increased in African villages

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BEIJING  March l ( Reuters)  - China hailed its best ever Winter Olympics on Mon- day, crediting technology, foreign coaches and even improved language skills for the winning five gold,  two silver and four bronze medals in 'Vancouver.
Only eight years after skater Yang Yang (A) won the  country's first Winter gold at Salt Lake City, a sweep of the women' s short track speed skating and a first figure skating  title helped China to joint seventh place in the medals table.
"Cold Standard" read the banner headline on the front  page China Daily, while the People' s Daily led its sports page with "Vancouver historical breakthrough " .
"We have made an important breakthrough at these Games" Xiao Tian, deputy chef de mission of China' s largest ever Winter Games delegation, told the Xinhua news agency.
" Actually the five - gold finish was within my expectation before we set off for the Games,but I couldn't say that at that time because I would not want to put any pressure on the ath- letes.Now I can speak out."
Xiao was quick to retun to the earlier subject of conversation to pessirrustic(悲观)  type,  however, when discussing the future, emphasizing the huge task the Winter Sports adnunistra-   tion faced to close the gap on their Summer counterparts, who topped the table at the 2008 Bei- jing Olympics.
"Despite the good results at these Games, we still have a long way to go in the develop-ment of China's winter sports," he said.
"It' s impossible for us to reach the same -level as we have done in Summer sports,  but we will try to minimize the gap as much as we can."
Xiao said that progress would come not through a vast expansion of the Winter sports pro- gramme but by using the best coaches, wherever they came from, and technology.
71.China regarded the Vancouver Winter Olympics as a breakthrough because___________
A.China gained-seventh place in the medals table
B. many people were crazy about the Vancouver.Games
C.'Yang Yang (A) won the country's first Winter gold
D.People's Daily thought it a historical breakthrough
72.Which contribution to China's success is not mentioned in the passage?
A.Technology.B.Foreign coaches.C.Language skills.D.Hardworking.
73.The reason why Xiao Tian didn't speak out the five - gold finish before setting off for the Games is that___________
A.he wanted to give us a big surprise at Vancouver
B.he didn't want to put any stress on the athletes
C.he didn't have an optimistic attitude to the athletes
D. he  thought the five - gold finish was a huge task
74.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The headline of China Daily is "Vancouver historical breakthrough"
B.The results in Winter Olympic8 are as good as those in Summer Olympics:
C.We will try to narrow the gap between the Winter and Summer Sports.
D.It's easy for us to reach the same level as we have done in Summer sports.
75.What' s the main idea of this passage?
A.China hails Winter Games 'breakthrough  at Vancouver.
B.A first figure skating title helped China succeed.
C.Cluna swept the women's short track speed skating.
D.Using the best coaches is important for China Winter Games.

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[1]Tere is always a way to be friends with everyone.Don't be afraid to talk to people.meetitrangers is the best way to make new friends!
[2]If the group you want to be friends with is a shy group,  and you' re a little more sciable, never ask them "Why don't you talk?" or "Why are you quiet?" They hate that. It'srude. Don't do it.If you' re shy and you want to get into a sociable gToup, then just try to get a little attention, but try not to overdoit.No one likes a show -off. And remember that each group will be different. Observe what is appropriate for each group, and act accordingly, but don't change yourself just to fit in.
[3] Always be outgoing, and going out.Be outgoing, and you will                     within a group.Go out a lot so that you will hang out wkh different groups. Being friends with everyone is time and energy consuming, because you must be friendly, outgoing, and willing to hang out, leaving very little time to yourself.That is something you have to consider before go- ing and trying to be so popular.
[4] However, being friends with everyone can be difficult.You may feel tom between  friends ;  who to hang out with ifit can' t be done at once. And if for any.reason you cannot con- tinue with the demanding time schedule, friends will fade rapidly. Make sure to have a couple strong friends, or it may be possible for all of your friends to become just acquaintances.
[5] Just remember: Don't forget who your real friends are. Don' t become friends with  someone just because they are a cheerleader or reaily popular.
76.What' s the best title of this passage? ( Please answer within 10 words)
77.Which sentence( s)  in this passage could be replaced by the following one? .
Though you should make some mecessary changes in making friends, you still stick to who you are.
78.Fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words to complete the sentence.( Please  answer within 5 words)
79.What' s your advice about making fnends with others? Why? ( Please answer within 30 words )
80.Translate the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph into Chinese.

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注意:1.词数120 -150;2.可适当增加细节。

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