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Ⅱ 语言知识及应用 (共两节。满分35分)
第一节完形填空 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
When I first started to read “Pride and Prejudice”, I thought the novel was going to be the same old   21   “love story”. However, after reading the first few pages I began to be   22   that it wasn’t that sort of story, instead it had an interesting insight (洞察力) on marriage, family and social status. I   23  that the time frame was somewhere back in the late 1800’s. This assumption was just a fact that I took for granted because there was no date   24   in any part of the novel. From what I got in the class   25  , this story is supposed to be a timeless piece that can be framed with any time period. This was one thing I would have never picked up by myself.
The   26   in the story each have their own unique roles, and if you didn’t really take the time to read it   27   the first time, chances are you will   28   a lot of information about them. This was what happened to me when I read the story and came to class the next day. Not until then did I   29   that I had not read it as clear as I had thought. This is also where the discussion helped me catch up on the character roles. Reading again the parts that I thought were important also helped me gain a better   30   of the story.
21. A. exciting              B. interesting          C. inspiring               D. boring
22. A. aware                 B. afraid                 C. curious                 D. puzzled
23. A. recommended     B. assumed             C. calculated              D. recognized
24. A. written         B. published            C. signed                   D. mentioned
25. A. meeting           B. discussion           C. performance          D. activities
26. A. surroundings       B. incidents             C. heroes                   D. characters
27. A. quickly               B. hardly                C. carefully               D. totally
28. A. miss                   B. lose                    C. acquire                 D. receive
29. A. claim                 B. declare               C. realize                  D. assume
30. A. knowledge          B. understanding     C. view                     D. evaluation

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I met Kumkum at a children’s home in Delhi. It is a home  31    children who are sick are provided treatment and care before  32   (send) to some other orphanage. Kumkum was 7 years old, and a very brave soul. Despite suffering from tuberculosis(肺结核), I never saw  33  crying. She had lost her parents and was struggling herself through this terrible disease.
Upon meeting, we took an instant liking   34   each other. Every Saturday I would visit Kumkum and play with her. She would love to sit on my lap. It was one such moment that the child felt like   35   (kiss) me... and I suddenly remembered that she was suffering from tuberculosis which is a communicable(传染性的)disease. I tried to stop her   36   she really wanted to show her affection for me, so I overcame my fear and let her place the   37    gentle and sweet kiss on my cheek that I ever had.
Although I overcame my fear at that moment, I   38  (not forgive) myself ever since for refusing her   39   (initial). Although the child kissed me, I think she sensed my hesitation   40  she has never kissed me again. I will never forget that the most beautiful thing in this world is a child’s kiss... so full of love and innocence.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ⅲ 阅读(共两节。满分40分)
Cold weather has a great effect on how our minds and our bodies work. Maybe that is why there are so many expressions that use the word cold. For centuries, the body’s blood has been linked closely with the emotions. People who show no human emotions or feelings, for example, are said to be cold-blooded. Cold-blooded people act in merciless ways. They may do brutal things to others, and not by accident. For example, a newspaper says the police are searching for a cold-blooded killer. The killer murdered someone, not in self-defense. He seemed to kill for no reason, and with no emotion, as if taking someone’s life meant nothing. Cold can affect other parts of the body. The feet, for example. Heavy socks can warm your feet, if your feet are really cold. But there is an expression -- to get cold feet -- that has nothing to do with cold or your feet.
The expression means being afraid to do something you had decided to do. For example, you agree to be president of an organization. But then you learn that all the other officers have resigned. All the work of the organization will be your responsibility. You are likely to get cold feet about being president when you understand the situation.
Cold can also affect your shoulder. You give someone the cold shoulder when you refuse to speak to them. You treat them in a distant, cold way. The expression probably comes from the physical act of turning your back toward someone, instead of speaking to him face-to-face. You may give a cold shoulder to a friend who has not kept a promise he made to you. Or, to someone who has lied about you to others.
A cold fish is not a fish. It is a person. But it is a person who is unfriendly, unemotional and shows no love or warmth. A cold fish does not offer much of himself to anyone.
Out in the cold is an expression often heard. It means not getting something that everybody else got. A person might say that everybody but him got a pay raise, that he was left out in the cold. And it is not a pleasant place to be.
41. The passage is intended to tell us that______.
A. cold weather has a great effect on human bodies
B. many English expressions contain the word cold
C. cold is a word closely linked with human emotions
D. the word cold has many different meanings in English
42. The underlined word brutal in paragraph 1 most probably means _______.
A. impolite      B. illegal      C. cruel          D. extreme
43. Which of the following expressions can best describe a person who is unwilling to offer anything to others?
A. Cold-blooded.                 B. To get cold feet.
C. A cold shoulder.                D. A cold fish.
44. You can say Tom ______ if the teacher gives all the boys except him a pen as a prize.
A. is given the cold shoulder
B. is left out in the cold
C. has got cold feet
D. is murdered by a cold-blooded killer
45. We can draw a conclusion from the passage that ______.
A. all the expressions containing the word cold have a negative meaning
B. all the expressions containing the word cold have something to do with cold
C. People who show no human emotions or feelings have cold blood
D. Many parts of the human body can be badly affected by cold.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Almost 200 countries met for two weeks in Copenhagen, Denmark at a United Nations conference on climate change. It was due to conclude a deal designed to set a carbon cutting framework to cover 2012-2050. In the end, only five of them reached an agreement: the United States, China, India, Brazil and South Africa.
President Obama praised the agreement last Friday. He said, “Many people are disappointed in the agreement, but the compromise is better than nothing.”
The voluntary agreement, known as the Copenhagen Accord, urges major polluters to make deeper cuts in the emission(排放) of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide, are partly created by burning oil and coal for transportation and electricity.
The agreement sets targets to prevent the Earth’s average temperature from rising more than two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. And the plan calls for 100 billion dollars a year in aid to poor nations to deal with climate change. This would start in 2020.
But the agreement is not legally binding(约束). It fails to set detailed targets for cuts in carbon emissions. And it failed to earn the support of all the nations at the talks.
India’s environment minister praised the united position taken by India, China, Brazil and South Africa. He said it permitted them to avoid the legally binding targets and international supervision proposed by developed countries.
India has promised to cut emissions by at least twenty percent but they say rich nations created the problem, so they should take most of the responsibility for reducing greenhouse gases.
China rejected accusations that it was responsible for the results at Copenhagen. A Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said developed countries didn’t perform well at the talks. She said China has taken its own measures to fight climate change and supports pressing ahead with international cooperation.
China and other large developing countries have accused rich nations of failing to offer big enough cuts in their own emissions. They also say wealthy nations did not offer enough money and technology to help poor countries deal with climate change.
In Europe, politicians and environmentalists expressed deep disappointment that world leaders failed to reach a stronger agreement. United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says the Copenhagen Accord is only a beginning, and that he will work with world leaders to reach a legally binding treaty(条约) in the coming months.
46. What’s the main purpose of the Copenhagen conference?
A. To sign the Copenhagen Accord.
B. To reach a legally binding agreement on cutting carbon emissions.
C. To discuss measures of controlling the world climate change.
D. To prevent the Earth’s average temperature from rising.
47. Which is true about the agreement, the Copenhagen Accord?
A. It will collect $ 100 billion to help poor countries to deal with climate change.
B. It has earned the support of all the nations at the conference.
C. It has set detailed targets for big enough cuts in carbon emissions.
D. It is far from a satisfactory agreement, which should be legally binding.
48. We can infer from the passage that ______.
A. the Copenhagen conference has achieved most of its designed goals
B. a stronger agreement with legal effect will soon be reached
C. big differences still remain between developing and developed countries.
D. developed countries won’t make cuts in the emission of greenhouse gases
49. Which of the following is NOT China’s attitude towards the issue of climate change?
A. China should be responsible for the result of the world climate change.
B. Rich countries should offer more money to help poor ones deal with climate change.
C. China supports pressing ahead with international cooperation to fight climate change.
D. Major polluters should make deeper cuts in the emission of greenhouse gases.
50. By saying “the Copenhagen Accord is only a beginning”, Ban Ki-moon implies that ______.
A. there is still a long way to go   
B. there is little hope to realize the goal
C. too little is achieved at this conference
D. he is disappointed with the world leaders

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There is a place where Christmas lives all year long. It is called Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland in Frankenmuth, Michigan. The family-owned business calls itself the world’s largest Christmas store. The late Wally Bronner started the business in 1945.
Wayne Bronner, Wally’s son, is president and CEO of what is now a multi-million dollar corporation. He learned the business from an early age. Some of his best memories are traveling to other countries with his father to find new products for the store.
Bronner’s sells more than fifty thousand holiday products from seventy nations. Half of the products cost less than ten dollars. Wayne Bronner says demand for small objects to hang on Christmas trees has expanded over the years. People spend more time, effort and money into decorating their homes with these ornaments(装饰品), lights and religious scenes. Bronner’s is famous for its nativity scenes which show the birth of Jesus Christ.
Michigan has the nation’s highest unemployment rate. Bronner’s has been affected by the financial crisis, too. But not in reduced sales.
Wayne Bronner said, “Even though people are spending less, we’re having more people visit here. And as a result we’ve actually had a sales increase.” Bronner’s success is also linked to community co-operation and investment. Frankenmuth is a town of five thousand people in eastern Michigan’s farm country. The town was settled by Bavarian Germans in the 1800s. It has kept its traditions alive in buildings and restaurants.
Bavarian cultural themes and Bronner’s huge store bring three million visitors a year. The town is the most popular place for tourists in the state. Bronner’s business is aimed at a single day of the year. But that is not too different from other businesses.
“About half of our business is done in the last quarter of the year, in the last three months. And actually when you compare that with most retailers(零售商), that follows the same pattern.” Wayne Bronner says the family’s long-term planning and willingness to reinvest profits has grown the company into what it is today. Still, it does not hurt to build a business on a holiday which is celebrated worldwide. Currently, about only two percent of sales are overseas. But Wayne Bronner sees room for growth, especially through the Internet.
51. Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland is probably ______.
A. a private business            B. a state-run business
C. the world’s largest store       D. a nationalized corporation
52. Bronner’s mainly sells ______.
A. festival ornaments made by themselves
B. holiday products imported from foreign countries
C. festival ornaments during the summer and winter holidays
D. holiday products to tourists from foreign countries
53. We can learn from the passage that ________.
  A. most of Bronner’s products are expensive
B. people are spending less money on small objects
C. Frankenmuth is a modern town popular with tourists
D. Wally Bronner, founder of Bronner’s, has passed away
54. In what way has the financial crisis affected Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland?
A. Many of its staff have lost their jobs.
B. Only two percent of sales are overseas.
C. The corporation has had an increased sale.
D. People are spending less in Bronner’s.
55. Bronner’s success lies in the following EXCEPT ________.
A. aiming its business at a single day of the year
B. community co-operation and investment
C. the family’s long-term planning
D. the willingness to reinvest profits

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节信息匹配 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
A. Teens Now is a successful music magazine for teenagers that lists who is playing, where and when and how to get tickets. Interviews with well-known singers and groups as well as biographies are included. It also gives its young readers the chance to send their own articles.
B. NS Teens magazine is well-known for its wildlife and environmental content but it also has articles on the history and culture of people from all over the world. Some of the articles are long and detailed but the magazine is also famous for its fantastic photo-journalism. There are letters from readers as well as maps and fact sheets.
C. Top Teens is easy to read and full of color photographs. There are a range of different sections including those offering fashion and beauty advice. But the majority of its pages are devoted to interviews with the popular, well-known fashion models and stars of cinema, music and sports.
D. The only environmental magazine written by teenagers for teenagers is Young WB. Readers are invited to send their articles and photographs to the magazine’s office and materials are chosen for the next issue. As well as articles about the natural world, the magazine also has many special offers and competitions.
E. Teenplus is very different from the average teen magazine that simply offers articles on pop stars and fashion. This exciting new magazine informs readers about what is happening in the world through its in-depth articles on current affairs, politics and science. It also provides a variety of reviews on recent books, films and music CDs.
F. No journalists write for Teen Voice. This magazine depends completely on articles sent in by its teenage readers. It gives young people the opportunity to publish their creative works such as poems or short works of fiction or to voice their opinions on important issues. They can also write comments on the latest music CDs.
56. Oliver would like to read stories that people of his own age have written. He is also keen(热衷于) on music and would like some recommendations on the best bands to listen to.
57. Bessie wants to know more about famous people who frequently appear in the newspapers. She is also interested in clothing and would like some recommendations on what style to wear.
58. Johnson is interested in learning more about the latest international events and affairs. Besides, he is also keen on the cinema and would like to read different opinions on what movies to see.
59. Jennifer is fond of geography and the natural world. She would also like to read articles that tell her about the lives of people from other countries.
60. Chris enjoys going to concerts very much and hopes to find out more about people in his favourite bands. He is also fond of reading things written by other teenagers.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ⅳ 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)
你是某中学生英文报的通讯员,最近你对武广高速铁路客运新干线做了一些采访调查。下表是你收集的武广高速铁路(the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway)的有关情况:


1. 武广高速铁路客运新干线的基本情况;
2. 高铁列车的主要优点和不足;

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A teacher once told each of her students to bring a clear plastic bag and a sack of potatoes to school. For every person whom they refuse to forgive in their life’s experience, they chose a potato, wrote on it the person’s name and date, and put it in the plastic bag. Some of their bags were quite heavy. They were then told to carry this bag with them everywhere for one week, putting it beside their bed at night, on the car seat when driving, next to their desk at work.
The trouble of lugging this around with them made it clear what a weight they were carrying spiritually, and how they had to pay attention to it all the time to not forget and keep leaving it in embarrassing places. Naturally, the condition of the potatoes rotted to a nasty smelly slime(黏液). This was a great example for the price we pay for keeping our pain and heavy negativity(消极性)! Too often we think of forgiveness as a gift to the other person, and it clearly is for ourselves!
1. 以约30个词概括这段短文的内容;
2. 然后以约120个词就“生活中要不要多一些宽容”进行议论,内容包括:
1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知