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例:Mr. Smith owns_______collection of coins than anyone else I bave ever met.
A.larger         B.a larger                     C.the larger           D.a large
---–I’d like to order a piece of pizza, a cup of coffee and two steaks. How about you, Helen?
A.Just the same                           B.All the same to me
C.Same again, please                   D. The same to you

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History is full of cases_______dreams have been a pathway to creativity and discovery.

A.why B.where C.when D.which
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.If you are caught driving after drinking, the fine_______ be paid in cash according to the traffic rules.

A.shall B.will C.must D.should
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.Influenza H1N1 is an illness that can result in death unless left_______in time.

A.treat B.to treat C.treating D.treated
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It is hoped that the president’s visit will_______a better understanding between the two countries.

A.make for B.count on C.show off D.take up
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-You won’t go to Mary’s birthday party, will you?
-Yes, _______I’m invited.

A.even if B.unless C.if D.though
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  • 难度:未知

The world economic crisis _______ in 2008, but the global economy began to recover in the second half of 2009.

A.rose B.raised C.aroused D.arose
  • 题型:未知
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----Why does the lake smell terrible?
-----Because large quantities of water_______.

A.is being polluted B.have been polluted
C.is polluted D.has been polluted
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  • 难度:未知

Our company’s development will not stand_______of anyone, nor will it threaten anyone.

A.in the way B.in a way C.on the way D.by the way
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  • 难度:未知

-----What do you suppose_______her look so upset ?
----- _______by her boyfriend again.

A.making; Misunderstood B.made;Being misunderstood
C.has made;Be misunderstood D.had nade; Having been nisunderstood
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  • 难度:未知

Parents must allow their children to receive_______education by law.

A.compulsory B.traditional C.primary D.cultura1
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Imagine what today’s life would be like if Alexander Bell_______the telephone more than 130 years ago!

A.didn’t invent B.wouldn’t invent
C.hadn’t invented D.wouldn’t have invented
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  • 难度:未知

So suddenly_______that the animals in the zoo looked very frightened during the total solar eclipse.

A.did the sky turn dark B.the sky did turn dark
C.turned the sky dark D.was the sky turned dark
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Isn’t it amazing how the human body heals_______ after an injury?

A.himself B.itself C.it D.him
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  • 难度:未知

Confucius Temple, _______ world cultural heritage, is about 65 kilometres _______  south of Mount Tai.

A.the; the B.a; the C.the;不填 D.a;不填
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Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. Every day they are very busy trying to    36    in order to pay the high tuition (学费) for my brother and me. They don’t act in the    37    waya that I read in books or I see on TV. In their opinion, “I love you” is    38    luxurious (奢侈) for them to say. Sending flowers to each other on Valentine’s Day is even more out of the    39    .
One day, my mother was sewing a quilt. I sat down beside her. “Mom, I have a question to ask you. Is there    40    between you and Dad?” I asked her in a very low voice. She didn’t answer immediately. She    41    her head and continued to sew the quilt.
I was very worried because I thought I had hurt her. I was    42    and I didn’t know what I should do. But at 1ast I heard my mother say the following words:
“Susan,” she said    43    , “Look at this thread. Sometimes it is    44    , but most of it disappears in the quilt. The thread really makes the quilt    45    . If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread. It can hardly be seen    46    , but it’s really there. Love is    47    .”
I listened carefully but I    48    her until the next spring. At that time, my father suddenly   49    seriously. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. When they returned from the hospital, they both looked    50    . It seemed both of them had had a serious illness. After they were back, every day in the morning and dusk, my mother supported my father    51    on the country road.
“Dad, how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day.
“Susan, don’t    52    me.” he said gently. “To tell you the truth, I just like walking with your mom.”    53    his eyes, I know he loves my mother deeply.
Once I thought love meant flowers, gifts and    54    .But from this experience, I undentand that love is just    55    in the quilt of our life. Love is inside, making life strong and warm.

A.keep fit B.rise early C.earn money D.collect money

A.magic B.romantic C.fantastic D.attractive

A.very B.quite C.rather D.too

A.question B.problem C.interest D.control

A.feeling B.love C.quarrel D.smile

A.raised B.shook C.nodded D.bowed

A.in great surprise B.in great embarrassment C.in deep depression D.in deep sorrow

A.thoughtfully B.patiently C.anxiously D.happily

A.strong B.weak C.visible D.invisible

A.warm and soft B.hot and hard C.thin and oool D.strong and durable

A.somewhere and sometime B.anywhere or anytime C.here and there D.more or less

A.inside B.outside C.faraway D.nearby

A.could believe B.couldn’t understand C.might know D.wouldn’t recognize

A.got sick B.got stuck C.1ay down D.lay off

A.quite healthy B.very pale C.fairly red D.much surprised

A.jump high B.go hurriedly C.run fast D.walk slowly

A.think about B.talk with C.worry about D.laugh at

A.Reading B.Seeing C.Saying D.Writing

A.fresh roses B.gold rings C.sweet kisses D.beautiful jewels

A.a thread B.a needle C.the cloth D.the cotton

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You’re rushing to work and a man ahead of you collapses on the sidewalk. Do you stop to help? In a study of by-standers, it was found that some people avert their gaze and keep on  walking rather than stop and get involved.
“There is a tendency to decide that no action is needed.” says a psychologist. “The first thoughts that pop into your mind often keep you from offering help. In order to take action, you have to work against them.” Here are some common thoughts that might prevent you from helping.
● Why should I be the one? I’m probably not the most competent person in this crowd. You might think someone older or with more medical knowledge should offer assistance.
● What if he doesn’t really need my help? The fear of embarrassment is powerful; no one wants to risk looking foolish in front of others.
● No one else looks concerned- this must not be a problem. We can follow the people around us, but most people tend to hold back their emotions in public.
“If you spot trouble and find yourself explaining inaction, force yourself to stop and evaluate the situation instead of walking on,” says the psychologist. “Then retry to involve other people; you don’t have to take on the entire responsibility of being helpful. Sometimes it’s just a matter of turning to the person next to you and saying, ‘It looks like we should do something.’ Or asking someone if an ambulance has been called and, if not, to call for one. Once you take action, most people will follow you.”
Which is NOT the common thought that stops you from helping others?

A.I’m not the very person capable of setting the problenu.
B.It looks like we should do something.
C.It must not be a problem as no one else is concerned.
D.He doesn’t really need my help.

According to a study of by-standers, what will some people do when a man ahead falls down on the sidewalk?

A.They will call for help and then walk away.
B.They will stop and offer help.
C.They will turn away their eyes and go on walking.
D.They will laugh at him.

We learn from the last paragraph that if we spot ttouble, _______.

A.we sbould call the ambulance as soon as we can.
B.we should take on the whole responsibility and do something alone.
C.we should stop and evaluate the situation and try to make other people follow.
D.we should turn to other people and ask them to take on the responsibility

In order to offer others your timely help, you need to_______.

A.ask others for help and call the police
B.get along well with the passers-by who spot the trouble
C.go directly to the police station
D.work against the rirst thoughts that prevent you offering help

The main purpose of the text is to tell readers_______.

A.to give others a hand B.to be more competent
C.not to risk looking foolish D.to stop and evaluate the situation
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

For many of us, cartoon strips are simply one of our pastimes. The popular Japanese manga(漫画) provides us with an escape from reality into a world of fantasy, adventure and romance.With much less text and pictures running for pages, it fits perfectly into today’s fast, throwing away city lifestyle.
But Tsai Chih-chung,a famous Taiwanese illustrator (漫画家), doesn’t agree.He believes cartoons can be a bridge connecting traditional Chinese culture and wisdom with the modern  world in a much wittier and more acceptable way.
He has interpreted Lao Zi, Confucius, Mencius,Zhuang Zi and Sun Zi and made their works accessible to a global audience. He has also produced two books about Zen (禅宗), introducing oriental philosophy. His cartoons are humorous yet full of wisdom and are admired as an easy way to learn Chinese classics.
After avoiding the public for ten years, Tsai made a comeback in late April with seven new works. But does his age, 61, work as a gap between him and his young readers? Tsai doesn’t think so. The topics he has covered range from philosophy in a time of individuality to the learning and memorizing techniques used at school. “Every child is a genius and has the potential beyond his own imagination, ” he said.
If popular Japanese manga is purely for entertainment, Tsai’s work, to a large extent, is to light the power of thinking in a light-hearted way. Tsai uses differenr forms of water to refer to people. In his eyes some people are like an ocean, some are like vapor, while others may be ice or
rain. But in essence(本质上)they share a similarity-human being’s forever chasing for the true and the good. “The person who thinks over life issues is not necessarily a scholar or a philosopher,” he said. “I’ve dedicated my whole life to thinking and individual freedom, not making a living.”
What is the main idea of the first paragraph in the passage?

A.Japanese manga is a simple way of killing time.
B.What Japanese manga is mainly about.
C.Japanese manga presents a world of fantasy, adventure and romance.
D.Why Japanese manga is so popular.

The underlined word “it” in paragraph l refers to_______.

A.much less text B.Japanese manga
C.pictures running for pages D.an escape from reality

In Tsai Chih-chung’s opinion, cartoon_______.

A.connects traditional Chinese culture and wisdom
B.helps connect Chinese classics with modern world
C.uses a wiser and acceptable way to draw cartoons
D.builds up a bridge between cartoons and illustration

Compared to Japanese manga, Tsai’s works are_______

A.mainly designed for a pure time killer for all
B.more popular with young readers in China now
C.to inspire people to think in a cheerful way
D.much more interesting and instructive

According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE about Tsai Chih-chung?

A.He values more thinking and personal freedom than making a living.
B.He says that one who thinks over life is either a scholar or a philosopher.
C.He thinks some people are like ocean, some like vapor, while others like ice cream.
D.Tsai devoted his life to creating cartoons in order to make money.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The day before the deadline for this article,I had no clue what I was going to write about. I took my problem to the editor-in-chief, and.he said to me:“Don’t worry; you’re creative. ”
I’m not sure where the editor-in-chief reached the conclusion that I was “creative”. Maybe it was through the poems I wrote. Personally, I simply enjoy writing because it’s fun. There’s also the fact that I can’t draw or do anything else creatively, I’m equally sure that there are people in the boat on the other side who can make things look excellent, but can’t write a poem.
At this point you probably want to ask me what poetry and art have to do with engineering.  For one, it makes you a more rounded person, making you a better engineer. More importantly, as an engineer, you will be faced with many problems every day. There are some that can be solved by consulting a textbook, but more often than not, you will need that thing in your brain to put together things in a completely original combination to solve the problem at hand.
Think of the wonderful things that creative engineers have done. Civil engineers have made the road more long-lasting so we don’t have to close them for repairs as often. Coming up with a new innovation (创新) is similar to writing a good poem. It’s not some-thing you plan to do. The critical moment comes unexpectedly in the middle of nowhere. You don’t think about what you’re doing, you simply do. After some mad struggling you take a look at the end product and say to yourself, “This is a masterpiece. ” This is perhaps the greatest personal satisfaction one can
So all you engineers out there get out and do something creative. I don’t care if it’s writing a poem or a computer program, just be natural and do something creative.
This passage mainly deals with_______.

A.the creativity of engineers B.the power of editor-in-chief
C.engineering in general D.a way of thinking

In the author’s opinion, writing poems can_______.

A.show one is creative B.make him happy
C.bring him in lots of money D.have an effect on one’s mental health

According to the author, art can help an engineer to_______.

A.find the solutions to problems B.learn to write poetry
C.be courageous in face of challenges D.get along well with others

Coming up with a new innovation is similar to writing a good poem in that both are_______.

A.logically developed B.strictly planned
C.experience- based D.naturally creative

The greatest personal satisfaction of an engineer comes from_______.

A.planning his work successfully B.building things quickly
C.finishing his work innovatively D.writing good poems naturally
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Plastic is one of the most important technological discoveries of the 20th century. However, it may soon be replaced. The new development- liquid wood- can replace plastics in all branches of modern-day industries.
Plastic as a material enjoys the biggest demand in the modern world, but it does have a number of drawbacks. First and foremost, plastic isn’t recyclable. Secondly, it contains toxins (毒物) helping develop cancerous diseases. Finally, it’s made of oil and oil reserves aren’t endless.
The liquid wood technology is likely to replace plastic and providing mankind with new materials for many years ahead. Norbert Eisenfreich, a senior researcher at the Faunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology in Germany (ICT), said that arboform, the new material, is made of lignin(木素质), which can be obtained from soft tissues of wood. Once mixed with several other matenals, it turns into solid and non-toxic alternative for plastics.
ICT team leader Emilia Regina Inone-Kauffmann said the wood-working industry separates wood into three basic components, including lignin. Lignin isn’t used for the production of paper. Specialists of ICT mixed lignin with several natural materials and thus invented the material which could be melted and molded (铸型).
When solid, arboform looks like plastic and possesses tho qualitie of polished wood. It can be used for the production of any items. Arboform is already used for the production of car parts which require extra strength. In addition, liquid wood can be recycled repeatedly. The material preserved all of its qualities even if it’s reprocessed ten times.
However, the new invention doesn’t enjoy an extensive use due to the high content of sulfur(硫) in it. German researchers are sure to reduce the amount of sulfur by 90% very soon to make arboform usable for home needs.
According to the passage, plastic_______.

A.helps us to reduce the use of petrol
B.helps to protect our environment in some way
C.does harm to our society in some way
D.has been replaced by the newly discovered material

What’s the advantage of arboform over plastic?

A.It is easier made from natural oil.
B.It is more widely used in household
C.It is recyclable and friendly to environment.
D.It contains no poisonous materials.

The underlined word “altemative” in Paragraph 3 means_______.

A.lignin or arboform B.soft tissues of wood
C.plastics or wood D.mixture of several materials

It can be concluded that German researchers will focus their future work firstly on_______

A.the material’s extensive use B.the content of sulfur in arboform
C.the production cost of arboform D.the qualities of liquid wood

The main purpose of the text is to___________.

A.introduce liquid wood which will replace plastic
B.show readers how to produce arboform
C.advertise the new material-arboform
D.advertise new products made of arboform
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Cell phones are everywhere-everywhere except Aztec High School.
A new policy put in place at the beginning of the school year by the Aztec School Board forbade cell phones from the school’s campus.
“They are interrupting the educational process,” said Kirk Carpenter, the Aztec High School headmaster. “There is no educational benefit from having them here.”
The new policy started recently afrer long discussions between school and district managers. Aztec school officials said that cell phone use had become a problem during testing sessions.
Carpenter said, “There are also a lot of issues with cell phones. The bottom line(问题的关键) is that they are not in line with what we are trying to do bere, which is providing an education for our students.”
Although the headmaster has heard of no serious objections to the new rule, the complaint he hears most often is parents’ being concerned about contacting students directly in case of an emergency.
“That actually slows down the process,” said Carpenter. “If a parent calls a student’s cell phone, it still needs to go through the office. We can’t just let the student leave school. We don’t know who is on the line. They will still need to call the office to get their children free to leave.”  
“If you need to contact a student, you can                      and they will give a message to the student. It still works well,” he added.
Aztec official Linda Paul said, although she never imagined the effect cell phones would have on education, she supports the decision made by the school. Paul added that AHS is not the only campus in the district to have taken such measures.
Cell phone use for teachers, of course, is a different matter. “We hope our teachers know enough not to be on the phone during class, ” Paul said. “I have never seen one of my teachers on the phone during class. ”
What is the best title for the passage? (no more than 10 words)
_______________________________________________________________________________Fill in the blank in the eighth paragraph with proper words or phrase to complete the sentence. (no more than 10 words)
_______________________________________________________________________________Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
In the campus of AHS, the students’ having cell phones doesn’t do good to education.
_______________________________________________________________________________What’s your view about the ban on having cell phones in high school ? Why? ( no more than 30 words)
_______________________________________________________________________________Translate the underlined sentence in the sixth paragraph into Chinese.

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3.参考词汇:drunk driving醉酒开车;the speed limit限速

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