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. ---I have some good news for you. You’ve been accepted as a member of our club.
---_____________ That’s great!

A.Good idea! B.Pardon? C.Congratulations! D.Have I?
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  • 难度:未知

. We have every reason to believe that ______ 2010 World Expo in Shanghai will be ______ success.

A./; a B.the; / C.the; a D.a; a
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  • 难度:未知

. Please give money if possible,        people in the earthquake-stricken areas in Yushu will be able to reconstruct their homes.

A.as B.and C.or D.but
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  • 难度:未知

The pretty woman didn’t choose ____ of the coats and went away without looking at a third one.

A.any B.both C.either D.all
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  • 难度:未知

----Can he take charge of the state-owned factory located in Shanghai?
----I’m afraid it’s ______ his ability.

A.against B.within C.beyond D.of
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  • 难度:未知

Retired French soccer player Zidane said that he          happy to do something for children.

A.must be B.would be C.could be D.should be
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  • 难度:未知

. When the policeman stopped us, we all looked questioningly at him,       ?

A.nervously and puzzled B.nervous and puzzling
C.nervous and puzzled D.nervously and puzzling
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  • 难度:未知

. The thing that _______ is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not.

A.matters B.cares C.minds D.considers
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  • 难度:未知

. ---- Could you please tell me the answer to this question?
---- ______! It is not my style to help people cheat.

A.No problem B.No way C.No wonder D.No doubt
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  • 难度:未知

.---Susan, what are you talking about?
----_____I can finish writing the report on time.

A.If B.When C.Whether D.What
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. ----What’s your opinion on the matter, please?
----Oh, sorry , I _________.

A.wasn’t listening B.am not listening
C.haven’t listened D.hadn’t listened
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  • 难度:未知

Don’t be ______ by products promising to make you slim and thin quickly.

A.taken out B.taken in C.taken away D.taken up
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  • 难度:未知

. —You seemed to be impressed by his skill.
—Not exactly so. It was his courage ______his skill that really impressed me.

A.as well as B.rather than C.but also D.together with
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  • 难度:未知

The head office of the computer company is in Zhejiang, but it has ______ all over the country.

A.organizations B.branches C.companies D.businesses
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  • 难度:未知

— Learning a language isn't easy. It takes time. 
—I agree.        . There's no short cut.

A.All roads lead to Rome B.Rome wasn't built in a day
C.Practice makes perfect D.Slow but sure wins the race
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  • 难度:未知

_____  with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.

A.Faced B.To face C.Having faced D.Facing
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  • 难度:未知

. Words ______ me when I wanted to express my thanks to him for having saved my son from the burning house.

A.left B.discouraged C.disappointed D.failed
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  • 难度:未知

.     of the land in the district _____ surrounded with thick forests
A. Two fifth, is    B. Two fifth, are       C. Two fifths, is        D Two fifths, are

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  • 难度:未知

So serious        that all the persons on board were killed.

A.was the accident B.did the accident C.the accident was D.the accident did
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  • 难度:未知

---Don’t forget to send me a short message when you reach home.
---_______, dear.

A.Yes , I do . B.No, I don’t C.Yes , I will. D.No, I won’t
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  • 难度:未知

Five and a half years ago my father was suddenly rushed to the hospital for an operation. We had  21  idea that he was seriously ill until we were told that the operation did not go well. My father remained  22  . Due to the laws of our state, we were  23  to keep him on a ventilator(呼吸器) for 72 hours, though it was   24    his wish that medical treatment should stop if he was too ill.
At the end of the next day, I was    25   in the waiting room and watching others walk their fathers around who had had operations. Normally, I am very happy for others that are 26  . But that evening, I guess I was a little   27  because I finally realized I would never be  28   to hold my father’s hand and walk down the hall again.
I had to jump up and run down the hall to   29  everyone. This was not in my nature but I just had to be alone. After running for what seemed like a long time, I went into a restroom and       30   for at least five minutes.
When I came out of the stall(厕所侧间),there was a   31  by the sink(水槽). I went to  32 the water to wash my face and she came to  33  me though I didn’t know her. She held onto me until I   34  stopped crying. Then she grabbed a paper towel, wet it   35   handed it to me. She looked at me, smiling, and then left. She never said one word but she   36  my heart.
She taught me that you do not  37   to be a conversationalist to  38  someone who is hurt. Never    39  to hug someone who may need it. You can make a  40   in someone’s life without ever saying a word.
21.  A . no           B. bit           C. some       D. much
22.  A. unhappy       B. uneasy       C. unaware     D. unconscious
23.  A. inspired       B. trained        C. forced      D. forbidden
24.  A. against        B. through       C. for         D. to
25.  A. sitting        B. playing       C. chatting     D. reading
26.  A. walking       B. recovering     C. returning    D. leaving
27.  A. angry         B. pleased       C. curious      D. calm 
28.  A. sure          B. nervous       C. able         D. regretful
29.  A. catch up with   B. take care of   C. pay attention to D. get away from
30.  A. cried         B. shouted       C. screamed     D. sighed
31.  A. father         B. son          C. stranger      D. relative
32.  A. turn on        B. turn off       C. turn up       D. turn down
33.  A. advise         B. criticize      C. call          D. hug
34.  A. meanwhile     B. suddenly      C. soon         D. finally
35.  A. but           B. and           C. or           D. so
36.  A. closed         B. lost          C. touched       D. broke
37.  A. need          B. promise       C. refuse        D. forget
38.  A. forgive        B. confirm       C. excite        D. comfort
39.  A. learn          B. hesitate       C. continue      D. dream
40.  A. choice         B. mistake       C. difference     D. decision

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、 D和E)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
As Christmas approaches, towns and cities around the UK are preparing for a very British celebration.
The switching on of a town' s Christmas lights has become an increasingly competitive event over the years, with some councils (会议) spending lots of money to attract A-list famous persons to do the honors.
The American singer Mariah Carey flew to London in November to switch on the lights at one of the city's biggest shopping centers, while Jim Carrey lighted Oxford Street and promoted his new film at the same time.
Traffic in the historic English city of Bath was brought to a halt as thousands of fans crowded to see the Hollywood actor Nicolas Cage conducted the switching-on ceremony.
Some celebrations do not go according to the plan, as was seen in Birmingham when dozens of people were injured as the famous British boy band JLS took the stage.
Not all towns can afford to bring in an internationally-known star, so many switchon ceremonies are handled by ex-TV talent show competitors.
Pantomime (圣诞童话剧) stars are also much in demand at this time of year, as they aim to promote their Christmas shows.
But if your council hasn't got the budget to bring in a famous face, what are the cheaper alternatives?
A town in the west of England chose to let the public decide by giving their suggestions online.The result: a 21-year-old DIY store worker was given the honor.
"I was amazed and delighted to be asked," said Scott Parker, "it's just a special gift and not something I'd, ever thought about before."
1. According to the passage, what kind of special celebration can you see at Christmas in UK?
A.People meeting their favorite stars and getting special gifts.
B.Well-known persons invited to make a performance in public.
C.A-list persons lighting Oxford Street and promoting their films.
D.Switching-on ceremonies that are conducted by honored persons.
2. The underlined word "halt" in Paragraph 4 probably means "______" .
A.start  B.stop              C.ban       D.run
3. Which of the followings can be learned from the passage?
A.Mariah Carey is invited to Bath to switch on the lights.
B.Pantomime stars rarely appear at events like this.
C.Not all those who switch on the Christmas lights can make lots of money.
D.Average persons can not get a chance to switch on the Christmas lights.
4. The following are famous persons EXCEPT _____.
A.Scott Parker      B.Mariah Carey 
C.Nicolas Cage       D.Jim Carrey

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Fat and shy, Ben Saunders was the last kid in his class picked for any sports team. "Football, tennis, cricket — anything with a round ball, I was useless," he says now with a laugh. But back then he was the one always made fun of in school gym classes in Devonshire, England.
It was a mountain bike he received for his 15th birthday that changed him. At first he went hiking alone in a nearby forest. Then he began to ride the bike along with a runner friend. Gradually, Saunders set his mind on building up his body, increasing his speed and strength. At the age of 18, he ran his first marathon.             ,
The following year, he met John Ridgway and was hired as an instructor at Ridgway' s School of Adventure in Scotland, where he learned about Ridgway 's, cold-water exploits. Greatly interested, Saunders read all he could about North Pole explorers and adventures, then decided that this would be his future.
In 2001, after becoming a skillful skier, Saunders started his first long-distance expedition (探险) towards the North Pole. It took unbelievable energy. He suffered frostbite (冻疮) , ran into a polar bear and pushed his body to the limit, pulling his supply-loaded sled(雪撬) up and over rocky ice.
Saunders has since become the youngest person to ski alone to the North Pole, and he' s skied more of the North Pole by himself than any other British man. His old playmates would not believe the change.
Next October; Saunders, 27, heads south from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and back, a 2900-kilometre journey that has never been completed on skis.
1. What change happened to Saunders after he was 15 years old?      
A. He became good at most sports.        B. He began to build up his body.
C. He joined a sports team.              D. He made friends with a runner.
2. The underlined word "exploits" (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to ____.
A. journeys          B. researches      C. adventures       D. operations
3. Which of the following is the correct order of the events that happened to Saunders?
a. He ran his first marathon.      b. He skied alone in the North Pole.
c. He rode his bike in a forest.    d. He planned an adventure to the South Role.
A. acdb             B. cdab           C. acbd            D. cabd
4. What does the story mainly tell us about Saunders?
A. He is a success in sports.   .          B. He is the best British skier.
C. He is Ridgway' s favorite student.      D. He is a good instructor at school.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Some say everyday miracles(奇迹) are predestined(注定的)----the right time for the appointed meeting. And it can happen anywhere.
In 2001, 11-year-old Kevin Stephan was a bat boy for his younger brother's Little League team in Lancaster, New York. It was an early evening in late July. Kevin was standing on the grass away from the plate, where another youngster was warming up for the next game. Swinging his bat back and forth, giving it all the power an elementary school kid could give. The boy brought the bat back hard and hit Kevin in the chest. His heart stopped.
When Kevin fell to the ground, the mother of one of the players rushed out of the stands to his aid. Penny Brown hadn't planned to be there that day, but at the last minute, her shift(换班)at the hospital had been changed to see her son’s performance. She was given the night off. Penny bent over the senseless boy, his face already starting to turn blue, and giving CPR, breathing into his mouth and giving chest compressions. And he revived in the end.
After his recovery, he became a volunteer junior firefighter, learning some of the emergency first-aid techniques that had saved his life. He studied hard in school and was saving money for college by working as a dishwasher in a local restaurant in his spare time.
Kevin, now 18, was working in the kitchen when he heard people screaming, customers in confusion, employees rushing toward a table. He hurried into the main room and saw a woman there, her face turning blue, her hands at her throat. She was choking.
Quickly Kevin stepped behind her, wrapped his arms around her and clasped his hands. Then, using skills he'd first learned in Scouts. The food that was trapped in the woman's throat was freed. The color began to return to her face.
"The food was stuck. I couldn't breathe," she said. She thought she was dying. "I was very frightened."
Who was the woman?
Penny Brown.
1. The author wrote the passage to show us that_______.
A. miracles are predestined and they can happen anywhere
B. whoever helps you in trouble will get a reward one day
C. God will help those who give others a helping hand
D. miracles won’t come without any difficulty sometimes
2. Which of the following statements is True of Kevin Stephan?
A. He was hit on the face by a boy and almost lost his life
B. He was a volunteer junior firefighter, teaching the players first-aid skills
C. He worked part-time in a local restaurant to save money for college
D. He saved Penny Brown though he didn’t really know how to deal with food choke
3. Why did Penny Brown change her shift and was given the night off that night?
A. She was invited to give the players directions
B. She volunteered to give medical services
C. She was a little worried about his son’s safety
D. She came to watch her son’s game and cheered him
4. When Kevin knew the woman was Penny Brown, probably he first felt _____.
A. happy        B. surprised         C. sad       D. worried

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It' s 2035. You have a job, a family and you' re about 40 yews old I Welcome to your future life.
Getting ready for work, you pause in front of the mirror. "Turn red," you say. Your shirt changes from sky blue to deep red. Tiny preprogrammed electronics (智能电子元件) are rearranged in your shirt to change its color. Looking into the mirror, you find it hard to believe you' re 40. You look much younger. With amazing advances in medicine, people in your generation may live to be 150 years old. You' re not even middle-aged!
As you go into the kitchen and prepare to pour your breakfast cereal into a bowl, you hear, "To lose weight, you shouldn' t eat that," from your shoes. They read the tiny electronic code(电子源码) on the cereal box to find out the nutrition details. You decide to listen to your shoes. "Kitchen, what can I have for breakfast?" A list of possible foods appears on the counter as the kitchen checks its food supplies.
" Ready for your trip to space?" you ask your son and daughter. In 2005 only specially trained astronauts went into space — and very few of them. Today anyone can go to space for day trips or longer vacations. Your best friend even works in space. Handing your children three strawberries each, you add, "The doctor said you need these for space travel. " Thanks to medical advances, vaccination shots (防疫针) are a thing of the past. Ordinary foods contain specific vaccines. With the berries in their mouths, the kids head for the front door.
It' s time for you to go to work. Your car checks your fingerprints and unlocks the doors. " My office. Autopilot," you command. Your car drives itself down the road and moves smoothly into traffic on the highway. You sit back and unroll your e-newspaper. The latest news downloads and fills the viewer. Looking through the pages, you watch the news as video film rather than read it.
1. What changes the color of your shirt?
A. The mirror.        B. The shirt itself.     C. The counter.      D The medicine.
2. How do the shoes know that you shouldn't eat the breakfast cereal?
A. By pouring the breakfast into a bowl.       B. By listening to the doctor' s advice.
C. By testing the food supplies in the kitchen;  D. By checking the nutrition details of the food.
3 The strawberries the children eat serve as ________
A. breakfast           B. lunch             C. vaccines        D. nutrition
4. How is the text organized?
A. In order of time.                         B. In order of frequency.
C. In order of preference.                    D. In order of importance.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Quality after-school programs are designed to improve academic performance, decrease youth crimes and other high -risk behaviors, and help young people grow into healthy, successful adults.
The effect of quality after-school programs on academic performance is clear. Studies show that students who take part in such programs show better work habits, higher rates of homework completion, improved grades, and higher scores on achievement tests. They also have fewer absences and are less likely to blame. After-school programs also influence high-risk teen behavior. Various studies show decreased rates of crime, drug use, and teen sex among youth who join in well-run after-school programs when compared to similar youth who do not. Finally, after-school programs play an important role in supporting the following fields of development: physical development, mental development and social development. Thus, one can safely say that after-school programming is an effective method to help young people become contributing members of society.
Although there is enough proof from both small and large assessments that after-school programs can make a positive difference, it is important to note that not all programs are equal. First, dosage(时量)matters —young people who attend the most hours over the most years benefit more than members who attend less often or over a shorter period of time. Next, after-school programs make a bigger difference for those students who need help most and have the fewest choices. Finally, program qualities matter. After-school programs work best when they create unique opportunities for youth. They should provide opportunities, skill building meaningful involvement, expression suggestion, service, and work. Staff characteristics make an important difference in the quality of a program. The adults should treat youth as partners, create safe and fair environment, encourage personalized involvement, and actively create learning opportunities. In short, although after-school programs have promising future, how they are  designed and run matters.
1. Quality after-school programs can not help the students       .
A. have fewer attendances            B. improve academic performance
C. have high scores on tests           D. decrease high-risk teen behavior
2. According to the passage, a good after-school program is usually determined by       .
a. its unique opportunities            b. safe and fair environments
c. work staff characteristics           d. students’ willingness and family backgrounds
A. a, b, c, d          B. a, b, c       C. a, c, d         D. b, c, d
3. The main intention of the writer is to       .
A. present the problems with quality after -school programs
B. warn school leaders of quality after-school programs
C. compare quality after-school programs with bad ones
D. give an introduction of quality after -school programs
4. Which of the following structures suits the passage best?
   A. Quality Aims      
     After-school   Effects
      Program      Analysis   Conclusion
   B. Quality Aims      
     After-school   Causes    Effects
      Program      Analysis   Conclusion
C. Quality Aims      
     After-school   Causes      Conclusion
      Program      Analysis
   D. Quality Aims      
     After-school   Effects     Conclusion
      Program      Analysis

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  • 难度:未知

第二节: 首先请阅读下列深圳书城的畅销书的封面及基本信息, 第61-65题是他们这些书的简要内容,请匹配相关的书名,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。


The Antidepressant Survival Guide: Beat the Side Effects of Your Medication
by Robert J. Hedaya, M.D,
Robert J. Hedaya, M.D., is a clinical professor of psychiatry at Georgetown University Hospital's Department of Psychiatry.
Motto: Live well.
B.How Fear Limits Us

On Becoming Fearless... in Love, Work, and Life
by Arianna Huffington
Arianna Huffington was raised in Greece by her fearless mother. She has written this book for her two daughters in the hope that they will lead fearless lives.
Motto: Overcome the obstacle, get over the next hill.
C.Determination: How to Set Goals and Go After Them

Fight Your Fear and Win
by Don Greene, Ph.D.
Don Greene, Ph.D., was a nationally ranked high school diver. He was the sports psychologist for the U.S. Olympic Diving Team.
Motto: Determination is drive.
D.The Anger Business

Anger : The Misunderstood Emotion
by Carol Tavris, Ph.D.
Carol Tavris, Ph.D., was senior editor. she now teaches from time to time in the department of psychology at UCLA
Motto: Reduce Stress!


E.In the Presence of Danger

The Gift of Fear
by Gavin de Becker
Davin de Becker, America’s leading expert on violence, is the bestselling author of the Gift of Fear: Survival Signals.
Motto: Trust and act on our straight instincts.
F.Moving from Fear to Freedom

Transforming Anxiety, Transcending Shame
by Rex Briggs, M.S.W.
REX BRIGGS, M.S.W., has been a selected speaker at the National Anxiety Disorders Association of America’s conferences since 1986.
Motto: Weaken anxiety

61.This useful, popular book shows that if you are gone broke and lose love, please hold yourself back. If you look fat, just face it calmly. If you are in survival thinking, the most important is that you get rid of all the difficulties in front of us, life will be safe, perfect. If your daughters are to take their rightful place in society, they must become fearless.
62.In this book, the author calls the nation’s leading experts on violent behavior, and shows you how to spot even tiny signs of danger before it’s too late. Most violent acts are unpredictable. It points out that true fear is often a signal that can save your life. Believe the threat of violence surrounds us every day. But we can protect ourselves by straight judgment.
63.This book based on his years of clinical experience. It says about twenty-five million Americans take medicine to avoid depression. Despite the advances in the treatment of depression in recent years, many patients, even with the best medical care, feel that they are not living rich and fulfilling lives. This book will direct you how to survive well.
64.This interesting book tells us that annoyance is as much a political matter as a biological one. And anger is a definite message: Pay attention to me. I don’t like what you are doing. Restore my pride. You’re in my way. Give me justice. This book suggests that when you’re angry, just let it right out.
65.This valuable book states that nervousness has become a constant factor in today’s society like a sign of the times, but it is sometimes difficult to recognize the effects of anxiety on our mental health. The only way to feel better about ourselves is to go out and do it.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Three years ago my aunt had a garden. At that time she grows peas, beans and carrots and all
kind of things. One Saturday last spring, she worked real hard, planting vegetables all day. So
after the work she found she had lost her wedding ring. She went to look for it in the garden.
She became sad and sadder as she realized it was probably gone forever. Though that summer
there were less sunny days than as usual, she had rich harvest. One day, she dug her carrots
up and then took it into the kitchen. To her great surprise, she discovered that one of the
carrots was dressing her ring.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

  所谓的生态游: 欣赏风景,享受新鲜空气
  真正的生态游: 享受自然,同时也是一种责任
What is a true eco-travel? 
Last weekend I went on an eco-travel with a travel agency.                             

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  • 难度:未知